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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class CephClientException(Exception):
message = "generic ceph client exception"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "message" not in kwargs:
message = self.message.format(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception: # noqa
message = '{}, args:{}, kwargs: {}'.format(
self.message, args, kwargs)
message = kwargs["message"]
super(CephClientException, self).__init__(message)
class CephMonRestfulListKeysError(CephClientException):
message = "Failed to get ceph-mgr restful plugin keys. {}"
class CephMonRestfulJsonError(CephClientException):
message = "Failed to decode ceph-mgr restful plugin JSON response: {}"
class CephMonRestfulMissingUserCredentials(CephClientException):
message = "Failed to get ceph-mgr restful plugin credentials for user: {}"
class CephMgrDumpError(CephClientException):
message = "Failed to get ceph manager info. {}"
class CephMgrJsonError(CephClientException):
message = "Failed to decode ceph manager JSON response: {}"
class CephMgrMissingRestfulService(CephClientException):
message = "Missing restful service. Available services: {}"
class CephClientFormatNotSupported(CephClientException):
message = "Command '{prefix}' does not support request format '{format}'"
class CephClientResponseFormatNotImplemented(CephClientException):
message = ("Can't decode response. Support for '{format}' format "
"is not implemented. Response: {reason}")
class CephClientFunctionNotImplemented(CephClientException):
message = "Function '{name}' is not implemented"
class CephClientInvalidChoice(CephClientException):
message = ("Function '{function}' does not support option "
"{option}='{value}'. Supported values are: {supported}")
class CephClientTypeError(CephClientException):
message = ("Expecting option '{name}' of type {expected}. "
"Got {actual} instead")
class CephClientValueOutOfBounds(CephClientException):
message = ("Argument '{name}' should be within range: {min} .. {max} "
". Got value '{actual}' instead")
class CephClientInvalidPgid(CephClientException):
message = ("Argument '{name}' is not a valid Ceph PG id. Expected "
" where n is an int > 0, xxx is a hex number > 0. "
"Got value '{actual}' instead")
class CephClientInvalidIPAddr(CephClientException):
message = ("Argument '{name}' should be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. "
"Got value '{actual}' instead")
class CephClientInvalidOsdIdValue(CephClientException):
message = ("Invalid OSD ID value '{osdid}'. Should start with 'osd.'")
class CephClientInvalidOsdIdType(CephClientException):
message = ("Invalid OSD ID type for '{osdid}'. "
"Expected integer or 'osd.NNN'")
class CephClientNoSuchUser(CephClientException):
message = ("No such user '{user}'.")
class CephClientIncorrectPassword(CephClientException):
message = ("Incorrect password for user '{user}'.")