.. _aio_simplex_install_kubernetes: ================================================= Install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Simplex ================================================= .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/install-kubernetes-null-labels.rest .. only:: starlingx This section describes the steps to install the StarlingX Kubernetes platform on a **StarlingX R5.0 All-in-one Simplex** deployment configuration. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 --------------------- Create a bootable USB --------------------- Refer to :ref:`Bootable USB ` for instructions on how to create a bootable USB with the StarlingX ISO on your system. -------------------------------- Install software on controller-0 -------------------------------- .. include:: inc-install-software-on-controller.rest :start-after: incl-install-software-controller-0-aio-start :end-before: incl-install-software-controller-0-aio-end -------------------------------- Bootstrap system on controller-0 -------------------------------- #. Login using the username / password of "sysadmin" / "sysadmin". When logging in for the first time, you will be forced to change the password. :: Login: sysadmin Password: Changing password for sysadmin. (current) UNIX Password: sysadmin New Password: (repeat) New Password: #. Verify and/or configure IP connectivity. External connectivity is required to run the Ansible bootstrap playbook. The StarlingX boot image will |DHCP| out all interfaces so the server may have obtained an IP address and have external IP connectivity if a |DHCP| server is present in your environment. Verify this using the :command:`ip addr` and :command:`ping` commands. Otherwise, manually configure an IP address and default IP route. Use the PORT, IP-ADDRESS/SUBNET-LENGTH and GATEWAY-IP-ADDRESS applicable to your deployment environment. :: sudo ip address add / dev sudo ip link set up dev sudo ip route add default via dev ping #. Specify user configuration overrides for the Ansible bootstrap playbook. Ansible is used to bootstrap StarlingX on controller-0. Key files for Ansible configuration are: ``/etc/ansible/hosts`` The default Ansible inventory file. Contains a single host: localhost. ``/usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/bootstrap.yml`` The Ansible bootstrap playbook. ``/usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/host_vars/bootstrap/default.yml`` The default configuration values for the bootstrap playbook. ``sysadmin home directory ($HOME)`` The default location where Ansible looks for and imports user configuration override files for hosts. For example: ``$HOME/.yml``. .. only:: starlingx .. include:: ../ansible_install_time_only.txt Specify the user configuration override file for the Ansible bootstrap playbook using one of the following methods: #. Use a copy of the default.yml file listed above to provide your overrides. The default.yml file lists all available parameters for bootstrap configuration with a brief description for each parameter in the file comments. To use this method, copy the default.yml file listed above to ``$HOME/localhost.yml`` and edit the configurable values as desired. #. Create a minimal user configuration override file. To use this method, create your override file at ``$HOME/localhost.yml`` and provide the minimum required parameters for the deployment configuration as shown in the example below. Use the OAM IP SUBNET and IP ADDRESSing applicable to your deployment environment. :: cd ~ cat < localhost.yml system_mode: simplex dns_servers: - - external_oam_subnet: / external_oam_gateway_address: external_oam_floating_address: admin_username: admin admin_password: ansible_become_pass: EOF .. only:: starlingx In either of the above options, the bootstrap playbook’s default values will pull all container images required for the |prod-p| from Docker hub. If you have setup a private Docker registry to use for bootstrapping then you will need to add the following lines in $HOME/localhost.yml: .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/install-kubernetes-bootstrap-playbook.rest :start-after: docker-reg-begin :end-before: docker-reg-end .. code-block:: docker_registries: quay.io: url: myprivateregistry.abc.com:9001/quay.io docker.elastic.co: url: myprivateregistry.abc.com:9001/docker.elastic.co gcr.io: url: myprivateregistry.abc.com:9001/gcr.io k8s.gcr.io: url: myprivateregistry.abc.com:9001/k8s.gcr.io docker.io: url: myprivateregistry.abc.com:9001/docker.io defaults: type: docker username: password: # Add the CA Certificate that signed myprivateregistry.abc.com’s # certificate as a Trusted CA ssl_ca_cert: /home/sysadmin/myprivateregistry.abc.com-ca-cert.pem See :ref:`Use a Private Docker Registry ` for more information. .. only:: starlingx If a firewall is blocking access to Docker hub or your private registry from your StarlingX deployment, you will need to add the following lines in $HOME/localhost.yml (see :ref:`Docker Proxy Configuration ` for more details about Docker proxy settings): .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/install-kubernetes-bootstrap-playbook.rest :start-after: firewall-begin :end-before: firewall-end .. code-block:: # Add these lines to configure Docker to use a proxy server docker_http_proxy: http://my.proxy.com:1080 docker_https_proxy: https://my.proxy.com:1443 docker_no_proxy: - Refer to :ref:`Ansible Bootstrap Configurations ` for information on additional Ansible bootstrap configurations for advanced Ansible bootstrap scenarios. #. Run the Ansible bootstrap playbook: :: ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/bootstrap.yml Wait for Ansible bootstrap playbook to complete. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine. ---------------------- Configure controller-0 ---------------------- The newly installed controller needs to be configured. #. Acquire admin credentials: :: source /etc/platform/openrc #. Configure the |OAM| interface of controller-0 and specify the attached network as "oam". Use the |OAM| port name that is applicable to your deployment environment, for example eth0: :: OAM_IF= system host-if-modify controller-0 $OAM_IF -c platform system interface-network-assign controller-0 $OAM_IF oam #. Configure |NTP| servers for network time synchronization: :: system ntp-modify ntpservers=0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org #. Configure data interfaces for controller-0. Use the DATA port names, for example eth0, applicable to your deployment environment. This step is **optional** for Kubernetes. Do this step if using |SRIOV| network attachments in hosted application containers. .. only:: starlingx .. important:: This step is **required** for OpenStack. * Configure the data interfaces. :: export NODE=controller-0 # List inventoried host’s ports and identify ports to be used as ‘data’ interfaces, # based on displayed linux port name, pci address and device type. system host-port-list ${NODE} # List host’s auto-configured ‘ethernet’ interfaces, # find the interfaces corresponding to the ports identified in previous step, and # take note of their UUID system host-if-list -a ${NODE} # Modify configuration for these interfaces # Configuring them as ‘data’ class interfaces, MTU of 1500 and named data# system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data0 -c data ${NODE} system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data1 -c data ${NODE} # Create Data Networks PHYSNET0='physnet0' PHYSNET1='physnet1' system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} vlan system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET1} vlan # Assign Data Networks to Data Interfaces system interface-datanetwork-assign ${NODE} ${PHYSNET0} system interface-datanetwork-assign ${NODE} ${PHYSNET1} * To enable using |SRIOV| network attachments for the above interfaces in Kubernetes hosted application containers: * Configure the Kubernetes |SRIOV| device plugin. :: system host-label-assign controller-0 sriovdp=enabled * If planning on running |DPDK| in Kubernetes hosted application containers on this host, configure the number of 1G Huge pages required on both |NUMA| nodes. :: # assign 10x 1G huge page on processor/numa-node 0 on controller-0 to applications system host-memory-modify -f application controller-0 0 -1G 10 # assign 10x 1G huge page on processor/numa-node 1 on controller-0 to applications system host-memory-modify -f application controller-0 1 -1G 10 *************************************************************** If required, initialize a Ceph-based Persistent Storage Backend *************************************************************** A persistent storage backend is required if your application requires |PVCs|. .. only:: starlingx .. important:: The StarlingX OpenStack application **requires** |PVCs|. There are two options for persistent storage backend: the host-based Ceph solution and the Rook container-based Ceph solution. For host-based Ceph: #. Add host-based Ceph backend: :: system storage-backend-add ceph --confirmed #. Add an |OSD| on controller-0 for host-based Ceph: .. code-block:: bash # List host’s disks and identify disks you want to use for CEPH OSDs, taking note of their UUID # By default, /dev/sda is being used as system disk and can not be used for OSD. system host-disk-list controller-0 # Add disk as an OSD storage system host-stor-add controller-0 osd # List OSD storage devices system host-stor-list controller-0 .. only:: starlingx For Rook container-based Ceph: #. Add Rook container-based backend: :: system storage-backend-add ceph-rook --confirmed #. Assign Rook host labels to controller-0 in support of installing the rook-ceph-apps manifest/helm-charts later: :: system host-label-assign controller-0 ceph-mon-placement=enabled system host-label-assign controller-0 ceph-mgr-placement=enabled .. only:: openstack ************************************* OpenStack-specific host configuration ************************************* .. incl-config-controller-0-openstack-specific-aio-simplex-start: .. important:: **This step is required only if the StarlingX OpenStack application (stx-openstack) will be installed.** #. **For OpenStack only:** Assign OpenStack host labels to controller-0 in support of installing the stx-openstack manifest and helm-charts later. :: system host-label-assign controller-0 openstack-control-plane=enabled system host-label-assign controller-0 openstack-compute-node=enabled system host-label-assign controller-0 openvswitch=enabled system host-label-assign controller-0 sriov=enabled #. **For OpenStack only:** Configure the system setting for the vSwitch. StarlingX has |OVS| (kernel-based) vSwitch configured as default: * Runs in a container; defined within the helm charts of stx-openstack manifest. * Shares the core(s) assigned to the platform. If you require better performance, |OVS|-|DPDK| (|OVS| with the Data Plane Development Kit, which is supported only on bare metal hardware) should be used: * Runs directly on the host (it is not containerized). * Requires that at least 1 core be assigned/dedicated to the vSwitch function. **To deploy the default containerized OVS:** :: system modify --vswitch_type none This does not run any vSwitch directly on the host, instead, it uses the containerized |OVS| defined in the helm charts of stx-openstack manifest. **To deploy OVS-DPDK, run the following command:** :: system modify --vswitch_type ovs-dpdk Default recommendation for an AIO-controller is to use a single core for |OVS|-|DPDK| vswitch. :: # assign 1 core on processor/numa-node 0 on controller-0 to vswitch system host-cpu-modify -f vswitch -p0 1 controller-0 When using |OVS|-|DPDK|, configure 1x 1G huge page for vSwitch memory on each |NUMA| node where vswitch is running on this host, with the following command: :: # assign 1x 1G huge page on processor/numa-node 0 on controller-0 to vswitch system host-memory-modify -f vswitch -1G 1 controller-0 0 .. important:: |VMs| created in an |OVS|-|DPDK| environment must be configured to use huge pages to enable networking and must use a flavor with property: hw:mem_page_size=large Configure the huge pages for |VMs| in an |OVS|-|DPDK| environment on this host with the commands: :: # assign 1x 1G huge page on processor/numa-node 0 on controller-0 to applications system host-memory-modify -f application -1G 10 controller-0 0 # assign 1x 1G huge page on processor/numa-node 1 on controller-0 to applications system host-memory-modify -f application -1G 10 controller-0 1 .. note:: After controller-0 is unlocked, changing vswitch_type requires locking and unlocking controller-0 to apply the change. #. **For OpenStack only:** Set up disk partition for nova-local volume group, which is needed for stx-openstack nova ephemeral disks. .. code-block:: bash export NODE=controller-0 echo ">>> Getting root disk info" ROOT_DISK=$(system host-show ${NODE} | grep rootfs | awk '{print $4}') ROOT_DISK_UUID=$(system host-disk-list ${NODE} --nowrap | grep ${ROOT_DISK} | awk '{print $2}') echo "Root disk: $ROOT_DISK, UUID: $ROOT_DISK_UUID" echo ">>>> Configuring nova-local" NOVA_SIZE=34 NOVA_PARTITION=$(system host-disk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol ${NODE} ${ROOT_DISK_UUID} ${NOVA_SIZE}) NOVA_PARTITION_UUID=$(echo ${NOVA_PARTITION} | grep -ow "| uuid | [a-z0-9\-]* |" | awk '{print $4}') system host-lvg-add ${NODE} nova-local system host-pv-add ${NODE} nova-local ${NOVA_PARTITION_UUID} sleep 2 .. incl-config-controller-0-openstack-specific-aio-simplex-end: ------------------- Unlock controller-0 ------------------- .. incl-unlock-controller-0-aio-simplex-start: Unlock controller-0 to bring it into service: :: system host-unlock controller-0 Controller-0 will reboot in order to apply configuration changes and come into service. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine. .. incl-unlock-controller-0-aio-simplex-end: .. only:: starlingx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If using Rook container-based Ceph, finish configuring the ceph-rook Persistent Storage Backend ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On controller-0: #. Wait for application rook-ceph-apps to be uploaded :: $ source /etc/platform/openrc $ system application-list +---------------------+---------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+-----------+ | application | version | manifest name | manifest file | status | progress | +---------------------+---------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+-----------+ | oidc-auth-apps | 1.0-0 | oidc-auth-manifest | manifest.yaml | uploaded | completed | | platform-integ-apps | 1.0-8 | platform-integration-manifest | manifest.yaml | uploaded | completed | | rook-ceph-apps | 1.0-1 | rook-ceph-manifest | manifest.yaml | uploaded | completed | +---------------------+---------+-------------------------------+---------------+----------+-----------+ #. Configure rook to use /dev/sdb disk on controller-0 as a ceph |OSD|. :: system host-disk-wipe -s --confirm controller-0 /dev/sdb values.yaml for rook-ceph-apps. :: cluster: storage: nodes: - name: controller-0 devices: - name: /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:03.0-ata-2.0 :: system helm-override-update rook-ceph-apps rook-ceph kube-system --values values.yaml #. Apply the rook-ceph-apps application. :: system application-apply rook-ceph-apps #. Wait for |OSDs| pod to be ready. :: kubectl get pods -n kube-system rook--ceph-crashcollector-controller-0-764c7f9c8-bh5c7 1/1 Running 0 62m rook--ceph-mgr-a-69df96f57-9l28p 1/1 Running 0 63m rook--ceph-mon-a-55fff49dcf-ljfnx 1/1 Running 0 63m rook--ceph-operator-77b64588c5-nlsf2 1/1 Running 0 66m rook--ceph-osd-0-7d5785889f-4rgmb 1/1 Running 0 62m rook--ceph-osd-prepare-controller-0-cmwt5 0/1 Completed 0 2m14s rook--ceph-tools-5778d7f6c-22tms 1/1 Running 0 64m rook--discover-kmv6c 1/1 Running 0 65m ---------- Next steps ---------- .. include:: ../kubernetes_install_next.txt