
465 lines
15 KiB

class openstack::keystone::params(
$openstack_auth_uri = undef,
$api_port = 5000,
$admin_port = 5000,
$region_name = undef,
$system_controller_region = undef,
$service_name = 'openstack-keystone',
$token_expiration = 3600,
$service_create = false,
$fernet_keys_rotation_minute = '25',
$fernet_keys_rotation_hour = '0',
$fernet_keys_rotation_month = '*/1',
$fernet_keys_rotation_monthday = '1',
$fernet_keys_rotation_weekday = '*',
) {}
class openstack::keystone (
) inherits ::openstack::keystone::params {
include ::platform::params
# In the case of a classical Multi-Region deployment, apply the Keystone
# controller configuration for Primary Region ONLY
# (i.e. on which region_config is False), since Keystone is a Shared service
# In the case of a Distributed Cloud deployment, apply the Keystone
# controller configuration for each SubCloud, since Keystone is also
# a localized service.
if (!$::platform::params::region_config or
$::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud') {
include ::platform::amqp::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
include ::platform::drbd::platform::params
$keystone_key_repo_path = "${::platform::drbd::platform::params::mountpoint}/keystone"
$eng_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers
# FIXME(mpeters): binding to wildcard address to allow bootstrap transition
# Not sure if there is a better way to transition from the localhost address
# to the management address while still being able to authenticate the client
if str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) {
$enabled = true
$bind_host = '[::]'
} else {
$enabled = false
$bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address_url
Class[$name] -> Class['::platform::client']
include ::keystone::client
# Configure keystone graceful shutdown timeout
# TODO(mpeters): move to puppet-keystone for module configuration
keystone_config {
'DEFAULT/graceful_shutdown_timeout': value => 15;
# (Pike Rebase) Disable token post expiration window since this
# allows authentication for upto 2 days worth of stale tokens.
# TODO(knasim): move this to puppet-keystone along with graceful
# shutdown timeout param
keystone_config {
'token/allow_expired_window': value => 0;
file { '/etc/keystone/keystone-extra.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-extra.conf.erb'),
-> class { '::keystone':
enabled => $enabled,
enable_fernet_setup => false,
fernet_key_repository => "${keystone_key_repo_path}/fernet-keys",
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
service_name => $service_name,
token_expiration => $token_expiration,
# create keystone policy configuration
file { '/etc/keystone/policy.json':
ensure => present,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-policy.json.erb'),
# Keystone users can only be added to the SQL backend (write support for
# the LDAP backend has been removed). We can therefore set password rules
# irrespective of the backend
if ! str2bool($::is_restore_in_progress) {
# If the Restore is in progress then we need to apply the Keystone
# Password rules as a runtime manifest, as the passwords in the hiera records
# records may not be rule-compliant if this system was upgraded from R4
# (where-in password rules were not in affect)
include ::keystone::security_compliance
include ::keystone::ldap
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == undef {
# Set up cron job that will rotate fernet keys. This is done every month on
# the first day of the month at 00:25 by default. The cron job runs on both
# controllers, but the script will only take action on the active controller.
cron { 'keystone-fernet-keys-rotater':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/keystone-fernet-keys-rotate-active',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => $fernet_keys_rotation_minute,
hour => $fernet_keys_rotation_hour,
month => $fernet_keys_rotation_month,
monthday => $fernet_keys_rotation_monthday,
weekday => $fernet_keys_rotation_weekday,
user => 'root',
} else {
class { '::keystone':
enabled => false,
class openstack::keystone::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::keystone::params {
include ::platform::params
if !$::platform::params::region_config {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'keystone-restapi':
server_name => 's-keystone',
public_port => $api_port,
private_port => $api_port,
define delete_endpoints (
) {
$rc_file = '/etc/platform/openrc'
$delete_endpoint = 'openstack endpoint delete'
$interfaces.each | String $val | {
$get_endpoint_id = "openstack endpoint list --region ${region} --service ${service} --interface ${val} -f value -c ID"
exec { "Delete ${region} ${service} ${val} endpoint":
command => "source ${rc_file} && ${get_endpoint_id} | xargs ${delete_endpoint}",
logoutput => true,
provider => shell,
class openstack::keystone::api
inherits ::openstack::keystone::params {
include ::platform::params
if ($::openstack::keystone::params::service_create and
$::platform::params::init_keystone) {
include ::keystone::endpoint
include ::openstack::keystone::endpointgroup
# Cleanup the endpoints created at bootstrap if they are not in
# the subcloud region.
if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' and
$::platform::params::region_2_name != 'RegionOne') {
$interfaces = [ 'public', 'internal', 'admin' ]
Keystone_endpoint<||> -> Class['::platform::client']
# clean up the bootstrap endpoints
-> delete_endpoints { 'Start delete endpoints':
region => 'RegionOne',
service => 'keystone',
interfaces => $interfaces,
include ::openstack::keystone::haproxy
class openstack::keystone::bootstrap(
$default_domain = 'Default',
) {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::amqp::params
include ::platform::drbd::platform::params
$keystone_key_repo_path = "${::platform::drbd::platform::params::mountpoint}/keystone"
$eng_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers
$bind_host = '[::]'
# In the case of a classical Multi-Region deployment, apply the Keystone
# controller configuration for Primary Region ONLY
# (i.e. on which region_config is False), since Keystone is a Shared service
# In the case of a Distributed Cloud deployment, apply the Keystone
# controller configuration for each SubCloud, since Keystone is also
# a localized service.
if ($::platform::params::init_keystone and
(!$::platform::params::region_config or
$::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud')) {
include ::keystone::db::postgresql
Class[$name] -> Class['::platform::client']
# Create the parent directory for fernet keys repository
file { $keystone_key_repo_path:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Class['::platform::drbd::platform'],
-> file { '/etc/keystone/keystone-extra.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-extra.conf.erb'),
-> class { '::keystone':
enabled => true,
enable_bootstrap => true,
fernet_key_repository => "${keystone_key_repo_path}/fernet-keys",
sync_db => true,
default_domain => $default_domain,
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
include ::keystone::client
include ::keystone::endpoint
include ::keystone::roles::admin
# Ensure the default _member_ role is present
keystone_role { '_member_':
ensure => present,
# disabling the admin token per openstack recommendation
include ::keystone::disable_admin_token_auth
class openstack::keystone::reload {
platform::sm::restart {'keystone': }
class openstack::keystone::endpointgroup
inherits ::openstack::keystone::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::client
# $::platform::params::init_keystone should be checked by the caller.
# as this class should be only invoked when initializing keystone.
# i.e. is_initial_config_primary is true is expected.
if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='systemcontroller') {
$reference_region = $::openstack::keystone::params::region_name
$system_controller_region = $::openstack::keystone::params::system_controller_region
$os_username = $::platform::client::params::admin_username
$identity_region = $::platform::client::params::identity_region
$keystone_region = $::platform::client::params::keystone_identity_region
$keyring_file = $::platform::client::credentials::params::keyring_file
$auth_url = $::platform::client::params::identity_auth_url
$os_project_name = $::platform::client::params::admin_project_name
$api_version = 3
file { "/etc/keystone/keystone-${reference_region}-filter.conf":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-defaultregion-filter.erb'),
-> file { "/etc/keystone/keystone-${system_controller_region}-filter.conf":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-systemcontroller-filter.erb'),
-> exec { "endpointgroup-${reference_region}-command":
cwd => '/etc/keystone',
logoutput => true,
provider => shell,
require => [ Class['openstack::keystone::api'], Class['::keystone::endpoint'] ],
command => template('openstack/keystone-defaultregion.erb'),
path => ['/usr/bin/', '/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/sbin/'],
-> exec { "endpointgroup-${system_controller_region}-command":
cwd => '/etc/keystone',
logoutput => true,
provider => shell,
require => [ Class['openstack::keystone::api'], Class['::keystone::endpoint'] ],
command => template('openstack/keystone-systemcontroller.erb'),
path => ['/usr/bin/', '/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/sbin/'],
class openstack::keystone::server::runtime {
include ::platform::client
include ::openstack::keystone
class {'::openstack::keystone::reload':
stage => post
class openstack::keystone::endpoint::runtime {
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) {
include ::keystone::endpoint
include ::sysinv::keystone::auth
include ::patching::keystone::auth
include ::nfv::keystone::auth
include ::fm::keystone::auth
include ::barbican::keystone::auth
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='systemcontroller' {
include ::dcorch::keystone::auth
include ::dcmanager::keystone::auth
include ::dcdbsync::keystone::auth
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' {
include ::dcdbsync::keystone::auth
include ::smapi::keystone::auth
if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' and
$::platform::params::region_2_name != 'RegionOne') {
$interfaces = [ 'public', 'internal', 'admin' ]
include ::platform::client
# Cleanup the endpoints created at bootstrap if they are not in
# the subcloud region.
Keystone::Resource::Service_identity <||>
-> Class['::platform::client']
-> delete_endpoints { 'Delete keystone endpoints':
region => 'RegionOne',
service => 'keystone',
interfaces => $interfaces,
-> delete_endpoints { 'Delete sysinv endpoints':
region => 'RegionOne',
service => 'sysinv',
interfaces => $interfaces,
-> delete_endpoints { 'Delete barbican endpoints':
region => 'RegionOne',
service => 'barbican',
interfaces => $interfaces,
-> delete_endpoints { 'Delete fm endpoints':
region => 'RegionOne',
service => 'fm',
interfaces => $interfaces,
-> file { '/etc/platform/.service_endpoint_reconfigured':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
} else {
Keystone::Resource::Service_identity <||>
-> file { '/etc/platform/.service_endpoint_reconfigured':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
class openstack::keystone::upgrade (
$upgrade_url = undef,
$upgrade_token_file = undef,
) {
if $::platform::params::init_keystone {
include ::keystone::db::postgresql
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::amqp::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
include ::platform::drbd::platform::params
# the unit address is actually the configured default of the loopback address.
$bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller0_address
$eng_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers
$keystone_key_repo = "${::platform::drbd::platform::params::mountpoint}/keystone"
# TODO(aning): For R5->R6 upgrade, a local keystone fernet keys repository may
# need to be setup for the local keystone instance on standby controller to
# service specific upgrade operations, since we need to keep the keys repository
# in /opt/platform/keystone/fernet-keys intact so that service won't fail on active
# controller during upgrade. Once the upgade finishes, the temparary local
# fernet keys repository will be deleted.
# Need to create the parent directory for fernet keys repository
# This is a workaround to a puppet bug.
file { $keystone_key_repo:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755'
-> file { '/etc/keystone/keystone-extra.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0640',
content => template('openstack/keystone-extra.conf.erb'),
-> class { '::keystone':
upgrade_token_cmd => $upgrade_token_cmd,
upgrade_token_file => $upgrade_token_file,
enable_fernet_setup => true,
enable_bootstrap => false,
fernet_key_repository => "${keystone_key_repo}/fernet-keys",
sync_db => false,
default_domain => undef,
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
# Add service account and endpoints for any new R6 services...
# include ::<new service>::keystone::auth
# No new services yet...
# Always remove the upgrade token file after all new
# services have been added
file { $upgrade_token_file :
ensure => absent,
include ::keystone::client