/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGTS Platform Controller Maintenance Daemon */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for hostent */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for ... close and usleep */ #include /* for ... HTTP_ status definitions */ #include /* for ... RTMGRP_LINK */ using namespace std; #ifdef __AREA__ #undef __AREA__ #endif #define __AREA__ "mtc" #include "daemon_common.h" /* */ #include "daemon_ini.h" /* Init parset header */ #include "daemon_option.h" /* */ #include "nodeBase.h" /* Service header */ #include "nodeTimers.h" /* */ #include "nodeClass.h" /* */ #include "nodeUtil.h" /* */ #include "threadUtil.h" /* for ... threadUtil_init/fini */ #include "timeUtil.h" /* for ... daemon_sample_time_init */ #include "tokenUtil.h" /* for ... keystone_config_handler */ #include "nodeMacro.h" /* for ... CREATE_REUSABLE_INET_UDP_TX_SOCKET */ #include "nodeEvent.h" /* for ... inotify utility services */ #include "mtcNodeFsm.h" /* */ #include "mtcNodeMsg.h" /* */ #include "mtcHttpSvr.h" /* for ... mtcHttpSvr_init/_fini/_look */ #include "mtcInvApi.h" /* */ #include "mtcSmgrApi.h" /* */ #include "nlEvent.h" /* for ... open_netlink_socket */ #include "bmcUtil.h" /* for ... board mgmnt utility header */ /************************************************************** * Implementation Structure ************************************************************** * * Call sequence: * * daemon_init * daemon_configure * daemon_signal_init * mtc_hostname_read * mtc_message_init (obsolete ?) * mtc_socket_init * * daemon_service_run * forever ( timer_handler ) * mtc_fsm_run * mtc_service_inbox * */ extern void mtcTimer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc); extern int service_events ( nodeLinkClass * obj_ptr, mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr ); extern bool mtc_get_inventory_in_progress ( void ); int mtc_service_inbox ( nodeLinkClass * obj_ptr, mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int interface ); /** Instanciate the NodeLinkClass and pointer to it */ nodeLinkClass mtcInv ; nodeLinkClass * mtcInv_ptr ; nodeLinkClass * get_mtcInv_ptr ( void ) { return (&mtcInv); } static event_type mtce_event ; event_type * get_eventPtr ( void ) { return(&mtce_event); } int module_init ( void ) { mtcInv_ptr = &mtcInv ; return (PASS); } void daemon_sigchld_hdlr ( void ) { ; /* dlog("Received SIGCHLD ... no action\n"); */ } /** * Daemon Configuration Structure - The allocated struct * @see mtc.h for daemon_config_type struct format. */ static daemon_config_type mtc_config ; daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr ( void ) { return &mtc_config ; } /** * Daemon Messaging Socket Control Struct - The allocated struct * @see mtcNodeMsg.h for mtc_socket_type struct format. */ static mtc_socket_type mtc_sock ; mtc_socket_type * get_sockPtr ( void ) { return ( &mtc_sock ) ; } msgSock_type * get_mtclogd_sockPtr ( void ) { return (&mtc_sock.mtclogd); } /******************************************************/ /* Socket Close functions */ /******************************************************/ static void mtc_agent_tx_socket_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket) { delete mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket; mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket = NULL; } } static void mtc_agent_rx_socket_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket) { delete (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket); mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket = NULL; } } static void mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket) { delete mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket; mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket = NULL; } } static void mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket) { delete mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket; mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket = NULL; } } static void mtc_event_rx_sock_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock) { delete mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock; mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock = NULL; } } static void hwmon_cmd_sock_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock) { delete mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock; mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock = NULL; } } static void mtc_to_hbs_sock_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock) { delete mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock; mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock = NULL; } } static void mtclogd_socket_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtclogd.sock) { close(mtc_sock.mtclogd.sock); mtc_sock.mtclogd.sock = 0; } } static void netlink_sock_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.netlink_sock) { close(mtc_sock.netlink_sock); mtc_sock.netlink_sock = 0; } } static void ioctl_sock_close ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.ioctl_sock) { close(mtc_sock.ioctl_sock); mtc_sock.ioctl_sock = 0; } } /* close all the sockets */ static void mtc_socket_fini(void) { /* Close the watch over the /etc/shadow file */ set_inotify_close(mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd, mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_wd); mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket_close(); mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_close(); mtc_agent_tx_socket_close(); mtc_agent_rx_socket_close(); mtc_event_rx_sock_close(); mtc_to_hbs_sock_close(); hwmon_cmd_sock_close(); mtclogd_socket_close(); mtcHttpSvr_fini(mtce_event); } void daemon_exit(void) { /* Cancel the uptime timer */ if (mtcInv.mtcTimer_uptime.tid) { mtcTimer_stop(mtcInv.mtcTimer_uptime); } daemon_dump_info(); daemon_files_fini(); /* Close open sockets */ mtc_socket_fini(); netlink_sock_close(); ioctl_sock_close(); threadUtil_fini(); exit(0); } #define CONFIG_AGENT_MASK (CONFIG_AGENT_MTC_MGMNT_PORT |\ CONFIG_CLIENT_MTC_CLSTR_PORT |\ CONFIG_MTC_TO_HBS_CMD_PORT |\ CONFIG_MTC_TO_HWMON_CMD_PORT |\ CONFIG_HBS_TO_MTC_EVENT_PORT |\ CONFIG_AGENT_HA_PORT |\ CONFIG_AGENT_KEY_PORT |\ CONFIG_AGENT_TOKEN_REFRESH |\ CONFIG_AGENT_LOC_TIMEOUT |\ CONFIG_AGENT_INV_EVENT_PORT |\ CONFIG_AGENT_API_RETRIES |\ CONFIG_CLIENT_MTC_MGMNT_PORT) static int mtc_nfvi_handler ( void * user, const char * section, const char * name, const char * value) { daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user; if (MATCH("infrastructure-rest-api", "port")) { config_ptr->vim_cmd_port = atoi(value); } else { return (PASS); } return (FAIL); } /* Startup config read */ static int mtc_config_handler ( void * user, const char * section, const char * name, const char * value) { daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user; if (MATCH("agent", "ha_port")) { config_ptr->ha_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HA_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "inv_event_port")) { config_ptr->inv_event_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_INV_EVENT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "keystone_port")) { config_ptr->keystone_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_KEY_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_agent_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_agent_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_MTC_MGMNT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_MTC_TO_HBS_CMD_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_to_guest_cmd_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_to_guest_cmd_port = atoi(value); // config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_MTC_TO_GUEST_CMD_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_to_mtc_event_port")) { config_ptr->hbs_to_mtc_event_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_HBS_TO_MTC_EVENT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("client", "hwmon_cmd_port")) { config_ptr->hwmon_cmd_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_MTC_TO_HWMON_CMD_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("client", "daemon_log_port")) { config_ptr->daemon_log_port = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("client", "mtc_rx_mgmnt_port")) { config_ptr->cmd_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_MTC_MGMNT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("client", "mtc_rx_clstr_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_rx_clstr_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_MTC_CLSTR_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "token_refresh_rate")) { config_ptr->token_refresh_rate = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_TOKEN_REFRESH ; } else if (MATCH("agent", "api_retries")) { config_ptr->api_retries = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_API_RETRIES ; mtcInv.api_retries = config_ptr->api_retries ; } else if (MATCH("timeouts", "failsafe_shutdown_delay")) { config_ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay = atoi(value); ilog ("Shutdown TO : %d secs\n", config_ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay ); } else if (MATCH("agent", "autorecovery_threshold")) { config_ptr->autorecovery_threshold = atoi(value); ilog ("AR Threshold: %d\n", config_ptr->autorecovery_threshold ); } else if (MATCH("agent", "offline_period")) { mtcInv.offline_period = atoi(value); ilog ("OfflineAudit: %d msecs\n", mtcInv.offline_period ); } else if (MATCH("agent", "offline_threshold")) { mtcInv.offline_threshold = atoi(value); ilog ("OfflineThrsh: %d\n", mtcInv.offline_threshold ); } else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_config_threshold")) mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__CONFIG] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_goenable_threshold")) mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__GOENABLE] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_hostservices_threshold")) mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HOST_SERVICES] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_heartbeat_threshold")) mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HEARTBEAT] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_config_interval")) mtcInv.ar_interval[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__CONFIG] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_goenable_interval")) mtcInv.ar_interval[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__GOENABLE] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_hostservices_interval")) mtcInv.ar_interval[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HOST_SERVICES] = atoi(value); else if (MATCH("agent", "ar_heartbeat_interval")) mtcInv.ar_interval[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HEARTBEAT] = atoi(value); else { return (PASS); } return (FAIL); } static int mtc_ini_handler ( void * user, const char * section, const char * name, const char * value) { UNUSED(user); if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_failure_action")) { string cur_action = "" ; string new_action = "" ; /* prevent memory leak over a reconfig */ if ( mtc_config.hbs_failure_action ) { cur_action = mtc_config.hbs_failure_action ; free(mtc_config.hbs_failure_action); } new_action = mtc_config.hbs_failure_action = strdup(value); mtcInv.hbs_failure_action = get_hbs_failure_action(mtc_config); if (( !cur_action.empty() ) && ( cur_action != new_action)) { mtc_alarm_id_enum alarm_id = MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_HB_ACTION_FAIL ; if ( mtcInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__NONE ) alarm_id = MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_HB_ACTION_NONE ; else if ( mtcInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__ALARM ) alarm_id = MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_HB_ACTION_ALARM ; else if ( mtcInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__DEGRADE ) alarm_id = MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_HB_ACTION_DEGRADE ; /* re-use cur_action to build the action change string from it */ cur_action.append(" to "); cur_action.append(new_action); mtcAlarm_log ( mtcInv.my_hostname, alarm_id, cur_action ); } if (( mtcInv.mnfa_active == true ) && (( mtcInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__NONE ) || ( mtcInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__ALARM ))) { mtcInv.mnfa_cancel (); } } else if (MATCH("agent", "mnfa_threshold")) { int old = mtcInv.mnfa_threshold ; mtcInv.mnfa_threshold = atoi(value); if (( old != 0 ) && ( old != mtcInv.mnfa_threshold )) { string cur_threshold = "" ; cur_threshold.append(itos(old)); cur_threshold.append(" to "); cur_threshold.append(itos(mtcInv.mnfa_threshold)); mtcAlarm_log ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_MNFA_THRESHOLD, cur_threshold ); } ilog ("MNFA Threshd: %d\n", mtcInv.mnfa_threshold); } else if (MATCH("timeouts", "mnfa_timeout")) { int old = mtcInv.mnfa_timeout ; mtcInv.mnfa_timeout = atoi(value); if ( old != mtcInv.mnfa_timeout ) { string cur_timeout = "" ; cur_timeout.append(itos(old)); cur_timeout.append(" to "); cur_timeout.append(itos(mtcInv.mnfa_timeout)); mtcAlarm_log ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_LOG_ID__CONFIG_MNFA_TIMEOUT, cur_timeout ); } if ( mtcInv.mnfa_timeout == 0 ) { ilog ("MNFA Timeout: Never\n"); } else { ilog ("MNFA Timeout: %3d secs\n", mtcInv.mnfa_timeout ); } /* handle a change in mnfa timeout while MNFA is active */ if (( mtcInv.mnfa_active == true ) && ( mtcInv.mnfa_timeout != old )) { mtcTimer_reset ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_mnfa ); if (( old == 0 ) || mtcInv.mnfa_timeout != 0 ) { wlog ("MNFA Auto-Recovery in %d seconds\n", mtcInv.mnfa_timeout); mtcTimer_start ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_mnfa, mtcTimer_handler, mtcInv.mnfa_timeout); } else if ( mtcInv.mnfa_timeout == 0 ) { ilog ("MNFA timer set to no-timeout ; previous %d sec timer cancelled", old ); } } } return (PASS); } /* Read and process mtc.ini file settings into the daemon configuration */ int daemon_configure ( void ) { int rc = PASS ; timeUtil_sched_init ( ); /* Read the ini */ mtc_config.mask = 0 ; if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, mtc_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } if (ini_parse(MTCE_INI_FILE, mtc_ini_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_INI_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } if (ini_parse(MTCE_INI_FILE, keystone_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_INI_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } if (ini_parse(NFVI_PLUGIN_CFG_FILE, mtc_nfvi_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", NFVI_PLUGIN_CFG_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } if (ini_parse(SYSINV_CFG_FILE, sysinv_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", SYSINV_CFG_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } if (ini_parse(SECRET_CFG_FILE, barbican_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", SECRET_CFG_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } /* Loads key Mtce debug values that can override the defaults */ if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, debug_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } /* Loads key Mtce timeout values that can override the defaults */ if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, timeout_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } /* Loads key Mtce timeout values that can override the defaults */ if (ini_parse(MTCE_INI_FILE, timeout_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_INI_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } /* Load the compute enable timeouts */ if ( mtc_config.compute_mtcalive_timeout ) mtcInv.compute_mtcalive_timeout = mtc_config.compute_mtcalive_timeout ; else mtcInv.compute_mtcalive_timeout = DEFAULT_MTCALIVE_TIMEOUT ; /* Load the controller enable timeouts */ if ( mtc_config.controller_mtcalive_timeout ) mtcInv.controller_mtcalive_timeout = mtc_config.controller_mtcalive_timeout ; else mtcInv.controller_mtcalive_timeout = DEFAULT_MTCALIVE_TIMEOUT ; if ( mtc_config.goenabled_timeout ) mtcInv.goenabled_timeout = mtc_config.goenabled_timeout ; else mtcInv.goenabled_timeout = DEFAULT_GOENABLE_TIMEOUT ; mtcInv.loc_recovery_timeout = mtc_config.loc_recovery_timeout ; if ( mtc_config.node_reinstall_timeout ) mtcInv.node_reinstall_timeout = mtc_config.node_reinstall_timeout ; else mtcInv.node_reinstall_timeout = MTC_REINSTALL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT ; if ( mtc_config.dor_mode_timeout <= 0 ) { slog ("DOR Mode Timeout is invalid (%d), setting to default (%d)\n", mtc_config.dor_mode_timeout, DEFAULT_DOR_MODE_TIMEOUT); mtc_config.dor_mode_timeout = DEFAULT_DOR_MODE_TIMEOUT ; } if ( mtc_config.swact_timeout ) { if ( mtc_config.swact_timeout < (MTC_SWACT_POLL_TIMER*2)) mtcInv.swact_timeout = (MTC_SWACT_POLL_TIMER*2); else mtcInv.swact_timeout = mtc_config.swact_timeout ; } /* Allow the token refresh rate to be specified in the config file */ /* but no bigger than every 8 hours - that's all that has been tested */ mtcInv.token_refresh_rate = mtc_config.token_refresh_rate ; if ( mtc_config.token_refresh_rate > MTC_HRS_8 ) { wlog ("Token refresh rate rounded down to 8 hour maximum\n"); mtcInv.token_refresh_rate = MTC_HRS_8 ; } mtcInv.uptime_period = mtc_config.uptime_period ; if ( mtc_config.online_period < MTC_MIN_ONLINE_PERIOD_SECS ) mtcInv.online_period = MTC_MIN_ONLINE_PERIOD_SECS ; else mtcInv.online_period = mtc_config.online_period ; if (( mtc_config.sysinv_timeout == 0 ) || ( mtc_config.sysinv_timeout > 127 )) { mtc_config.sysinv_timeout = HTTP_SYSINV_CRIT_TIMEOUT ; } mtcInv.sysinv_timeout = mtc_config.sysinv_timeout ; if (( mtc_config.sysinv_noncrit_timeout == 0 ) || ( mtc_config.sysinv_noncrit_timeout > 127 )) { mtc_config.sysinv_noncrit_timeout = HTTP_SYSINV_NONC_TIMEOUT ; } mtcInv.sysinv_noncrit_timeout = mtc_config.sysinv_noncrit_timeout ; if (( mtc_config.work_queue_timeout == 0 ) || ( mtc_config.work_queue_timeout > 500 )) { mtc_config.work_queue_timeout = MTC_WORKQUEUE_TIMEOUT ; } mtcInv.work_queue_timeout = mtc_config.work_queue_timeout ; if ( mtcInv.offline_period < MIN_OFFLINE_PERIOD_MSECS ) { ilog ("offline audit too small (%d) ; correcting to %d\n", mtcInv.offline_period, MIN_OFFLINE_PERIOD_MSECS ); mtcInv.offline_period = MIN_OFFLINE_PERIOD_MSECS ; } if ( mtcInv.offline_threshold == MIN_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD ) { ilog ("offline threshold too small (%d) ; correcting to %d\n", mtcInv.offline_threshold, MIN_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD ); mtcInv.offline_threshold = MIN_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD ; } /* Load in the In-Service and Out-Of-Service Test Periods */ mtcInv.insv_test_period = mtc_config.insv_test_period ; mtcInv.oos_test_period = mtc_config.oos_test_period ; ilog ("TokenRefresh: %3d secs\n" , mtcInv.token_refresh_rate); ilog ("API Retries : %3d secs\n" , mtcInv.api_retries); /* Verify loaded config against an expected mask * as an ini file fault detection method */ if ( mtc_config.mask != CONFIG_AGENT_MASK ) { elog ("Control configuration failed (%x)\n", ((-1 ^ mtc_config.mask) & CONFIG_AGENT_MASK)); return (FAIL_INI_CONFIG); } mtc_config.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ( mtc_config.mgmnt_iface ); ilog("Mgmnt iface : %s\n", mtc_config.mgmnt_iface ); /* Fetch the cluster-host interface name. * calls daemon_get_iface_master inside so the * aggrigated name is returned if it exists */ get_clstr_iface (&mtc_config.clstr_iface ); if ( strlen (mtc_config.clstr_iface) ) { string clstr_ip = "" ; rc = get_iface_address ( mtc_config.clstr_iface, clstr_ip, false ); if ( rc ) { elog ("failed to get IP address for cluster-host interface '%s' (rc:%d)\n", mtc_config.clstr_iface, rc ); } else { ilog ("Clstr iface : %s\n", mtc_config.clstr_iface ); ilog ("Clstr addr : %s\n", clstr_ip.c_str()); } if (!strcmp(mtc_config.clstr_iface, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface)) { mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned = false ; } else { mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned = true ; ilog ("Cluster network is provisioned" ); } } /* Log the startup settings */ ilog("Cmd Req Port: %d (tx)\n", mtc_config.cmd_port ); ilog("Cmd Rsp Port: %d (rx)\n", mtc_config.mtc_agent_port ); ilog("Events Port: %d (rx)\n", mtc_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port ); ilog("Inv Port : %d (tx)\n", mtc_config.sysinv_api_port ); ilog("Inv Address : %s (tx)\n", mtc_config.sysinv_api_bind_ip ); ilog("Inv Event : %d (rx)\n", mtc_config.inv_event_port ); ilog("Keystone Prt: %d (rx)\n", mtc_config.keystone_port ); ilog("Mtce Logger : %d (tx)\n", mtc_config.daemon_log_port ); ilog("nfv-vim-api : %d (port)\n", mtc_config.vim_cmd_port ); ilog("hbsAgent : %d (port)\n", mtc_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port ); ilog("guestAgent : %d (port)\n", mtc_config.mtc_to_guest_cmd_port ); ilog("hwmond : %d (port)\n", mtc_config.hwmon_cmd_port ); ilog("auth_host : %s \n", mtc_config.keystone_auth_host ); /* log system wide service based auto recovery control values */ ilog("AR Config : %d (threshold) %d sec (retry interval)", mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__CONFIG], mtcInv.ar_interval [MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__CONFIG]); ilog("AR GoEnable : %d (threshold) %d sec (retry interval)", mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__GOENABLE], mtcInv.ar_interval [MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__GOENABLE]); ilog("AR Host Svcs: %d (threshold) %d sec (retry interval)", mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HOST_SERVICES], mtcInv.ar_interval [MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HOST_SERVICES]); ilog("AR Heartbeat: %d (threshold) %d sec (retry interval)", mtcInv.ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HEARTBEAT], mtcInv.ar_interval [MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__HEARTBEAT]); /* Get this Controller Activity State */ mtc_config.active = daemon_get_run_option ("active") ; ilog ("Controller : %s\n", mtc_config.active ? "Active" : "In-Active" ); /* remove any existing fit */ daemon_init_fit (); return (PASS); } /* Construct the messaging sockets * * 1. unicast transmit (to compute) socket * * 2. unicast receive (fronm compute) socket */ int mtc_socket_init ( void ) { int rc = 0 ; int socket_size = 0 ; char ip_address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; /***********************************************************/ /* Setup UDP Maintenance Command Transmit Socket Mgmnt I/F */ /***********************************************************/ mtc_sock.mtc_mgmnt_cmd_port = mtc_config.cmd_port; msgClassAddr::getAddressFromInterface(mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, ip_address, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket = new msgClassTx(ip_address, mtc_sock.mtc_mgmnt_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface); #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__SOCKET_SETUP, mtcInv.my_hostname, "mtc_agent_tx_socket")) mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; #endif if ((mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_tx_socket->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create mtcClient command socket on port %d for %s (%d:%s)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_mgmnt_cmd_port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno, strerror(errno)); mtc_agent_tx_socket_close(); return (FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE) ; } /***********************************************************/ /* Setup UDP Maintenance Command Transmit Socket Clstr I/F */ /***********************************************************/ if (strlen(mtc_config.clstr_iface)) { mtc_sock.mtc_clstr_cmd_port = mtc_config.mtc_rx_clstr_port; msgClassAddr::getAddressFromInterface(mtc_config.clstr_iface, ip_address, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket = new msgClassTx(ip_address, mtc_sock.mtc_clstr_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, mtc_config.clstr_iface); #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__SOCKET_SETUP, mtcInv.my_hostname, "mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket")) mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; #endif if ((mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create mtcClient command socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_clstr_cmd_port, mtc_config.clstr_iface, errno); mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket_close(); return (FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE); } } /********************************************************************* * Setup Maintenance Command Reply and Event Receiver Socket * - management interface * * This socket is used to receive command replies over the management * interface and asynchronous events from the mtcClient and other * maintenance service daemons. *********************************************************************/ mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port = mtc_config.mtc_agent_port; mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket = new msgClassRx(CONTROLLER, mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, IPPROTO_UDP); #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__SOCKET_SETUP, mtcInv.my_hostname, "mtc_agent_rx_socket")) mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket = NULL ; #endif if ((mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create mtcClient receive socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno); mtc_agent_rx_socket_close(); return (FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /* Set messaging buffer size */ /* if we need a bigger then default we can use a sysctl to raise the max */ socket_size = MTC_AGENT_RX_BUFF_SIZE; if ((rc = mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->setSocketMemory(mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, "mtce command and event receiver (Mgmnt network)", socket_size)) != PASS) { elog("setsockopt failed for SO_RCVBUF (%d:%m)\n", errno); mtc_agent_rx_socket_close(); return (FAIL_SOCKET_OPTION); } socklen_t optlen = sizeof(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket_size); getsockopt(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->getFD(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket_size, &optlen); ilog("Listening On: 'mtc client receive' socket %d (%d rx bytes - req:%d) (%s)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket_size, MTC_AGENT_RX_BUFF_SIZE, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface); /********************************************************************* * Setup Maintenance message receiver on the cluster-host network * if it is provisioned * *********************************************************************/ if (mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned == true) { if (mtcInv.my_hostname == CONTROLLER_0) { mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket = new msgClassRx(CONTROLLER_0_CLUSTER_HOST, mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, IPPROTO_UDP); } else { mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket = new msgClassRx(CONTROLLER_1_CLUSTER_HOST, mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, IPPROTO_UDP); } if ((mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create mtcClient receive socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)", mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, mtc_config.clstr_iface, errno); mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_close(); return ( FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /* Set messaging buffer size */ /* if we need a bigger then default we can use a sysctl to raise the max */ socket_size = MTC_AGENT_RX_BUFF_SIZE; if ((rc = mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->setSocketMemory(mtc_config.clstr_iface, "mtce command and event receiver (cluster-host network)", socket_size)) != PASS) { elog("setsockopt failed for SO_RCVBUF (%d:%m)\n", errno); mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_close(); return (FAIL_SOCKET_OPTION); } socklen_t optlen = sizeof(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_size); getsockopt(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->getFD(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_size, &optlen); ilog("Listening On: 'mtc client receive' socket %d (%d rx bytes - req:%d) (%s)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_size, MTC_AGENT_RX_BUFF_SIZE, mtc_config.clstr_iface); } /***********************************************************/ /* Setup UDP Hardware Monitor Command Transmit socket */ /***********************************************************/ mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_port = mtc_config.hwmon_cmd_port; msgClassAddr::getAddressFromInterface(mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, ip_address, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock = new msgClassTx(ip_address, mtc_config.hwmon_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface); if ((mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock == NULL) || (mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_sock->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create hwmon command socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtc_sock.hwmon_cmd_port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno); hwmon_cmd_sock_close(); return ( FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /***********************************************************/ /* Heartbeat Event Receiver Interface - (UDP over 'lo') */ /***********************************************************/ mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock = new msgClassRx(mtcInv.my_float_ip.data(), mtc_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port, IPPROTO_UDP); if ((mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create heartbeat event socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtc_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno); mtc_event_rx_sock_close(); return ( FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /***********************************************************/ /* Setup Sysinv and Vim Reveive Socket Interface */ /***********************************************************/ memset(&mtce_event, 0, sizeof(event_type)); mtce_event.port = mtc_config.inv_event_port; if ( mtcHttpSvr_init (mtce_event) ) { elog("Failed to create http server socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtce_event.port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno); mtcHttpSvr_fini(mtce_event); return ( FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /***********************************************************/ /* UDP Transmit Socket for Sending Heartbeat Commands */ /***********************************************************/ mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock = new msgClassTx(CONTROLLER, mtc_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface); if ((mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock == NULL) || (mtc_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->return_status)) { elog("Failed to create heartbeat transmit command socket on port %d for %s (%d:%m)\n", mtc_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, errno); mtc_to_hbs_sock_close(); return ( FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ); } /*************************************************************/ /* UDP Maintenance log transmit socket */ /*************************************************************/ int port = mtc_sock.mtclogd.port = mtc_config.daemon_log_port; CREATE_REUSABLE_INET_UDP_TX_SOCKET(LOOPBACK_IP, port, mtc_sock.mtclogd.sock, mtc_sock.mtclogd.addr, mtc_sock.mtclogd.port, mtc_sock.mtclogd.len, "mtc logger message", rc); if (rc) { elog("Failed to setup mtce logger port %d\n", port); mtclogd_socket_close(); return (rc); } return (rc); } int mtc_set_availStatus ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum status ) { return ( mtcInv.set_availStatus ( hostname, status )); } /* Get and store my hostname */ int mtc_hostname_read ( void ) { int rc ; /* declare and init a var to hold the queried local hostname */ char local_hostname[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE+1] ; memset (&local_hostname[0], 0, MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE); /* read the host name */ rc = gethostname(&local_hostname[0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE ); if ( rc == PASS ) { string string_hostname = local_hostname ; mtcInv.set_my_hostname ( string_hostname ); if ( mtcInv.get_my_hostname () == string_hostname ) return (PASS) ; } else { dlog ("gethostname failed (%d)\n", rc ); } return (FAIL); } /* The main service loop */ int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype ) { int rc = PASS ; /* Not used presently */ mtcInv.functions = nodetype ; httpUtil_init (); /* Initialize socket construct and pointer to it */ memset ( &mtc_sock, 0, sizeof(mtc_sock)); /* Assign interface to config */ mtc_config.mgmnt_iface = (char*)iface.data() ; if ( daemon_files_init () != PASS ) { elog ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n"); return ( FAIL_FILES_INIT ) ; } mtcInv.system_type = daemon_system_type (); /* Get and store my hostname */ if ( mtc_hostname_read () != PASS ) { elog ("Failed hostname setup\n"); return (FAIL_HOSTNAME_SETUP) ; } /* init the base timers */ mtcTimer_init ( mtcInv.mtcTimer, mtcInv.my_hostname, "mtc timer" ); /* Init general mtc timer */ mtcAlarm_init (); mtc_stages_init (); threadUtil_init ( mtcTimer_handler ) ; /* Bind signal handlers */ rc = daemon_signal_init () ; if ( rc ) { elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n"); return ( FAIL_SIGNAL_INIT) ; } /* Configure the control */ rc = daemon_configure (); if ( rc ) { elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (%i)\n", rc ); return ( FAIL_DAEMON_CONFIG ) ; } return (rc); } int _self_provision ( void ) { int rc ; int load_retries ; bool waiting_msg = false ; node_inv_type my_identity ; node_inv_type record_info ; node_inv_init ( my_identity ); node_inv_init ( record_info ); ilog ("My Hostname : %s\n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str()); for ( ;; ) { get_ip_addresses ( mtcInv.my_hostname, mtcInv.my_local_ip , mtcInv.my_float_ip ); if ( mtcInv.my_local_ip.empty() || mtcInv.my_float_ip.empty() ) { if ( waiting_msg == false ) { ilog ("Waiting on ip address config ...\n"); waiting_msg = true ; } mtcWait_secs (3); } else { break ; } daemon_signal_hdlr (); } my_identity.name = mtcInv.my_hostname ; my_identity.ip = mtcInv.my_local_ip ; get_iface_macaddr ( mtc_config.mgmnt_iface , my_identity.mac ); /* Verify interface properties */ if ( my_identity.mac.empty() || ( my_identity.mac.length() != COL_CHARS_IN_MAC_ADDR ) || my_identity.name.empty() || my_identity.ip.empty ()) { elog ("Failed to acquire mgmt interface (%s) properties\n", mtc_config.mgmnt_iface ); daemon_exit(); } /* Set the states for the database */ my_identity.type = "controller"; my_identity.func = mtcInv.functions ; my_identity.admin = "unlocked" ; my_identity.oper = "enabled" ; my_identity.avail = "available" ; my_identity.avail_subf = "not-installed" ; my_identity.oper_subf = "disabled" ; my_identity.uuid = "" ; /* uuid will be learned later */ if ( mtcInv.add_host ( my_identity ) ) { elog ("Failed to add (%s) host\n", my_identity.name.c_str()); daemon_exit(); } /* Get the initial token. * This call does not return until a token is received */ tokenUtil_get_first ( mtcInv.tokenEvent, mtcInv.my_hostname ); #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__CORRUPT_TOKEN, mtcInv.my_hostname )) tokenUtil_fail_token (); #endif load_retries = 0 ; do { daemon_signal_hdlr (); rc = mtcInv.mtcInvApi_load_host ( my_identity.name, record_info ) ; if (( rc == PASS ) || ( rc == HTTP_OK )) { ilog ("%s found in database (%s)\n", record_info.name.c_str(), record_info.uuid.c_str()); /* load in the uuid, and board management info */ mtcInv.set_uuid ( my_identity.name, record_info.uuid ); mtcInv.set_task ( my_identity.name, record_info.task ); mtcInv.set_bm_un ( my_identity.name, record_info.bm_un ); mtcInv.set_bm_ip ( my_identity.name, record_info.bm_ip ); mtcInv.set_bm_type ( my_identity.name, record_info.bm_type ); mtcInv.set_mtcInfo ( my_identity.name, record_info.mtce_info ); if ( my_identity.name == record_info.name ) { /* If the active controller was 'locked' and is being auto-corrected * to 'unlocked' then ensure that there is no locked alarm set for it */ if ( record_info.admin != "locked" ) { mtcAlarm_clear ( my_identity.name, MTC_ALARM_ID__LOCK ); /* this is not required because its already inited to clear */ // node_ptr->alarms[MTC_ALARM_ID__LOCK] = FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR } if ( my_identity.mac != record_info.mac ) { wlog ("%s mac address mismatch (%s - %s)\n", my_identity.name.c_str(), my_identity.mac.c_str(), record_info.mac.c_str()); } if ( my_identity.ip != record_info.ip ) { wlog ("%s ip address mismatch (%s - %s)\n", my_identity.name.c_str(), my_identity.ip.c_str(), record_info.ip.c_str()); } } } else { if ( rc == HTTP_NOTFOUND ) { wlog ("%s inventory record not found in database, retrying ... \n", my_identity.name.c_str()); } else if ( rc == FAIL_HTTP_ZERO_STATUS ) { wlog ("%s inventory record load timeout, retrying ... \n", my_identity.name.c_str()); } else if ( rc == FAIL_RETRY ) { wlog ("%s inventory config dependency not met, retrying ...\n", my_identity.name.c_str()); } else { wlog ("%s inventory record load failed (rc:%d), retrying ...\n", my_identity.name.c_str(), rc ); } load_retries++ ; if ( load_retries > (mtcInv.api_retries+10) ) { elog ("... giving up after %d retries\n", load_retries ); daemon_exit(); } mtcWait_secs (15); } } while ( rc != PASS ) ; mtcInv.set_active_controller_hostname ( my_identity.name ); mtcInv.set_activity_state (true); mtcInv.set_adminAction ( my_identity.name, MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__ADD ); mtcInv.ctl_mtcAlive_gate ( my_identity.name, true ); /* Setup messaging sockets */ #define SOCKET_INIT_MAX_RETRIES (5) #define SOCKET_INIT_RETRY_WAIT (MTC_SECS_10) int retries = 0; do { rc = mtc_socket_init(); if (rc) { retries++; wlog("Socket setup failed (rc=%d) ; %d of %d ; retrying in %d secs", rc, retries, SOCKET_INIT_MAX_RETRIES, SOCKET_INIT_RETRY_WAIT); mtc_socket_fini(); mtcWait_secs(SOCKET_INIT_RETRY_WAIT); } daemon_signal_hdlr(); } while ((rc != PASS) && (retries < SOCKET_INIT_MAX_RETRIES)); if (rc != PASS) { elog("Socket setup failed (rc:%d) ; overriding to pass", rc); } else if (retries) { ilog("Socket setup succeeded after %d retries", retries); } return(rc); } static int sm_unhealthy_log_throttle = 0 ; #define SM_UNHEALTHY_LOG_THROTTLE (100) /* Main FSM Loop */ void nodeLinkClass::fsm ( void ) { if ( head ) { int rc ; daemon_signal_hdlr (); this->uptime_handler (); /* Controller HA Improvements Feature * Handle the SM unhealthy of self case. * If the active controller is unhealthy then stop doing * work while its in this state. Allow for self healing */ struct node * node_ptr = nodeLinkClass::getNode ( this->my_hostname ) ; if ( node_ptr->mtce_flags & MTC_FLAG__SM_UNHEALTHY ) { elog_throttled (sm_unhealthy_log_throttle, SM_UNHEALTHY_LOG_THROTTLE, "%s SM Unhealthy ; wait on health recovery or process shutdown", node_ptr->hostname.c_str()); return ; } if ( sm_unhealthy_log_throttle ) sm_unhealthy_log_throttle = 0 ; for ( node_ptr = head ; node_ptr != NULL ; node_ptr = node_ptr->next ) { string hn = node_ptr->hostname ; rc = fsm ( node_ptr ) ; if ( rc ) { dlog ("%s fsm returned error code %d\n", hn.c_str(), rc ); } if ( this->host_deleted == true ) { this->host_deleted = false ; return ; } daemon_signal_hdlr (); mtcHttpSvr_look ( mtce_event ); } mtcInv.mtcInfo_handler(); } } void daemon_service_run ( void ) { int rc ; /* socket descriptor list */ std::list socks ; /* Set the mode */ mtcInv_ptr->maintenance = true ; mtcInv_ptr->heartbeat = false ; if (( mtc_sock.ioctl_sock = open_ioctl_socket ( )) <= 0 ) { elog ("Failed to create ioctl socket"); daemon_exit (); } /* Not monitoring address changes RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR */ if (( mtc_sock.netlink_sock = open_netlink_socket ( RTMGRP_LINK )) <= 0 ) { elog ("Failed to create netlink listener socket"); daemon_exit (); } /* Init HTTP Messaging */ mtcHttpUtil_init (); /* Init board management stuff */ bmcUtil_init (); /* log the currect software version */ ilog ("SW VERSION : %s\n", daemon_sw_version ().c_str()); /* Collect inventory in active state only */ if ( mtc_config.active == true ) { /* provision this controller */ if ( _self_provision () != PASS ) { elog ("Failed to self provision active controller\n"); daemon_exit (); } /* The following are base object controller timers ; init them */ mtcTimer_init ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_token, mtcInv.my_hostname, "token timer" ); mtcTimer_init ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_uptime,mtcInv.my_hostname, "uptime timer" ); mtcTimer_init ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_mnfa, mtcInv.my_hostname, "mnfa timer" ); mtcTimer_init ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_dor, mtcInv.my_hostname, "DOR mode timer" ); if ( get_link_state ( mtc_sock.ioctl_sock, mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, &mtcInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ) ) { mtcInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running = false ; wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", mtc_config.mgmnt_iface ); } else { ilog ("Mgmnt %s link is %s\n", mtc_config.mgmnt_iface, mtcInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" ); } if ( mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned == true ) { if ( get_link_state ( mtc_sock.ioctl_sock, mtc_config.clstr_iface, &mtcInv.clstr_link_up_and_running ) ) { mtcInv.clstr_link_up_and_running = false ; wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", mtc_config.clstr_iface ); } else { ilog ("Cluster-host %s link is %s\n", mtc_config.clstr_iface, mtcInv.clstr_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" ); } } //wlog ("Waiting 15 seconds before talking to inventory ....\n"); //mtcWait_secs (15); //wlog ("Reading Inventory\n"); /* start loading inventory */ int retry_count = 0 ; do { /* Load Inventory */ rc = mtcInvApi_read_inventory ( MTC_INV_BATCH_MAX ); if ( rc != PASS ) { retry_count++ ; elog ("failed to read inventory records for batch of %d\n", MTC_INV_BATCH_MAX ); elog ("... retrying in 5 seconds\n"); mtcWait_secs (5); } else { retry_count = 0 ; } if ( retry_count > 10 ) { elog ("failed to read inventory after %d retries\n", retry_count ); elog ("... giving up ; exiting \n"); daemon_exit (); } } while ( rc == FAIL ) ; if ( mtcInv_ptr->token_refresh_rate != 0 ) { ilog ("Starting 'Token' Refresh timer (%d minutes)\n", (mtcInv_ptr->token_refresh_rate/60) ); if ( mtcTimer_start ( mtcInv_ptr->mtcTimer_token, mtcTimer_handler, mtcInv_ptr->token_refresh_rate ) != PASS ) { elog ("Failed to start 'Token' Refresh Timer\n"); daemon_exit ( ) ; } } ilog ("Starting 'Uptime' Refresh timer (%d seconds)\n", MTC_UPTIME_REFRESH_TIMER ); /* Start a inventory refresh timer */ if ( mtcTimer_start ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_uptime, mtcTimer_handler, MTC_UPTIME_REFRESH_TIMER+(rand()%10)) != PASS ) { elog ("Failed to start 'Uptime' Refresh Timer\n"); daemon_exit ( ) ; } } /* Add an inotify watch on the shadow file. */ set_inotify_watch_file ( SHADOW_FILE, mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd , mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_wd ); /* inform the heartbeat service that this controller is active */ send_hbs_command ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_CMD_ACTIVE_CTRL ); /* Add this controller to the heartbeat service so that * the peer hbsAgent also gets this controllers inventory * and this hbsAgent receives the out-of-band heartbeat 'flags' */ send_hbs_command ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_CMD_ADD_HOST ); send_hbs_command ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_CMD_START_HOST ); socks.clear(); socks.push_front (mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock->getFD()); // service_events socks.push_front (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->getFD()); // mtc_service_inbox if ( mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned == true ) { socks.push_front (mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->getFD()); // mtc_service_inbox } socks.push_front (mtc_sock.netlink_sock); if ( mtce_event.fd ) socks.push_front( mtce_event.fd ) ; /* Avoid selecting on file descriptors that are 0 */ if ( mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd ) socks.push_front (mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd); socks.sort(); mtcInv.print_node_info(); /* enable the base level signal handler latency monitor */ daemon_latency_monitor (true); /* DOR Mode Check */ int enabled_nodes = mtcInv.enabled_nodes(); struct timespec ts ; clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts ); #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING /* Support low uptime FIT for testing */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__UPTIME )) { ts.tv_sec = daemon_get_file_int ( MTC_CMD_FIT__UPTIME ); slog ("FIT: Uptime %ld secs or %ld min %ld secs\n", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_sec/60, ts.tv_sec%60); } #endif if ( ts.tv_sec < MTC_MINS_15 ) { /* CPE DOR window is much greater in CPE since heartbeat * cannot start until the inactive CPE has run both manifests */ int timeout = DEFAULT_DOR_MODE_CPE_TIMEOUT ; /* override the timeout to a smaller value for normal system */ if ( mtcInv.system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL ) { /* calculate time from config variable and number of enabled hosts */ timeout = mtc_config.dor_mode_timeout + (enabled_nodes); } mtcInv.dor_mode_active = true ; mtcInv.dor_start_time = ts.tv_sec ; ilog ("%-12s ---------- ; DOR Recovery ---------------------- -------------------\n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str()); ilog ("%-12s is ACTIVE ; DOR Recovery %2d:%02d mins (%4d secs) (duration %3d secs)\n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str(), mtcInv.dor_start_time/60, mtcInv.dor_start_time%60, mtcInv.dor_start_time, timeout ); ilog ("%-12s ---------- ; DOR Recovery ---------------------- -------------------\n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str()); ilog ("%-12s host state ; DOR Recovery controller uptime host uptime \n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str()); ilog ("%-12s ---------- ; DOR Recovery ---------------------- -------------------\n", mtcInv.my_hostname.c_str()); mtcTimer_start ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_dor, mtcTimer_handler, timeout ); } /* If mtcAgent is starting up tell the heartbeat service to heartbeat * at its configured rate. * This is done in case the mtcAgent was restarted while in MNFA mode * where it had commanded the hbsAgent to heartbeat at a reduced rate. */ send_hbs_command ( mtcInv.my_hostname, MTC_RECOVER_HBS ); /* Run Maintenance service forever */ for ( ; ; ) { daemon_signal_hdlr (); /** * Can't just run 'mtcHttpSvr_look' off select as it is seen to miss events. * Would like to use event_base_loopexit with event_base_loopcontinue * but the continue API is not available until 2.1.2-alpha. * In the meantime we will have to continue to service it all the time * mtcHttpSvr_work ( mtce_event ); **/ mtcHttpSvr_look ( mtce_event ); tokenUtil_manage_token ( mtcInv.tokenEvent, mtcInv.my_hostname, mtcInv.token_refresh_rate, mtcInv.mtcTimer_token, mtcTimer_handler ); tokenUtil_log_refresh (); if ( mtcInv_ptr->num_hosts () == 0 ) { sleep (1); continue ; } /* Handle recovery from MNFA */ mtcInv.mnfa_recovery_handler ( mtcInv.my_hostname ); mtcInv.fsm ( ); /* Initialize the master fd_set */ FD_ZERO(&mtc_sock.readfds); FD_SET(mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds); FD_SET(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds); if ( mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned == true ) { FD_SET(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->getFD(),&mtc_sock.readfds); } if ( mtce_event.fd ) { FD_SET(mtce_event.fd, &mtc_sock.readfds); } if ( mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd ) { FD_SET(mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd, &mtc_sock.readfds); } if ( mtc_sock.netlink_sock ) { FD_SET(mtc_sock.netlink_sock, &mtc_sock.readfds); } /* Initialize the timeval struct */ mtc_sock.waitd.tv_sec = 0; if ( mtcInv.system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL ) mtc_sock.waitd.tv_usec = MTCAGENT_SELECT_TIMEOUT ; else mtc_sock.waitd.tv_usec = MTCAGENT_CPE_SELECT_TIMEOUT ; /* This is used as a delay up to select_timeout */ rc = select( socks.back()+1, &mtc_sock.readfds, NULL, NULL, &mtc_sock.waitd); /* If the select time out expired then */ if (( rc < 0 ) || ( rc == 0 )) { /* Check to see if the select call failed. */ /* ... but filter Interrupt signal */ if (( rc < 0 ) && ( errno != EINTR )) { elog ( "Select Failed (rc:%d) %s \n", errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { if ( FD_ISSET( mtce_event.fd , &mtc_sock.readfds)) { mtcHttpSvr_look ( mtce_event ); } if (FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.netlink_sock, &mtc_sock.readfds)) { dlog ("netlink socket fired\n"); if ( mtcInv.service_netlink_events ( mtc_sock.netlink_sock, mtc_sock.ioctl_sock ) != PASS ) { elog ("service_netlink_events failed (rc:%d)\n", rc ); } } if (FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.mtc_event_rx_sock->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds)) { if ( (rc = service_events ( &mtcInv, &mtc_sock )) != PASS ) { elog ("service_events failed (rc:%d)\n", rc ); } } if ( FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds)) { int cnt = 0 ; /* Service up to MAX_RX_MSG_BATCH of messages at once */ for ( ; cnt < MAX_RX_MSG_BATCH ; cnt++ ) { rc = mtc_service_inbox ( &mtcInv, &mtc_sock , MGMNT_INTERFACE) ; if ( rc > RETRY ) { mlog2 ("mtc_service_inbox failed (rc:%d) (Mgmnt)\n", rc ); break ; } if ( rc == RETRY ) break ; } if ( cnt > 1 ) { mlog2 ("serviced %d messages in one batch (Mgmnt)\n", cnt ); } } if (( mtcInv.clstr_network_provisioned == true ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket != NULL ) && ( FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds))) { int cnt = 0 ; /* Service up to MAX_RX_MSG_BATCH of messages at once */ for ( ; cnt < MAX_RX_MSG_BATCH ; cnt++ ) { rc = mtc_service_inbox ( &mtcInv, &mtc_sock, CLSTR_INTERFACE ) ; if ( rc > RETRY ) { mlog2 ("mtc_service_inbox failed (rc:%d) (Clstr)\n", rc ); break ; } if ( rc == RETRY ) break ; } if ( cnt > 1 ) { mlog2 ("serviced %d messages in one batch (Clstr)\n", cnt ); // ERIC dlog } } if (FD_ISSET(mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd, &mtc_sock.readfds)) { rc = get_inotify_events ( mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd, (IN_MODIFY | IN_CREATE | IN_IGNORED) ); if ( rc ) { ilog ("Shadow file has changed (%x)\n", rc ); if ( mtcInv.manage_shadow_change ( mtcInv.my_hostname ) != PASS ) { elog ("failed to manage shadow file change notification (%d)\n", rc ); } if ( rc & IN_IGNORED ) { socks.remove(mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd); set_inotify_close ( mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd, mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_wd ); set_inotify_watch_file ( SHADOW_FILE, mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd , mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_wd ); socks.push_back (mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd); socks.sort(); wlog ("Reselecting on %s change (Select:%d)\n", SHADOW_FILE, mtcInv.inotify_shadow_file_fd ); } } } } daemon_signal_hdlr (); /* If the timer is no longer active and we are in DOR mode * then exit DOR mode. We do it here instead of */ if (( mtcInv.dor_mode_active == true ) && ( mtcInv.mtcTimer_dor.tid == NULL )) { ilog ("DOR mode disable\n"); mtcInv.dor_mode_active = false ; } } daemon_exit (); } /* Push daemon state to log file */ void daemon_dump_info ( void ) { daemon_dump_membuf_banner (); mtcTimer_mem_log (); mtcInv.print_node_info (); daemon_dump_membuf (); /* write mem_logs to log file and clear log list */ // // These calls can lead to a segfault if the lists they are // iterating over change as a result of a http reception interrupt. // // If these calls are to be re-enabled then there needs to be MUTEX. // // mtcInv.doneQueue_dump_all (); // mtcInv.mtcCmd_doneQ_dump_all (); // daemon_dump_membuf (); // mtcInv.workQueue_dump_all (); // mtcInv.mtcCmd_workQ_dump_all (); // daemon_dump_membuf (); mtcInv.memDumpAllState (); daemon_dump_membuf (); /* write mem_logs to log file and clear log list */ } const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ; const char * daemon_stream_info ( void ) { return (&MY_DATA[0]); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Module Test Head * * * ***************************************************************************/ extern int mtcJsonInv_testhead ( void ); /** Teat Head Entry */ int daemon_run_testhead ( void ) { int rc = PASS; return (rc); } int send_event ( string & hostname, unsigned int event_cmd, iface_enum iface ) { UNUSED(hostname) ; UNUSED(event_cmd) ; UNUSED(iface); return PASS ; }