
922 lines
38 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import division
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from import subprocess
import json
import os
from oslo_log import log
from sysinv._i18n import _
from sysinv.common import ceph
from sysinv.common import constants
from sysinv.common import exception
from sysinv.common import kubernetes
from sysinv.common import utils
from import fmclient
from sysinv.common.storage_backend_conf import StorageBackendConfig
from sysinv.cert_alarm.audit import CertAlarmAudit
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import patch_api
from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import vim_api
import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsc
import cgcs_patch.constants as patch_constants
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class Health(object):
FAIL_MSG = _('Fail')
def __init__(self, dbapi):
self._dbapi = dbapi
self._ceph = ceph.CephApiOperator()
self._kube_operator = kubernetes.KubeOperator()
self._cert_alarm_manager = CertAlarmAudit()
def _check_hosts_provisioned(self, hosts):
"""Checks that each host is provisioned"""
provisioned_hosts = []
unprovisioned_hosts = 0
for host in hosts:
if host['invprovision'] != constants.PROVISIONED or \
host['hostname'] is None:
unprovisioned_hosts = unprovisioned_hosts + 1
return unprovisioned_hosts, provisioned_hosts
def _check_hosts_enabled(self, hosts):
"""Checks that each host is enabled and unlocked"""
offline_host_list = []
for host in hosts:
if host['administrative'] != constants.ADMIN_UNLOCKED or \
host['operational'] != constants.OPERATIONAL_ENABLED:
success = not offline_host_list
return success, offline_host_list
def _check_hosts_config(self, hosts):
"""Checks that the applied and target config match for each host"""
config_host_list = []
for host in hosts:
if (host.config_target and
host.config_applied != host.config_target):
success = not config_host_list
return success, config_host_list
def _check_patch_current(self, hosts):
"""Checks that each host is patch current"""
system = self._dbapi.isystem_get_one()
response = patch_api.patch_query_hosts(token=None, timeout=60,
patch_hosts = response['data']
not_patch_current_hosts = []
hostnames = []
for host in hosts:
for host in patch_hosts:
# There may be instances where the patching db returns
# hosts that have been recently deleted. We will continue if a host
# is the patching db but not sysinv
except ValueError:'Host %s found in patching but not in sysinv. '
'Continuing' % host['hostname'])
if not host['patch_current']:
success = not not_patch_current_hosts and not hostnames
return success, not_patch_current_hosts, hostnames
def _check_alarms(self, context, force=False, alarm_ignore_list=None):
"""Checks that no alarms are active"""
if alarm_ignore_list is None:
alarm_ignore_list = []
alarms = fmclient(context).alarm.list(include_suppress=True)
success = True
allowed = 0
affecting = 0
cert_alarm = 0
# Separate alarms that are mgmt affecting
for alarm in alarms:
if alarm.alarm_id not in alarm_ignore_list:
mgmt_affecting = alarm.mgmt_affecting == "True"
if alarm.alarm_id in constants.CERT_ALARM_IDS:
cert_alarm += 1
if not force:
success = False
elif not mgmt_affecting:
allowed += 1
if not force:
success = False
affecting += 1
success = False
return success, allowed, affecting, cert_alarm
def _check_active_is_controller_0(self):
"""Checks that active controller is controller-0"""
return utils.get_local_controller_hostname() == constants.CONTROLLER_0_HOSTNAME
def get_alarms_degrade(self, context, alarm_ignore_list=None,
"""Return all the alarms that cause the degrade"""
alarms = fmclient(context).alarm.list(include_suppress=True)
degrade_alarms = []
if alarm_ignore_list is None:
alarm_ignore_list = []
for alarm in alarms:
degrade_affecting = alarm.degrade_affecting
# Ignore alarms that are part of the ignore list sent as parameter
# and also filter the alarms bases on entity instance id.
# If multiple alarms with the same ID exist, we only return the ID
# one time.
if degrade_affecting == 'True':
if (entity_instance_id_filter in alarm.entity_instance_id and
alarm.alarm_id not in alarm_ignore_list and
alarm.alarm_id not in degrade_alarms):
return degrade_alarms
def _check_ceph(self):
"""Checks the ceph health status"""
return self._ceph.ceph_status_ok()
def _check_license(self, version):
"""Validates the current license is valid for the specified version"""
check_binary = "/usr/bin/verify-license"
license_file = '/etc/platform/.license'
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
subprocess.check_call([check_binary, license_file, version], # pylint: disable=not-callable
stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
return True
def _check_required_patches_are_applied(self, patches=None):
"""Validates that each patch provided is applied on the system"""
if patches is None:
patches = []
system = self._dbapi.isystem_get_one()
response = patch_api.patch_query(
except Exception as e:
raise exception.SysinvException(_(
"Error while querying sw-patch-controller for the "
"state of the patch(es)."))
query_patches = response['pd']
applied_patches = []
for patch_key in query_patches:
patch = query_patches[patch_key]
patchstate = patch.get('patchstate', None)
if patchstate == patch_constants.APPLIED or \
patchstate == patch_constants.COMMITTED:
missing_patches = []
for required_patch in patches:
if required_patch not in applied_patches:
success = not missing_patches
return success, missing_patches
def _check_running_instances(self, host):
"""Checks that no instances are running on the host"""
vim_resp = vim_api.vim_host_get_instances(
running_instances = vim_resp['instances']
success = running_instances == 0
return success, running_instances
def _check_kube_nodes_ready(self):
"""Checks that each kubernetes node is ready"""
fail_node_list = []
nodes = self._kube_operator.kube_get_nodes()
for node in nodes:
for condition in node.status.conditions:
if condition.type == "Ready" and condition.status != "True":
# This node is not ready
success = not fail_node_list
return success, fail_node_list
def _check_kube_control_plane_pods(self):
"""Checks that each kubernetes control plane pod is ready"""
fail_pod_list = []
pod_ready_status = self._kube_operator.\
for pod_name, ready_status in pod_ready_status.items():
if ready_status != "True":
# This pod is not ready
success = not fail_pod_list
return success, fail_pod_list
def _check_kube_all_pods_are_healthy(self):
"""Checks that all kubernetes pod are healthy
A healthy pod is in ready or completed status.
fail_pod_list = []
pod_list = self._kube_operator.kube_get_all_pods()
for pod in pod_list:
if pod.status.phase not in ['Pending', 'Running', 'Succeeded']:
# Add it to the failed list as it's not ready/completed/pending
fail_pod_list.append((, pod.metadata.namespace))
elif pod.status.phase == 'Running':
for container_status in pod.status.container_statuses:
if container_status.ready is not True:
# Pod has running status but it's not ready
success = not fail_pod_list
return success, fail_pod_list
def _check_kube_applications(self):
"""Checks that each kubernetes application is in a valid state"""
fail_app_list = []
apps = self._dbapi.kube_app_get_all()
for app in apps:
# The following states are valid during kubernetes upgrade
if app.status not in [constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS,
success = not fail_app_list
return success, fail_app_list
def _check_kube_version(self):
"""Checks if kubernetes version is the latest supported version"""
success = False
latest_supported_version = \
active_kube_version = self._kube_operator.kube_get_kubernetes_version()
if active_kube_version:
if active_kube_version == latest_supported_version:
success = True
return success, active_kube_version, latest_supported_version
def _check_platform_backup_partition(self):
"""Check that the platform-backup partition is the correct size/type"""
args = ['/usr/bin/']
subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # pylint: disable=not-callable
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
LOG.error("Call to %s returned %s and %s" % (args, exc.returncode, exc.output))
return False
return True
def _check_trident_compatibility(self):
"""Checks that the running Trident service has been
upgraded and is compatible with all possible k8s
upgrade versions."""
latest_trident_version = '22.01'
output = subprocess.check_output( # pylint: disable=not-callable
'export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf && \
tridentctl -n trident version -o json',
shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
if output:
json_output = json.loads(output)
if 'server' in json_output.keys():
if LooseVersion(latest_trident_version) > \
return False
return True
except Exception as e:
# the exception signifies that the trident driver is not installed.
# we can continue with the k8s upgrade in this case."Exception %s occured when trying to get trident version" % e)
return True
return True
def _check_bootdevice(self):
def _format_message(hostname, device_type, device, rootdisk):
not_found = "%s (%s) for %s does not match root disk %s\n"
not_assigned = "%s for %s is not assigned\n"
if device:
return not_found % (device_type, device, hostname, rootdisk)
return not_assigned % (device_type, hostname)
def is_rootdisk(idisk):
# root disk has capabilities:{'stor_function': 'rootfs'}
c = idisk.capabilities
if "stor_function" in c and c["stor_function"] == "rootfs":
return True
return False
success = True
message = ""
ihosts = self._dbapi.ihost_get_list()
for ihost in ihosts:
idisks = self._dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(ihost.uuid)
for idisk in idisks:
if is_rootdisk(idisk):
if ihost.boot_device not in [idisk.device_node, idisk.device_path]:
success = False
message += _format_message(ihost.hostname, "boot_device", ihost.boot_device,
if ihost.rootfs_device not in [idisk.device_node, idisk.device_path]:
success = False
message += _format_message(ihost.hostname, "rootfs_device", ihost.rootfs_device,
success = False
message += "Cannot determine the root disk for %s\n" % ihost.hostname
return success, message
def _check_psp_policies(self):
""" Checks for any existing PodSecurityPolicies on the system """
psp_list = []
active_kube_version = self._kube_operator.kube_get_kubernetes_version()
# check for policies only if version is less than v1.25
if LooseVersion(active_kube_version) >= LooseVersion('v1.25.0'):
return True, psp_list
psp_policies = self._kube_operator.get_psp_resource()
if psp_policies:
for item in psp_policies:
return False, psp_list
return True, psp_list
def _check_local_issuer_clusterIssuer(self):
err_msg = ''
local_ca_issuer = self._kube_operator.get_clusterwide_custom_resource(
if local_ca_issuer:
if not utils.check_k8s_resource_ready(local_ca_issuer):
err_msg += 'Local ClusterIssuer is not Ready.\n'
err_msg += 'Local ClusterIssuer could not be found.\n'
return err_msg
def _check_local_issuer_secret_data(self):
err_msg = ''
ca_secret = self._kube_operator.kube_get_secret(constants.LOCAL_CA_SECRET_NAME,
if not ca_secret or not hasattr(ca_secret, 'data') or not hasattr(ca_secret, 'type'):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer (system-local-ca) secret data could not be retrieved.\n'
if ca_secret.type != constants.K8S_SECRET_TYPE_TLS:
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer (system-local-ca) secret data type is invalid.\n'
data =
if ('ca.crt' not in data or 'tls.crt' not in data or 'tls.key' not in data):
err_msg += 'Missing field in Platform Issuer (system-local-ca) secret data.\n'
certs_list = self._kube_operator.list_namespaced_custom_resources(
if certs_list:
for cert_obj in certs_list:
if cert_obj.get('spec').get('secretName') == constants.LOCAL_CA_SECRET_NAME:
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer (system-local-ca) secret data is in an invalid state.\n'
LOG.error('%s is not expected to be owned by a Certificate.'
return err_msg
def _check_local_issuer_CA_cert_chain(self):
err_msg = tls_crt = tls_key = ca_crt = ''
tls_crt, tls_key, ca_crt = utils.get_certificate_from_secret(
except Exception as e:
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer CA data could not be retrieved.\n'
return err_msg
if not bool(tls_crt) or not bool(tls_key):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer CA certificate and/or key data is empty.\n'
return err_msg
if utils.verify_self_signed_ca_cert(tls_crt):
if not utils.verify_cert_chain_trusted(tls_crt):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer Root CA certificate is not trusted by the platform.\n'
return err_msg
elif bool(ca_crt) and ca_crt != tls_crt:
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer CA certificate chain is incorrect.\n'
return err_msg
if ca_crt != tls_crt:
if bool(ca_crt):
if not utils.verify_cert_chain_trusted(ca_crt):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer Root CA certificate is not trusted by the platform.\n'
return err_msg
if not utils.verify_cert_issuer(tls_crt, ca_crt):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer Intermediate CA certificate chain is incorrect.\n'
return err_msg
if not utils.verify_cert_chain_trusted(tls_crt):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer Root CA certificate is not trusted by the platform.\n'
return err_msg
if not utils.verify_cert_chain_trusted(tls_crt):
err_msg += 'Platform Issuer Root CA certificate is not trusted by the platform.\n'
return err_msg
return err_msg
def _check_leaf_certificate_chain(self, cert_name, cert_namespace):
err_msg = tls_crt = tls_key = ''
tls_crt, tls_key, _ = utils.get_certificate_from_secret(cert_name, cert_namespace)
except Exception as e:
err_msg += ('Certificate - %s - data could not be retrieved.\n' % cert_name)
return err_msg
if not bool(tls_crt) or not bool(tls_key):
err_msg += ('Certificate - %s - cert and/or key data is empty.\n' % cert_name)
elif not utils.verify_cert_chain_trusted(tls_crt):
err_msg += ('Certificate - %s - chain cannot be verified as trusted.\n' % cert_name)
return err_msg
def _check_expected_platform_certs(self):
err_msg = ''
expected_certs = [constants.RESTAPI_CERT_SECRET_NAME,
system = self._dbapi.isystem_get_one()
if system.distributed_cloud_role != constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SUBCLOUD:
for cert in expected_certs:
cert_data = self._kube_operator.get_custom_resource(
if cert_data:
if not utils.check_k8s_resource_ready(cert_data):
err_msg += ('Expected Certificate - %s - is not Ready.\n' % cert)
elif cert_data.get('spec').get('issuerRef').get('name') != constants.LOCAL_CA_SECRET_NAME:
err_msg += ('Expected Certificate - %s - was not issued by the Platform Issuer.\n' % cert)
elif cert_data.get('spec').get('secretName') != cert:
err_msg += ('Expected Certificate - %s - secret name is different from expected.\n' % cert)
err_msg += self._check_leaf_certificate_chain(cert, kubernetes.NAMESPACE_DEPLOYMENT)
err_msg += ('Expected Certificate - %s - could not be found.\n' % cert)
return err_msg
def _check_local_issuer_health(self):
err_msg = ''
update_ca_warning = (
"* \n"
"* Warning: User is expected to convert Platform certificates (e.g. System REST API / GUI and \n"
"* Local Docker Registry) to use cert-manager and be issued by system-local-ca ClusterIssuer, \n"
"* before upgrading.\n"
"* If you haven\'t yet, this might be the cause of the issues detected. Please perform the\n"
"* \'Update system-local-ca or Migrate Platform Certificates to use Cert Manager\' procedure\n"
"* before continuing.\n"
"* \n"
check_methods = [self._check_local_issuer_secret_data(),
for method in check_methods:
if err_msg == '':
err_msg += method
except Exception as e:
err_msg += "Could not finish Platform Issuer (system-local-ca) health verification.\n"
if bool(err_msg):
err_msg += update_ca_warning
return not bool(err_msg), err_msg
def get_system_health(self, context, force=False, alarm_ignore_list=None):
"""Returns the general health of the system
Checks the following:
- All hosts are provisioned
- All hosts are patch current
- All hosts are unlocked/enabled
- All hosts having matching configs
- No management affecting alarms
- For ceph systems: The storage cluster is healthy
- All kubernetes nodes are ready
- All kubernetes control plane pods are ready
- All PodSecurityPolicies are removed
:param context: request context.
:param force: set to true to ignore minor and warning alarms
:param alarm_ignore_list: list of alarm ids to ignore when performing
a health check
hosts = utils.get_upgradable_hosts(self._dbapi)
output = _('System Health:\n')
health_ok = True
unprovisioned_hosts, provisioned_hosts = \
success = unprovisioned_hosts == 0
output += (_('All hosts are provisioned: [%s]\n')
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG))
if not success:
output += _('%s Unprovisioned hosts\n') % unprovisioned_hosts
# Set the hosts to the provisioned_hosts. This will allow the other
# checks to continue
hosts = provisioned_hosts
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, error_hosts = self._check_hosts_enabled(hosts)
output += _('All hosts are unlocked/enabled: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Locked or disabled hosts: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(error_hosts)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, error_hosts = self._check_hosts_config(hosts)
output += _('All hosts have current configurations: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Hosts with out of date configurations: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(error_hosts)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, error_hosts, missing_hosts = self._check_patch_current(hosts)
output += _('All hosts are patch current: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
if error_hosts:
output += _('Hosts not patch current: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(error_hosts)
if missing_hosts:
output += _('Hosts without patch data: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(missing_hosts)
health_ok = health_ok and success
if StorageBackendConfig.has_backend(
success = self._check_ceph()
output += _('Ceph Storage Healthy: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, allowed, affecting, cert_alarm = self._check_alarms(
output += _('No alarms: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('[%s] alarms found, [%s] of which are management affecting '
'and [%s] are certificate expiration alarms. '
'Use "fm alarm-list" for details\n') % (allowed + affecting + cert_alarm,
affecting, cert_alarm)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, error_nodes = self._check_kube_nodes_ready()
output += _('All kubernetes nodes are ready: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Kubernetes nodes not ready: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(error_nodes)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, error_nodes = self._check_kube_control_plane_pods()
output += _('All kubernetes control plane pods are ready: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Kubernetes control plane pods not ready: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(error_nodes)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, psp_list = self._check_psp_policies()
output += ('All PodSecurityPolicies are removed: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('PSP policies exists, please remove them before upgrade: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(psp_list)
health_ok = health_ok and success
return health_ok, output
def _check_disk_space_on_host(self, host, hostname, min_space_needed, check_free_space):
if check_free_space:
available_gib = utils.get_available_gib_in_disk(host, host.boot_device, self._dbapi)
msg = _("Insufficient unallocated disk space on rootdisk for %s. Current\n"
"partitions have allocated disk space such that only %.2fGiB is "
"available\nbut %.2fGiB unallocated disk space is needed.\n") % (hostname,
available_gib = utils.get_size_gib_in_disk(host, host.boot_device, self._dbapi)
msg = _("Insufficient total disk space on rootdisk for %s, %.2fGiB needed, "
"%.2fGiB available.\n") % (hostname,
if available_gib < min_space_needed:
return msg
def _check_free_space_for_upgrade(self):
output = ""
success = True
for ihost in self._dbapi.ihost_get_list():
min_space_needed = 0
check_free_space = False
host = self._dbapi.ihost_get_by_hostname(ihost.hostname)
host_subfunctions = host.subfunctions.split(",")
if constants.WORKER in host_subfunctions:
min_space_needed = constants.WORKER_UPGRADE_FREE_SPACE_NEEDED_IN_GIB
check_free_space = True
elif constants.STORAGE in host_subfunctions:
min_space_needed = constants.STORAGE_UPGRADE_SPACE_NEEDED_IN_GIB
elif constants.CONTROLLER in host_subfunctions:
min_space_needed = constants.CONTROLLER_UPGRADE_SPACE_NEEDED_IN_GIB
msg = self._check_disk_space_on_host(
host, ihost.hostname, min_space_needed, check_free_space)
if msg:
output += msg
success = False
return output, success
def get_system_health_upgrade(self,
Ensures the system is in a valid state for an upgrade
:param context: request context.
:param force: set to true to ignore minor and warning alarms
:param alarm_ignore_list: list of alarm ids to ignore when performing
a health check
# Does a general health check then does the following:
# The platform issuer (system-local-ca) and certs are healthy
# A load is imported
# The load patch requirements are met
# The license is valid for the N+1 load
# All kubernetes applications are in a stable state
# Package metadata criteria are met
system_mode = self._dbapi.isystem_get_one().system_mode
simplex = (system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX)
health_ok, output = self.get_system_health(
success, active_version, latest_version = self._check_kube_version()
output += _('Active kubernetes version is the latest supported '
'version: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
if active_version:
output += _('Upgrade kubernetes to the latest version: [%s]. '
'See "system kube-version-list"\n') \
% (latest_version)
output += _('Failed to get version info. Upgrade kubernetes to'
' the latest version (%s) and ensure that the '
'kubernetes version information is available in '
' the kubeadm configmap.\n'
'Also see "system kube-version-list"\n') \
% (latest_version)
health_ok = health_ok and success
# Check the platform issuer ('system-local-ca') and platform certificates
success, msg = self._check_local_issuer_health()
output += _('Platform Issuer and expected certificates are healthy: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
output += msg
health_ok = health_ok and success
loads = self._dbapi.load_get_list()
imported_load = utils.get_imported_load(loads)
except Exception as e:
output += _('No imported load found. Unable to test further\n')
return health_ok, output
upgrade_version = imported_load.software_version
if imported_load.required_patches:
patches = imported_load.required_patches.split('\n')
patches = []
success, missing_patches = \
output += _('Required patches are applied: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Patches not applied: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(missing_patches)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success = self._check_license(upgrade_version)
output += _('License valid for upgrade: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, message = self._check_bootdevice()
if not success:
# Make this an invisible check for the bootdevice and rootfs device.
# unless it is invalid, it is invisible to the user.
output += _('Boot Device and Root file system Device: [%s]\n') \
% Health.FAIL_MSG
output += message
if not simplex:
controller_1 = self._dbapi.ihost_get_by_hostname(
# If we are running on CPE we don't want any instances running
# on controller-1 before we start the upgrade, otherwise the
# databases will be out of sync after we lock controller-1
if constants.WORKER in controller_1.subfunctions:
success, running_instances = self._check_running_instances(
output += \
_('No instances running on controller-1: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Number of instances on controller-1: %s\n') \
% (running_instances)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success = self._check_platform_backup_partition()
output += _('Valid platform-backup partition: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
health_ok = health_ok and success
success, apps_not_valid = self._check_kube_applications()
output += _(
'All kubernetes applications are in a valid state: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Kubernetes applications not in a valid state: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(apps_not_valid)
health_ok = health_ok and success
# The load is only imported to controller-0. An upgrade can only
# be started when controller-0 is active.
is_controller_0 = self._check_active_is_controller_0()
success = is_controller_0
output += \
_('Active controller is controller-0: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
health_ok = health_ok and success
# TODO (luisbonatti): remove when CentOS to Debian upgrade is deprecated
if upgrade_version == tsc.SW_VERSION_22_12:
msg, success = self._check_free_space_for_upgrade()
output += \
_('Disk space requirement: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += msg
health_ok = health_ok and success
return health_ok, output
def get_system_health_kube_upgrade(self,
Ensures the system is in a valid state for a kubernetes upgrade
Does a general health check then does the following:
- All kubernetes applications are in a stable state
:param context: request context.
:param force: set to true to ignore minor and warning alarms
:param alarm_ignore_list: list of alarm ids to ignore when performing
a health check
health_ok, output = self.get_system_health(
success, apps_not_valid = self._check_kube_applications()
if not self._check_trident_compatibility():
apps_not_valid.append("NetApp Trident Driver")
success = False
output += _(
'All kubernetes applications are in a valid state: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if success else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not success:
output += _('Kubernetes applications not in a valid state: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(apps_not_valid)
if kube_rootca_update:
pods_healthy, fail_pod_list = self._check_kube_all_pods_are_healthy()
output += _(
'All kubernetes pods are in a valid state: [%s]\n') \
% (Health.SUCCESS_MSG if pods_healthy else Health.FAIL_MSG)
if not pods_healthy:
formatted_fail_pod_list = ['{} (namespace: {})'.format(name, namespace)
for name, namespace in fail_pod_list]
output += _('Kubernetes pods not in a valid state: %s\n') \
% ', '.join(formatted_fail_pod_list)
health_ok = health_ok and success and \
(pods_healthy if kube_rootca_update else True)
return health_ok, output