// // Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include "sm_cluster_hbs_info_msg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sm_configuration_table.h" #include "sm_debug.h" #include "sm_limits.h" #include "sm_selobj.h" #include "sm_worker_thread.h" // uncomment when debugging this module to enabled DPRINTFD output to log file // #define __DEBUG__MSG__ #ifdef __DEBUG__MSG__ #undef DPRINTFD #define DPRINTFD DPRINTFI #endif #define LOOPBACK_IP "" #define SM_CLIENT_PORT_KEY "sm_client_port" #define SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY "sm_server_port" const char json_fmt[] = "{\"origin\":\"sm\",\"service\":\"heartbeat\",\"request\":\"cluster_info\",\"reqid\":\"%d\"}"; const int request_size = sizeof(json_fmt) + 10; static const unsigned int size_of_msg_header = sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_type) - sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type) * MTCE_HBS_MAX_HISTORY_ELEMENTS; bool operator==(const SmClusterHbsInfoT& lhs, const SmClusterHbsInfoT& rhs) { return lhs.storage0_responding == rhs.storage0_responding && lhs.number_of_node_reachable == rhs.number_of_node_reachable; } bool operator!=(const SmClusterHbsInfoT& lhs, const SmClusterHbsInfoT& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } bool operator==(const SmClusterHbsStateT& lhs, const SmClusterHbsStateT& rhs) { if(lhs.storage0_enabled != rhs.storage0_enabled) return false; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < max_controllers; i ++) { if(lhs.controllers[i] != rhs.controllers[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool operator!=(const SmClusterHbsStateT& lhs, const SmClusterHbsStateT& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } void log_cluster_hbs_state(const SmClusterHbsStateT& state) { if(0 == state.last_update) { DPRINTFI("Cluster hbs state not available"); return; } struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); int secs_since_update = ts.tv_sec - state.last_update; if(state.storage0_enabled) { DPRINTFI("Cluster hbs last updated %d secs ago, storage-0 is provisioned, " "from controller-0: %d nodes enabled, %d nodes reachable, storage-0 %s responding " "from controller-1: %d nodes enabled, %d nodes reachable, storage-0 %s responding", secs_since_update, state.controllers[0].number_of_node_enabled, state.controllers[0].number_of_node_reachable, state.controllers[0].storage0_responding ? "is" : "is not", state.controllers[1].number_of_node_enabled, state.controllers[1].number_of_node_reachable, state.controllers[1].storage0_responding ? "is" : "is not" ); }else { DPRINTFI("Cluster hbs last updated %d secs ago, storage-0 is not provisioned, " "from controller-0: %d nodes enabled, %d nodes reachable, " "from controller-1: %d nodes enabled, %d nodes reachable", secs_since_update, state.controllers[0].number_of_node_enabled, state.controllers[0].number_of_node_reachable, state.controllers[1].number_of_node_enabled, state.controllers[1].number_of_node_reachable ); } } pthread_mutex_t SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_mutex; const unsigned short Invalid_Req_Id = 0; int SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_sock = -1; SmClusterHbsStateT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_cluster_hbs_state_current; SmClusterHbsStateT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_cluster_hbs_state_previous; SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::hbs_query_respond_callback SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_callbacks; const SmClusterHbsStateT& SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::get_current_state() { return _cluster_hbs_state_current; } const SmClusterHbsStateT& SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::get_previous_state() { return _cluster_hbs_state_previous; } bool SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_process_cluster_hbs_history(mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type history, SmClusterHbsStateT& state) { if(history.controller >= max_controllers) { DPRINTFE("Invalid controller id %d", history.controller); return false; } if(MTCE_HBS_NETWORKS <= history.network) { DPRINTFE("Invalid network id %d", history.network); return false; } if(MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES < history.entries) { DPRINTFE("Invalid entries %d", history.entries); return false; } if(MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES < history.oldest_entry_index) { DPRINTFE("Invalid oldest entry index %d", history.oldest_entry_index); return false; } int newest_entry_index = (history.oldest_entry_index + history.entries - 1) % MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES; mtce_hbs_cluster_entry_type& entry = history.entry[newest_entry_index]; SmClusterHbsInfoT& controller_state = state.controllers[history.controller]; controller_state.storage0_responding = history.storage0_responding; if(entry.hosts_responding > controller_state.number_of_node_reachable) { controller_state.number_of_node_reachable = entry.hosts_responding; controller_state.number_of_node_enabled = entry.hosts_enabled; } DPRINTFD("Oldest index %d, entries %d, newest index %d, nodes %d", history.oldest_entry_index, history.entries, newest_entry_index, entry.hosts_responding); return true; } void SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_cluster_hbs_info_msg_received( int selobj, int64_t user_data ) { mtce_hbs_cluster_type msg = {0}; mutex_holder holder(&_mutex); while(true) { int bytes_read = recv( selobj, &msg, sizeof(msg), MSG_NOSIGNAL | MSG_DONTWAIT ); if(bytes_read < 0) { if(EAGAIN != errno) { DPRINTFE("Failed to read socket. error %s", strerror(errno)); } return; } DPRINTFD("msg received %d bytes. buffer size %d", bytes_read, sizeof(msg)); if(size_of_msg_header > (unsigned int)bytes_read) { DPRINTFE("size not right, msg size %d, expected not less than %d", bytes_read, size_of_msg_header); return; } DPRINTFD("msg version %d, revision %d, size %d, reqid %d", msg.version, msg.revision, msg.bytes, msg.reqid); DPRINTFD("period %d number of rec %d", msg.period_msec, msg.histories); SmClusterHbsStateT state; if(msg.histories > 0) { int expected_size = sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type) * msg.histories + size_of_msg_header; if(bytes_read != expected_size) { DPRINTFE("Received size %d not matching %d expected", bytes_read, expected_size); return; } for(int i = 0; i < msg.histories; i ++) { if(!_process_cluster_hbs_history(msg.history[i], state)) { return; } } }else { DPRINTFD("No rbs cluster info history data is received"); } struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); state.last_update = ts.tv_sec; state.storage0_enabled = (bool)msg.storage0_enabled; if(state != _cluster_hbs_state_current) { _cluster_hbs_state_previous = _cluster_hbs_state_current; _cluster_hbs_state_current = state; DPRINTFD("cluster hbs state changed"); log_cluster_hbs_state(_cluster_hbs_state_current); } else { DPRINTFD("cluster hbs state unchanged"); } while(!_callbacks.empty()) { cluster_hbs_query_ready_callback callback = _callbacks.front(); _callbacks.pop_front(); callback(); } } } SmErrorT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::_get_address(const char* port_key, struct sockaddr_in* addr) { struct addrinfo *address = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; // IPv4 only hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; char port[SM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE_MAX_CHAR + 1]; if( SM_OKAY != sm_configuration_table_get(port_key, port, sizeof(port) - 1) ) { DPRINTFE("Runtime error: system configuration %s undefined", port_key); return SM_FAILED; } int result = getaddrinfo(LOOPBACK_IP, port, &hints, &address); if(result != 0) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get addrinfo %s:%s", LOOPBACK_IP, port); return SM_FAILED; } memcpy(addr, address->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); freeaddrinfo(address); return SM_OKAY; } static void send_query(SmSimpleAction&) { SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::cluster_hbs_info_query(); } static SmSimpleAction _query_hbs_cluster_info_action("send hbs-cluster query", send_query); // **************************************************************************** // SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::cluster_hbs_info_query - // trigger a query of cluster hbs info. // return true if request sent successfully, false otherwise. // ======================== bool SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::cluster_hbs_info_query(cluster_hbs_query_ready_callback callback) { char server_port[SM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE_MAX_CHAR + 1]; if( SM_OKAY != sm_configuration_table_get(SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY, server_port, sizeof(server_port) - 1) ) { DPRINTFE("Runtime error: system configuration %s undefined", SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY); return false; } int port = atoi(server_port); if(0 > port) { DPRINTFE("Runtime error: Invalid configuration %s: %s", SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY, server_port); return false; } char query[request_size]; unsigned short reqid; struct timespec ts; { mutex_holder holder(&_mutex); if(0 != clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get realtime"); reqid = (unsigned short)1; }else { unsigned short* v = (unsigned short*)(&ts.tv_nsec); reqid = (*v) % 0xFFFE + 1; } struct sockaddr_in addr; if(SM_OKAY != _get_address(SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY, &addr)) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get address"); return false; } int msg_size = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), json_fmt, reqid); DPRINTFD("send %d bytes %s", msg_size, query); if(0 > sendto(_sock, query, msg_size, 0, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr))) { DPRINTFE("Failed to send msg. Error %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } if(NULL != callback) { _callbacks.push_back(callback); } } return true; } SmErrorT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::open_socket() { struct addrinfo *address = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; // IPv4 only hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; struct sockaddr_in addr; char client_port[SM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE_MAX_CHAR + 1]; char server_port[SM_CONFIGURATION_VALUE_MAX_CHAR + 1]; if( SM_OKAY != sm_configuration_table_get(SM_CLIENT_PORT_KEY, client_port, sizeof(client_port) - 1) ) { DPRINTFE("Runtime error: system configuration %s undefined", SM_CLIENT_PORT_KEY); return SM_FAILED; } if( SM_OKAY != sm_configuration_table_get(SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY, server_port, sizeof(server_port) - 1) ) { DPRINTFE("Runtime error: system configuration %s undefined", SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY); return SM_FAILED; }else { int port = atoi(server_port); if(0 > port) { DPRINTFE("Invalid configuration %s: %s", SM_SERVER_PORT_KEY, server_port); return SM_FAILED; } } int result = getaddrinfo(LOOPBACK_IP, client_port, &hints, &address); if(result != 0) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get addrinfo %s:%s", LOOPBACK_IP, client_port); return SM_FAILED; } memcpy(&addr, address->ai_addr, sizeof(addr)); freeaddrinfo(address); address = NULL; int sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP ); if( 0 > sock ) { DPRINTFE("Failed to create sock. Error %s", strerror(errno)); return SM_FAILED; } int flags = fcntl( sock, F_GETFL, 0 ); if( 0 > flags ) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get flags, error=%s.", strerror(errno)); close( sock ); return SM_FAILED; } if( 0 > fcntl( sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK ) ) { DPRINTFE("Failed to set flags, error=%s.", strerror(errno)); close( sock ); return SM_FAILED; } result = bind( sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if(0 > result) { DPRINTFE("Failed to bind. error=%s", strerror( errno)); close( sock ); return SM_FAILED; } SmErrorT error = sm_selobj_register(sock, _cluster_hbs_info_msg_received, 0); if(SM_OKAY != error) { DPRINTFE("Failed to register selobj"); close( sock ); return SM_FAILED; } _sock = sock; return SM_OKAY; } SmErrorT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::initialize() { SmErrorT error; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); int res = pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, &attr); if( 0 != res ) { DPRINTFE("Failed to initialize mutex, error %d", res); return SM_FAILED; } error = open_socket(); if(SM_OKAY != error) { DPRINTFE("Failed to open sock"); return SM_FAILED; } SmWorkerThread::get_worker().add_action(&_query_hbs_cluster_info_action); return SM_OKAY; } SmErrorT SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::finalize() { mutex_holder holder(&_mutex); if(_sock > 0) { close(_sock); _sock = -1; } pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex); return SM_OKAY; } void SmClusterHbsInfoMsg::dump_hbs_record(FILE* fp) { struct timespec ts; time_t t; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); t = ts.tv_sec - _cluster_hbs_state_current.last_update; fprintf(fp, "\ncluster hbs info\n"); if(0 == _cluster_hbs_state_current.last_update) { fprintf(fp, " Current state, no data received yet\n"); }else { fprintf(fp, " Current state, last updated %d seconds ago\n", (int)t); fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s configured\n", _cluster_hbs_state_current.storage0_enabled ? "" : "not"); fprintf(fp, " From controller-0\n"); if(_cluster_hbs_state_current.storage0_enabled) { fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_current.controllers[0].storage0_responding ? "" : "not"); } fprintf(fp, " %d nodes are responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_current.controllers[0].number_of_node_reachable); fprintf(fp, " From controller-1\n"); if(_cluster_hbs_state_current.storage0_enabled) { fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_current.controllers[1].storage0_responding ? "" : "not"); } fprintf(fp, " %d nodes are responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_current.controllers[1].number_of_node_reachable); } if(0 != _cluster_hbs_state_previous.last_update) { t = ts.tv_sec - _cluster_hbs_state_previous.last_update; fprintf(fp, "\n Previous state, since %d seconds ago\n", (int)t); fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s configured\n", _cluster_hbs_state_previous.storage0_enabled ? "" : "not"); fprintf(fp, " From controller-0\n"); if(_cluster_hbs_state_previous.storage0_enabled) { fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_previous.controllers[0].storage0_responding ? "" : "not"); } fprintf(fp, " %d nodes are responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_previous.controllers[0].number_of_node_reachable); fprintf(fp, " From controller-1\n"); if(_cluster_hbs_state_previous.storage0_enabled) { fprintf(fp, " storage-0 is %s responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_previous.controllers[1].storage0_responding ? "" : "not"); } fprintf(fp, " %d nodes are responding\n", _cluster_hbs_state_previous.controllers[1].number_of_node_reachable); } }