# # Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import six import webob.exc from oslo_utils._i18n import _ from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ApiError(Exception): message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") # 500 - HTTPInternalServerError code = webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError.code def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs if 'code' not in self.kwargs and hasattr(self, 'code'): self.kwargs['code'] = self.code if message: self.message = message try: super(ApiError, self).__init__(self.message % kwargs) self.message = self.message % kwargs except Exception: LOG.exception('Exception in string format operation, ' 'kwargs: %s', kwargs) raise def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def __unicode__(self): return self.message def format_message(self): if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('_Remote'): return self.args[0] else: return six.text_type(self) class NotFound(ApiError): message = _("Resource could not be found.") # 404 - HTTPNotFound code = webob.exc.HTTPNotFound.code class HTTPNotFound(NotFound): pass class AlarmNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Alarm %(alarm)s could not be found.") class EventLogNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Event Log %(eventLog)s could not be found.") class NodeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Node %(node)s could not be found.") class ServerNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Server %(server)s could not be found.") class Invalid(ApiError): message = _("Unacceptable parameters.") # 400 - HTTPBadRequest code = webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest.code class PatchError(Invalid): message = _("Couldn't apply patch '%(patch)s'. Reason: %(reason)s") class ConfigInvalid(Invalid): message = _("Invalid configuration file. %(error_msg)s") class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid): message = _("%(err)s") class InvalidIdentity(Invalid): message = _("Expected an uuid or int but received %(identity)s.") class PolicyNotAuthorized(ApiError): message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.") # 401 - HTTPUnauthorized code = webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized.code class Conflict(ApiError): message = _('HTTP Conflict.') # 409 - HTTPConflict code = webob.exc.HTTPConflict.code class AlarmAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("An Alarm with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")