
172 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, 2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
from dccommon.consts import DEFAULT_REGION_NAME
from dcmanager.common.consts import ERROR_DESC_CMD
from dcmanager.common.consts import STRATEGY_STATE_COMPLETE
from dcmanager.common.consts \
from dcmanager.common import utils
from dcmanager.db import api as db_api
from dcmanager.orchestrator.states.base import BaseState
# These following alarms can occur during a vim orchestrated k8s upgrade on the
# subcloud. By ignoring the alarms, subcloud k8s upgrade can be
# retried after a failure using DC orchestrator.
ALARM_IGNORE_LIST = ['100.003', '200.001', '700.004', '750.006',
'900.007', '900.401']
class KubeUpgradePreCheckState(BaseState):
"""Perform pre check operations to determine if kube upgrade is required"""
def __init__(self, region_name):
super(KubeUpgradePreCheckState, self).__init__(
def perform_state_action(self, strategy_step):
"""This state will determine the starting state for kube upgrade
A subcloud will be out-of-sync if its version does not match the
system controller version, however it may be a higher version.
Subclouds at a higher version than the to-version will be skipped.
If the strategy contains the extra_args: 'to-version',
the subcloud can be upgraded if the 'available' version is
less than or equal to that version.
If a subcloud has an upgrade in progress, its to-version is compared
rather than the 'available' version in the subcloud. This allows
a partially upgraded subcloud to be skipped.
system_health = self.get_sysinv_client(
fails = re.findall("\[Fail\]", system_health)
failed_alarm_check = re.findall("No alarms: \[Fail\]", system_health)
no_mgmt_alarms = re.findall("\[0\] of which are management affecting",
if not fails or (len(fails) == 1 and failed_alarm_check and no_mgmt_alarms):
self.info_log(strategy_step, "Kubernetes upgrade health check passed.")
elif (len(fails) == 1 and failed_alarm_check):
alarms = self.get_fm_client(self.region_name).get_alarms()
for alarm in alarms:
if alarm.alarm_id not in ALARM_IGNORE_LIST:
if alarm.mgmt_affecting == "True":
error_desc_msg = (
"Kubernetes upgrade health check failed due to alarm "
"%s. Kubernetes upgrade health: \n %s" % (
alarm.alarm_id, system_health))
self.context, strategy_step.subcloud_id,
self.error_log(strategy_step, "\n" + system_health)
raise Exception((
"Kubernetes upgrade health check failed due to alarm "
"%s. Please run 'system health-query-kube-upgrade' "
"command on the subcloud or %s on central for details." %
(alarm.alarm_id, ERROR_DESC_CMD)))
error_desc_msg = ("Kubernetes upgrade health check failed. \n %s" %
self.error_log(strategy_step, "\n" + system_health)
self.context, strategy_step.subcloud_id,
raise Exception(("Kubernetes upgrade health check failed. "
"Please run 'system health-query-kube-upgrade' "
"command on the subcloud or %s on central for details"
# check extra_args for the strategy
# if there is a to-version, use that when checking against the subcloud
# target version, otherwise compare to the sytem controller version
# to determine if this subcloud is permitted to upgrade.
extra_args = utils.get_sw_update_strategy_extra_args(self.context)
if extra_args is None:
extra_args = {}
to_version = extra_args.get('to-version', None)
if to_version is None:
sys_kube_versions = \
to_version = utils.get_active_kube_version(sys_kube_versions)
if to_version is None:
# No active target kube version on the system controller means
# the system controller is part-way through a kube upgrade
message = "System Controller has no active target kube version"
self.warn_log(strategy_step, message)
raise Exception(message)
# Get any existing kubernetes upgrade operation in the subcloud,
# and use its to-version rather than the 'available' version for
# determining whether or not to skip.
subcloud_kube_upgrades = \
if len(subcloud_kube_upgrades) > 0:
target_version = subcloud_kube_upgrades[0].to_version
"Pre-Check. Existing Kubernetes upgrade:(%s) exists"
% target_version)
# The subcloud can only be upgraded to an 'available' version
subcloud_kube_versions = \
target_version = \
subcloud_kube_versions, to_version
"Pre-Check. Available Kubernetes upgrade:(%s)"
% target_version)
# For the to-version, the code currently allows a partial version
# ie: v1.20 or a version that is much higher than is installed.
# This allows flexability when passing in a to-version.
# The 'to-version' is the desired version to upgrade the subcloud.
# The 'target_version' is what the subcloud is allowed to upgrade to.
# if the 'target_version' is already greater than the 'to-version' then
# we want to skip this subcloud.
# Example: subcloud 'target_version' is 1.20.9 , to-version is 1.19.13
# so the upgrade should be skipped.
# Example2: subcloud 'target_version' is 1.19.13, to-version is 1.20.9
# so the upgrade should be invoked, but will only move to 1.19.13.
# Another upgrade would be needed for the versions to match.
# Example3: subcloud 'target_version': None. The upgrade is skipped.
# The subcloud is already upgraded as far as it can go/
should_skip = False
if target_version is None:
should_skip = True
# -1 if target_version is less. 0 means equal. 1 means greater
# Should skip is the target_version is already greater
if 1 == utils.kube_version_compare(target_version, to_version):
should_skip = True
# the default next state is to create the vim strategy
# if there is no need to upgrade, short circuit to complete.
if should_skip:
# Add a log indicating we are skipping (and why)
"Pre-Check Skip. Orchestration To-Version:(%s). "
"Subcloud To-Version:(%s)"
% (to_version, target_version))
# Add a log indicating what we expect the next state to 'target'
"Pre-Check Pass. Orchestration To-Version:(%s). "
" Subcloud To-Version:(%s)"
% (to_version, target_version))
return self.next_state