#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import os import time import uuid import shutil import tempfile import subprocess from six.moves import configparser import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsconfig from controllerconfig.common import log import controllerconfig.utils as utils import controllerconfig.sysinv_api as sysinv import controllerconfig.backup_restore as backup_restore import controllerconfig.clone as clone from controllerconfig.common.exceptions import CloneFail from sysinv.common import constants as si_const LOG = log.get_logger("cloning") DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') INI_FILE = os.path.join("/", clone.CLONE_ARCHIVE_DIR, clone.CLONE_ISO_INI) SECTION = "clone_iso" parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser() clone_name = "" def console_log(str, err=False): """ Log onto console also """ if err: str = "Failed to install clone-image. " + str LOG.error(str) else: LOG.info(str) print("\n" + str) def persist(key, value): """ Write into ini file """ parser.set(SECTION, key, value) with open(INI_FILE, 'w') as f: parser.write(f) def set_result(value): """ Set the result of installation of clone image """ persist(clone.RESULT, value) persist(clone.INSTALLED, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")) def validate_hardware_compatibility(): """ validate if cloned-image can be installed on this h/w """ valid = True disk_paths = "" if parser.has_option(SECTION, "disks"): disk_paths = parser.get(SECTION, "disks") if not disk_paths: console_log("Missing value [disks] in ini file") valid = False for d in disk_paths.split(): disk_path, size = d.split('#') if os.path.exists('/dev/disk/by-path/' + disk_path): LOG.info("Disk [{}] exists".format(disk_path)) disk_size = clone.get_disk_size('/dev/disk/by-path/' + disk_path) if int(disk_size) >= int(size): LOG.info("Disk size is good: {} >= {}" .format(utils.print_bytes(int(disk_size)), utils.print_bytes(int(size)))) else: console_log("Not enough disk size[{}], " "found:{} looking_for:{}".format( disk_path, utils.print_bytes(int(disk_size)), utils.print_bytes(int(size))), err=True) valid = False else: console_log("Disk [{}] does not exist!" .format(disk_path), err=True) valid = False interfaces = "" if parser.has_option(SECTION, "interfaces"): interfaces = parser.get(SECTION, "interfaces") if not interfaces: console_log("Missing value [interfaces] in ini file") valid = False for f in interfaces.split(): if os.path.exists('/sys/class/net/' + f): LOG.info("Interface [{}] exists".format(f)) else: console_log("Interface [{}] does not exist!" .format(f), err=True) valid = False maxcpuid = "" if parser.has_option(SECTION, "cpus"): maxcpuid = parser.get(SECTION, "cpus") if not maxcpuid: console_log("Missing value [cpus] in ini file") valid = False else: my_maxcpuid = clone.get_online_cpus() if int(maxcpuid) <= int(my_maxcpuid): LOG.info("Got enough cpus {},{}".format( maxcpuid, my_maxcpuid)) else: console_log("Not enough CPUs, found:{} looking_for:{}" .format(my_maxcpuid, maxcpuid), err=True) valid = False mem_total = "" if parser.has_option(SECTION, "mem"): mem_total = parser.get(SECTION, "mem") if not mem_total: console_log("Missing value [mem] in ini file") valid = False else: my_mem_total = clone.get_total_mem() # relaxed RAM check: within 1 GiB if (int(mem_total) - (1024 * 1024)) <= int(my_mem_total): LOG.info("Got enough memory {},{}".format( mem_total, my_mem_total)) else: console_log("Not enough memory; found:{} kB, " "looking for a minimum of {} kB" .format(my_mem_total, mem_total), err=True) valid = False if not valid: console_log("Validation failure!") set_result(clone.FAIL) time.sleep(20) exit(1) console_log("Successful validation") def update_sysuuid_in_archive(tmpdir): """Update system uuid in system archive file.""" sysuuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) clone.find_and_replace( [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'postgres/sysinv.sql.data')], "CLONEISO_SYSTEM_UUID", sysuuid) LOG.info("System uuid updated [%s]" % sysuuid) def update_db(archive_dir, backup_name): """ Update DB before restore """ path_to_archive = os.path.join(archive_dir, backup_name) LOG.info("Updating system archive [%s] DB." % path_to_archive) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=archive_dir) try: subprocess.check_call( ['gunzip', path_to_archive + '.tgz'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) # Extract only postgres dir to update system uuid subprocess.check_call( ['tar', '-x', '--directory=' + tmpdir, '-f', path_to_archive + '.tar', 'postgres'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) update_sysuuid_in_archive(tmpdir) subprocess.check_call( ['tar', '--update', '--directory=' + tmpdir, '-f', path_to_archive + '.tar', 'postgres'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) subprocess.check_call(['gzip', path_to_archive + '.tar']) shutil.move(path_to_archive + '.tar.gz', path_to_archive + '.tgz') except Exception as e: LOG.error("Update of system archive {} failed {}".format( path_to_archive, str(e))) raise CloneFail("Failed to update system archive") finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) def config_worker(): """ Enable worker functionality for AIO system. :return: True if worker-config-complete is executed """ if utils.get_system_type() == si_const.TIS_AIO_BUILD: console_log("Applying worker manifests for {}. " "Node will reboot on completion." .format(utils.get_controller_hostname())) sysinv.do_worker_config_complete(utils.get_controller_hostname()) time.sleep(30) # worker-config-complete has no logs to console. So, wait # for some time before showing the login prompt. for i in range(1, 10): console_log("worker-config in progress..") time.sleep(30) console_log("Timed out on do_worker_config_complete") raise CloneFail("Timed out on do_worker_config_complete") return True else: # worker_config_complete is not needed. return False def finalize_install(): """ Complete the installation """ subprocess.call(["rm", "-f", tsconfig.CONFIG_PATH + '/dnsmasq.leases']) console_log("Updating system parameters...") i = 1 system_update = False # Retries if sysinv is not yet ready while i < 10: time.sleep(20) LOG.info("Attempt %d to update system parameters..." % i) try: if sysinv.update_clone_system('Cloned_from_' + clone_name, utils.get_controller_hostname()): system_update = True break except Exception: # Sysinv might not be ready yet pass i += 1 if not system_update: LOG.error("System update failed") raise CloneFail("System update failed") try: output = subprocess.check_output(["finish_install_clone.sh"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) LOG.info("finish_install_clone out: {}".format(output)) except Exception: console_log("Failed to cleanup stale OpenStack resources. " "Manually delete the Volumes and Instances.") def cleanup(): """ Cleanup after installation """ LOG.info("Cleaning up...") subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'disable', 'install-clone'], stderr=DEVNULL) OLD_FILE = os.path.join(tsconfig.PLATFORM_CONF_PATH, clone.CLONE_ISO_INI) if os.path.exists(OLD_FILE): os.remove(OLD_FILE) if os.path.exists(INI_FILE): os.chmod(INI_FILE, 0o400) shutil.move(INI_FILE, tsconfig.PLATFORM_CONF_PATH) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("/", clone.CLONE_ARCHIVE_DIR), ignore_errors=True) log.configure() if os.path.exists(INI_FILE): try: parser.read(INI_FILE) if parser.has_section(SECTION): clone_name = parser.get(SECTION, clone.NAME) LOG.info("System archive [%s] to be installed." % clone_name) first_boot = False last_result = clone.IN_PROGRESS if not parser.has_option(SECTION, clone.RESULT): # first boot after cloning first_boot = True else: last_result = parser.get(SECTION, clone.RESULT) LOG.info("Last attempt to install clone was [{}]" .format(last_result)) if last_result == clone.IN_PROGRESS: if first_boot: update_db(os.path.join("/", clone.CLONE_ARCHIVE_DIR), clone_name + '_system') else: # Booting up after patch application, do validation validate_hardware_compatibility() console_log("+++++ Starting to install clone-image [{}] +++++" .format(clone_name)) set_result(clone.IN_PROGRESS) clone_arch_path = os.path.join("/", clone.CLONE_ARCHIVE_DIR, clone_name) if (backup_restore.RESTORE_RERUN_REQUIRED == backup_restore.restore_system( clone_arch_path + "_system.tgz", clone=True)): # If there are no patches to be applied, run validation # code and resume restore. If patches were applied, node # will be rebooted and validate will after reboot. validate_hardware_compatibility() LOG.info("validate passed, resuming restore...") backup_restore.restore_system( clone_arch_path + "_system.tgz", clone=True) console_log("System archive installed from [%s]" % clone_name) backup_restore.restore_images(clone_arch_path + "_images.tgz", clone=True) console_log("Images archive installed from [%s]" % clone_name) finalize_install() set_result(clone.OK) if not config_worker(): # do cleanup if worker_config_complete is not required cleanup() elif last_result == clone.OK: # Installation completed successfully before last reboot cleanup() else: LOG.error("Bad file: {}".format(INI_FILE)) set_result(clone.FAIL) exit(1) except Exception as e: console_log("Clone [%s] installation failed" % clone_name) LOG.exception("install failed") set_result(clone.FAIL) exit(1) else: console_log("nothing to do, Not installing clone?")