""" Copyright (c) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ ################### # IMPORTS ################### import logging import logging.handlers import time import os import subprocess import glob import re import sys from daemon import runner import prepostrotate ################### # CONSTANTS ################### LOG_DIR = '/var/lib/logmgmt' LOG_FILE = LOG_DIR + '/logmgmt.log' PID_FILE = '/var/run/logmgmt.pid' LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES = 1024*1024 LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT = 5 PERCENT_FREE_CRITICAL = 10 PERCENT_FREE_MAJOR = 20 LOGROTATE_PERIOD = 600 # Every ten minutes ################### # METHODS ################### def start_polling(): logmgmt_daemon = LogMgmtDaemon() logmgmt_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(logmgmt_daemon) logmgmt_runner.daemon_context.umask = 0o022 logmgmt_runner.do_action() def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Exception handler to log any uncaught exceptions """ logging.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) ################### # CLASSES ################### class LogMgmtDaemon(): """ Daemon process representation of the /var/log monitoring program """ def __init__(self): # Daemon-specific init self.stdin_path = '/dev/null' self.stdout_path = '/dev/null' self.stderr_path = '/dev/null' self.pidfile_path = PID_FILE self.pidfile_timeout = 5 self.monitored_files = [] self.unmonitored_files = [] self.last_logrotate = 0 self.last_check = 0 def configure_logging(self, level=logging.DEBUG): my_exec = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if not os.path.exists(LOG_DIR): os.mkdir(LOG_DIR, 0o755) log_format = '%(asctime)s: ' \ + my_exec + '[%(process)s]: ' \ + '%(filename)s(%(lineno)s): ' \ + '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' fmt = logging.Formatter(fmt=log_format) # Use python's log rotation, rather than logrotate handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( LOG_FILE, maxBytes=LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES, backupCount=LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT) my_logger = logging.getLogger() my_logger.setLevel(level) handler.setFormatter(fmt) handler.setLevel(level) my_logger.addHandler(handler) # Log uncaught exceptions to file sys.excepthook = handle_exception def run(self): self.configure_logging() while True: self.check_var_log() # run/poll every 1 min time.sleep(60) def get_percent_free(self): usage = os.statvfs('/var/log') return ((usage.f_bavail * 100) / usage.f_blocks) def get_monitored_files(self): self.monitored_files = [] try: output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/sbin/logrotate', '-d', '/etc/logrotate.conf'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in output.split('\n'): fields = line.split() if len(fields) > 0 and fields[0] == "considering": self.monitored_files.extend(glob.glob(fields[2])) self.monitored_files.extend(glob.glob(fields[2] + '.[0-9].gz')) self.monitored_files.extend(glob.glob(fields[2] + '.[0-9][0-9].gz')) self.monitored_files.extend(glob.glob(fields[2] + '.[0-9]')) self.monitored_files.extend(glob.glob(fields[2] + '.[0-9][0-9]')) except: logging.error('Failed to determine monitored files') raise def get_unmonitored_files(self): self.unmonitored_files = [] try: output = subprocess.check_output(['find', '/var/log', '-type', 'f']) for fname in output.split('\n'): if fname in self.monitored_files: continue # Ignore some files if '/var/log/puppet' in fname \ or '/var/log/dmesg' in fname \ or '/var/log/rabbitmq' in fname \ or '/var/log/lastlog' in fname: continue if os.path.exists(fname): self.unmonitored_files.append(fname) except: logging.error('Failed to determine unmonitored files') def purge_files(self, index): pattern = re.compile('.*\.([0-9]*)\.gz') for fname in sorted(self.monitored_files): result = pattern.match(fname) if result: if int(result.group(1)) >= index: logging.info("Purging file: %s" % fname) try: os.remove(fname) except OSError as e: logging.error('Failed to remove file: %s', e) def run_logrotate(self): self.last_logrotate = int(time.time()) try: subprocess.check_call(['/usr/sbin/logrotate', '/etc/logrotate.conf']) except: logging.error('Failed logrotate') def run_logrotate_forced(self): self.last_logrotate = int(time.time()) try: subprocess.check_call(['/usr/sbin/logrotate', '-f', '/etc/logrotate.conf']) except: logging.error('Failed logrotate -f') def timecheck(self): # If we're more than a couple of mins since the last timecheck, # there could have been a large time correction, which would skew # our timing. Reset the logrotate timestamp to ensure we don't miss anything now = int(time.time()) if self.last_check > now or (now - self.last_check) > 120: self.last_logrotate = 0 self.last_check = now def check_var_log(self): self.timecheck() try: prepostrotate.ensure_bash_log_locked_down() except Exception as e: logging.exception('Failed to ensure bash.log locked', e) pf = self.get_percent_free() if pf > PERCENT_FREE_CRITICAL: # We've got more than 10% free space, so just run logrotate every ten minutes now = int(time.time()) if self.last_logrotate > now or (now - self.last_logrotate) > LOGROTATE_PERIOD: logging.info("Running logrotate") self.run_logrotate() return logging.warning("Reached critical disk usage for /var/log: %d%% free" % pf) # We're running out of disk space, so we need to start deleting files try: for index in range(20, 11, -1): logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free. Purging rotated .%d.gz files to free space" % (pf, index)) self.get_monitored_files() self.purge_files(index) pf = self.get_percent_free() if pf >= PERCENT_FREE_MAJOR: # We've freed up enough space. Do a logrotate and leave logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free. Running logrotate" % pf) self.run_logrotate() return except Exception as e: logging.exception('Failed purging rotated files', e) # We still haven't freed up enough space, so try a logrotate logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free. Running logrotate" % pf) self.run_logrotate() pf = self.get_percent_free() if pf >= PERCENT_FREE_MAJOR: return # Try a forced rotate logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free. Running forced logrotate" % pf) self.run_logrotate_forced() pf = self.get_percent_free() if pf >= PERCENT_FREE_MAJOR: return # Start deleting unmonitored files try: self.get_monitored_files() self.get_unmonitored_files() logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free. Deleting unmonitored files to free space" % pf) for fname in sorted(self.unmonitored_files, key=os.path.getsize, reverse=True): logging.info("Deleting unmonitored file: %s" % fname) try: os.remove(fname) except OSError as e: logging.error('Failed to remove file: %s', e) pf = self.get_percent_free() if pf >= PERCENT_FREE_MAJOR: logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free." % pf) return except Exception as e: logging.exception('Failed checking unmonitored files', e) # Nothing else to be done logging.info("/var/log is %d%% free." % pf) return