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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This role is to validate and store admin credentials using python keyring.
# Setting admin username and password
- block:
- debug:
msg: "Use encrypted admin username and password."
- set_fact:
username: "{{ vault_admin_username }}"
password: "{{ vault_admin_password }}"
use_vault_credentials: true
when: (vault_admin_password is defined) and (vault_admin_username is defined)
- block:
- name: Print warning if admin credentials are not stored in vault
msg: >-
[WARNING: Default admin username and password (unencrypted) are
used. Consider storing both of these variables in Ansible vault.]
- name: Set admin username and password facts
username: "{{ admin_username }}"
password: "{{ admin_password }}"
when: not use_vault_credentials
# Validating password per configured rules
- name: Look for password rules file
path: "{{ password_rules_file }}"
register: password_rules
- name: Fail if password rules file is missing
fail: msg="Password rules file {{ password_rules_file }} is missing."
when: not password_rules.stat.exists
- name: Get password rules
shell: grep -w password_regex {{ password_rules_file }} | awk '{print $3}'
register: pattern_result
- name: Get password rules description
shell: >
grep -w password_regex_description {{ password_rules_file }} |
cut -d'=' -f2
register: description_result
- name: Set password regex facts
password_regex: "{{ pattern_result.stdout }}"
password_regex_desc: "{{ 'ADMIN_PASSWORD: ' + description_result.stdout }}"
- name: Fail if password regex cannot be found
fail: msg="Required option password_regex not found in {{ password_rules_file }}."
when: pattern_result.stdout == ""
- name: Set password regex description fact
password_regex_desc: "ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password does not meet complexity criteria."
when: description_result.stdout == ""
- name: Validate admin password
# Have to use a small python script, Ansible regex_search filter does not accept the
# keystone regex pattern.
script_content: |
import re
prx = "{{ password_regex }}"
prx = prx.strip('"')
if not re.match(prx, "{{ password }}"):
raise Exception()
shell: "{{ script_content }}"
executable: /usr/bin/python
failed_when: false
register: password_validation_result
- name: Fail if provided admin password does not meet required complexity
msg: "{{ password_regex_desc }}"
when: password_validation_result.rc != 0
- name: Store admin password
script_content: |
import keyring
import os
os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'] = '/tmp'
keyring.set_password("CGCS", "{{ username }}", "{{ password }}")
del os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME']
shell: "{{ script_content }}"
executable: /usr/bin/python
no_log: true