# Copyright 2017-2020 Wind River # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import threading from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from dccommon import consts as dccommon_consts from dcdbsync.dbsyncclient import client as dbsyncclient from dcmanager.common import consts as dcmanager_consts from dcmanager.rpc import client as dcmanager_rpc_client from dcorch.common import consts from dcorch.common import context from dcorch.common import exceptions from dcorch.common import utils from dcorch.objects import orchrequest from dcorch.objects import resource from dcorch.objects import subcloud_resource from keystoneauth1 import loading from keystoneauth1 import session from keystoneclient import client as keystoneclient LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) STATUS_NEW = 'new' STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing' STATUS_TIMEDOUT = 'timedout' STATUS_SLEEPING = 'sleeping' STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN = 'shutting_down' # is this actually needed? # sync request states, should be in SyncRequest class STATE_QUEUED = 'queued' STATE_IN_PROGRESS = 'in-progress' STATE_TIMEDOUT = 'timedout' STATE_ABORTED = 'aborted' STATE_FAILED = 'failed' STATE_COMPLETED = 'completed' # Audit findings AUDIT_RESOURCE_MISSING = 'missing' AUDIT_RESOURCE_EXTRA = 'extra_resource' AUDIT_LOCK_NAME = 'dcorch-audit' class SyncThread(object): """Manages tasks related to resource management.""" MAX_RETRY = 2 # used by the audit to cache the master resources master_resources_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) def __init__(self, subcloud_engine, endpoint_type=None): super(SyncThread, self).__init__() self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type # endpoint type self.subcloud_engine = subcloud_engine # engine that owns this obj self.thread = None # thread running sync() self.audit_thread = None self.status = STATUS_NEW # protected by condition lock self.audit_status = None # todo: needed? self.condition = threading.Condition() # used to wake up the thread self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context() self.sync_handler_map = {} self.master_region_name = dccommon_consts.CLOUD_0 self.audit_resources = [] self.log_extra = { "instance": self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name + ": "} self.dcmanager_rpc_client = dcmanager_rpc_client.ManagerClient() self.sync_status = dcmanager_consts.SYNC_STATUS_UNKNOWN self.subcloud_managed = False self.sc_admin_session = None self.admin_session = None self.ks_client = None self.dbs_client = None def start(self): if self.status == STATUS_NEW: self.status = STATUS_PROCESSING self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.sync) self.thread.start() else: LOG.error("unable to start, not in new status", extra=self.log_extra) def shutdown(self): # Stop all work, optionally delete from DB self.condition.acquire() self.status = STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN self.condition.notify() # Wake the threads so they exit. self.condition.release() def should_exit(self): # Return whether the sync/audit threads should exit. # Caller must hold the condition lock. return self.status == STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN def wake(self): # Called when work has been saved to the DB self.condition.acquire() self.status = STATUS_PROCESSING self.condition.notify() self.condition.release() def initialize(self): # base implementation of initializing the master client. # The specific SyncThread subclasses may extend this. loader = loading.get_plugin_loader( cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_type) config = None if self.endpoint_type in consts.ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST: config = cfg.CONF.cache elif self.endpoint_type in dccommon_consts.ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST_OS: config = cfg.CONF.openstack_cache else: raise exceptions.EndpointNotSupported( endpoint=self.endpoint_type) auth = loader.load_from_options( auth_url=config.auth_uri, username=config.admin_username, password=config.admin_password, project_name=config.admin_tenant, project_domain_name=config.admin_project_domain_name, user_domain_name=config.admin_user_domain_name) self.admin_session = session.Session( auth=auth, timeout=60, additional_headers=dccommon_consts.USER_HEADER) # keystone client self.ks_client = keystoneclient.Client( session=self.admin_session, region_name=dccommon_consts.CLOUD_0) # dcdbsync client self.dbs_client = dbsyncclient.Client( endpoint_type=consts.DBS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL, session=self.admin_session, region_name=dccommon_consts.CLOUD_0) def initialize_sc_clients(self): # base implementation of initializing the subcloud specific # clients, only used by the subclasses. # The specific SyncThread subclasses may extend this if (not self.sc_admin_session): # Subclouds will use token from the Subcloud specific Keystone, # so define a session against that subcloud's identity identity_service = self.ks_client.services.list( name='keystone', type='identity') sc_auth_url = self.ks_client.endpoints.list( service=identity_service[0].id, interface=dccommon_consts.KS_ENDPOINT_ADMIN, region=self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name) try: LOG.info("Found sc_auth_url: {}".format(sc_auth_url)) sc_auth_url = sc_auth_url[0].url except IndexError: # It may happen that this subcloud was not managed LOG.info("Cannot find identity auth_url", extra=self.log_extra) return loader = loading.get_plugin_loader( cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_type) config = None if self.endpoint_type in consts.ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST: config = cfg.CONF.cache elif self.endpoint_type in dccommon_consts.ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST_OS: config = cfg.CONF.openstack_cache sc_auth = loader.load_from_options( auth_url=sc_auth_url, username=config.admin_username, password=config.admin_password, project_name=config.admin_tenant, project_domain_name=config.admin_project_domain_name, user_domain_name=config.admin_user_domain_name) self.sc_admin_session = session.Session( auth=sc_auth, timeout=60, additional_headers=dccommon_consts.USER_HEADER) def initial_sync(self): # Return True to indicate initial sync success return True def enable(self): # Called when DC manager thinks this subcloud is good to go. self.initialize() self.wake() self.run_sync_audit() def get_db_subcloud_resource(self, rsrc_id): try: subcloud_rsrc = \ subcloud_resource.SubcloudResource. \ get_by_resource_and_subcloud( self.ctxt, rsrc_id, self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.id) return subcloud_rsrc except exceptions.SubcloudResourceNotFound: LOG.info("{} not found in subcloud {} resource table".format( rsrc_id, self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.id), extra=self.log_extra) return None def persist_db_subcloud_resource(self, db_rsrc_id, subcloud_rsrc_id): # This function can be invoked after creating a subcloud resource. # Persist the subcloud resource to the DB for later # # Parameters: # db_rsrc_id: the "id" field of the resource in the DB # subcloud_rsrc_id: the unique identifier of the subcloud resource subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(db_rsrc_id) if not subcloud_rsrc: subcloud_rsrc = subcloud_resource.SubcloudResource( self.ctxt, subcloud_resource_id=subcloud_rsrc_id, resource_id=db_rsrc_id, subcloud_id=self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.id) # There is no race condition for creation of # subcloud_resource as it is always done from the same thread. subcloud_rsrc.create() elif subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id != subcloud_rsrc_id: # May be the resource was manually deleted from the subcloud. # So, update the dcorch DB with the new resource id from subcloud. subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id = subcloud_rsrc_id LOG.info("Updating {}:{} [{}]".format(db_rsrc_id, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, subcloud_rsrc_id), extra=self.log_extra) subcloud_rsrc.save() else: LOG.info("subcloud_rsrc {}:{} [{}] is up-to-date" .format(db_rsrc_id, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, subcloud_rsrc_id), extra=self.log_extra) return subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id def sync_resource(self, sync_request): rsrc = resource.Resource.get_by_id(self.ctxt, sync_request.orch_job.resource_id) handler = self.sync_handler_map[rsrc.resource_type] LOG.info("Invoking {} for {} [{}]".format( handler.__name__, rsrc.resource_type, sync_request.orch_job.operation_type), extra=self.log_extra) handler(sync_request, rsrc) def set_sync_status(self, sync_status): # Only report sync_status when managed subcloud_managed = self.subcloud_engine.is_managed() if not subcloud_managed: LOG.debug("set_sync_status: skip update sync update for unmanaged " "subcloud {}".format( self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name)) self.sync_status = dcmanager_consts.SYNC_STATUS_UNKNOWN self.subcloud_managed = False return if ((self.sync_status == sync_status) and (self.subcloud_managed != subcloud_managed)): return self.sync_status = sync_status self.subcloud_managed = subcloud_managed self.dcmanager_rpc_client.update_subcloud_endpoint_status( self.ctxt, self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, self.endpoint_type, sync_status) def sync(self): LOG.info("{}: starting sync routine".format(self.thread.name), extra=self.log_extra) self.condition.acquire() self.status = STATUS_PROCESSING region_name = self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name while self.status != STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN: sync_requests = [] # We want to check for pending work even if subcloud is disabled. if self.status in (STATUS_PROCESSING, STATUS_TIMEDOUT): states = [ consts.ORCH_REQUEST_QUEUED, consts.ORCH_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS, ] sync_requests = orchrequest.OrchRequestList.get_by_attrs( self.ctxt, self.endpoint_type, target_region_name=region_name, states=states) LOG.info("Got " + str(len(sync_requests)) + " sync request(s)", extra=self.log_extra) # todo: for each request look up sync handler based on # resource type (I'm assuming here we're not storing a python # object in the DB) # Update dcmanager with the current sync status. subcloud_enabled = self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() if sync_requests: self.set_sync_status(dcmanager_consts.SYNC_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC) else: self.set_sync_status(dcmanager_consts.SYNC_STATUS_IN_SYNC) if (not sync_requests or not subcloud_enabled or self.status == STATUS_TIMEDOUT): # Either there are no sync requests, or subcloud is disabled, # or we timed out trying to talk to it. # We're not going to process any sync requests, just go # back to sleep. if not subcloud_enabled: LOG.info("subcloud is disabled", extra=self.log_extra) if self.status == STATUS_PROCESSING: self.status = STATUS_SLEEPING LOG.debug("calling condition.wait", extra=self.log_extra) # no work to do, sleep till someone wakes us self.condition.wait() LOG.debug("back from condition.wait", extra=self.log_extra) else: # Subcloud is enabled and there are pending sync requests, so # we have work to do. self.condition.release() try: for request in sync_requests: if not self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() or \ self.should_exit(): # Oops, someone disabled the endpoint while # we were processing work for it. raise exceptions.EndpointNotReachable() request.state = consts.ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_IN_PROGRESS request.save() # save to DB retry_count = 0 while retry_count < self.MAX_RETRY: try: self.sync_resource(request) request.state = \ consts.ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_COMPLETED request.save() # save to DB break except exceptions.SyncRequestTimeout: request.try_count += 1 request.save() retry_count += 1 if retry_count >= self.MAX_RETRY: # todo: raise "unable to sync this # subcloud/endpoint" alarm with fmapi self.condition.acquire() self.status = STATUS_TIMEDOUT self.condition.release() raise exceptions.EndpointNotReachable() except exceptions.SyncRequestFailedRetry: # todo: raise "unable to sync this # subcloud/endpoint" alarm with fmapi request.try_count += 1 request.state = \ consts.ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_FAILED request.save() retry_count += 1 # we'll retry except exceptions.SyncRequestFailed: request.state = \ consts.ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_FAILED request.save() retry_count = self.MAX_RETRY # If we fall out of the retry loop we either succeeded # or failed multiple times and want to move to the next # request. except exceptions.EndpointNotReachable: # Endpoint not reachable, throw away all the sync requests. LOG.info("EndpointNotReachable, {} sync requests pending" .format(len(sync_requests))) # del sync_requests[:] #This fails due to: # 'OrchRequestList' object does not support item deletion self.condition.acquire() # if we get here it's because we want this thread to exit self.condition.release() LOG.info("exiting thread for subcloud", extra=self.log_extra) def run_sync_audit(self): if not self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() or self.should_exit(): return if self.endpoint_type in cfg.CONF.disable_audit_endpoints: LOG.warn("Audit disabled!", extra=self.log_extra) return # This will be called periodically as well as when the subcloud is # enabled. We want to make a new thread to do this so the caller # doesn't get blocked. thread = threading.Thread(target=self.do_sync_audit) thread.start() LOG.debug("{}: do_sync_audit started".format(thread.name), extra=self.log_extra) def do_sync_audit(self): LOG.debug("In do sync audit", extra=self.log_extra) # This first part just checks to see if we want to wake up the main # sync thread. We want to run this unconditionally. self.condition.acquire() if self.status == STATUS_TIMEDOUT: self.status = STATUS_PROCESSING self.condition.notify() # Now we want to look at the actual sync audit. If there's already a # sync audit thread running don't make a new one. if self.audit_thread is None or not self.audit_thread.is_alive(): LOG.debug("Creating sync audit thread", extra=self.log_extra) self.audit_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.sync_audit) self.audit_thread.start() else: LOG.info("Skipping sync audit thread creation, already running", extra=self.log_extra) self.condition.release() def sync_audit(self): LOG.debug("{}: starting sync audit".format(self.audit_thread.name), extra=self.log_extra) total_num_of_audit_jobs = 0 for resource_type in self.audit_resources: if not self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() or self.should_exit(): LOG.info("{}: aborting sync audit, as subcloud is disabled" .format(self.audit_thread.name), extra=self.log_extra) return # Skip resources with outstanding sync requests region_name = self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name sync_requests = [] states = [ consts.ORCH_REQUEST_QUEUED, consts.ORCH_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS, ] sync_requests = orchrequest.OrchRequestList.get_by_attrs( self.ctxt, self.endpoint_type, resource_type=resource_type, target_region_name=region_name, states=states) abort_resources = [req.orch_job.source_resource_id for req in sync_requests] if len(sync_requests) > 0: LOG.info("Will not audit {}. {} sync request(s) pending" .format(abort_resources, len(sync_requests)), extra=self.log_extra) num_of_audit_jobs = 0 try: m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources = \ self.get_all_resources(resource_type) # todo: delete entries in db_resources with no corresponding # entry in m_resources? if sc_resources is None or m_resources is None: return LOG.info("Audit {}".format( resource_type), extra=self.log_extra) LOG.debug("Auditing {}: master={} db={} sc={}".format( resource_type, m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources), extra=self.log_extra) num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_find_missing( resource_type, m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources, abort_resources) num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_find_extra( resource_type, m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources, abort_resources) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) # Extra resources in subcloud are not impacted by the audit. if not num_of_audit_jobs: LOG.info("Clean audit run for {}".format(resource_type), extra=self.log_extra) total_num_of_audit_jobs += num_of_audit_jobs if not total_num_of_audit_jobs: # todo: if we had an "unable to sync this # subcloud/endpoint" alarm raised, then clear it pass LOG.debug("{}: done sync audit".format(self.audit_thread.name), extra=self.log_extra) self.post_audit() @lockutils.synchronized(AUDIT_LOCK_NAME) def post_audit(self): # reset the cached master resources SyncThread.master_resources_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) # The specific SyncThread subclasses may perform additional post # audit actions def audit_find_missing(self, resource_type, m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources, abort_resources): """Find missing resources in subcloud. - Input param db_resources is modified in this routine to remove entries that match the resources in master cloud. At the end, db_resources will have a list of resources that are present in dcorch DB, but not present in the master cloud. """ num_of_audit_jobs = 0 for m_r in m_resources: master_id = self.get_resource_id(resource_type, m_r) if master_id in abort_resources: LOG.info("audit_find_missing: Aborting audit for {}" .format(master_id), extra=self.log_extra) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 # There are pending jobs for this resource, abort audit continue missing_resource = False m_rsrc_db = None for db_resource in db_resources: if db_resource.master_id == master_id: m_rsrc_db = db_resource db_resources.remove(db_resource) break if m_rsrc_db: # resource from master cloud is present in DB. # Contents of "m_r" may refer to other master cloud resources. # Make a copy with the references updated to refer to subcloud # resources. try: m_r_updated = self.update_resource_refs(resource_type, m_r) except exceptions.SubcloudResourceNotFound: # If we couldn't find the equivalent subcloud resources, # we don't know what to look for in the subcloud so skip # this m_r and go to the next one. continue # Now, look for subcloud resource in DB. # If present: look for actual resource in the # subcloud and compare the resource details. # If not present: create resource in subcloud. db_sc_resource = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(m_rsrc_db.id) if db_sc_resource: if not db_sc_resource.is_managed(): LOG.info("Resource {} is not managed" .format(master_id), extra=self.log_extra) continue sc_rsrc_present = False for sc_r in sc_resources: sc_id = self.get_resource_id(resource_type, sc_r) if sc_id == db_sc_resource.subcloud_resource_id: if self.same_resource(resource_type, m_r_updated, sc_r): LOG.debug("Resource type {} {} is in-sync" .format(resource_type, master_id), extra=self.log_extra) num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_dependants( resource_type, m_r, sc_r) sc_rsrc_present = True break if not sc_rsrc_present: LOG.info( "Subcloud resource {} found in master cloud & DB, " "but the exact same resource not found in subcloud" .format(db_sc_resource.subcloud_resource_id), extra=self.log_extra) # Subcloud resource is present in DB, but the check # for same_resource() was negative. Either the resource # disappeared from subcloud or the resource details # are different from that of master cloud. Let the # resource implementation decide on the audit action. missing_resource = self.audit_discrepancy( resource_type, m_r, sc_resources) else: LOG.info("Subcloud res {} not found in DB, will create" .format(master_id), extra=self.log_extra) # Check and see if there are any subcloud resources that # match the master resource, and if so set up mappings. # This returns true if it finds a match. if self.map_subcloud_resource(resource_type, m_r_updated, m_rsrc_db, sc_resources): continue missing_resource = True else: # master_resource not in resource DB LOG.info("{} not found in DB, will create it" .format(master_id), extra=self.log_extra) # Check and see if there are any subcloud resources that # match the master resource, and if so set up mappings. # This returns true if it finds a match. # This is for the case where the resource is not even in dcorch # resource DB (ie, resource has not been tracked by dcorch yet) if self.map_subcloud_resource(resource_type, m_r, m_rsrc_db, sc_resources): continue missing_resource = True if missing_resource: # Resource is missing from subcloud, take action num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_action( resource_type, AUDIT_RESOURCE_MISSING, m_r) # As the subcloud resource is missing, invoke # the hook for dependants with no subcloud resource. # Resource implementation should handle this. num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_dependants( resource_type, m_r, None) return num_of_audit_jobs def audit_find_extra(self, resource_type, m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources, abort_resources): """Find extra resources in subcloud. - Input param db_resources is expected to be a list of resources that are present in dcorch DB, but not present in the master cloud. """ num_of_audit_jobs = 0 # At this point, db_resources contains resources present in DB, # but not in master cloud for db_resource in db_resources: if db_resource.master_id: if db_resource.master_id in abort_resources: LOG.info("audit_find_extra: Aborting audit for {}" .format(db_resource.master_id), extra=self.log_extra) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 # There are pending jobs for this resource, abort audit continue LOG.debug("Extra resource ({}) in DB".format(db_resource.id), extra=self.log_extra) subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(db_resource.id) if subcloud_rsrc: if not subcloud_rsrc.is_managed(): LOG.info("Resource {} is not managed" .format(subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id), extra=self.log_extra) continue # check if the resource exists in subcloud, no need to # schedule work if it doesn't exist in subcloud. # This is a precautionary action in case the resource # has already be deleted in the subcloud which can happen # for example, user deletes the resource from master right # after an audit (not through api-proxy), then user deletes # that resource manually in the subcloud before the # next audit. if not self.resource_exists_in_subcloud(subcloud_rsrc, sc_resources): continue LOG.info("Resource ({}) and subcloud resource ({}) " "not in sync with master cloud" .format(db_resource.master_id, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id), extra=self.log_extra) # There is extra resource in the subcloud, take action. # Note that the resource is in dcorch DB, but not # actually present in the master cloud. num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_action( resource_type, AUDIT_RESOURCE_EXTRA, db_resource) else: # Resource is present in resource table, but not in # subcloud_resource table. We have also established that # the corresponding OpenStack resource is not present in # the master cloud. # There might be another subcloud with "unmanaged" # subcloud resource corresponding to this resource. # So, just ignore this here! pass return num_of_audit_jobs def schedule_work(self, endpoint_type, resource_type, source_resource_id, operation_type, resource_info=None): LOG.info("Scheduling {} work for {}/{}".format( operation_type, resource_type, source_resource_id), extra=self.log_extra) try: utils.enqueue_work( self.ctxt, endpoint_type, resource_type, source_resource_id, operation_type, resource_info, subcloud=self.subcloud_engine.subcloud) self.wake() except Exception as e: LOG.info("Exception in schedule_work: {}".format(str(e)), extra=self.log_extra) def get_resource_id(self, resource_type, resource): if hasattr(resource, 'master_id'): # If resource from DB, return master resource id # from master cloud return resource.master_id else: # Else, return id field (by default) return resource.id # Audit functions to be overridden in inherited classes def get_all_resources(self, resource_type): m_resources = None db_resources = None # Query subcloud first. If not reachable, abort audit. sc_resources = self.get_subcloud_resources(resource_type) if sc_resources is None: return m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources db_resources = self.get_db_master_resources(resource_type) m_resources = self.get_cached_master_resources(resource_type) return m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources @lockutils.synchronized(AUDIT_LOCK_NAME) def get_cached_master_resources(self, resource_type): if resource_type in SyncThread.master_resources_dict: m_resources = SyncThread.master_resources_dict[resource_type] else: m_resources = self.get_master_resources(resource_type) if m_resources is not None: SyncThread.master_resources_dict[resource_type] = m_resources return m_resources def get_subcloud_resources(self, resource_type): return None def get_db_master_resources(self, resource_type): return list(resource.ResourceList.get_all(self.ctxt, resource_type)) def get_master_resources(self, resource_type): return None def same_resource(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resource): return True def has_same_ids(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resource): return False def map_subcloud_resource(self, resource_type, m_r, m_rsrc_db, sc_resources): # Child classes can override this function to map an existing subcloud # resource to an existing master resource. If a mapping is created # the function should return True. # # It is expected that update_resource_refs() has been called on m_r. return False def update_resource_refs(self, resource_type, m_r): # Child classes can override this function to update any references # to other master resources embedded within the info of this resource. return m_r def audit_dependants(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resource): num_of_audit_jobs = 0 if not self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() or self.should_exit(): return num_of_audit_jobs if not sc_resource: # Handle None value for sc_resource pass return num_of_audit_jobs def audit_discrepancy(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resources): # Return true to try creating the resource again return True def audit_action(self, resource_type, finding, resource): LOG.info("audit_action: {}/{}" .format(finding, resource_type), extra=self.log_extra) # Default actions are create & delete. Can be overridden # in resource implementation num_of_audit_jobs = 0 # resource can be either from dcorch DB or fetched by OpenStack query resource_id = self.get_resource_id(resource_type, resource) if finding == AUDIT_RESOURCE_MISSING: # default action is create for a 'missing' resource self.schedule_work( self.endpoint_type, resource_type, resource_id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_CREATE, self.get_resource_info( resource_type, resource, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_CREATE)) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 elif finding == AUDIT_RESOURCE_EXTRA: # default action is delete for an 'extra_resource' # resource passed in is db_resource (resource in dcorch DB) self.schedule_work(self.endpoint_type, resource_type, resource_id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 return num_of_audit_jobs def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource, operation_type=None): return "" # check if the subcloud resource (from dcorch subcloud_resource table) # exists in subcloud resources. def resource_exists_in_subcloud(self, subcloud_rsrc, sc_resources): return True