'> '> '> '> '> '> The universally unique identifier for this object. For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage. '> Administrative state of the node. The operational state of the node. The name of the node. The operational state of the node The availability status of the node. The id of the node. '> The type of host that the service is running on. The name of the service group. The name of the node that the service is running on. The state of the service. The uuid of the service group. '> The operational state of the service. The id of the service. The desired state of the service The name of the service. The name of the host which the service is running on. '> GET'> PUT'> POST'> DELETE'>