.. Common string substitutions for brand customization and consistency. .. NOTE: Do not use underscores in these substitution names. .. For more information, see .. https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#substitutions .. Load container versions .. include:: /_vendor/container-subs-stx.txt .. Organization name .. |org| replace:: StarlingX .. Short and long product names such as "StarlingX" and "Acme Co. StarlingX" .. |prod| replace:: StarlingX .. |prod-long| replace:: StarlingX .. |prod-os| replace:: StarlingX OpenStack .. |prod-dc| replace:: Distributed Cloud .. |prod-p| replace:: StarlingX Platform .. |prod-hor| replace:: Horizon .. |prod-hor-long| replace:: |prod-hor| Web Interface .. |os-prod-hor-long| replace:: OpenStack |prod-hor-long| .. |os-prod-hor| replace:: OpenStack |prod-hor| .. |prod-img| replace:: https://mirror.starlingx.windriver.com/mirror/starlingx/ .. |prod-abbr| replace:: StX .. |prod-dc-geo-red| replace:: Distributed Cloud Geo Redundancy .. |prod-dc-geo-red-long| replace:: Distributed Cloud System controller Geographic Redundancy .. Guide names; will be formatted in italics by default. .. |node-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Node Configuration and Management` .. |planning-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Planning` .. |sec-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Security` .. |inst-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Installation` .. |stor-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Storage Configuration and Management` .. |intro-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Introduction` .. |fault-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Fault Management` .. |sysconf-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX System Configuration` .. |backup-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Backup and Restore` .. |deploy-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Deployment Configurations` .. |distcloud-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Distributed Cloud` .. |usertasks-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX User Tasks` .. |admintasks-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Administrator Tasks` .. |datanet-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Data Networks` .. |os-intro-doc| replace:: :title:`OpenStack Introduction` .. |updates-doc| replace:: :title:`StarlingX Updates and Upgrades` .. Docs url .. |docs-url| replace:: https://docs.starlingx.io/ .. Name of downloads location .. |dnload-loc| replace:: a StarlingX mirror .. File name prefix, as in stx-remote-cli-.tgz. May also be used in sample domain names etc. .. |prefix| replace:: stx .. |l-prefix| replace:: |prefix| .. space character. Needed for padding in tabular output. Currently used where |prefix| replacement is a length shorter than 3. To insert a space, use "replace:: \ \" (with two spaces) To insert no spaces, use "replace:: \" .. |s| replace:: \ .. product capabilities .. |max-workers| replace:: 99 .. Product name used in patch file names .. |pn| replace:: STLX .. versioning .. StarlingX (|prod|) .. |prod-ver| replace:: |this-ver| .. Version at which we cut over to Deb. .. |deb-release-ver| replace:: release 8.0 .. StX OpenStack (|prod-os|) .. |prod-os-ver| replace:: |prod-ver| .. Product version used in patch file names .. |pvr| replace:: 00004 .. |release-caveat| replace:: This is a pre-release feature and may not function as described in |prod| 5 documentation. .. .. Misc .. .. |installer-image-name| replace:: bootimage .. |OVS-DPDK| replace:: |OVS|-|DPDK| .. |ovs-dpdk| replace:: ovs-dpdk .. |vswitch-label| replace:: openvswitch=enabled .. |registry-url| replace:: https://hub.docker.com/layers .. |only-target| replace:: StarlingX .. |bare-metal| replace:: bare metal .. |reg-string| replace:: public open source registries .. .. Custom refs .. .. Used in installing-a-subcloud-without-redfish-platform-management-service.rst because target lable differs here/partner contexts. .. |_link-inst-book| replace:: :ref:`Installation guide ` .. Debian Tech Preview .. |deb-prev-prods| replace:: |prod| .. |deb-510-kernel-release| replace:: release 6.0 .. |deb-eval-release| replace:: release 7.0 .. |deb-production-release| replace:: release 8.0 .. |deb-install-step-change| replace:: \ .. |deb-dup-std-na| replace:: Duplex, and standard configurations are not available. .. |deb-update-iso| replace:: \ .. Initial version for k8s multi-ver upgrade orch strategy .. |k8s-multi-ver-orch-strategy-release| replace:: release 8.0 .. Paired release values .. Used to expand to different values in different contexts, i.e. stx vs partner .. |v_master| replace:: r9 .. |v_r8| replace:: r8 .. |v_r7| replace:: r7 .. |v_r6| replace:: r6 .. |v_r5| replace:: r5