%pre --erroronfail # Source common functions . /tmp/ks-functions.sh echo "repo --name=base --baseurl=xxxHTTP_URLxxx/" > /tmp/repo-include echo "repo --name=updates --baseurl=xxxHTTP_URLxxx/patches/" > /tmp/repo-include %end # Repository arguments from %pre %include /tmp/repo-include %post --erroronfail # Source common functions . /tmp/ks-functions.sh # Obtain the boot interface from the PXE boot BOOTIF=$(cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep BOOTIF=) BOOTIF=${BOOTIF#BOOTIF=} mgmt_dev=none if [ -n "$BOOTIF" ] ; then BOOTIF=$(echo $BOOTIF | sed -r -e 's/.*(..-..-..-..-..-..)$/\1/' -e 's/-/:/g') ndev=$(ip -br link | awk -v mac="$BOOTIF" '$0 ~ mac {print $1}') if [ -n "$ndev" ] ; then mgmt_dev=$ndev # Persist the boot device to the platform configuration. This will get # overwritten when config_controller is run. echo management_interface=$mgmt_dev >> /etc/platform/platform.conf cat << EOF > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$mgmt_dev DEVICE=$mgmt_dev BOOTPROTO=dhcp ONBOOT=yes IPV6_AUTOCONF=no EOF else report_post_failure_with_msg "ERROR: Unable to determine mgmt interface from BOOTIF=$BOOTIF." fi else # This is a hybrid ISO/network install. Mount the media to ensure Anaconda # ejects it on reboot. if [ -e /dev/disk/by-label/oe_iso_boot ]; then mkdir /mnt/iso mount /dev/disk/by-label/oe_iso_boot /mnt/iso fi fi # persist the default http port number to platform configuration. This # will get overwritten when config_controller is run. echo http_port=8080 >> /etc/platform/platform.conf # Build networking scripts cat << EOF > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo DEVICE=lo IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= BROADCAST= ONBOOT=yes IPV6_AUTOCONF=no NAME=loopback EOF %end %post --erroronfail # Source common functions . /tmp/ks-functions.sh KS="pxeboot post:" anaconda_logdir=/var/log/anaconda mkdir -p $anaconda_logdir # Check for inst.noverifyssl if grep -q inst.noverifyssl /proc/cmdline; then NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT="--no-check-certificate" else NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT="" fi FEED_DIR=/var/www/pages/feed/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx mkdir -p ${FEED_DIR}/Packages mkdir -p ${FEED_DIR}/repodata cd ${FEED_DIR} feed_url=xxxHTTP_URLxxx declare -i cut_dirs=NUM_DIRS # download the package_checksums file if /mnt/sysimage is mounted if [ mountpoint -q /mnt/sysimage ]; then wlog "${KS} Downloading package_checksums from controller" pkg_file=packages_list pkg_file_loc=/mnt/sysimage/usr/local/share/pkg-list if [ ! -d ${pkg_file_loc} ]; then mkdir -p ${pkg_file_loc} fi wlog "${KS} Downloading from ${feed_url} to ${pkg_file_loc}/${pkg_file}" wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} -O ${pkg_file_loc}/${pkg_file} ${feed_url}/${pkg_file} \ -o $anaconda_logdir/${pkg_file}.log \ || wlog "${KS} Failed to download packages_list from controller" wlog "${KS} Copying ${pkg_file_loc}/${pkg_file} to ${FEED_DIR}" cp ${pkg_file_loc}/${pkg_file} ${FEED_DIR} fi echo "Mirroring software repository (may take several minutes)..." >/dev/console wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --reject 'index.html*' \ --cut-dirs=$cut_dirs $feed_url/Packages/ -o $anaconda_logdir/rpmget.log \ || report_post_failure_with_logfile $anaconda_logdir/rpmget.log wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --reject 'index.html*' \ --cut-dirs=$cut_dirs $feed_url/repodata/ -o $anaconda_logdir/rpmget_repo.log \ || report_post_failure_with_logfile $anaconda_logdir/rpmget_repo.log echo "Done" >/dev/console patches_url=xxxHTTP_URLxxx/patches wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} -q --spider ${patches_url}/ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Downloading patches..." >/dev/console cd /var/www/pages mkdir -p updates/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx/Packages mkdir -p updates/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx/repodata cd updates/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx declare -i patches_cut_dirs=$((cut_dirs+1)) wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --reject 'index.html*' \ --cut-dirs=$patches_cut_dirs $patches_url/Packages/ -o $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget.log \ || report_post_failure_with_logfile $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget.log wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --reject 'index.html*' \ --cut-dirs=$patches_cut_dirs $patches_url/repodata/ -o $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget_repo.log \ || report_post_failure_with_logfile $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget_repo.log mkdir -p /opt/patching/metadata mkdir -p /opt/patching/packages/xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx cd /opt/patching wget ${NOVERIFYSSL_WGET_OPT} --mirror --no-parent --no-host-directories --reject 'index.html*' \ --cut-dirs=$patches_cut_dirs $patches_url/metadata/ -o $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget_metadata.log \ || report_post_failure_with_logfile $anaconda_logdir/patches_rpmget_metadata.log find /var/www/pages/updates/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx/Packages -name '*.rpm' \ | xargs --no-run-if-empty -I files cp --preserve=all files /opt/patching/packages/xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx/ echo "Done" >/dev/console fi # Create a uuid specific to this installation INSTALL_UUID=`uuidgen` echo $INSTALL_UUID > /var/www/pages/feed/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx/install_uuid echo "INSTALL_UUID=$INSTALL_UUID" >> /etc/platform/platform.conf %end