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# sim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# All Rights Reserved.
"""Helm utilities and helper functions."""
import base64
import os
import psutil
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import tempfile
import threading
import zlib
from import subprocess
from oslo_context import context
from oslo_log import log as logging
from sysinv.agent import rpcapiproxy as agent_rpcapi
from sysinv.common import exception
from sysinv.common import kubernetes
from sysinv.common.retrying import retry
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO(agrosu):
# There is a lot of duplicate code just to execute a helm command
# in a subshel.
# We should either move to a Helm API or, at least, move all this
# suprocess calling and error handling into a common function/object.
# python3 supports a 'timeout' parameter for +communicate() which
# will raise a subprocess.TimeoutExpired.
# When python3 migration is finished, the explicit timer should
# be removed.
# TODO(lfagunde):
# Some of the logic in here is outdated and assumes the default helm used is v2,
# such as the delete_helm_release() function.
# Also, this module would benefit from refatoring to add more
# functionality and make the current functions more flexible.
# Could create a generic "execute_helm_cmd" style function and derive the
# specific ones (list, delete, etc) from there. If that's done, remember
# to update function calls done to this module from elsewhere in the code.
def kill_process_and_descendants(proc):
# function to kill a process and its children processes
for child in psutil.Process(
def refresh_helm_repo_information():
"""Refresh the helm chart repository information.
Ensure that the local repository information maintained in key user home
directories are updated. Run this after application uploads.
This handles scenarios where an upload occurs on the active controller
followed by a swact. The newly actvated controller needs to make sure that
the local repository cache reflect any changes.
LOG.debug("refresh_helm_repo_information: sending command to agent(s)")
rpcapi = agent_rpcapi.AgentAPI()
def _retry_on_HelmFailure(ex):'Caught exception retrieving helm releases. Retrying... Exception: {}'.format(ex))
return isinstance(ex, exception.HelmFailure)
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=20 * 1000,
def retrieve_helm_releases():
helm_list = subprocess.Popen(
['helm', '--kubeconfig', kubernetes.KUBERNETES_ADMIN_CONF,
'list', '--all-namespaces', '--output', 'yaml'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
timer = threading.Timer(20, kill_process_and_descendants, [helm_list])
out, err = helm_list.communicate()
if helm_list.returncode != 0:
if err:
raise exception.HelmFailure(reason=err)
# killing the subprocesses with +kill() when timer expires returns EBADF
# because the pipe is closed, but no error string on stderr.
if helm_list.returncode == -9:
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="helm list operation timed out after "
"20 seconds. Terminated by threading timer.")
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="helm list operation failed without error "
"message, errno=%s" % helm_list.returncode)
deployed_releases = {}
if out:
releases = yaml.safe_load(out)
for r in releases:
r_name = r.get('name')
r_version = r.get('revision')
r_namespace = r.get('namespace')
deployed_releases.setdefault(r_name, {}).update(
{r_namespace: r_version})
return deployed_releases
except Exception as e:
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="Failed to retrieve helm releases: %s" % e)
def delete_helm_release(release, namespace="default", flags=None):
"""Delete helm release via callout to helm command
:param release: Helm release name
:param namespace: Helm release namespace
:param flags: List with any other flags required to add to the command
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PATH'] = '/usr/local/sbin:' + env['PATH']
helm_cmd = ['helm', 'uninstall', '-n', namespace, release]
if flags:
helm_cmd += flags
process = subprocess.Popen(
env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
timer = threading.Timer(20, kill_process_and_descendants, [process])
out, err = process.communicate()
if err:
if "not found" in err:
LOG.error("Release %s/%s not found or deleted already" % (namespace, release))
return out, err
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="Failed to delete release: %s" % err)
elif not out:
err_msg = "Failed to execute helm command. " \
"Helm response timeout."
raise exception.HelmFailure(reason=err_msg)
return out, err
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Failed to execute helm command: %s" % e)
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="Failed to execute helm command: %s" % e)
def install_helm_chart_with_dry_run(args=None):
"""Simulate a chart install
This method calls helm install with --dry-run option to simulate
a chart install to generate the rendered templates. It's being
used to merge the application's system overrides and user overrides
by passing helm chart overrides to the helm command.
:param args: additional arguments to helm command
env = os.environ.copy()
cmd = ['helm', 'install', '--dry-run', '--debug', '--generate-name']
if args:
timer = None
# Make a temporary directory with a fake chart in it
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
chartfile = tmpdir + '/Chart.yaml'
with open(chartfile, 'w') as tmpchart:
tmpchart.write('name: mychart\napiVersion: v1\n'
'version: 0.1.0\n')
helm_install = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
timer = threading.Timer(10, kill_process_and_descendants, [helm_install])
out, err = helm_install.communicate()
if helm_install.returncode == 0:
return out
elif err:
raise exception.HelmFailure(reason=err)
err_msg = "Helm install --dry-run operation timeout."
raise exception.HelmFailure(reason=err_msg)
except Exception as e:
raise exception.HelmFailure(
reason="Failed to render helm chart: %s" % e)
if timer:
def decompress_helm_release_data(release_data):
""" Convert release data to format for applying transformations
:param release_data: Helm release secret data
Format is gzip double base64 encoded
:return: string
release_data = base64.b64decode(release_data)
release_data = base64.b64decode(release_data)
# wbits value needs to specify 16 for gzip header/trailer plus window size.
# Window size needs to be at least the one used for compression
# this set the largest
release_data = zlib.decompress(release_data, wbits=16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS).decode('utf-8')
return str(release_data)
def compress_helm_release_data(release_data):
""" Convert release data to format for storing in cluster
:param release_data: Helm release secret data
:return: string
Format is gzip double base64 encoded
# wbits value of 25 specifies the minimum window size
# and gzip header/trailer.
compressed_object = zlib.compressobj(wbits=25)
release_data = compressed_object.compress(release_data.encode('utf-8'))
release_data += compressed_object.flush()
release_data = base64.b64encode(release_data)
release_data = base64.b64encode(release_data)
release_data = release_data.decode('utf-8')
return release_data