## NOTE: updates to partition sizes need to be also reflected in ## _controller_filesystem_limits() in sysinv/api/controllers/v1/istorconfig.py sz=$(blockdev --getsize64 $(get_disk $rootfs_device)) if [ $sz -le $((60*$gb)) ] ; then LOG_VOL_SIZE=4000 SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE=4000 ROOTFS_SIZE=10000 else LOG_VOL_SIZE=8000 SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE=8000 ROOTFS_SIZE=20000 fi ROOTFS_OPTIONS="defaults" profile_mode=`cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep security_profile= | grep extended` if [ -n "$profile_mode" ]; then # Enable iversion labelling for rootfs when IMA is enabled ROOTFS_OPTIONS="${ROOTFS_OPTIONS},iversion" fi cat<>/tmp/part-include part /boot --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --size=500 --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" part pv.253004 --grow --asprimary --size=500 --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) volgroup cgts-vg --pesize=32768 pv.253004 logvol /var/log --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$LOG_VOL_SIZE --name=log-lv logvol /scratch --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE --name=scratch-lv part / --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --size=$ROOTFS_SIZE --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" EOF %end