
701 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
import subprocess
import socket
import jsonpatch
import os
import pecan
import re
import wsme
import netaddr
import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsc
from oslo_config import cfg
from sysinv.common import constants
from sysinv.common import exception
from sysinv.helm import common as helm_common
from sysinv.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from sysinv.openstack.common import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
JSONPATCH_EXCEPTIONS = (jsonpatch.JsonPatchException,
def ip_version_to_string(ip_version):
return str(constants.IP_FAMILIES[ip_version])
def validate_limit(limit):
if limit and limit < 0:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Limit must be positive"))
if limit:
return min(CONF.api_limit_max, limit) or CONF.api_limit_max
return CONF.api_limit_max
def validate_sort_dir(sort_dir):
if sort_dir not in ['asc', 'desc']:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Invalid sort direction: %s. "
"Acceptable values are "
"'asc' or 'desc'") % sort_dir)
return sort_dir
def validate_patch(patch):
"""Performs a basic validation on patch."""
if not isinstance(patch, list):
patch = [patch]
for p in patch:
path_pattern = re.compile("^/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)*$")
if not isinstance(p, dict) or \
any(key for key in ["path", "op"] if key not in p):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Invalid patch format: %s")
% str(p))
path = p["path"]
op = p["op"]
if op not in ["add", "replace", "remove"]:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Operation not supported: %s")
% op)
if not path_pattern.match(path):
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Invalid path: %s") % path)
if op == "add":
if path.count('/') == 1:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Adding an additional "
"attribute (%s) to the "
"resource is not allowed")
% path)
def validate_mtu(mtu):
"""Check if MTU is valid"""
if mtu < 576 or mtu > 9216:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"MTU must be between 576 and 9216 bytes."))
def validate_address_within_address_pool(ip, pool):
"""Determine whether an IP address is within the specified IP address pool.
:param ip netaddr.IPAddress object
:param pool objects.AddressPool object
ipset = netaddr.IPSet()
for start, end in pool.ranges:
ipset.update(netaddr.IPRange(start, end))
if netaddr.IPAddress(ip) not in ipset:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"IP address %s is not within address pool ranges" % str(ip)))
def validate_address_within_nework(ip, network):
"""Determine whether an IP address is within the specified IP network.
:param ip netaddr.IPAddress object
:param network objects.Network object
pool = pecan.request.dbapi.address_pool_get(network.pool_uuid)
validate_address_within_address_pool(ip, pool)
class ValidTypes(wsme.types.UserType):
"""User type for validate that value has one of a few types."""
def __init__(self, *types):
self.types = types
def validate(self, value):
for t in self.types:
if t is wsme.types.text and isinstance(value, wsme.types.bytes):
value = value.decode()
if isinstance(value, t):
return value
raise ValueError("Wrong type. Expected '%s', got '%s'" % (
self.types, type(value)))
def is_valid_subnet(subnet, ip_version=None):
"""Determine whether an IP subnet is valid IPv4 subnet.
Raise Client-Side Error on failure.
if ip_version is not None and subnet.version != ip_version:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Invalid IP version %s %s. "
"Please configure valid %s subnet") %
(subnet.version, subnet, ip_version_to_string(ip_version)))
elif subnet.size < 8:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Invalid subnet size %s with %s. "
"Please configure at least size /24 subnet") %
(subnet.size, subnet))
elif subnet.ip !=
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Invalid network address %s."
"Network address of subnet is %s. "
"Please configure valid %s subnet.") %
(subnet.ip,, ip_version_to_string(ip_version)))
def is_valid_address_within_subnet(ip_address, subnet):
"""Determine whether an IP address is valid and within
the specified subnet. Raise on Client-Side Error on failure.
if ip_address.version != subnet.version:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Invalid IP version %s %s. "
"Please configure valid %s address.") %
(ip_address.version, subnet, ip_version_to_string(subnet.version)))
elif ip_address ==
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Invalid IP address: %s. "
"Cannot use network address: %s. "
"Please configure valid %s address.") %
(ip_address,, ip_version_to_string(subnet.version)))
elif ip_address == subnet.broadcast:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Cannot use broadcast address: %s. "
"Please configure valid %s address.") %
(subnet.broadcast, ip_version_to_string(subnet.version)))
elif ip_address not in subnet:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"IP Address %s is not in subnet: %s. "
"Please configure valid %s address.") %
(ip_address, subnet, ip_version_to_string(subnet.version)))
return True
def is_valid_hostname(hostname):
"""Determine whether an address is valid as per RFC 1123.
# Maximum length of 255
rc = True
length = len(hostname)
if length > 255:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Hostname %s is too long. Length %s is greater than 255."
"Please configure valid hostname.") % (hostname, length))
# Allow a single dot on the right hand side
if hostname[-1] == ".":
hostname = hostname[:-1]
# Create a regex to ensure:
# - hostname does not begin or end with a dash
# - each segment is 1 to 63 characters long
# - valid characters are A-Z (any case) and 0-9
valid_re = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE)
rc = all(valid_re.match(x) for x in hostname.split("."))
if not rc:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(
"Hostname %s is invalid. Hostname may not begin or end with"
" a dash. Each segment is 1 to 63 chars long and valid"
" characters are A-Z, a-z, and 0-9."
" Please configure valid hostname.") % (hostname))
return rc
def is_host_active_controller(host):
"""Returns True if the supplied host is the active controller."""
if host['personality'] == constants.CONTROLLER:
return host['hostname'] == socket.gethostname()
return False
def is_host_simplex_controller(host):
return host['personality'] == constants.CONTROLLER and \
def is_aio_simplex_host_unlocked(host):
return (get_system_mode() == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX and
host['administrative'] != constants.ADMIN_LOCKED and
host['invprovision'] != constants.PROVISIONING)
def get_vswitch_type():
system = pecan.request.dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.capabilities.get('vswitch_type')
def is_openstack_compute(ihost):
for obj in pecan.request.dbapi.label_get_by_host(ihost['uuid']):
if helm_common.LABEL_COMPUTE_LABEL == obj.label_key:
return True
except AttributeError:
return False
def get_https_enabled():
system = pecan.request.dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.capabilities.get('https_enabled', False)
def get_tpm_config():
tpmconfig = None
tpmconfig = pecan.request.dbapi.tpmconfig_get_one()
except exception.SysinvException:
return tpmconfig
def get_sdn_enabled():
system = pecan.request.dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.capabilities.get('sdn_enabled', False)
def get_sdn_l3_mode_enabled():
sdn_l3_mode = pecan.request.dbapi.service_parameter_get_one(
if not sdn_l3_mode:
return False
allowed_vals = constants.SERVICE_PLUGINS_SDN
return (any(sp in allowed_vals
for sp in sdn_l3_mode.value.split(',')))
except exception.SysinvException:
return False
def get_region_config():
system = pecan.request.dbapi.isystem_get_one()
# TODO(mpeters): this should to be updated to return a boolean value
# requires integration changes between horizon, cgts-client and users to
# transition to a proper boolean value
return system.capabilities.get('region_config', False)
def get_shared_services():
system = pecan.request.dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.capabilities.get('shared_services', None)
def lookup_static_ip_address(name, networktype):
""""Find a statically configured address based on name and network
# address names are refined by network type to ensure they are
# unique across different address pools
name = '%s-%s' % (name, networktype)
address = pecan.request.dbapi.address_get_by_name(name)
return address.address
except exception.AddressNotFoundByName:
return None
def update_address_mode(interface, family, mode, pool):
interface_id = interface['id']
pool_id = pecan.request.dbapi.address_pool_get(pool)['id'] if pool else None
# retrieve the existing value and compare
existing = pecan.request.dbapi.address_mode_query(
interface_id, family)
if existing.mode == mode:
if (mode != 'pool' or existing.pool_uuid == pool):
if existing.mode == 'pool' or (not mode or mode == 'disabled'):
interface_id, family)
interface_id, family)
except exception.AddressModeNotFoundByFamily:
# continue and update DB with new record
updates = {'family': family, 'mode': mode, 'address_pool_id': pool_id}
pecan.request.dbapi.address_mode_update(interface_id, updates)
class SystemHelper(object):
def get_product_build():
active_controller = HostHelper.get_active_controller()
if constants.WORKER in active_controller.subfunctions:
return constants.TIS_AIO_BUILD
return constants.TIS_STD_BUILD
class HostHelper(object):
def get_active_controller(dbapi=None):
"""Returns host object for active controller."""
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
hosts = dbapi.ihost_get_by_personality(
active_controller = None
for host in hosts:
if is_host_active_controller(host):
active_controller = host
return active_controller
def is_drbd_fs_resizing(fs_name=None):
controller_fs_list = pecan.request.dbapi.controller_fs_get_list()
for fs in controller_fs_list:
if fs['replicated']:
if fs['state'] == constants.CONTROLLER_FS_RESIZING_IN_PROGRESS:
if fs_name:
if fs['name'] == fs_name:
return True
return True
return False
def is_drbd_fs_syncing():
output = subprocess.check_output("drbd-overview", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"is_drbd_fs_syncing returned '%s'" % output)
if "sync\'ed" in output:
return True
return False
def get_system_mode(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
system = dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.system_mode
def get_distributed_cloud_role(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
system = dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return system.distributed_cloud_role
def is_aio_system(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
system = dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return (system.system_type == constants.TIS_AIO_BUILD)
def is_aio_simplex_system(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
system = dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return (system.system_type == constants.TIS_AIO_BUILD and
system.system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX)
def is_aio_duplex_system(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
system = dbapi.isystem_get_one()
return (system.system_type == constants.TIS_AIO_BUILD and
(system.system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX or
system.system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX_DIRECT))
def get_worker_count(dbapi=None):
if not dbapi:
dbapi = pecan.request.dbapi
return len(dbapi.ihost_get_by_personality(constants.WORKER))
class SBApiHelper(object):
""" API Helper Class for manipulating Storage Backends.
Common functionality needed by the storage_backend API and it's derived
APIs: storage_ceph, storage_lvm, storage_file.
def validate_backend(storage_backend_dict):
backend = storage_backend_dict.get('backend')
if not backend:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("This operation requires a "
"storage backend to be specified.")
if backend not in constants.SB_SUPPORTED:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Supplied storage backend (%s) is "
"not supported." % backend)
name = storage_backend_dict.get('name')
if not name:
# Get the list of backends of this type. If none are present, then
# this is the system default backend for this type. Therefore use
# the default name.
backend_list = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_get_list_by_type(
if not backend_list:
storage_backend_dict['name'] = constants.SB_DEFAULT_NAMES[
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("This operation requires storage "
"backend name to be specified.")
return backend
def common_checks(operation, storage_backend_dict):
backend = SBApiHelper.validate_backend(storage_backend_dict)
backend_type = storage_backend_dict['backend']
backend_name = storage_backend_dict['name']
existing_backend = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_get_by_name(
except exception.StorageBackendNotFoundByName:
existing_backend = None
# The "shared_services" of an external backend can't have any internal
# backend, vice versa. Note: This code needs to be revisited when
# "non_shared_services" external backend (e.g. emc) is added into
# storage-backend.
if operation in [constants.SB_API_OP_CREATE, constants.SB_API_OP_MODIFY]:
current_bk_svcs = []
backends = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_get_list()
for bk in backends:
if backend_type == constants.SB_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
if bk.as_dict()['backend'] != backend_type:
current_bk_svcs += SBApiHelper.getListFromServices(bk.as_dict())
if bk.as_dict()['backend'] == constants.SB_TYPE_EXTERNAL:
current_bk_svcs += SBApiHelper.getListFromServices(bk.as_dict())
new_bk_svcs = SBApiHelper.getListFromServices(storage_backend_dict)
for svc in new_bk_svcs:
if svc in current_bk_svcs:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Service (%s) already has "
"a backend." % svc)
# Deny any change while a backend is configuring
backends = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_get_list()
for bk in backends:
if bk['state'] == constants.SB_STATE_CONFIGURING:
msg = _("%s backend is configuring, please wait for "
"current operation to complete before making "
"changes.") % bk['backend'].title()
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
if not existing_backend:
existing_backends_by_type = set(bk['backend'] for bk in backends)
if (backend_type in existing_backends_by_type and
backend_type not in [constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH, constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH_EXTERNAL]):
msg = _("Only one %s backend is supported." % backend_type)
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
elif (backend_type != constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH_EXTERNAL and
backend_type not in existing_backends_by_type and
backend_name != constants.SB_DEFAULT_NAMES[backend_type]):
msg = _("The primary %s backend must use the default name: %s."
% (backend_type,
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
# Deny operations with a single, unlocked, controller.
# TODO(oponcea): Remove this once sm supports in-service config reload
ctrls = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_by_personality(constants.CONTROLLER)
if len(ctrls) == 1:
if ctrls[0].administrative == constants.ADMIN_UNLOCKED:
if get_system_mode() == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX:
msg = _("Storage backend operations require controller "
"host to be locked.")
msg = _("Storage backend operations require both controllers "
"to be enabled and available.")
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
for ctrl in ctrls:
if ctrl.availability not in [constants.AVAILABILITY_AVAILABLE,
msg = _("Storage backend operations require both controllers "
"to be enabled and available/degraded.")
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
if existing_backend and operation == constants.SB_API_OP_CREATE:
if (existing_backend.state == constants.SB_STATE_CONFIGURED or
existing_backend.state == constants.SB_STATE_CONFIG_ERR):
msg = (_("Initial (%s) backend was previously created. Use the "
"modify API for further provisioning or supply a unique "
"name to add an additional backend.") %
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
elif not existing_backend and operation == constants.SB_API_OP_MODIFY:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Attempting to modify non-existant (%s) "
"backend." % backend)
def set_backend_data(requested, defaults, checks, supported_svcs, current=None):
""" Returns a valid backend dictionary based on current inputs
:param requested: data from the API
:param defaults: values that should be set if missing or not currently set
:param checks: a set of valid data to be mapped into the backend capabilities
:param supported_svcs: services that are allowed to be used with this backend
:param current: the existing view of this data (typically from the DB)
if current:
merged = current.copy()
merged = requested.copy()
# go through the requested values
for key in requested:
if key in merged and merged[key] != requested[key]:
merged[key] = requested[key]
# Set existing defaults
for key in merged:
if merged[key] is None and key in defaults:
merged[key] = defaults[key]
# Add the missing defaults
for key in defaults:
if key not in merged:
merged[key] = defaults[key]
# Pop the current set of data and make sure only supported parameters
# are populated
hiera_data = merged.pop('capabilities', {})
merged['capabilities'] = {}
merged_hiera_data = defaults.pop('capabilities', {})
for key in merged_hiera_data:
if key in checks['backend']:
merged['capabilities'][key] = merged_hiera_data[key]
for svc in supported_svcs:
if key in checks[svc]:
merged['capabilities'][key] = merged_hiera_data[key]
return merged
def check_minimal_number_of_controllers(min_number):
chosts = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_by_personality(
if len(chosts) < min_number:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(
"This operation requires %s controllers provisioned." % min_number
for chost in chosts:
if chost.invprovision != constants.PROVISIONED:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(
"This operation requires %s controllers provisioned." %
def check_swift_enabled():
swift_enabled = pecan.request.dbapi.service_parameter_get_one(
if swift_enabled and swift_enabled.value.lower() == 'true':
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(
"Swift is already enabled through service parameter.")
except exception.SysinvException:
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(
"Failed to check if Swift is already enabled through service "
def getListFromServices(be_dict):
return [] if be_dict['services'] is None else be_dict['services'].split(',')
def setServicesFromList(be_dict, svc_list):
be_dict['services'] = ','.join(svc_list)
def is_svc_enabled(sb_list, svc):
for b in sb_list:
if svc in
return True
return False
def enable_backend(sb, backend_enable_function):
""" In-service enable storage backend """
# Initiate manifest application"Initializing configuration of storage %s backend.") % sb.backend.title())
backend_enable_function(pecan.request.context)"Configuration of storage %s backend initialized, "
"continuing in background." % sb.backend.title())
except exception.SysinvException:
LOG.exception("Manifests failed!")
# Set lvm backend to error so that it can be recreated
values = {'state': constants.SB_STATE_CONFIG_ERR, 'task': None}
pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_update(sb.uuid, values)
msg = _("%s configuration failed, check node status and retry. "
"If problem persists contact next level of support.") % sb.backend.title()
raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg)
def is_primary_ceph_tier(name_string):
"""Check if a tier name string is for the primary ceph tier. """
if name_string == constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[
return True
return False
def is_primary_ceph_backend(name_string):
"""Check if a backend name string is for the primary ceph backend. """
if name_string == constants.SB_DEFAULT_NAMES[constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH]:
return True
return False
def remove_service_from_backend(sb, svc_name):
services = SBApiHelper.getListFromServices(sb)
pecan.request.dbapi.storage_backend_update(, {'services': ','.join(services)})