
92 lines
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class platform::mtce::params (
$auth_host = undef,
$auth_port = undef,
$auth_uri = undef,
$auth_username = undef,
$auth_pw = undef,
$auth_project = undef,
$auth_user_domain = undef,
$auth_project_domain = undef,
$auth_region = undef,
$compute_boot_timeout = undef,
$controller_boot_timeout = undef,
$heartbeat_degrade_threshold = undef,
$heartbeat_failure_threshold = undef,
$heartbeat_period = undef,
$mtce_multicast = undef,
) { }
class platform::mtce
inherits ::platform::mtce::params {
include ::openstack::ceilometer::params
$ceilometer_port = $::openstack::ceilometer::params::api_port
include ::openstack::client::credentials::params
$keyring_directory = $::openstack::client::credentials::params::keyring_directory
file { "/etc/mtc.ini":
ensure => present,
mode => '0755',
content => template('mtce/mtc_ini.erb'),
$boot_device = $::boot_disk_device_path
file { "/etc/rmonfiles.d/static.conf":
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
content => template('mtce/static_conf.erb'),
class platform::mtce::agent
inherits ::platform::mtce::params {
if $::platform::params::init_keystone {
# configure a mtce keystone user
keystone_user { $auth_username:
password => $auth_pw,
ensure => present,
enabled => true,
# assign an admin role for this mtce user on the services tenant
keystone_user_role { "${auth_username}@${auth_project}":
ensure => present,
user_domain => $auth_user_domain,
project_domain => $auth_project_domain,
roles => ['admin'],
class platform::mtce::reload {
exec {'signal-mtc-agent':
command => "pkill -HUP mtcAgent",
exec {'signal-hbs-agent':
command => "pkill -HUP hbsAgent",
# mtcClient and hbsClient don't currently reload all configuration,
# therefore they must be restarted. Move to HUP if daemon updated.
exec {'pmon-restart-hbs-client':
command => "pmon-restart hbsClient",
exec {'pmon-restart-mtc-client':
command => "pmon-restart mtcClient",
class platform::mtce::runtime {
include ::platform::mtce
class {'::platform::mtce::reload':
stage => post