
134 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script will remove all neutron bindings from controller-1.
# This is necessary to match the behaviour on controller-1 after
# the host is locked.
# This should be removed once we support data migration upon a
# swact to controller-1 during an upgrade.
import psycopg2
import sys
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
from oslo_log import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def main():
action = None
from_release = None
to_release = None # noqa
arg = 1
while arg < len(sys.argv):
if arg == 1:
from_release = sys.argv[arg]
elif arg == 2:
to_release = sys.argv[arg] # noqa
elif arg == 3:
action = sys.argv[arg]
print("Invalid option %s." % sys.argv[arg])
return 1
arg += 1
if from_release == "18.03" and action == "migrate":
except Exception as ex:
return 1
def run_cmd_postgres(cmd):
This executes the given command as user postgres. This is necessary when
this script is run as root, which is the case on an upgrade activation.
neutron_conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=neutron user=postgres")
with neutron_conn:
with neutron_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur:
cur.execute(cmd)"Executing '%s'" % cmd)
def move_routers_off_controller_1():
This function moves all routers hosted on controller-1 to controller-0.
This is required to match the DB state after controller-1 is locked as
part of the upgrade, at which point they will be automatically reschduled.
cmd = ("UPDATE routerl3agentbindings SET l3_agent_id="
"(SELECT id FROM agents WHERE agent_type='L3 agent'"
" AND host='controller-0') WHERE l3_agent_id IN"
" (SELECT id FROM agents WHERE agent_type='L3 agent'"
" AND host='controller-1') AND (SELECT count(id)"
" FROM agents WHERE agent_type='L3 agent'"
" AND host='controller-0')=1;")
def move_networks_off_controller_1():
This function moves all dhcp bindings from controller-1 to controller-0.
This is required to match the DB state after controller-1 is locked as
part of the upgrade, at which point they will be automatically reschduled.
cmd = ("UPDATE networkdhcpagentbindings SET dhcp_agent_id="
"(SELECT id FROM agents WHERE agent_type='DHCP agent'"
" AND host='controller-0') WHERE dhcp_agent_id IN"
" (SELECT id FROM agents WHERE agent_type='DHCP agent'"
" AND host='controller-1') AND (SELECT count(id)"
" FROM agents WHERE agent_type='DHCP agent'"
" AND host='controller-0')=1;")
def move_dhcp_port_device_id_off_controller_1():
This function updates all dhcp ports' device IDs bound to controller-0
over to controller-1. Note that because the prefix is based on hostname,
this prefix is constant for both controllers.
controller-0: "dhcpaebe17f8-776d-5ab6-9a5f-e9bdeeaca66f"
controller-1: "dhcpf42f2830-b2ec-5a2c-93f3-e3e3328e20a3"
cmd = ("UPDATE ports SET device_id ="
" REPLACE(device_id,"
" 'dhcpf42f2830-b2ec-5a2c-93f3-e3e3328e20a3',"
" 'dhcpaebe17f8-776d-5ab6-9a5f-e9bdeeaca66f')"
" WHERE device_owner = 'network:dhcp';")
def move_port_bindings_off_controller_1():
This function moves all port bindings from controller-1 to controller-0.
cmd = ("UPDATE ml2_port_bindings SET host='controller-0'"
" WHERE host='controller-1';")
def move_distributed_port_bindings_off_controller_1():
This function deletes all ml2_distributed_port_bindings on contorller-1.
cmd = ("DELETE FROM ml2_distributed_port_bindings"
" WHERE host='controller-1';")
if __name__ == "__main__":