#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # ########################################################################### # # This is a pmon test script that is not packaged into the load. # It is used for feature regression testing. # # Test options are # - restart # - future .... # # # Restart Test Example: # # process operation status [before pid]:[after pid] # # controller-0:~# /home/sysadmin/pmon-test.sh restart # # acpid restart PASSED [651]:[19095] # fsmond restart PASSED [8719]:[26343] # guestServer restart PASSED [8710]:[29108] # hbsClient restart PASSED [8729]:[31248] # host_agent restart PASSED [13840]:[630] # io-monitor-manager restart PASSED [11398]:[3713] # libvirtd restart PASSED [3841]:[7323] # logmgmt restart PASSED [2443]:[10701] # mtcClient restart PASSED [8735]:[13749] # mtclogd restart PASSED [8681]:[15771] # neutron-dhcp-agent restart PASSED [10911]:[23967] # neutron-metadata-agent restart PASSED [11051]:[27210] # neutron-sriov-nic-agent restart PASSED [11092]:[30551] # nova-compute restart PASSED [14776]:[1109] # ntpd does not support restart # ptp4l does not support restart # phc2sys does not support restart # sm-api restart PASSED [8896]:[8460] # skipping 'sm' process # sm-eru restart PASSED [8904]:[10993] # sm-watchdog restart PASSED [8695]:[14621] # skipping 'sshd' process # sw-patch-agent restart PASSED [2740]:[17461] # sw-patch-controller-daemon restart PASSED [2558]:[21336] # sysinv-agent restart PASSED [2757]:[25128] # syslog-ng restart PASSED [684]:[28125] # vswitch does not support restart ############################################################################ . /etc/nova/openrc # Linux Standard Base (LSB) Error Codes RETVAL=0 GENERIC_ERROR=1 INVALID_ARGS=2 UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE=3 NOT_INSTALLED=5 NOT_RUNNING=7 trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c { echo "Exiting ..." exit 0 } DEBUG=false function dlog { if [ ${DEBUG} == true ] ; then echo "Debug: $1" fi } # defaults restarts=1 debounce=10 startuptime=40 factor=10 printf "\n" # Loop over all the files in pmon.d dir and include pmond itself FILES=/etc/pmon.d/* #for file in "pmond" ${FILES} for file in ${FILES} do if [ "${file}" == "pmond" ] ; then process=${file} pidfile="/var/run/pmond.pid" else restarts=`cat ${file} | grep ^restarts | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d' '` process=`cat ${file} | grep ^process | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d' '` fi printf "%-30s %s - " "${process}" "${1}" # Avoid testing certain processes # ceph - pmond does not support if [ "$process" == "ceph" -o "$process" == "vswitch" ] ; then echo "${process} ${1} is not supported ... skipping" continue fi if [ "$process" == "sshd" -a "${TERM}" == "xterm" ] ; then echo "${process} ${1} not supported in xterm mode ; need to run on console" continue fi debounce=`cat ${file} | grep ^debounce | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d' '` if [ -z "${debounce}" ] ; then debounce=10 fi startuptime=`cat ${file} | grep ^startuptime | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d' '` if [ -z "${startuptime}" ] ; then startuptime=10 fi pidfile=`cat ${file} | grep ^pidfile | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d' '` dlog "supports $restarts restarts debounce:$debounce startuptime:$startuptime pidfile:$pidfile" if [ -z "$restarts" -o -z "$process" -o -z "$pidfile" -o -z "$debounce" -o -z "$startuptime" ] ; then printf "FAILED to parse ${file} - $restarts:restarts debounce:$debounce startuptime:$startuptime pidfile:$pidfile" continue fi if [ "$1" == "restart" ] ; then if [ ! -f ${pidfile} ] ; then printf "${1} FAILED ... pifdile missing (${pidfile})\n" if [ ${process} == "pmond" ] ; then exit ${GENERIC_ERROR} else continue fi fi pid1=`head -1 ${pidfile}` kill -0 ${pid1} if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then pmon-restart ${process} else echo "FAILED - process not Running" fi elif [ "$1" == "stop" ] ; then debounce=1 startuptime=1 factor=1 # Not all processes can be stopped if [ "$process" == "pmond" -o "$process" == "sm" ] ; then echo "${process} stop not supported ... skipping" continue elif [ "$process" == "hbsClient" -a ! -e "/var/run/.node_locked" ] ; then echo "${process} refusing to stop of heartbeat client on inservice host" continue else pmon-stop ${process} fi elif [ "${1}" == "start" ] ; then if [ "$process" == "pmond" -o "$process" == "sm" ] ; then echo "${process} stop not supported ... skipping" continue else factor=1 pmon-start ${process} sleep 1 s=`tail -2 /var/log/pmond.log | grep "$process process is not in the stopped state"` if [ ! -z "${s}" ] ; then echo "FAILED not in stopped state" continue fi fi elif [ "${1}" == "kill" ] ; then kill -9 ${pid1} sleep 2 elif [ "${1}" == "alarm" ] ; then printf "action not yet supported" continue elif [ "${1}" == "critical" ] ; then printf "action not yet supported" continue else printf "\n\nError:\nInvalid operation '${1}' specified\n" printf "... must be restart, kill, alarm, or critical\n" printf "\n" exit ${UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE} fi sleeptime=$((debounce + startuptime + factor)) sleep $sleeptime if [ "$1" == "stop" ] ; then if [ -e "${pidfile}" ] ; then # some processes are auto restarted by systemd if [ "${process}" != "mtcClient" -a "${process}" != "syslog-ng" ] ; then echo "FAILED - pidfile still present" fi else kill -0 ${pid1} 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "FAILED - process is still running ($pid1)" else pid2=`/usr/sbin/pidof ${process}` if [ -z ${pid2} ] ; then echo "PASSED - process is stopped" else echo "FAILED - process is running again ($pid2)" fi fi fi else pid2=`head -1 ${pidfile}` if [ "$pid1" != "$pid2" ] ; then kill -0 ${pid2} if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then sleep 10 pid3=`head -1 ${pidfile}` if [ "$pid2" != "$pid3" ] ; then echo "FAILED - pid changed" else printf "PASSED [%5d]:[%5d]\n" "${pid1}" "${pid2}" fi else echo "FAILED - no process" fi else echo "FAILED - process not stopped" fi fi done exit ${RETVAL}