
333 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sm_trap.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <ucontext.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include "sm_types.h"
#include "sm_debug.h"
#include "sm_trap_thread.h"
typedef struct
bool inuse;
int thread_id;
char thread_name[SM_THREAD_NAME_MAX_CHAR];
} SmTrapThreadInfoT;
static int _trap_fd = -1;
static int _process_id;
static char _process_name[SM_PROCESS_NAME_MAX_CHAR];
static SmTrapThreadInfoT _threads[SM_THREADS_MAX];
static pthread_mutex_t _mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_spinlock_t _thread_spinlock;
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Find Thread Info
// ========================
static SmTrapThreadInfoT* sm_trap_find_thread_info( int thread_id )
unsigned int thread_i;
for( thread_i=0; SM_THREADS_MAX > thread_i; ++thread_i )
if( !(_threads[thread_i].inuse) )
if( thread_id == _threads[thread_i].thread_id )
return( &(_threads[thread_i]) );
return( NULL );
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Send Message
// ===================
static void sm_trap_send_msg( void* msg, int msg_size )
int result;
int retry_i;
for( retry_i = 5; retry_i != 0; --retry_i )
result = write( _trap_fd, msg, msg_size );
if(( 0 > result )&&( EINTR == errno ))
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Signal Handler
// =====================
static void sm_trap_signal_handler( int signum, siginfo_t* siginfo,
void* context )
ucontext_t* ucontext = (ucontext_t*) context;
uint32_t msg_marker;
SmTrapThreadMsgT msg;
SmTrapThreadInfoT* info;
int result;
result = pthread_spin_trylock( &_thread_spinlock );
if( EBUSY == result )
// Yield to lower priority threads that first called this
// signal handler.
sigset_t signal_mask;
sigemptyset( &signal_mask );
pselect( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &signal_mask );
memset( &msg, 0, sizeof(msg) );
clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &(msg.ts_real) );
msg.process_id = _process_id;
snprintf( msg.process_name, sizeof(msg.process_name), "%s",
_process_name );
msg.thread_id = (int) syscall( SYS_gettid );
info = sm_trap_find_thread_info( msg.thread_id );
if( NULL != info )
snprintf( msg.thread_name, sizeof(msg.thread_name), "%s",
info->thread_name );
msg.si_address = siginfo->si_addr;
msg.si_num = siginfo->si_signo;
msg.si_code = siginfo->si_code;
msg.si_errno = siginfo->si_errno;
memcpy( &(msg.user_context), ucontext, sizeof(ucontext_t) );
msg.address_trace_count = backtrace( &(msg.address_trace[0]),
// Send message start marker.
sm_trap_send_msg( &msg_marker, sizeof(msg_marker) );
// Send the process information across.
sm_trap_send_msg( &msg, sizeof(msg) );
// Send the function names across.
backtrace_symbols_fd( msg.address_trace, msg.address_trace_count,
_trap_fd );
// Send message end marker.
sm_trap_send_msg( &msg_marker, sizeof(msg_marker) );
close( _trap_fd );
// Core dump produced if enabled.
_exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
// ****************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Set Thread Information
// =============================
void sm_trap_set_thread_info( void )
int thread_id;
SmTrapThreadInfoT* info;
if( 0 != pthread_mutex_lock( &_mutex ) )
DPRINTFE( "Failed to capture mutex." );
thread_id = (int) syscall( SYS_gettid );
info = sm_trap_find_thread_info( thread_id );
if( NULL == info )
int thread_i;
for( thread_i=0; SM_THREADS_MAX > thread_i; ++thread_i )
info = &(_threads[thread_i]);
if( !(info->inuse) )
info->thread_id = thread_id;
pthread_getname_np( pthread_self(), info->thread_name,
sizeof(info->thread_name) );
info->inuse = true;
if( 0 != pthread_mutex_unlock( &_mutex ) )
DPRINTFE( "Failed to release mutex." );
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Initialize
// =================
SmErrorT sm_trap_initialize( const char process_name[] )
int fd_i;
int flags;
int result;
int trap_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
struct sigaction sa;
void* dummy_trace[1];
int dummy_trace_count;
SmErrorT error = SM_FAILED;
_process_id = (int) getpid();
snprintf( _process_name, sizeof(_process_name), "%s", process_name );
// Force load the backtrace function symbols, need to avoid malloc
// in the trap exception handler.
dummy_trace_count = backtrace( dummy_trace, 1 );
backtrace_symbols_fd( dummy_trace, dummy_trace_count, -1 );
result = pipe( trap_fds );
if( 0 > result )
printf( "Failed to open a pipe to trap thread, error=%s.\n",
strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
for( fd_i=0; 2 > fd_i; ++fd_i )
// Set to non-blocking.
flags = fcntl( trap_fds[fd_i], F_GETFL, 0 );
if( 0 > flags )
printf( "Failed to get flags, error=%s.\n", strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
result = fcntl( trap_fds[fd_i], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK );
if( 0 > result )
printf( "Failed to set flags, error=%s.\n", strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
// Close on exec.
flags = fcntl( trap_fds[fd_i], F_GETFD, 0 );
if( 0 > flags )
printf( "Failed to get flags, error=%s.\n", strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
result = fcntl( trap_fds[fd_i], F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC );
if( 0 > result )
printf( "Failed to set flags, error=%s.\n", strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
error = sm_trap_thread_start( trap_fds[0] );
if( SM_OKAY != error )
printf( "Failed to start trap thread, error=%s.\n",
sm_error_str( error ) );
goto ERROR;
result = pthread_spin_init( &_thread_spinlock, 0 );
if( 0 != result )
printf( "Failed initialize thread spin lock, error=%s.\n",
strerror( errno ) );
error = SM_FAILED;
goto ERROR;
close( trap_fds[0] ); // close the read end
_trap_fd = trap_fds[1]; // save write end
memset( &sa, 0, sizeof(sa) );
sigfillset( &sa.sa_mask );
sa.sa_sigaction = sm_trap_signal_handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction( SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGILL, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGFPE, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGBUS, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGABRT, &sa, NULL );
return( SM_OKAY );
for( fd_i=0; 2 > fd_i; ++fd_i )
if( -1 != trap_fds[fd_i] )
close( trap_fds[fd_i] );
trap_fds[fd_i] = -1;
return( error );
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Trap - Finalize
// ===============
SmErrorT sm_trap_finalize( void )
SmErrorT error;
error = sm_trap_thread_stop();
if( SM_OKAY != error )
printf( "Failed to stop trap thread, error=%s.\n",
sm_error_str( error ) );
if( -1 != _trap_fd )
close( _trap_fd );
_trap_fd = -1;
return( SM_OKAY );
// ***************************************************************************