
804 lines
24 KiB

# TODO (rchurch): Make sure all includes have the correct global scope
class openstack::cinder::params (
$service_enabled = false,
$api_port = 8776,
$api_proxy_port = 28776,
$region_name = undef,
$service_name = 'openstack-cinder',
$service_type = 'volume',
$service_type_v2 = 'volumev2',
$service_type_v3 = 'volumev3',
$configure_endpoint = true,
$enabled_backends = [],
$cinder_address = undef,
$cinder_directory = '/opt/cgcs/cinder',
$cinder_image_conversion_dir = '/opt/img-conversions/cinder',
$cinder_device = '',
$cinder_size = undef,
$cinder_fs_device = '/dev/drbd4',
$cinder_vg_name = 'cinder-volumes',
$drbd_resource = 'drbd-cinder',
$iscsi_ip_address = undef,
$is_ceph_external = false,
# Flag files
$initial_cinder_config_flag = "${::platform::params::config_path}/.initial_cinder_config_complete",
$initial_cinder_lvm_config_flag = "${::platform::params::config_path}/.initial_cinder_lvm_config_complete",
$initial_cinder_ceph_config_flag = "${::platform::params::config_path}/.initial_cinder_ceph_config_complete",
$node_cinder_lvm_config_flag = '/etc/platform/.node_cinder_lvm_config_complete',
) {
$cinder_disk = regsubst($cinder_device, '-part\d+$', '')
# Take appropriate actions based on the service states defined by:
# - $is_initial_cinder => first time ever when cinder is configured;
# - $is_initial_cinder_lvm => first time ever when LVM cinder is configured on the system;
# - $is_initial_cinder_ceph => first time ever when Ceph cinder is configured on the system;
# - $is_node_cinder_lvm => cinder LVM is configured/reconfigured on a node;
# - $is_node_cinder_ceph => cinder Ceph is configured/reconfigured on a node.
# These states are dependent on two aspects:
# 1. A flag file present on the disk either in:
# - DRBD synced /opt/platform, for system flags or in
# - local folder /etc/platform, for node specific flags
# 2. Controller standby or active state. Sometimes manifests are applied at the same time on both
# controllers with most configuration happenning on the active node and minimal on the standby.
if $service_enabled {
# Check if this is the first time we ever configure cinder on this system
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) and str2bool($::is_initial_cinder_config) {
$is_initial_cinder = true
} else {
$is_initial_cinder = false
if 'lvm' in $enabled_backends {
# Check if this is the first time we ever configure LVM on this system
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) and str2bool($::is_initial_cinder_lvm_config) {
$is_initial_cinder_lvm = true
} else {
$is_initial_cinder_lvm = false
# Check if we should configure/reconfigure cinder LVM for this node.
# True in case of node reinstalls, device replacements, reconfigurations etc.
if str2bool($::is_node_cinder_lvm_config) {
$is_node_cinder_lvm = true
} else {
$is_node_cinder_lvm = false
} else {
$is_initial_cinder_lvm = false
$is_node_cinder_lvm = false
if 'ceph' in $enabled_backends or $is_ceph_external {
# Check if this is the first time we ever configure Ceph on this system
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) and str2bool($::is_initial_cinder_ceph_config) {
$is_initial_cinder_ceph = true
} else {
$is_initial_cinder_ceph = false
} else {
$is_initial_cinder_ceph = false
# Cinder needs to be running on initial configuration of either Ceph or LVM
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) and ($is_initial_cinder_lvm or $is_initial_cinder_ceph) {
$enable_cinder_service = true
} else {
$enable_cinder_service = false
} else {
$is_initial_cinder = false
$is_initial_cinder_lvm = false
$is_node_cinder_lvm = false
$is_initial_cinder_ceph = false
$is_node_cinder_ceph = false
$enable_cinder_service = false
# Called from controller manifest
class openstack::cinder
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# TODO (rchurch): This will create the cinder DB on a system that may never run cinder. This make sense?
#if $is_initial_cinder {
if $::platform::params::init_database {
include platform::postgresql::server
include ::cinder::db::postgresql
# TODO (rchurch): Make this happen after config_controller? If we do that we should
# exec 'cinder-manage db sync' as root instead of 'cinder' user
#if $is_initial_cinder {
if str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) {
include ::cinder::db::sync
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::amqp::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
$controller_address = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address
group { 'cinder':
ensure => 'present',
gid => '165',
user { 'cinder':
ensure => 'present',
comment => 'OpenStack Cinder Daemons',
gid => '165',
groups => ['nobody', 'cinder', $::platform::params::protected_group_name],
home => '/var/lib/cinder',
password => '!!',
password_max_age => '-1',
password_min_age => '-1',
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
uid => '165',
if $service_enabled {
file { $cinder_directory:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> file { $cinder_image_conversion_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> file { "${cinder_directory}/data":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
} else {
file { $cinder_directory:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> file { "${cinder_directory}/data":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
class { '::cinder':
rabbit_use_ssl => $::platform::amqp::params::ssl_enabled,
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
include ::cinder::keystone::authtoken
include ::cinder::scheduler
include ::cinder::client
include ::cinder::volume
include ::cinder::ceilometer
include ::cinder::glance
include ::openstack::cinder::config
include ::openstack::cinder::backends
include ::openstack::cinder::backup
include ::platform::multipath::params
# TODO(mpeters): move to puppet module formal parameters
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/my_ip': value => $controller_address;
'DEFAULT/state_path': value => "${cinder_directory}/data";
# Reduce the number of RPCs that can be handled in parallel from the
# default of 64. Doing too much at once (e.g. creating volumes) results
# in a lot of thrashing and operations time out.
# Liberty renamed this from rpc_thread_pool_size to executor_thread_pool_size
'DEFAULT/executor_thread_pool_size': value => '32';
'DEFAULT/enable_force_upload': value => true;
'DEFAULT/use_multipath_for_image_xfer': value => $::platform::multipath::params::enabled;
'backend_defaults/use_multipath_for_image_xfer': value => $::platform::multipath::params::enabled;
# Run cinder-manage to purge deleted rows daily at the 30 minute mark
cron { 'cinder-purge-deleted':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/cinder-purge-deleted-active',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => '30',
hour => '*/24',
user => 'root',
class openstack::cinder::config::default(
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# Realize any service parameter provided DEFAULT section params of cinder.conf
create_resources('cinder_config', hiera_hash('openstack::cinder::config::default::config_params', {}))
class openstack::cinder::config
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
include ::openstack::cinder::config::default
class openstack::cinder::backup
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# For now only support file backend backup
include ::cinder::backup::posix
class openstack::cinder::backends::san
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
include ::openstack::cinder::emc_vnx
include ::openstack::cinder::backends::hpe3par
include ::openstack::cinder::hpelefthand
class openstack::cinder::backends
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
class { '::cinder::backends':
enabled_backends => $enabled_backends
if 'lvm' in $enabled_backends {
include ::openstack::cinder::lvm
if 'ceph' in $enabled_backends or $is_ceph_external {
include ::openstack::cinder::backends::ceph
include openstack::cinder::backends::san
class openstack::cinder::lvm::filesystem::drbd (
$device = '/dev/drbd4',
$lv_name = 'cinder-lv',
$mountpoint = '/opt/cinder',
$port = '7792',
$vg_name = 'cinder-volumes',
$drbd_handoff = true,
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
include ::platform::drbd::params
include ::platform::drbd::cgcs::params
if str2bool($::is_primary_disk_rotational) {
$resync_after = $::platform::drbd::cgcs::params::resource_name
} else {
$resync_after = undef
if (str2bool($::is_controller_active) or
(str2bool($::is_standalone_controller) and $is_node_cinder_lvm)
) {
# Run DRBD cinder initial setup in two cases
# 1) first time Cinder LVM is configured,
# 2) when cinder's disk is replaced on a standalone controller
# (mostly to accommodate SX disk replacement).
# Note: Cinder disk replacement is triggered from sysinv by removing
# the checkpoint file behind is_node_cinder_lvm.
$ha_primary = true
$initial_setup = true
$service_enable = true
$service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$ha_primary = false
$initial_setup = false
$service_enable = false
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
if $is_node_cinder_lvm {
# prepare disk for drbd
file { '/etc/udev/mount.blacklist':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
-> file_line { "blacklist ${cinder_disk} automount":
ensure => present,
line => $cinder_disk,
path => '/etc/udev/mount.blacklist',
drbd::resource { $drbd_resource:
disk => "\"${cinder_device}\"",
port => $port,
device => $device,
mountpoint => $mountpoint,
handlers => {
before-resync-target =>
"/usr/local/sbin/sm-notify -s ${drbd_resource} -e sync-start",
after-resync-target =>
"/usr/local/sbin/sm-notify -s ${drbd_resource} -e sync-end",
host1 => $::platform::drbd::params::host1,
host2 => $::platform::drbd::params::host2,
ip1 => $::platform::drbd::params::ip1,
ip2 => $::platform::drbd::params::ip2,
manage => $is_node_cinder_lvm,
ha_primary => $ha_primary,
initial_setup => $initial_setup,
automount => $::platform::drbd::params::automount,
fs_type => $::platform::drbd::params::fs_type,
link_util => $::platform::drbd::params::link_util,
link_speed => $::platform::drbd::params::link_speed,
num_parallel => $::platform::drbd::params::num_parallel,
rtt_ms => $::platform::drbd::params::rtt_ms,
cpumask => $::platform::drbd::params::cpumask,
resync_after => $resync_after,
require => [ Class['::platform::partitions'], File_line['final filter: update lvm global_filter'] ]
if ($is_initial_cinder_lvm or
(str2bool($::is_standalone_controller) and $is_node_cinder_lvm)
# Recreate cinder-volumes in two cases:
# 1) first time Cinder LVM is configured,
# 2) when cinder's disk is replaced on a standalone controller
# (mostly to accommodate SX disk replacement).
# Note: Cinder disk replacement is triggered from sysinv by removing
# the checkpoint file behind is_node_cinder_lvm.
physical_volume { $device:
ensure => present,
require => Drbd::Resource[$drbd_resource]
-> volume_group { $vg_name:
ensure => present,
physical_volumes => $device,
# Create an initial LV, because the LVM ocf resource does not work with
# an empty VG.
-> logical_volume { 'anchor-lv':
ensure => present,
volume_group => $vg_name,
size => '1M',
size_is_minsize => true,
# Deactivate the VG now. If this isn't done, it prevents DRBD from
# being stopped later by the SM.
-> exec { 'Deactivate VG':
command => "vgchange -a ln ${vg_name}",
# Make sure the primary resource is in the correct state so that on swact to
# controller-1 sm has the resource in an acceptable state to become managed
# and primary. But, if this primary is a single controller we will restart
# SM so keep it primary
# TODO (rchurch): fix up the drbd_handoff logic.
-> exec { 'Set $drbd_resource role':
command => str2bool($drbd_handoff) ? {true => "drbdadm secondary ${drbd_resource}", default => '/bin/true'},
unless => "drbdadm role ${drbd_resource} | egrep '^Secondary'",
class openstack::cinder::lvm(
$lvm_type = 'thin',
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# if $::platform::params::system_mode != 'simplex' {
# include ::openstack::cinder::lvm::filesystem::drbd
# } else {
# include ::openstack::cinder::lvm::filesystem::simplex
# }
include ::openstack::cinder::lvm::filesystem::drbd
file_line { 'snapshot_autoextend_threshold':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
match => '^\s*snapshot_autoextend_threshold +=.*',
line => ' snapshot_autoextend_threshold = 80',
file_line { 'snapshot_autoextend_percent':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
match => '^\s*snapshot_autoextend_percent +=.*',
line => ' snapshot_autoextend_percent = 20',
file { "${cinder_directory}/iscsi-target":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => File[$cinder_directory],
-> file { "${cinder_directory}/iscsi-target/saveconfig.json":
ensure => 'present',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600',
content => '{
"fabric_modules": [],
"storage_objects": [],
"targets": []
if $lvm_type == 'thin' {
$iscsi_lvm_config = {
'lvm/iscsi_target_flags' => {'value' => 'direct'},
'lvm/lvm_type' => {'value' => 'thin'},
'DEFAULT/max_over_subscription_ratio' => {'value' => 1.0}
} else {
$iscsi_lvm_config = {
'lvm/iscsi_target_flags' => {'value' => 'direct'},
'lvm/lvm_type' => {'value' => 'default'},
'lvm/volume_clear' => {'value' => 'none'}
cinder::backend::iscsi { 'lvm':
iscsi_ip_address => $iscsi_ip_address,
extra_options => $iscsi_lvm_config ,
volumes_dir => "${cinder_directory}/data/volumes",
define openstack::cinder::backend::ceph(
$backend_enabled = false,
$rbd_user = 'cinder',
$rbd_ceph_conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
) {
if $backend_enabled {
cinder::backend::rbd {$backend_name:
backend_host => '$host',
rbd_pool => $rbd_pool,
rbd_user => $rbd_user,
rbd_ceph_conf => $rbd_ceph_conf,
} else {
cinder_config {
"${backend_name}/volume_backend_name": ensure => absent;
"${backend_name}/volume_driver": ensure => absent;
"${backend_name}/backend_host": ensure => absent;
"${backend_name}/rbd_ceph_conf": ensure => absent;
"${backend_name}/rbd_pool": ensure => absent;
class openstack::cinder::backends::ceph (
$ceph_backend_configs = {}
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
create_resources('openstack::cinder::backend::ceph', $ceph_backend_configs)
class openstack::cinder::emc_vnx(
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
create_resources('cinder_config', hiera_hash('openstack::cinder::emc_vnx::config_params', {}))
if $feature_enabled {
$scsi_id_ensure = 'link'
} else {
$scsi_id_ensure = 'absent'
#TODO(rchurch): Evaluate this with Pike... Still needed?
# During creating EMC cinder bootable volume, in
# python2-os-brick-1.1.0-1.el7.noarch invokes "scsi_id" command and
# fails as "scsi_id" is not in the search PATH. So create a symlink
# here. The fix is already in the later version of os-brick. We
# can remove this code when python2-os-brick is upgraded.
file { '/usr/bin/scsi_id':
ensure => $scsi_id_ensure,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
target => '/lib/udev/scsi_id',
define openstack::cinder::backend::hpe3par
$hiera_params = "openstack::cinder::${name}::config_params"
$feature_enabled = "openstack::cinder::${name}::feature_enabled"
create_resources('cinder_config', hiera_hash($hiera_params, {}))
if $feature_enabled {
exec {"Including ${name} configuration":
path => [ '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin' ],
command => "echo Including ${name} configuration",
class openstack::cinder::backends::hpe3par (
$sections = []
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
::openstack::cinder::backend::hpe3par {$sections:}
class openstack::cinder::hpelefthand(
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
create_resources('cinder_config', hiera_hash('openstack::cinder::hpelefthand::config_params', {}))
# As HP SANs are addon PS supported options, make sure we have explicit
# logging showing this is being included when the feature is enabled.
if $feature_enabled {
exec {'Including hpelefthand configuration':
path => [ '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin' ],
command => 'echo Including hpelefthand configuration',
class openstack::cinder::firewall
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::firewall::rule { 'cinder-api':
service_name => 'cinder',
ports => $api_port,
class openstack::cinder::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'cinder-restapi':
server_name => 's-cinder',
public_port => $api_port,
private_port => $api_port,
define openstack::cinder::api::backend(
$type_enabled = false,
) {
# Run it on the active controller, otherwise the prefetch step tries to query
# cinder and can fail
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) {
if $type_enabled {
cinder_type { $type_name:
ensure => present,
properties => ["volume_backend_name=${backend_name}"]
} else {
cinder_type { $type_name:
ensure => absent
class openstack::cinder::api::backends(
$ceph_type_configs = {}
) inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# Only include cinder_type the first time an lvm or ceph backend is
# initialized
if $is_initial_cinder_lvm {
::openstack::cinder::api::backend { 'lvm-store':
type_enabled => true,
type_name => 'iscsi',
backend_name => 'lvm'
# Add/Remove any additional cinder ceph tier types
create_resources('openstack::cinder::api::backend', $ceph_type_configs)
# Add SAN volume types here when/if required
# Called from the controller manifest
class openstack::cinder::api
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
include ::platform::params
$api_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
$api_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address
$upgrade = $::platform::params::controller_upgrade
if $service_enabled and (str2bool($::is_controller_active) or $upgrade) {
include ::cinder::keystone::auth
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'systemcontroller' {
include ::dcorch::keystone::auth
include ::platform::dcorch::firewall
include ::platform::dcorch::haproxy
class { '::cinder::api':
bind_host => $api_host,
service_workers => $api_workers,
sync_db => $::platform::params::init_database,
enabled => str2bool($enable_cinder_service)
if $::openstack::cinder::params::configure_endpoint {
include ::openstack::cinder::firewall
include ::openstack::cinder::haproxy
if $service_enabled {
include ::openstack::cinder::api::backends
class { '::openstack::cinder::pre':
stage => pre
class { '::openstack::cinder::post':
stage => post
class openstack::cinder::pre {
include ::openstack::cinder::params
$enabled = str2bool($::openstack::cinder::params::enable_cinder_service)
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='systemcontroller' and $enabled {
# need to enable cinder-api-proxy in order to apply the cinder manifest
exec { 'Enable Dcorch Cinder API Proxy':
command => 'systemctl enable dcorch-cinder-api-proxy; systemctl start dcorch-cinder-api-proxy',
class openstack::cinder::post
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
# Ensure that phases are marked as complete
if $is_initial_cinder {
file { $initial_cinder_config_flag:
ensure => present
if $is_initial_cinder_lvm {
file { $initial_cinder_lvm_config_flag:
ensure => present
if $is_initial_cinder_ceph {
file { $initial_cinder_ceph_config_flag:
ensure => present
# To workaround an upstream bug in rbd code, we need to create
# an empty file /etc/ceph/ceph.client.None.keyring in order to
# do cinder backup and restore.
file { '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.None.keyring':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
if $is_node_cinder_lvm {
file { $node_cinder_lvm_config_flag:
ensure => present
# cinder-api needs to be running in order to apply the cinder manifest,
# however, it needs to be stopped/disabled to allow SM to manage the service.
# To allow for the transition it must be explicitly stopped. Once puppet
# can directly handle SM managed services, then this can be removed.
exec { 'Disable OpenStack - Cinder API':
command => 'systemctl stop openstack-cinder-api; systemctl disable openstack-cinder-api',
require => Class['openstack::cinder'],
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='systemcontroller' {
# stop and disable the cinder api proxy to allow SM to manage the service
exec { 'Disable Dcorch Cinder API Proxy':
command => 'systemctl stop dcorch-cinder-api-proxy; systemctl disable dcorch-cinder-api-proxy',
require => Class['openstack::cinder'],
class openstack::cinder::reload {
platform::sm::restart {'cinder-scheduler': }
platform::sm::restart {'cinder-volume': }
platform::sm::restart {'cinder-backup': }
platform::sm::restart {'cinder-api': }
# Called for runtime changes
class openstack::cinder::runtime
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
include ::openstack::cinder
include ::openstack::cinder::api
class { '::openstack::cinder::reload':
stage => post
# Called for runtime changes on region
class openstack::cinder::endpoint::runtime {
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) {
include ::cinder::keystone::auth
# Called for service_parameter runtime changes:
# - Currently cinder.conf only changes
# - external SAN backend sections
# - default section changes
class openstack::cinder::service_param::runtime
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
class { '::cinder::backends':
enabled_backends => $enabled_backends
include ::openstack::cinder::config::default
include ::openstack::cinder::backends::san
class { '::openstack::cinder::reload':
stage => post
# Called for rbd backend runtime changes
class openstack::cinder::backends::ceph::runtime
inherits ::openstack::cinder::params {
class { '::cinder::backends':
enabled_backends => $enabled_backends
if $service_enabled {
include ::openstack::cinder::backends::ceph
include ::openstack::cinder::api::backends
class { '::openstack::cinder::reload':
stage => post