.. _create-rbd-volume-snapshot-class-0318eed94b92: ================================ Create RBD Volume Snapshot Class ================================ Volume Snapshot Class for |RBD| provisioner can be created via Helm overrides to support |PVC| snapshots. .. rubric:: |context| A Volume Snapshot Class enables the creation of snapshots for |PVCs|, allowing efficient backups and data restoration. This functionality ensures data protection, facilitating point-in-time recovery and minimizing the risk of data loss in Kubernetes clusters. The procedure below demonstrates how to create a Volume Snapshot Class and Volume Snapshot for the |RBD| provisioner. .. note:: It is necessary that the |CRDs| and snapshot-controller running pod are present in the system to create the Volume Snapshot Class. The |CRDs| and snapshot-controller are created by default during installation when running the bootstrap playbook. .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/create-rbd-volume-snapshot-class-0318eed94b92.rest :start-after: fresh-install-begin :end-before: fresh-install-end .. rubric:: |proc| #. List installed Helm chart overrides for the ``platform-integ-apps``. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-list platform-integ-apps +--------------------+----------------------+ | chart name | overrides namespaces | +--------------------+----------------------+ | ceph-pools-audit | ['kube-system'] | | cephfs-provisioner | ['kube-system'] | | rbd-provisioner | ['kube-system'] | +--------------------+----------------------+ #. Review existing overrides for the rbd-provisioner chart. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-show platform-integ-apps rbd-provisioner kube-system #. Check if the ``provisioner.snapshotter.enabled`` is set to true. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-show platform-integ-apps rbd-provisioner kube-system +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | attributes | enabled: true | | | | | combined_overrides | ... | | | provisioner: | | | replicaCount: 1 | | | snapshotter: | | | enabled: true | +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ True means that the ``csi-snapshotter`` container is created inside the |RBD| provisioner pod and that the |CRDs| and ``snapshot-controller`` with the corresponding Kubernetes version are created. If the value is false, and the |CRDs| and snapshot controller are present in a later version than what is recommended for Kubernetes on your system, you can update the value via ``helm-overrides`` and set it to ``true`` and continue with the creation of the container as follows: #. Update to ``true`` via ``helm-overrides``. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-update --reuse-values platform-integ-apps rbd-provisioner kube-system --set provisioner.snapshotter.enabled=true #. Create container. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system application-apply platform-integ-apps .. important:: To proceed with the creation of the snapshot class and volume snapshot, it is strictly necessary that the ``csi-snapshotter`` container is created. #. Update ``snapshotClass.create`` to ``true`` via Helm. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-update --reuse-values platform-integ-apps rbd-provisioner kube-system --set snapshotClass.create=True #. Confirm that the new overrides have been applied to the chart. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system helm-override-show platform-integ-apps rbd-provisioner kube-system +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | attributes | enabled: true | | | | | combined_overrides | classdefaults: | | | adminId: admin | | | adminSecretName: ceph-admin | | | monitors: | | | - | | | storageClass: general | | | csiConfig: | | | - clusterID: c10448eb-6dee-4992-a93c-a1c628b9165e | | | monitors: | | | - | | | provisioner: | | | replicaCount: 1 | | | snapshotter: | | | enabled: true | | | snapshotClass: | | | clusterID: c10448eb-6dee-4992-a93c-a1c628b9165e | | | create: true | | | provisionerSecret: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | storageClasses: | | | - additionalNamespaces: | | | - default | | | - kube-public | | | chunk_size: 64 | | | clusterID: c10448eb-6dee-4992-a93c-a1c628b9165e | | | controllerExpandSecret: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset | | | name: general | | | nodeStageSecret: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | pool_name: kube-rbd | | | provisionerSecret: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | replication: 1 | | | userId: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-rbd | | | | | name | rbd-provisioner | | namespace | kube-system | | system_overrides | ... | | | | | user_overrides | snapshotClass: | | | create: true | | | | +--------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ #. Apply the overrides. #. Run the :command:`application-apply` command. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system application-apply platform-integ-apps +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ | active | True | | app_version | 1.0-65 | | created_at | 2024-01-08T18:15:07.178753+00:00 | | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests | | manifest_name | platform-integ-apps-fluxcd-manifests | | name | platform-integ-apps | | progress | None | | status | applying | | updated_at | 2024-01-08T18:39:10.251660+00:00 | +---------------+--------------------------------------+ #. Monitor progress using the application-list command. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ system application-list +--------------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | application | version | manifest name | manifest file | status | progress | +--------------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | platform-integ-apps | 1.0-65 | platform-integ-apps-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | applied | completed | +--------------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ #. Confirm the creation of the Volume Snapshot Class after a few seconds. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ kubectl get volumesnapshotclasses.snapshot.storage.k8s.io NAME DRIVER DELETIONPOLICY AGE rbd-snapshot rbd.csi.ceph.com Delete 5s #. With the |RBD| Volume Snapshot Class created, you can now create |RBD| |PVC| snapshots. #. Consider the |RBD| Volume Snapshot yaml example: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ cat << EOF > ~/rbd-volume-snapshot.yaml --- apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: VolumeSnapshot metadata: name: spec: volumeSnapshotClassName: rbd-snapshot source: persistentVolumeClaimName: EOF #. Replace the values in the ``persistentVolumeClaimName`` and ``name`` fields. #. Create the Volume Snapshot. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ kubectl create -f rbd-volume-snapshot.yaml #. Confirm that it was created successfully. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)$ kubectl get volumesnapshots.snapshot.storage.k8s.io NAME READYTOUSE SOURCEPVC SOURCESNAPSHOTCONTENT RESTORESIZE SNAPSHOTCLASS SNAPSHOTCONTENT CREATIONTIME AGE rbd-pvc-snapshot true rbd-pvc 1Gi rbd-snapshot snapcontent-1bb7e2cb-9123-47c4-9e56-7d16f24f973e 13s 17s