
41 lines
1.9 KiB

From 47315e28d44cff586f6fff026dd00e61c2c77bcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerry Kopec <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 20:11:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Allow multiple containers per daemonset pod
Remove code that restricted daemonset pods to single containers.
Container names will default to name from helm chart template.
Required for nova cold migrations to work.
Story: 2003876
Task: 26735
Change-Id: Icce660415d43baefbbf768a785c5dedf04ea2930
Signed-off-by: Gerry Kopec <>
(cherry picked from commit 7ca30319f418cd39db5ecf44cce5fb5fe39c458e)
Signed-off-by: Robert Church <>
helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl | 7 -------
1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl b/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
index e352bc9..10ab166 100644
--- a/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
+++ b/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
@@ -225,13 +225,6 @@ limitations under the License.
{{- if not $ }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
- {{/* set container name
- assume not more than one container is defined */}}
- {{- $container := first $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.containers }}
- {{- $_ := set $container "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
- {{- $cont_list := list $container }}
- {{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "containers" $cont_list }}
{{/* cross-reference configmap name to container volume definitions */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_list" list }}
{{- range $current_volume := $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.volumes }}