
508 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import jsonpatch
import pecan
from pecan import rest
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes
import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan
from ast import literal_eval
from oslo_log import log
from sysinv._i18n import _
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import base
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import collection
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import link
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import types
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import utils
from sysinv.common import constants
from sysinv.common import device as dconstants
from sysinv.common import exception
from sysinv.common import utils as cutils
from sysinv import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class PCIDevicePatchType(types.JsonPatchType):
def mandatory_attrs():
return []
class PCIDevice(base.APIBase):
"""API representation of an PCI device
This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts
between the internal object model and the API representation of an
Pci Device .
uuid = types.uuid
"Unique UUID for this device"
type = wtypes.text
"Represent the type of device"
name = wtypes.text
"Represent the name of the device. Unique per host"
pciaddr = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci address of the device"
pclass_id = wtypes.text
"Represent the numerical pci class of the device"
pvendor_id = wtypes.text
"Represent the numerical pci vendor of the device"
pdevice_id = wtypes.text
"Represent the numerical pci device of the device"
pclass = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci class description of the device"
pvendor = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci vendor description of the device"
pdevice = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci device description of the device"
psvendor = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci svendor of the device"
psdevice = wtypes.text
"Represent the pci sdevice of the device"
numa_node = int
"Represent the numa node or zone sdevice of the device"
sriov_totalvfs = int
"The total number of available SR-IOV VFs"
sriov_numvfs = int
"The number of configured SR-IOV VFs"
sriov_vfs_pci_address = wtypes.text
"The PCI Addresses of the VFs"
sriov_vf_driver = wtypes.text
"The driver of configured SR-IOV VFs"
sriov_vf_pdevice_id = wtypes.text
"The SR-IOV VF PCI device id for this device"
driver = wtypes.text
"The kernel driver for this device"
extra_info = wtypes.text
"Extra information for this device"
host_id = int
"Represent the host_id the device belongs to"
host_uuid = types.uuid
"Represent the UUID of the host the device belongs to"
enabled = types.boolean
"Represent the enabled status of the device"
bmc_build_version = wtypes.text
"Represent the BMC build version of the fpga device"
bmc_fw_version = wtypes.text
"Represent the BMC firmware version of the fpga device"
retimer_a_version = wtypes.text
"Represent the retimer A version of the fpga device"
retimer_b_version = wtypes.text
"Represent the retimer B version of the fpga device"
root_key = wtypes.text
"Represent the root key of the fpga device"
revoked_key_ids = wtypes.text
"Represent the key revocation ids of the fpga device"
boot_page = wtypes.text
"Represent the boot page of the fpga device"
bitstream_id = wtypes.text
"Represent the bitstream id of the fpga device"
links = [link.Link]
"Represent a list containing a self link and associated device links"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.fields = list(objects.pci_device.fields.keys())
for k in self.fields:
setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k))
def convert_with_links(cls, rpc_device, expand=True):
device = PCIDevice(**rpc_device.as_dict())
if not expand:
device.unset_fields_except(['uuid', 'host_id',
'name', 'pciaddr', 'pclass_id',
'pvendor_id', 'pdevice_id', 'pclass',
'pvendor', 'pdevice', 'psvendor',
'psdevice', 'numa_node',
'sriov_totalvfs', 'sriov_numvfs',
'sriov_vf_pdevice_id', 'driver',
'host_uuid', 'enabled',
'bmc_build_version', 'bmc_fw_version',
'retimer_a_version', 'retimer_b_version',
'root_key', 'revoked_key_ids',
'boot_page', 'bitstream_id',
'created_at', 'updated_at',
# do not expose the id attribute
device.host_id = wtypes.Unset
device.node_id = wtypes.Unset
# if not FPGA device, hide these attributes
if device.pclass_id != dconstants.PCI_DEVICE_CLASS_FPGA:
device.bmc_build_version = wtypes.Unset
device.bmc_fw_version = wtypes.Unset
device.retimer_a_version = wtypes.Unset
device.retimer_b_version = wtypes.Unset
device.root_key = wtypes.Unset
device.revoked_key_ids = wtypes.Unset
device.boot_page = wtypes.Unset
device.bitstream_id = wtypes.Unset
device.links = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url,
'pci_devices', device.uuid),
'pci_devices', device.uuid,
return device
class PCIDeviceCollection(collection.Collection):
"""API representation of a collection of PciDevice objects."""
pci_devices = [PCIDevice]
"A list containing PciDevice objects"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._type = 'pci_devices'
def convert_with_links(cls, rpc_devices, limit, url=None,
expand=False, **kwargs):
collection = PCIDeviceCollection()
collection.pci_devices = [PCIDevice.convert_with_links(d, expand)
for d in rpc_devices] = collection.get_next(limit, url=url, **kwargs)
return collection
LOCK_NAME = 'PCIDeviceController'
class PCIDeviceController(rest.RestController):
"""REST controller for PciDevices."""
_custom_actions = {
'detail': ['GET'],
def __init__(self, from_ihosts=False):
self._from_ihosts = from_ihosts
def _get_pci_devices_collection(self, uuid, marker, limit, sort_key,
sort_dir, expand=False, resource_url=None):
if self._from_ihosts and not uuid:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Host id not specified."))
limit = utils.validate_limit(limit)
sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir)
marker_obj = None
if marker:
marker_obj = objects.pci_device.get_by_uuid(
if self._from_ihosts:
devices = pecan.request.dbapi.pci_device_get_by_host(
uuid, limit,
if uuid:
devices = pecan.request.dbapi.pci_device_get_by_host(
uuid, limit,
devices = pecan.request.dbapi.pci_device_get_list(
limit, marker_obj,
return PCIDeviceCollection.convert_with_links(devices, limit,
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(PCIDeviceCollection, types.uuid, types.uuid,
int, wtypes.text, wtypes.text)
def get_all(self, uuid=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'):
"""Retrieve a list of devices."""
return self._get_pci_devices_collection(uuid,
marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(PCIDeviceCollection, types.uuid, types.uuid, int,
wtypes.text, wtypes.text)
def detail(self, uuid=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'):
"""Retrieve a list of devices with detail."""
# NOTE: /detail should only work against collections
parent = pecan.request.path.split('/')[:-1][-1]
if parent != "pci_devices":
raise exception.HTTPNotFound
expand = True
resource_url = '/'.join(['pci_devices', 'detail'])
return self._get_pci_devices_collection(uuid, marker, limit, sort_key,
sort_dir, expand, resource_url)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(PCIDevice, types.uuid)
def get_one(self, device_uuid):
"""Retrieve information about the given device."""
if self._from_ihosts:
raise exception.OperationNotPermitted
rpc_device = objects.pci_device.get_by_uuid(
pecan.request.context, device_uuid)
return PCIDevice.convert_with_links(rpc_device)
@wsme.validate(types.uuid, [PCIDevicePatchType])
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(PCIDevice, types.uuid,
def patch(self, device_uuid, patch):
"""Update an existing device."""
if self._from_ihosts:
raise exception.OperationNotPermitted
rpc_device = objects.pci_device.get_by_uuid(
pecan.request.context, device_uuid)
# replace host_uuid with corresponding host_id
patch_obj = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)
for p in patch_obj:
if p['path'] == '/host_uuid':
p['path'] = '/host_id'
host =,
p['value'] =
device = PCIDevice(**jsonpatch.apply_patch(rpc_device.as_dict(),
except utils.JSONPATCH_EXCEPTIONS as e:
raise exception.PatchError(patch=patch, reason=e)
# Semantic checks
host = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get(device.host_id)
sriov_update = _check_device_sriov(device.as_dict(), host)
if not rpc_device['extra_info']:
extra_info = dict()
extra_info = literal_eval(rpc_device['extra_info'])
update_extra = False
for field in objects.pci_device.fields:
value = getattr(device, field)
if field in ['sriov_vf_driver', 'driver'] and value == 'none':
value = None
# Update fields that have changed
if rpc_device[field] != value:
rpc_device[field] = value
if field in ['driver', 'sriov_vf_driver', 'sriov_numvfs']:
# Save configured value in extra_info since the field
# may get overwritten with temporary value by
# concurrent inventory report
if field == 'driver':
key = 'expected_driver'
elif field == 'sriov_vf_driver':
key = 'expected_vf_driver'
key = 'expected_numvfs'
update_extra = True
extra_info.update({key: rpc_device[field]})
if update_extra:
rpc_device['extra_info'] = str(extra_info)
LOG.debug("Updated 'extra_info': %s" % rpc_device['extra_info'])
if sriov_update:
pecan.request.context, host['uuid'])
return PCIDevice.convert_with_links(rpc_device)
def _check_host(host):
if utils.is_aio_simplex_host_unlocked(host):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_('Host must be locked.'))
elif host.administrative != constants.ADMIN_LOCKED and not \
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_('Host must be locked.'))
if constants.WORKER not in host.subfunctions:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_('Can only modify worker node cores.'))
def _check_field(field):
if field not in ["enabled", "name", "driver", "sriov_numvfs", "sriov_vf_driver"]:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_('Modifying %s attribute restricted') % field)
def _check_device_sriov(device, host):
sriov_update = False
if (device['pdevice_id'] in constants.PCI_ALIAS_SRIOV_ENABLED_QAT_DEVICE_IDS):
LOG.debug("sriov enabled qat dev: %s" % device['pdevice_id'])
current_device = pecan.request.dbapi.pci_device_get(device['pciaddr'],
# Because of the limitations of the Intel qat_service code, only max number
# of VFs configuration is supported. Currently it is not allowed to modify
# the number of VFs and any other configuration using sysinv. Qat is already
# initialized with the max number of VFs at the time of bootstrap, so
# returning from here without doing any configuration.
msg = (_("QAT device is already initialized, "
"further modification not allowed. Details:- "
"devicename: {}, enabled status: {}, driver: {}, "
"VF driver: vfio, sriov numvfs: {}").format(
current_device['name'], current_device['enabled'],
current_device['driver'], current_device['sriov_numvfs']))
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
if (device['pdevice_id'] in dconstants.SRIOV_ENABLED_FEC_DEVICE_IDS and
host.invprovision not in [constants.UPGRADING, constants.PROVISIONED]):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Cannot configure device %s "
"until host %s is unlocked for the first time." %
(device['uuid'], host.hostname)))
if (device['pdevice_id'] not in dconstants.SRIOV_ENABLED_FEC_DEVICE_IDS and
'sriov_numvfs' in device.keys() and device['sriov_numvfs']):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("The number of SR-IOV VFs is specified "
"but the device is not supported for SR-IOV"))
if (device['pdevice_id'] not in dconstants.SRIOV_ENABLED_FEC_DEVICE_IDS and
'sriov_vf_driver' in device.keys() and device['sriov_vf_driver']):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("The SR-IOV VF driver is specified "
"but the device is not supported for SR-IOV"))
if device['pdevice_id'] not in dconstants.SRIOV_ENABLED_FEC_DEVICE_IDS:
return sriov_update
if ('driver' in device.keys() and device['driver']):
if (device['driver'] not in
msg = (_("Value for SR-IOV PF driver must be one of "
"{}").format(', '.join(dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_PF_VALID_DRIVERS)))
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
elif (device['driver'] == dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_DRIVER_NONE):
# If the user desires the FEC driver to be reset to 'none', it is required
# that the number of VFs is first set to 0. This is because in the normal
# case of an FEC driver being set to a functional value, puppet ensures
# that the device is bound to the appropriate PF driver before the device
# is able to be configured with VFs. This semantic check catches the
# opposite case. We wouldn't be able to set the number of VFs to 0 if the
# device was first unbound from a functional driver.
current_device = pecan.request.dbapi.pci_device_get(device['pciaddr'],
if (current_device['sriov_vf_driver'] is not None or
current_device['sriov_numvfs'] != 0):
msg = (_("The SR-IOV VF driver must first be set to {} and "
"the number of VFs set to 0 before setting the PF "
"driver to {}. Current values: "
"sriov_vf_driver: {}, sriov_numvfs: {}").format(
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
elif (current_device['sriov_vfs_pci_address'].count(',') > 0):
# This catches the case of the VF driver and number of VFs being
# reset to None/0, but before the information has been reported
# to the sysinv conductor. This is a similar check that is done
# when trying to unlock a host before the SR-IOV configuration has
# been applied.
msg = (_("Expecting number of interface sriov_vfs_pci_address={}. "
"Please wait a few minutes for inventory update and "
"retry host-device-modify.".format(device['sriov_numvfs'])))
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
if 'sriov_numvfs' not in device.keys():
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("The number of SR-IOV VFs must be specified"))
if ('sriov_vf_driver' in device.keys() and device['sriov_vf_driver'] and
device['sriov_vf_driver'] != dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_DRIVER_NONE and
device['sriov_numvfs'] is None):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Value for number of SR-IOV VFs must be specified."))
if device['sriov_numvfs'] and device['sriov_numvfs'] < 0:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Value for number of SR-IOV VFs must be >= 0."))
if ('sriov_vf_driver' in device.keys() and device['sriov_vf_driver'] and
device['sriov_vf_driver'] != dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_DRIVER_NONE and
device['sriov_numvfs'] == 0):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"The value for number of SR-IOV VFs must be > 0 "
"when the VF driver is {}").format(device['sriov_vf_driver']))
if ('driver' in device.keys() and not device['driver'] and
device['sriov_numvfs'] > 0):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"The SR-IOV PF driver must not be None to set the number of VFs."))
if 'sriov_totalvfs' in device.keys():
if not device['sriov_totalvfs']:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("SR-IOV cannot be configured on this interface"))
if device['sriov_numvfs'] and device['sriov_numvfs'] > device['sriov_totalvfs']:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"The device supports a maximum of %s VFs" % device['sriov_totalvfs']))
if 'sriov_vf_driver' not in device.keys():
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("The SR-IOV VF driver must be specified"))
if device['sriov_vf_driver'] is not None:
if device['sriov_vf_driver'] not in dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_VF_VALID_DRIVERS:
msg = (_("Value for SR-IOV VF driver must be one of "
"{}").format(', '.join(dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_VF_VALID_DRIVERS)))
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
elif (device['sriov_vf_driver'] == dconstants.FPGA_INTEL_5GNR_FEC_DRIVER_NONE and
device['sriov_numvfs'] != 0):
msg = (_("The value for the SR-IOV number of VFs must be 0 when the "
"SR-IOV VF driver is {}".format(device['sriov_vf_driver'])))
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
sriov_update = True
return sriov_update