# # Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # """ usage: vm-topology [-h] [-s ] Tool to summarize server resource usage and vcpu placement related attributes for nova and libvirt. Details: - shows nova view of server attributes including extended resources: - project, compute host, server name, libvirt name, image name, flavor - vm status, task state, power state, uptime - pinning, numa nodes, cpuset, cpulists, server groups - shows nova view of compute resource usage, aggregates - shows libvirt view of servers, running state - shows migrations in-progress - shows flavors used - shows images used """ import argparse import datetime import hashlib import copy import libvirt import logging from itertools import groupby import multiprocessing import os import pprint from prettytable import PrettyTable import psutil import re import sys import signal import textwrap import time from cinderclient import client as cinder_client from glanceclient import client as glance_client from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3 as keystone_identity from keystoneclient.v3 import client as keystone_client from keystoneauth1 import loading as keystone from keystoneauth1 import session from novaclient import client as nova_client from novaclient.v2 import migrations from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy.sql import select from xml.dom import minidom from xml.etree import ElementTree NOVACONF = '/etc/nova/nova.conf' AUTHTOKEN_GROUP = 'keystone_authtoken' NOVACLIENT_VERSION = '2.25' CINDERCLIENT_VERSION = '2' # NOTE: Old glanceclient version 1 gives access to image properties GLANCECLIENT_VERSION = '1' from keystonemiddleware.auth_token import _opts as keystone_auth_token_opts from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import types CONF = cfg.CONF """---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" # logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.getLogger('multiprocessing').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # debug and show options debug = {} show = {} # Constants Ki = 1024 Mi = Ki * Ki # Active worker pids active_pids = multiprocessing.Manager().dict() # libvirt timeout parameters LIBVIRT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 5.0 LIBVIRT_REAP_SEC = LIBVIRT_TIMEOUT_SEC + 2.0 ############################################################################### ## Subroutines ############################################################################### # Define a context manager to suppress stdout and stderr. class suppress_stdout_stderr(object): """Context manager for doing a "deep suppression" of stdout and stderr i.e. will suppress all print, even if the print originates in a compiled C/Fortran sub-function. This will not suppress raised exceptions, since exceptions are printed to stderr just before a script exits, and after the context manager has exited (at least, I think that is why it lets exceptions through). """ def __init__(self): # Open a pair of null files self.null_fds = [os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) for x in range(2)] # Save the actual stdout (1) and stderr (2) file descriptors. self.save_fds = (os.dup(1), os.dup(2)) def __enter__(self): # Assign the null pointers to stdout and stderr. os.dup2(self.null_fds[0], 1) os.dup2(self.null_fds[1], 2) def __exit__(self, *_): # Re-assign the real stdout/stderr back to (1) and (2) os.dup2(self.save_fds[0], 1) os.dup2(self.save_fds[1], 2) # Close the null files os.close(self.null_fds[0]) os.close(self.null_fds[1]) def atoi(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def natural_keys(text): """alist.sort(key=natural_keys) sorts in human order""" return [atoi(c) for c in re.split('(\d+)', text)] def help_text_epilog(): text = textwrap.dedent('''\ Tables and Field descriptions: ------------------------------ COMPUTE HOSTS: Legend: U = Used, A = Avail Host - compute host name status - host operational status model - processor model topology - processor cpu topology (sockets, cores, threads) servers - number of servers node - physical processor node (a.k.a., numa node) pcpus - physical vcpus per numa node (avail to libvirt) U:dedicated - used dedicated vcpus (a.k.a., pinned) U:shared - used shared vcpus (a.k.a., float) memory - host memory (MiB) available for libvirt U:memory - used memory for servers (MiB) A:mem_4K - available 4K host memory for servers (MiB) A:mem_2M - available 2M host memory for servers (MiB) A:mem_1G - available 1G host memory for servers (MiB) Aggregate - list of host aggregate names Note: - rows similar to 'nova hypervisor-show ' - last row similar to 'nova hypervisor-stats' LOGICAL CPU TOPOLOGY (compute hosts): cpu_id - logical cpu id socket_id - socket id (a.k.a., processor node, numa node) core_id - physical core id on a given socket_id thread_id - hyperthread (SMT) index of a given core_id sibling_id - hyperthread sibling cpu_id(s) (excludes cpu_id) SERVERS (nova view): tenant - server tenant name (a.k.a. project) ID - server uuid instance_name - server libvirt name name - server name host - server host vm_state - server vm state task_state - server task state power_state - server power state image - server image name (or image volume booted from) flavor - server flavor name vcpus - server number of vcpus (scaling: min, cur, max) memory - server memory (MiB) instance_topology - server numa topology (dedicated vs shared, pgsize, mapping of vpus, pcpus, shared_vcpu, sibings) in_libvirt - indicates server also seen in libvirt SERVERS (libvirt view): uuid - server uuid instance_name - server libvirt name host - server host id - server libvirt id state - server libvirt state vcpus - server number of vcpus memory - server memory (MiB) nodelist - server list of numa nodes cpulist - server list of pcpu[i] for each vcpu i in_nova - indicates server also seen in nova MIGRATIONS (in progress): Legend: S=Source, D=Destination ID - server uuid status - migration status S:node - source node D:node - destination node S:compute - source compute D:compute - destination compute S:flavor[PKey] - source flavor primary key id D:flavor[PKey] - destination flavor primary key id created_at - timestamp of migration FLAVORS (in use): id - flavor_id name - flavor name vcpus - number of vcpus ram - memory (MiB) disk - disk stgorage (GB) ephemeral - ephemeral storage (GB) swap - swap size (MiB) rxtx_factor - RX/TX factor (default 1) is_public - make flavor accessible to the public (default true) extra_specs - metadata containing key=value pairs IMAGES (in use): id - image id name - image name minDisk - minimum size of disk to boot image (GB) minRam - minimum size of ram to boot image (MB) size - image data size (MB) status - image status properties - metadata containing key=value pairs SERVER GROUPS (in use): tenant - server tenant name (a.k.a., project) id - server group uuid name - server group name policies - server group policies metadata - metadata containing key=value pairs ''') return text class ChoiceOpt(cfg.Opt): r"""Option with List(String) type Option with ``type`` :class:`oslo_config.types.List` :param name: the option's name :param choices: Optional sequence of either valid values or tuples of valid values with descriptions. :param bounds: if True the value should be inside "[" and "]" pair :param \*\*kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments passed to :class:`Opt` .. versionchanged:: 2.5 Added *item_type* and *bounds* parameters. """ def __init__(self, name, choices=None, bounds=None, **kwargs): type = types.List(item_type=types.String(choices=choices), bounds=bounds) super(ChoiceOpt, self).__init__(name, type=type, **kwargs) def parse_arguments(debug, show): """Parse command line arguments""" # Initialize all debug flags to False define_debug_flags(debug) # Initialized show option lists (L_opts, L_brief, L_details, L_other) = define_options() # Select potentially multiple values from the following options options = set([]) options.update(L_brief) options.update(L_details) options.update(L_other) sorted_options = sorted(options) sorted_options[0:0] = L_opts # Enable debug option, but its usage/help is hidden. debug_options = list(debug.keys()) debug_options.sort() debug_options.insert(0, 'all') # Parse arguments cli_opts = [ ChoiceOpt('show', default=['brief'], choices=sorted(list(set(sorted_options))), metavar='<' + ','.join(str(x) for x in sorted_options) + '>', help='Show summary of selected tables'), ChoiceOpt('dbg', default=[], choices=sorted(list(set(debug_options))), metavar='<' + ','.join(str(x) for x in debug_options) + '>', help='Print debugging information for selected tables'), ] CONF.register_cli_opts(cli_opts) CONF.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter CONF(sys.argv[1:], default_config_files=[NOVACONF], prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), description=( 'Tool to summarize server resouce usage and vcpu placement' 'related attributes for nova and libvirt.'), # NOTE: oslo_config implementation of _CachedArgumentParser does not # configure argparse formatter_class. The resulting epilog text is # automatically text-wrapped which is not desired. Manually adding # newlines does not work either. The epilog text is disabled for now. #epilog=help_text_epilog(), ) # Configure logging to appropriate level level = logging.INFO if CONF.dbg: level = logging.DEBUG configure_logging(logger, level=level) if CONF.dbg: logger.debug('parse_args: debug=%r, show=%r' % (CONF.dbg, CONF.show)) # Flatten debug options list L = list(set(CONF.dbg)) # Update debug options based on parsed options {debug.update({e: True}) for e in L} # Enable all debug flags (except libvirt_xml) if 'all' is specified x = debug['libvirt_xml'] if debug['all']: {debug.update({e: True}) for e in debug} debug['libvirt_xml'] = x # Flatten show options list L = list(set(CONF.show)) if CONF.dbg: L = [] # Update show options based on parsed options define_option_flags(show, options=L, L_opts=L_opts, L_brief=L_brief, L_details=L_details, L_other=L_other) def configure_logging(logger, level=logging.DEBUG): """Configure logger streams and format""" logger.setLevel(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(process)s %(levelname)s %(module)s: %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def _translate_keys(collection, convert): """translate elements _info field names into human-readable names :param collection: dictionary containing the elements to be translated :param convert: list of conversion tuples """ for k, item in collection.items(): keys = list(item.__dict__.keys()) for from_key, to_key in convert: if from_key in keys and to_key not in keys: try: setattr(item, to_key, item._info[from_key]) except AttributeError: logger.error('_translate_keys: from_key:%r to_key:%r, ' 'item._info[from_key]:%r' % (from_key, to_key, item._info[from_key])) def _translate_extended_states(collection): """Return human readable power-state string""" power_states = [ 'NOSTATE', # 0x00 'Running', # 0x01 '', # 0x02 'Paused', # 0x03 'Shutdown', # 0x04 '', # 0x05 'Crashed', # 0x06 'Suspended' # 0x07 ] for k, item in collection.items(): try: setattr(item, 'power_state', power_states[getattr(item, 'power_state')]) except AttributeError: setattr(item, 'power_state', "N/A") try: getattr(item, 'task_state') except AttributeError: setattr(item, 'task_state', "N/A") def _translate_virDomainState(state): """Return human readable virtual domain state string""" states = {} states[0] = 'NOSTATE' states[1] = 'Running' states[2] = 'Blocked' states[3] = 'Paused' states[4] = 'Shutdown' states[5] = 'Shutoff' states[6] = 'Crashed' states[7] = 'pmSuspended' states[8] = 'Last' return states[state] def _translate_virVcpuState(state): """Return human readable virtual vpu state string""" states = {} states[0] = 'Offline' states[1] = 'Running' states[2] = 'Blocked' states[3] = 'Last' return states[state] def _mask_to_cpulist(mask=0): """Create cpulist from mask, list in socket-core-thread enumerated order :param extended: extended info :param mask: cpuset mask :returns cpulist: list of cpus in socket-core-thread enumerated order """ cpulist = [] if mask is None or mask <= 0: return cpulist # Assume max number of cpus for now... max_cpus = 128 for cpu in range(max_cpus): if ((1 << cpu) & mask): cpulist.append(cpu) return cpulist def string_to_cpulist(cpus_str=''): """Convert a string representation to cpulist :param cpus_str: string containing list cpus, eg., 1,2,6-7 :returns cpulist """ # Create list of excluded cpus by parsing excluded_cpulist_str, # example: 1,2,6-7 cpulist = [] re_digit = re.compile(r'^(\d+)$') re_range = re.compile(r'^(\d+)-(\d+)$') s = cpus_str.strip() for ele in s.split(','): match = re_digit.search(ele) if match: cpu = int(match.group(1)) cpulist.append(cpu) match = re_range.search(ele) if match: cpu0 = int(match.group(1)) cpu1 = int(match.group(2)) if cpu1 > cpu0: cpulist.extend(list(range(cpu0, cpu1 + 1))) return cpulist def list_to_range(L=None): """Convert a list into a string of comma separate ranges E.g., [1,2,3,8,9,15] is converted to '1-3,8-9,15' """ if L is None: L = [] G = (list(x) for _, x in groupby(enumerate(L), lambda i_x: i_x[0] - i_x[1])) return ",".join( "-".join(map(str, (g[0][1], g[-1][1])[:len(g)])) for g in G) def range_to_list(csv_range=None): """Convert a string of comma separate ranges into an expanded list of ints E.g., '1-3,8-9,15' is converted to [1,2,3,8,9,15] """ if not csv_range: return [] ranges = [(lambda L: range(L[0], L[-1] + 1))([int(x) for x in r.split('-')]) for r in csv_range.split(',')] return [y for x in ranges for y in x] class TimeoutError(Exception): pass def timeout_handler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError('timeout') def libvirt_domain_info_worker(tuple_hosts): (host) = tuple_hosts pid = os.getpid() active_pids.update({pid: (host, time.time())}) error = None try: (domain, topology) = do_libvirt_domain_info((host)) except Exception as e: domain = {} topology = {} error = 'cannot connect to libvirt: %s; %s' % (host, e) del active_pids[pid] return (host, domain, topology, time.time(), error) def do_libvirt_domain_info(tuple_hosts): """Connect to libvirt for specified host, and retrieve per-domain information The information includes cpu affinity per vcpu. """ (host) = tuple_hosts domains = {} topology = {} if not host: return (domains, topology) # Connect to remote libvirt hypervisor transport = 'tcp' duri = "qemu+%s://%s/system" % (transport, host) try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, LIBVIRT_TIMEOUT_SEC) with suppress_stdout_stderr(): conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(duri) signal.alarm(0) except TimeoutError: conn = None raise except Exception as e: conn = None raise finally: signal.alarm(0) if conn is None: return (domains, topology) # Get host capabilities (contains host topology) caps_str = conn.getCapabilities() doc = ElementTree.fromstring(caps_str) caps = minidom.parseString(caps_str) caps_host = caps.getElementsByTagName('host')[0] caps_cells = caps_host.getElementsByTagName('cells')[0] total_cpus = caps_cells.getElementsByTagName('cpu').length # Enumerate logical cpu topology using socket_id, core_id, thread_id # indices. This generates the following dictionary: # topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = cpu_id Thread_cnt = {} topology = {} cells = doc.findall('./host/topology/cells/cell') for cell in cells: for cpu in cell.findall('./cpus/cpu'): # obtain core_id, cpu_id, and socket_id; ignore 'siblings' since # that can be inferred by enumeration of thread_id. core_id = int(cpu.get('core_id')) cpu_id = int(cpu.get('id')) socket_id = int(cpu.get('socket_id')) # thread_id's are enumerated assuming cpu_id is already sorted if socket_id not in Thread_cnt: Thread_cnt[socket_id] = {} if core_id not in Thread_cnt[socket_id]: Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] = 0 else: Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] += 1 thread_id = Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] # save topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] if socket_id not in topology: topology[socket_id] = {} if core_id not in topology[socket_id]: topology[socket_id][core_id] = {} topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = cpu_id # Get domains (i.e., one per VM) for dom in conn.listAllDomains(flags=0): # Get overall domain info d_name = dom.name() d_id = dom.ID() d_uuid = dom.UUIDString() d_ostype = dom.OSType() d_state, d_maxMem_KiB, d_memory_KiB, \ d_nrVirtCpu, d_cpuTime = dom.info() try: with suppress_stdout_stderr(): d_vcpus = dom.vcpus() except Exception as e: d_vcpus = tuple([d_nrVirtCpu * [], d_nrVirtCpu * [tuple(total_cpus * [False])]]) # Obtain cpulist of pcpus in the order of vcpus. This applies to either # pinned or floating vcpus, Note that the cpuinfo pcpu value can be # stale if we scale down cpus since it reports cpu-last-run. # For this reason use cpumap = d_vcpus[1][vcpu], instead of cpuinfo # (i.e., vcpu, state, cpuTime, pcpu = d_vcpus[0][vcpu]). cpulist_p = [] cpulist_d = {} cpuset_total = 0 up_total = 0 for vcpu in range(d_nrVirtCpu): cpuset_b = d_vcpus[1][vcpu] cpuset = 0 for cpu, up in enumerate(cpuset_b): if up: cpulist_d[vcpu] = cpu aff = 1 << cpu cpuset |= aff up_total += 1 cpuset_total |= cpuset cpulist_f = _mask_to_cpulist(mask=cpuset_total) for key in sorted(cpulist_d.keys()): cpulist_p.append(cpulist_d[key]) # Determine if floating or pinned, display appropriate cpulist d_cpuset = cpuset_total if up_total > d_nrVirtCpu: d_cpulist = cpulist_f else: d_cpulist = cpulist_p # Determine list of numa nodes (the hard way) dom_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) nodeset = set([]) for elem in dom_xml.findall('./numatune/memnode'): nodes = range_to_list(elem.get('nodeset')) nodeset.update(nodes) d_nodelist = list(sorted(nodeset)) # Update dictionary with per-domain information domains[d_uuid] = { 'name': d_name, 'id': d_id, 'uuid': d_uuid, 'ostype': d_ostype, 'state': _translate_virDomainState(d_state), 'maxMem': int(d_maxMem_KiB / 1024.0), 'memory': int(d_memory_KiB / 1024.0), 'vcpus': d_nrVirtCpu, 'cputime': d_cpuTime, 'cpuset': d_cpuset, 'nodelist': d_nodelist, 'cpulist': d_cpulist, } # Dump XML string if debug['libvirt_xml']: dom_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(dom_xml) logger.debug('DOM[%s] : XML =\n%s' % (d_name, xml_str)) conn.close() return (domains, topology) def print_debug_info(tenants=None, regions=None, endpoints=None, services=None, hypervisors=None, statistics=None, servers=None, server_groups=None, migrations=None, flavors=None, extra_specs=None, images=None, volumes=None, aggregates=None, domains=None, topologies=None, topologies_idx=None, topologies_sib=None, computes_cell=None, debug=None, show=None): """Print debug information - pretty formatting of various data structures""" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) if True in debug.values(): print() logger.debug('OPTIONS:') logger.debug('debug=\n%s' % (pp.pformat(debug))) logger.debug('show=\n%s' % (pp.pformat(show))) if debug['creds']: print() logger.debug('CREDENTIALS:') logger.debug('regions:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(regions))) logger.debug('tenants:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(tenants))) logger.debug('services:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(services))) logger.debug('endpoints:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(endpoints))) if debug['hypervisors']: print() logger.debug('HYPERVISORS:') for H in hypervisors.values(): logger.debug('hypervisor:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(vars(H)))) print() logger.debug('HYPERVISORS: numa cells') logger.debug('computes_cell:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(computes_cell))) if debug['statistics']: print() logger.debug('STATISTICS:') logger.debug('statistic:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(vars(statistics)))) if debug['images']: print() logger.debug('IMAGES:') for I in images.values(): logger.debug('image: id=%r\n%s' % (I.id, pp.pformat(vars(I)))) if debug['volumes']: print() logger.debug('VOLUMES:') for V in volumes.values(): logger.debug('volume: id=%r\n%s' % (V['volume_id'], pp.pformat(V))) if debug['servers']: print() logger.debug('SERVERS:') for S in servers.values(): logger.debug('server: id=%r\n%s' % (S.id, pp.pformat(vars(S)))) if debug['server_groups']: print() logger.debug('SERVER GROUPS:') for S in server_groups.values(): logger.debug( 'server_group: id=%r\n%s' % (S.id, pp.pformat(vars(S)))) if debug['migrations']: print() logger.debug('MIGRATIONS:') for M in migrations.values(): logger.debug('MIG: id=%r\n%s' % (M.id, pp.pformat(vars(M)))) if debug['flavors']: print() logger.debug('FLAVORS:') for F in flavors.values(): logger.debug( 'FLAVOR: id=%r\n%s\nextra_specs=%s' % (F.id, pp.pformat(vars(F)), pp.pformat(extra_specs[F.id]))) if debug['aggregates']: print() logger.debug('AGGREGATES:') for A in aggregates.values(): logger.debug('aggregate: %s' % (pp.pformat(vars(A)))) if debug['libvirt']: print() logger.debug('LIBVIRT:') logger.debug('domain:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(domains))) if debug['topology']: print() logger.debug('TOPOLOGY:') logger.debug('topologies:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(topologies))) logger.debug('topologies_idx:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(topologies_idx))) logger.debug('topologies_sib:\n%s' % (pp.pformat(topologies_sib))) if debug: print() def define_debug_flags(debug): """Define dictionary of debug flags""" opts = ['all', 'creds', 'hypervisors', 'statistics', 'servers', 'server_groups', 'migrations', 'flavors', 'images', 'volumes', 'aggregates', 'libvirt', 'libvirt_xml', 'topology', 'mismatch', ] {debug.update({e: False}) for e in opts} def define_options(): """Define several groupings with lists of show options""" L_opts = ['brief', 'all', ] L_brief = ['computes', 'servers', 'server_groups', 'migrations', 'flavors', 'images', ] L_details = ['computes', 'servers', 'server_groups', 'libvirt', 'migrations', 'flavors', 'images', 'volumes', ] L_other = ['aggregates', 'topology', 'topology-long'] return (L_opts, L_brief, L_details, L_other) def define_option_flags(show, options=None, L_opts=None, L_brief=None, L_details=None, L_other=None): """Define dictionary of option flags""" if options is None: options = [] if L_opts is None: L_opts = [] if L_brief is None: L_brief = [] if L_details is None: L_details = [] if L_other is None: L_other = [] # Set all options to False {show.update({e: False}) for e in L_opts + L_brief + L_details + L_other} # Enable specific options show.update({'show': options}) if 'brief' in options: {show.update({e: True}) for e in L_brief} if 'all' in options: {show.update({e: True}) for e in L_brief + L_details} for e in options: if e in show: show.update({e: True}) def print_all_tables(tenants=None, hypervisors=None, statistics=None, servers=None, server_groups=None, migrations=migrations, flavors=None, extra_specs=None, images=None, volumes=None, aggregates=None, domains=None, topologies=None, topologies_idx=None, topologies_sib=None, computes_cell=None, agg_h=None, flavors_in_use=None, images_in_use=None, server_groups_in_use=None, debug=None, show=None): """Print all summary tables using PrettyTable""" # Print list of aggregates if show['aggregates']: print() print("AGGREGATES:") pt = PrettyTable( ['Name', 'Avail Zone', 'Hosts', 'Metadata', ], caching=False) pt.align = 'l' for name, A in sorted(aggregates.items()): pt.add_row( [A.name, str(A.availability_zone), ", ".join([str(x) for x in A.hosts]), str(A.metadata) ]) print(pt) # Print list of compute host hypervisors, showing per numa details if show['computes']: print() print('COMPUTE HOSTS: ' 'Legend: U = Used, A = Avail') pt = PrettyTable( ['Host', 'status', 'model', 'topology', 'servers', 'node', 'pcpus', 'U:dedicated', 'U:shared', 'memory', 'U:memory', 'A:mem_4K', 'A:mem_2M', 'A:mem_1G', 'Aggregate', ]) pt.align = 'l' for C in ['servers', 'pcpus', 'U:dedicated', 'U:shared', 'memory', 'U:memory', 'A:mem_4K', 'A:mem_2M', 'A:mem_1G']: pt.align[C] = 'r' for host_name, H in sorted(hypervisors.items(), key=lambda k_v1: (natural_keys(k_v1[0]))): A = list(agg_h[host_name].keys()) try: topology_idx = topologies_idx[host_name] cpu_ids = sorted(topology_idx.keys()) except Exception: topology_idx = {} cpu_ids = [] if len(cpu_ids) > 0: # determine number of sockets, cores/socket, threads/core topology = topologies[host_name] cpu_id = 0 socket_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['s'] core_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['c'] n_sockets = len(list(topology.keys())) n_cores = len(list(topology[socket_id].keys())) n_threads = len(list(topology[socket_id][core_id].keys())) else: if 'topology' in H.cpu_info: topology = H.cpu_info['topology'] n_sockets = topology['sockets'] n_cores = topology['cores'] n_threads = topology['threads'] else: n_sockets = 0 n_cores = 0 n_threads = 0 if 'model' not in H.cpu_info: H.cpu_info['model'] = None first = True for cell in computes_cell[host_name]: if first: pt.add_row( [host_name, H.status, H.cpu_info['model'], "%ss,%sc,%st" % (n_sockets, n_cores, n_threads), H.running_vms, cell['id'], cell['pcpus'], cell['pinned_used'], cell['shared_used'], cell['memory'], cell['memory_usage'], cell['memory_avail_4K'], cell['memory_avail_2M'], cell['memory_avail_1G'], textwrap.fill(", ".join([str(x) for x in A]), width=75), ]) else: pt.add_row( ['', # host '', # H.status, '', # model '', # topology '', # H.running_vms, cell['id'], cell['pcpus'], cell['pinned_used'], cell['shared_used'], cell['memory'], cell['memory_usage'], cell['memory_avail_4K'], cell['memory_avail_2M'], cell['memory_avail_1G'], '', # agg ]) first = False if len(computes_cell[host_name]) < 1: pt.add_row( [host_name, H.status, H.cpu_info['model'], "%ss,%sc,%st" % (n_sockets, n_cores, n_threads), H.running_vms, '-', # cell.id '-', # pcpus '-', # U:dedicated '-', # U:shared '-', # memory '-', # memory_usage '-', # memory_avail_4K '-', # memory_avail_2M '-', # memory_avail_1G ", ".join([str(x) for x in A]), ]) # Add row with statistics Y = statistics pt.add_row( ['count: %s' % (Y.count), '-', # status '-', # model '-', # topology Y.running_vms, '-', # node Y.vcpus, # pcpus '-', # U:dedicated '-', # U:shared Y.memory_mb, # memory Y.memory_mb_used, # memory_usage '-', # memory_avail_4K '-', # memory_avail_2M '-', # memory_avail_1G '-', # agg ]) print(pt) # Print list of compute hosts topology if show['topology']: print() print('LOGICAL CPU TOPOLOGY (compute hosts):') for host_name, topology in sorted(topologies.items(), key=lambda k_v2: (natural_keys(k_v2[0]))): H = hypervisors[host_name] try: topology_idx = topologies_idx[host_name] cpu_ids = sorted(topology_idx.keys()) siblings = topologies_sib[host_name] except Exception: topology_idx = {} siblings = {} cpu_ids = [] if len(cpu_ids) < 1: logger.info('%s libvirt info not available\n' % (host_name)) continue # determine number of sockets, cores/socket, threads/core cpu_id = 0 socket_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['s'] core_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['c'] n_sockets = len(list(topology.keys())) n_cores = len(list(topology[socket_id].keys())) n_threads = len(list(topology[socket_id][core_id].keys())) print('%s: Model:%s, Arch:%s, Vendor:%s, ' 'Sockets=%d, Cores/Socket=%d, Threads/Core=%d, Logical=%d' % (host_name, H.cpu_info['model'], H.cpu_info['arch'], H.cpu_info['vendor'], n_sockets, n_cores, n_threads, len(cpu_ids))) # cpu_id row L = ['cpu_id'] {L.append(i) for i in cpu_ids} pt = PrettyTable(L) pt.align = 'r' # socket_id row L = ['socket_id'] {L.append(topology_idx[i]['s']) for i in cpu_ids} pt.add_row(L) # core_id row L = ['core_id'] {L.append(topology_idx[i]['c']) for i in cpu_ids} pt.add_row(L) # thread_id row L = ['thread_id'] {L.append(topology_idx[i]['t']) for i in cpu_ids} pt.add_row(L) # sibling_id row L = ['sibling_id'] {L.append(','.join( str(s) for s in siblings[i]) or '-') for i in cpu_ids} pt.add_row(L) print(pt) print() # Print list of compute hosts topology if show['topology-long']: print() print('LOGICAL CPU TOPOLOGY (compute hosts):') for host_name, topology in sorted(topologies.items(), key=lambda k_v3: (natural_keys(k_v3[0]))): H = hypervisors[host_name] try: topology_idx = topologies_idx[host_name] cpu_ids = sorted(topology_idx.keys()) siblings = topologies_sib[host_name] except Exception: topology_idx = {} siblings = {} cpu_ids = [] if len(cpu_ids) < 1: logger.info('%s libvirt info not available\n' % (host_name)) continue # determine number of sockets, cores/socket, threads/core cpu_id = 0 socket_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['s'] core_id = topology_idx[cpu_id]['c'] n_sockets = len(list(topology.keys())) n_cores = len(list(topology[socket_id].keys())) n_threads = len(list(topology[socket_id][core_id].keys())) print('%s: Model:%s, Arch:%s, Vendor:%s, ' 'Sockets=%d, Cores/Socket=%d, Threads/Core=%d, Logical=%d' % (host_name, H.cpu_info['model'], H.cpu_info['arch'], H.cpu_info['vendor'], n_sockets, n_cores, n_threads, len(cpu_ids))) pt = PrettyTable( ['cpu_id', 'socket_id', 'core_id', 'thread_id', 'sibling_id', 'affinity' ]) pt.align = 'r' pt.align['affinity'] = 'l' for i in cpu_ids: pt.add_row( [i, topology_idx[i]['s'], topology_idx[i]['c'], topology_idx[i]['t'], list_to_range(siblings[i]) or '-', '0x%x' % (1 << i) ]) print(pt) print() # Print list of servers if show['servers']: re_server_group = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+\((\S+)\)$') print() print('SERVERS (nova view):') pt = PrettyTable( ['tenant', 'ID', 'instance_name', 'name', 'host', 'state (vm, task, power)', 'server_group', 'image', 'flavor', 'vcpus', 'memory', 'instance_topology', 'in_libvirt', ]) pt.align = 'l' for C in ['vcpus', 'memory']: pt.align[C] = 'r' for C in ['in_libvirt']: pt.align[C] = 'c' for _, S in sorted(servers.items(), key=lambda k_v4: (natural_keys(k_v4[1].host), k_v4[1].server_group, k_v4[1].instance_name) if (k_v4[1].host is not None) else 'None' ): if S.server_group is not None and S.server_group: match = re_server_group.search(S.server_group) if match: server_group = match.group(1) else: server_group = '-' else: server_group = '-' # Determine image name based on glance image id if it exists, # or deduce from attached volume metadata. try: image_id = S.image['id'] except Exception: try: image_id = volumes[S.id]['image_id'] except Exception: image_id = None try: image_name = images[image_id].name except Exception: image_name = '-' # Determine flavor name flavor_id = S.flavor['id'] try: flavor_name = flavors[flavor_id].name except Exception: flavor_name = 'DELETED (%s)' % (flavor_id) try: flavor_vcpus = flavors[flavor_id].vcpus flavor_ram = flavors[flavor_id].ram except Exception: flavor_vcpus = '-' flavor_ram = '-' try: vcpus_scale = ','.join(str(x) for x in S.vcpus_scale) except Exception: vcpus_scale = flavor_vcpus in_libvirt = False for h, D in domains.items(): if S.id in D: in_libvirt = True break tenant = tenants[S.tenant_id].name pt.add_row( [tenant, S.id, S.instance_name, S.name, S.host, '%7s, %s, %s' % (S.vm_state, S.task_state, S.power_state), server_group, image_name, flavor_name, vcpus_scale, flavor_ram, S.topology, 'yes' if in_libvirt else 'NO', ]) print(pt) # Print each libvirt domain info if show['libvirt']: print() print('SERVERS (libvirt view): ' 'Legend: cpulist = [pcpu[i], ...]') pt = PrettyTable( ['uuid', 'instance_name', 'host', 'id', 'state', 'vcpus', 'memory', 'nodelist', 'cpulist', 'in_nova', ]) pt.align = 'l' for C in ['id', 'vcpus', 'memory', 'nodelist']: pt.align[C] = 'r' for C in ['in_nova']: pt.align[C] = 'c' for host, D in sorted(domains.items(), key=lambda k_v5: (natural_keys(k_v5[0]))): for _, S in sorted(D.items(), key=lambda k_v: (k_v[1]['name'])): in_nova = True if S['uuid'] in servers else False pt.add_row( [S['uuid'], S['name'], host, S['id'], S['state'], S['vcpus'], S['memory'], list_to_range(S['nodelist']) or '-', list_to_range(S['cpulist']) or '-', 'yes' if in_nova else 'NO', ]) print(pt) # Print list of in-progress migrations if show['migrations']: print() print("MIGRATIONS (in progress): Legend: S=Source, D=Destination") pt = PrettyTable( ['ID', 'status', 'S:node', 'D:node', 'S:compute', 'D:compute', 'S:flavor[PKey]', 'D:flavor[PKey]', 'created_at', ]) pt.align = 'l' for _, M in sorted(migrations.items(), key=lambda k_v6: (k_v6[0])): pt.add_row( [M.instance_uuid, M.status, M.source_node, M.dest_node, M.source_compute, M.dest_compute, M.new_instance_type_id, M.old_instance_type_id, M.created_at, ]) print(pt) # Print flavors for instances currently in use pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=40) if show['flavors']: print() print("FLAVORS (in use):") pt = PrettyTable( ['id', 'name', 'vcpus', 'ram', 'disk', 'ephemeral', 'swap', 'rxtx_factor', 'is_public', 'extra_specs', ]) pt.align = 'l' for C in ['id', 'vcpus', 'ram', 'disk', 'ephemeral', 'swap', 'rxtx_factor']: pt.align[C] = 'r' for _, F in sorted(flavors.items(), key=lambda k_v7: (k_v7[0])): if F.id in flavors_in_use: pt.add_row( [F.id, F.name, F.vcpus, F.ram, F.disk, F.ephemeral or '-', F.swap or '-', F.rxtx_factor, F.is_public, pp.pformat(extra_specs[F.id]), ]) print(pt) # Print images for instances currently in use pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=40) if show['images']: print() print("IMAGES (in use):") pt = PrettyTable( ['id', 'name', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'size(MB)', 'status', 'properties', ]) pt.align = 'l' for C in ['id', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'status']: pt.align[C] = 'r' for _, I in sorted(images.items(), key=lambda k_v8: (k_v8[0])): if I.id in images_in_use: pt.add_row( [I.id, I.name, I.min_disk, I.min_ram, '%.2f' % (I.size / 1024.0 / 1024.0), I.status, I.properties, ]) print(pt) # Print server groups for instances currently in use (exclude members data) if show['server_groups']: print() print("SERVER GROUPS (in use):") pt = PrettyTable( ['Tenant', 'Id', 'Name', 'Policies', 'Metadata', ]) pt.align = 'l' for _, S in sorted(server_groups.items(), key=lambda k_v9: (k_v9[0])): if S.id in server_groups_in_use: tenant = tenants[S.project_id].name pt.add_row( [tenant, S.id, S.name, str(S.policies), str(S.metadata), ]) print(pt) def _get_host_id(tenant_id=None, host_name=None): """Routine defined in nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py""" sha_hash = hashlib.sha224(tenant_id + host_name) return sha_hash.hexdigest() def start_process(): logger.debug('Starting: %s, %d' % (multiprocessing.current_process().name, os.getpid())) def get_info_and_display(show=None): """Get information from various sources (keystone, nova, libvirt) Display the following information in table format. - nova view of hypervisors and servers - libvirt view of servers - nova view of in-progress migrations - nova view of flavors in-use - nova view of volumes and images in-use - nova view of server-groups in-use """ # Keep track of mismatches found when validating data sources warnings = [] # Define list of server field conversions convert = [ ('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host', 'host'), ('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname', 'nodename'), ('OS-EXT-STS:task_state', 'task_state'), ('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state', 'vm_state'), ('OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name', 'instance_name'), ('OS-EXT-STS:power_state', 'power_state'), ('OS-SRV-USG:launched_at', 'launched_at'), ('OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled', 'disabled'), ('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral', '_ephemeral'), ('os-flavor-access:is_public', '_is_public'), ('os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached', 'volumes_attached'), ('wrs-res:vcpus', 'vcpus_scale'), ('OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE:size', 'size'), ('wrs-res:topology', 'topology'), ('wrs-sg:server_group', 'server_group'), ('wrs-sg:project_id', 'project_id'), ] # Define list of migration status that imply completed migration migration_completed_list = [ # live migration 'live-post', 'live-rollback', # cold migration 'confirmed', 'reverted', 'finished', # drop_resize_claim 'drop-claim', # error 'error' ] # Get keystone credentials from nova.conf auth = keystone.load_auth_from_conf_options(CONF, AUTHTOKEN_GROUP) keystone_session = session.Session(auth=auth) # Define primary region_name (should be the same as keystone) regions = {} primary = 'primary' regions[primary] = CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name # Query sysinv database for region_name data. This is done directly from # sysinv database, as that information is not exported via sysinv APIs. # We have sufficient postgres credentials since we are on the same # localhost as the DB and may use a local socket. We also execute as root. engine = create_engine( '{driver}://{user}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}'. format( driver='postgresql', user='admin', passwd='admin', host='controller', dbname='sysinv', port='5432', ), client_encoding='utf8') conn = engine.connect() # Get sysinv i_system metadata = MetaData() metadata.reflect(engine, only=['i_system']) Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) Base.prepare(engine) S = Base.classes.i_system q = select([S.name, S.region_name, S.deleted_at] ).where(S.deleted_at is None) result = conn.execute(q) for row in result: field = 'region_name' if row[field] is None: continue regions[primary] = str(row[field]) # Get sysinv services metadata = MetaData() metadata.reflect(engine, only=['services']) Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) Base.prepare(engine) S = Base.classes.services q = select([S.name, S.region_name, S.deleted_at] ).where(S.deleted_at is None) result = conn.execute(q) for row in result: name = str(row['name']) field = 'region_name' if row[field] is None: region = regions[primary] else: region = str(row[field]) regions[name] = region # Connect keystone client region_keystone = CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name try: kc = keystone_client.Client(session=keystone_session, endpoint_type='internalURL', region_name=region_keystone) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot connect keystone client, %s', e) sys.exit(1) # Connect nova client as admin region_nova = regions.get('nova', CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name) try: nc_admin = nova_client.Client(NOVACLIENT_VERSION, session=keystone_session, endpoint_type='internalURL', region_name=region_nova) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot connect nova client, %s', e) sys.exit(1) # Get list of services, then transform into dictionary with 'name' as key try: services_ = kc.services.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list services', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) services = dict((e.name, e) for e in services_) del services_ # Get list of endpoints, then transform into dictionary with 'id' as key try: endpoints_ = kc.endpoints.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list endpoints', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) endpoints = dict((e.id, e) for e in endpoints_) del endpoints_ # Get list of tenants, then transform into dictionary with 'id' as key try: tenants_ = kc.projects.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list tenants', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) tenants = dict((e.id, e) for e in tenants_) del tenants_ # Connect cinder client as admin to access block storage volumes region_cinder = regions.get('cinder', CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name) try: cv_admin = cinder_client.Client(CINDERCLIENT_VERSION, session=keystone_session, endpoint_type='internalURL', region_name=region_cinder) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot connect cinder client, %s', e) sys.exit(1) # Connect glanceclient as admin to access images region_glance = regions.get('glance', CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name) try: gc_admin = glance_client.Client(GLANCECLIENT_VERSION, session=keystone_session, interface='internalURL', region_name=region_glance) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot connect glance client, %s', e) sys.exit(1) # Get list of images try: images_ = gc_admin.images.list(detailed=True) except Exception as e: if True in debug.values(): logger.error('cannot list images', exc_info=1) else: logger.error('cannot list images, %s' % (e)) images_ = [] try: images = dict((e.id, e) for e in images_) except Exception as e: if True in debug.values(): logger.error('cannot list images', exc_info=1) else: logger.error('cannot list images, %s' % (e)) images = {} # translate fields into human-readable names _translate_keys(images, convert) for I_id, I in images.items(): meta = copy.deepcopy(I.properties) I.properties = {} for k, v in meta.items(): I.properties[str(k)] = str(v) # Get list of servers for all tenants try: servers_ = nc_admin.servers.list(detailed=True, search_opts={'all_tenants': True}) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list servers', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) servers = dict((e.id, e) for e in servers_) del servers_ # translate fields into human-readable names _translate_keys(servers, convert) _translate_extended_states(servers) for S in servers.values(): if S.host != S.nodename: warnings.append( 'Server ID=%s, instance_name=%s, name=%s, host=%s ' 'does not match nodename=%s.' % (S.id, S.instance_name, S.name, S.host, S.nodename)) # Get list of volumes attached to servers for all tenants if show['volumes']: try: volumes_ = cv_admin.volumes.list(detailed=True, search_opts={'all_tenants': True}) except Exception as e: if True in debug.values(): logger.error('cannot list volumes', exc_info=1) else: logger.error('cannot list volumes, %s' % (e)) volumes_ = [] else: volumes_ = [] volumes = {} # keep all fields for debug even though we do not display details. for V in volumes_: # image metadata (not always available) try: image_id = V.volume_image_metadata['image_id'] image_name = V.volume_image_metadata['image_name'] except Exception: image_id = None image_name = None for A in V.attachments: server_id = A['server_id'] volume_id = A['volume_id'] volumes[server_id] = {'volume_id': volume_id, 'image_id': image_id, 'image_name': image_name, 'vars': vars(V), } del volumes_ # Get list of migrations, sort-by id which puts them in time order. # Transform into dictionary with 'instance_uuid' as key. Keep only the # most current, and only in-progress migrations. try: migrations_ = nc_admin.migrations.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list migrations', exc_info=1) migrations_ = {} migrations = {} if migrations_: migrations_.sort(key=lambda x: (x.id)) for M in migrations_: if M.instance_uuid in servers: migrations.update({M.instance_uuid: M}) for _, M in migrations.items(): S = servers[M.instance_uuid] if S.task_state is None or M.status in migration_completed_list: del migrations[M.instance_uuid] del migrations_ # Get list of flavors, then transform into dictionary with 'id' as key try: flavors_ = nc_admin.flavors.list(detailed=True) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list flavors', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) flavors = dict((e.id, e) for e in flavors_) del flavors_ # translate fields into human-readable names _translate_keys(flavors, convert) # Get extra_specs extra_specs = {} for f_id, F in flavors.items(): try: specs = F.get_keys() except Exception as e: specs = {} logger.error('cannot get extra_specs for flavor:%s, error=%s' % (f_id, e)) extra_specs[f_id] = {} for k, v in specs.items(): extra_specs[f_id][str(k)] = str(v) # Get list of server groups, then transform into dictionary with 'id' # as key try: server_groups_ = nc_admin.server_groups.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list server_groups', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) server_groups = dict((e.id, e) for e in server_groups_) del server_groups_ # translate fields into human-readable names _translate_keys(server_groups, convert) # Generate server_groups_in_use, flavors in-use, images in-use re_server_group = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+\((\S+)\)$') server_groups_in_use = {} flavors_in_use = {} images_in_use = {} for S in servers.values(): if S.server_group is not None and S.server_group: match = re_server_group.search(S.server_group) if match: server_group_id = match.group(2) server_groups_in_use[server_group_id] = True # Save flavors in use flavor_id = S.flavor['id'] flavors_in_use[flavor_id] = True # Save images in use. Look for glance image id. If glance image not # available, then check for attached volume and store image name from # volume metadata. try: image_id = S.image['id'] except Exception: try: image_id = volumes[S.id]['image_id'] images_in_use[image_id] = True except Exception: image_id = None if image_id is not None: images_in_use[image_id] = True # Get list of hypervisors, then transform into dictionary with # 'hypervisor_hostname' as key try: hypervisors_ = nc_admin.hypervisors.list(detailed=True) except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list hypervisors', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) hypervisors = dict((e.hypervisor_hostname, e) for e in hypervisors_) del hypervisors_ for H in hypervisors.values(): H.cpu_info = jsonutils.loads(H.cpu_info) if H.cpu_info else {} del H._info, H._loaded, H.manager # Get hypervisor statisics (over all computes) try: statistics = nc_admin.hypervisors.statistics() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot get overall hypervisors statistics', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) # Get list of aggregates, then transform into dictionary with 'id' as key try: aggregates_ = nc_admin.aggregates.list() except Exception as e: logger.error('cannot list aggregates', exc_info=1) sys.exit(1) aggregates = dict((e.id, e) for e in aggregates_) del aggregates_ # Build up aggregate list per compute host agg_h = {} for H in hypervisors: agg_h[H] = {} for A in aggregates.values(): for H in A.hosts: agg_h[H] = {} for A in aggregates.values(): for H in A.hosts: agg_h[H][str(A.name)] = A.metadata # Calculate number of workers we can handle process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) avail_MiB = psutil.virtual_memory().available / float(Mi) try: process_MiB = process.get_memory_info().rss / float(Mi) except Exception as e1: try: process_MiB = process.memory_info().rss / float(Mi) except Exception as e2: logger.error('WORKERS: psutil.memory_info(), error=%s' % (e2)) process_MiB = 50.0 pool_size = \ max(1, min(len(hypervisors), max(1, min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), int(0.6 * (avail_MiB - 100.0) / process_MiB) ) ) ) ) logger.debug('WORKERS: avail=%.2f MiB, process=%.2f MiB, pool_size=%d' % (avail_MiB, process_MiB, pool_size)) # Create pool of workers that connect to libvirt hypervisor. try: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=pool_size, initializer=start_process, maxtasksperchild=2) except Exception as e: logger.error('Cannot create worker pool, %s' % (e)) sys.exit(1) hosts = [] for h in hypervisors: hosts.append(h) # Launch tasks results = [pool.apply_async(libvirt_domain_info_worker, args=(x,)) for x in hosts] pool.close() # Wait for active workers to complete time.sleep(0.15) while len(active_pids) > 0: # Reap aged workers that exceed hang timeout now = time.time() reap = [] for pid in active_pids: if pid == 0: continue try: host, age = active_pids[pid] except: continue dt = now - age if dt > LIBVIRT_REAP_SEC: reap.append(pid) logger.error('REAP: pid=%d, host=%s, age=%.2f s' % (pid, host, dt)) for pid in reap: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) del active_pids[pid] time.sleep(0.25) # Collect outputs # Since we have already waited, set timeout small. outputs = [] for p in results: try: outputs.append(p.get(timeout=0.005)) except: pass # Cleanup workers pool.terminate() pool.join() # Summarize per-domain and cpu topology per host. domains = {} topologies = {} topologies_idx = {} topologies_sib = {} topologies_lib = {} for (h, domain_lib, topology_lib, tm1, error) in outputs: if error is None: domains[h] = domain_lib topologies_lib[h] = topology_lib else: domains[h] = {} topologies_lib[h] = {} logger.error('%s' % error) topology = copy.deepcopy(topologies_lib[h]) topologies[h] = copy.deepcopy(topology) # Define topology indices for each logical cpu topology_idx = {} for socket_id in topology: for core_id in topology[socket_id]: for thread_id in topology[socket_id][core_id]: cpu_id = topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] topology_idx[cpu_id] = {'s': socket_id, 'c': core_id, 't': thread_id} topologies_idx[h] = copy.deepcopy(topology_idx) # Define siblings for each logical cpu siblings = {} for socket_id in topology: for core_id in topology[socket_id]: for thread_id in topology[socket_id][core_id]: cpu_id = topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] siblings[cpu_id] = [] for sibling_id in topology[socket_id][core_id]: if thread_id != sibling_id: sibling_cpu_id = topology[socket_id][core_id][sibling_id] siblings[cpu_id].append(sibling_cpu_id) topologies_sib[h] = copy.deepcopy(siblings) del outputs # Query nova database for compute_nodes table, which contains per NUMA cell # data (i.e., numa_topology). This is done directly from nova database, # as that information is not exported via nova APIs. # We have sufficient postgres credentials since we are on the same # localhost as the DB and may use a local socket. We also execute as root. computes_cell = {} engine = create_engine( '{driver}://{user}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}'. format( driver='postgresql', user='admin', passwd='admin', host='controller', dbname='nova', port='5432', ), client_encoding='utf8') conn = engine.connect() metadata = MetaData() metadata.reflect(engine, only=['compute_nodes']) Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) Base.prepare(engine) CN = Base.classes.compute_nodes q = select([CN.hypervisor_hostname, CN.numa_topology, CN.deleted] ).where(CN.deleted == 0) result = conn.execute(q) for row in result: host = row['hypervisor_hostname'] computes_cell[host] = [] # We need libvirt topology information to make sense of cpusets. have_topology = True try: if len(list(topologies_idx[host].keys())) < 1: have_topology = False except: have_topology = False field = 'numa_topology' if field not in row or row[field] is None: continue try: T = jsonutils.loads(row[field]) except Exception as e: T = {} logger.warning('cannot json.loads(%s), error=%s' % (field, e)) continue try: cells = T['nova_object.data']['cells'] for C in cells: cell = C['nova_object.data'] cell_id = cell['id'] cpu_usage = cell['cpu_usage'] cpuset = cell['cpuset'] pinned_cpus = cell['pinned_cpus'] shared_pcpu = cell['shared_pcpu'] siblings = cell['siblings'] memory = cell['memory'] memory_usage = cell['memory_usage'] MP = cell['mempages'] mempages = [] for M in MP: MS = M['nova_object.data'] mempages.append(MS) pcpuset = [] if have_topology: for cpu in cpuset: if topologies_idx[host][cpu]['s'] == cell_id: pcpuset.append(cpu) # Store data for compute node numa cell Cell = {} Cell['id'] = cell_id Cell['memory'] = memory Cell['memory_usage'] = memory_usage Cell['mempages'] = mempages Cell['pinned_cpus'] = pinned_cpus Cell['pcpuset'] = pcpuset if have_topology: Cell['pcpus'] = len(pcpuset) else: Cell['pcpus'] = '-' Cell['shared_pcpu'] = shared_pcpu Cell['siblings'] = siblings Cell['pinned_used'] = len(pinned_cpus) if have_topology: Cell['pinned_avail'] = len(pcpuset) - len(pinned_cpus) else: Cell['pinned_avail'] = '-' Cell['shared_used'] = cpu_usage - len(pinned_cpus) for suf in ['4K', '2M', '1G']: Cell['memory_total_' + suf] = 0 Cell['memory_used_' + suf] = 0 Cell['memory_avail_' + suf] = 0 for pages in mempages: suf = '' if pages['size_kb'] == 4: suf = '4K' if pages['size_kb'] == 2048: suf = '2M' if pages['size_kb'] == 1048576: suf = '1G' Cell['memory_total_' + suf] = pages['size_kb'] * pages['total'] / Ki Cell['memory_used_' + suf] = pages['size_kb'] * pages['used'] / Ki Cell['memory_avail_' + suf] = pages['size_kb'] * (pages['total'] - pages['used']) / Ki computes_cell[host].append(Cell) except Exception as e: logger.warning('cannot print numa_topology.cells, error=%s' % (e)) conn.close() # Detect mismatch where server is in nova but not in libvirt server_mismatch = False for S in servers.values(): in_libvirt = False for h, D in domains.items(): if S.id in D and S.host == h: in_libvirt = True break if not in_libvirt: server_mismatch = True warnings.append('Server ID=%s, instance_name=%s, name=%s, ' 'host=%s is in nova but not libvirt.' % (S.id, S.instance_name, S.name, S.host)) # Detect mismatch where server is in libvirt but not in nova for host, D in domains.items(): for k, S in D.items(): in_nova = False uuid = S['uuid'] if uuid in servers and servers[uuid].host == host: in_nova = True if not in_nova: server_mismatch = True warnings.append('Server ID=%s, instance_name=%s, host=%s ' 'is in libvirt but not nova.' % (S['uuid'], S['name'], host)) # Print out more details if we detect a mismatch, but only if we meant # to display servers. if server_mismatch and (show['servers'] or show['libvirt']): show['servers'] = True show['libvirt'] = True # Print debug information if True in debug.values(): print_debug_info(tenants=tenants, regions=regions, endpoints=endpoints, services=services, hypervisors=hypervisors, statistics=statistics, servers=servers, server_groups=server_groups, migrations=migrations, flavors=flavors, extra_specs=extra_specs, images=images, volumes=volumes, aggregates=aggregates, domains=domains, topologies=topologies, topologies_idx=topologies_idx, topologies_sib=topologies_sib, computes_cell=computes_cell, debug=debug, show=show) # Print all summary tables print_all_tables(tenants=tenants, hypervisors=hypervisors, statistics=statistics, servers=servers, server_groups=server_groups, migrations=migrations, flavors=flavors, extra_specs=extra_specs, images=images, volumes=volumes, aggregates=aggregates, domains=domains, topologies=topologies, topologies_idx=topologies_idx, topologies_sib=topologies_sib, computes_cell=computes_cell, agg_h=agg_h, flavors_in_use=flavors_in_use, images_in_use=images_in_use, server_groups_in_use=server_groups_in_use, debug=debug, show=show) # Print out warnings if we detect mismatches between nova and libvirt if warnings: print() print("WARNINGS (mismatch):") pt = PrettyTable(['Message']) pt.align = 'l' for W in warnings: pt.add_row([W]) print(pt) if True in debug.values(): logger.debug('done.') # Cleanup del nc_admin, kc def main(): try: # Enforce 'root' access since we need to read nova.conf . if os.geteuid() != 0: print('Require sudo/root.') os.execvp('sudo', ['sudo'] + sys.argv) # Process command line options and arguments, configure logging, # configure debug and show options parse_arguments(debug, show) # Print selected options, and timestamp prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) ts = datetime.datetime.now() print("%s: %s options: show:%s" % (prog, ts.isoformat(), show['show'])) if show['volumes']: logger.info('volumes selected: displaying will take some time') if debug['creds']: CONF.log_opt_values(logger, logging.INFO) # Get all info and display in table format get_info_and_display(show) sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.info('caught: %r, shutting down', e) sys.exit(0) except IOError as e: sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: logger.error('exception: %r', e, exc_info=1) sys.exit(-4)