/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River Titanium Cloud 'Heartbeat Agent' Alarm Module */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #ifdef __AREA__ #undef __AREA__ #endif #define __AREA__ "alm" #include "daemon_common.h" #include "nodeBase.h" /* for ... fail codes */ #include "jsonUtil.h" #include "alarm.h" /* for ... module header */ static msgClassSock * user_sock_ptr = NULL ; /* A call to this API is required in advance of sending an alarm request */ int alarm_register_user ( msgClassSock * sock_ptr ) { int rc = PASS ; if ( sock_ptr && sock_ptr->getFD() && sock_ptr->sock_ok() ) { ilog ("Registered with maintenance alarm service\n"); user_sock_ptr = sock_ptr ; } else { elog ("Failed to register with maintenance alarm service\n"); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_BIND ; } return (rc); } void alarm_unregister_user ( void ) { user_sock_ptr = NULL ; } /* Construct an alarm request json string in the following form {\"mtcalarm\":[{\"alarmid\":\"200.009\",\"hostname\":\"compute-3\",\"operation\":\"set\",\"severity\":\"major\",\"entity\":\"Infrastructure\",\"prefix\":\"service=heartbeat\"}, {\"alarmid\":\"200.005\",\"hostname\":\"compute-3\",\"operation\":\"set\",\"severity\":\"major\",\"entity\":\"Management\",\"prefix\":\"service=heartbeat\"}]}" or { \"mtcalarm\": [ { \"alarmid\":\"200.009\", \"hostname\":\"compute-3\", \"operation\":\"set\", \"severity\":\"major\", \"entity\":\"Infrastructure\", \"prefix\":\"service=heartbeat\" } ] } */ int alarm_ ( string hostname, const char * id, EFmAlarmStateT state, EFmAlarmSeverityT severity, const char * entity, string prefix ) { int rc = PASS ; char request [MAX_ALARM_REQ_MSG_SIZE] ; string msg_type ; string sev ; if ( user_sock_ptr == NULL ) { slog ("alarm socket is NULL"); return (FAIL_NULL_POINTER ); } else if ( ! user_sock_ptr->sock_ok() ) { elog ("alarm socket is not ok"); return (FAIL_OPERATION); } if ( state == FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG ) msg_type = "msg" ; else if ( state == FM_ALARM_STATE_SET ) msg_type = "set" ; else msg_type = "clear" ; switch ( severity ) { case FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR: sev = "clear" ; break ; case FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING: sev = "warning"; break ; case FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MINOR: sev = "minor"; break ; case FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR: sev = "major"; break ; case FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL: sev = "critical"; break ; default : sev = "unknown"; break ; } snprintf ( request, MAX_ALARM_REQ_MSG_SIZE, "{\"mtcalarm\":[{\"alarmid\":\"%s\",\"hostname\":\"%s\",\"operation\":\"%s\",\"severity\":\"%s\",\"entity\":\"%s\",\"prefix\":\"%s\"}]}", id, hostname.data(), msg_type.data(), sev.data(), entity, prefix.data()); size_t len = strlen(request) ; /* Retrying up to 3 times if the send fails */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { int bytes = user_sock_ptr->write((char*)&request[0], len ); if ( bytes <= 0 ) { elog("%s failed to send alarm request (%d:%m)\n", hostname.c_str(), errno ); elog("... %s\n", request); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_SENDTO ; } else if ( ((int)len) != bytes ) { elog ("%s failed to send complete alarm message (%d:%ld)\n", hostname.c_str(), bytes, len ); } else { ilog ("%s %s %s %s %s", hostname.c_str(), entity, msg_type.c_str(), sev.c_str(), id); mlog ("%s %s\n", hostname.c_str(), request); return ( PASS ) ; } daemon_signal_hdlr (); usleep (1000); } return (rc); } int alarm_clear ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity ) { string prefix = "" ; return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_CLEAR, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_warning ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity ) { string prefix = "" ; return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_minor ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity ) { string prefix = "" ; return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MINOR, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_major ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity ) { string prefix = "" ; return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_critical ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity ) { string prefix = "" ; return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_warning_log ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity , string prefix ) { return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_minor_log ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity , string prefix ) { return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MINOR, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_major_log ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity , string prefix ) { return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); } int alarm_critical_log ( string hostname, const char * alarm_id_ptr , string entity , string prefix ) { return (alarm_ ( hostname, alarm_id_ptr, FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG, FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, entity.data(), prefix.data() )); }