/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance "Timer Facility" * Implementation */ /** * @detail * Detailed description ... * * Common timer struct * */ #include "daemon_common.h" #include "nodeBase.h" #include "nodeTimers.h" static int timer_count = 0 ; int _timer_start ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int secs, int msec ) { int rc = PASS ; if ( mtcTimer_ptr == NULL) { return (FAIL_NULL_POINTER); } mtcTimer_ptr->mutex = true ; mtcTimer_ptr->ring = true ; /* default to rung for failure path cases */ /* Avoid programming mistake that leads to over-writing * a seemingly active timer; if .tid is not null then * cancel that timr first */ if (( mtcTimer_ptr->tid ) && ( timer_count > 0 )) { wlog ("%s (%s) called with active timer ; stopping first \n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str()); mtcTimer_stop ( mtcTimer_ptr ); } if (( handler == NULL ) || (( secs == 0 ) && ( msec == 0 )) || ( secs > MAX_TIMER_DURATION )) { elog ("%s (%s) Invalid Duration (%d:%d)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), secs, msec ); rc = FAIL_BAD_PARM ; goto _timer_start_out ; } /* Clean the timer struct */ memset ( &mtcTimer_ptr->sev, 0, sizeof(struct sigevent)); memset ( &mtcTimer_ptr->value, 0, sizeof(struct itimerspec)); memset ( &mtcTimer_ptr->sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); /* Setup the timer */ mtcTimer_ptr->sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; mtcTimer_ptr->sa.sa_sigaction = handler; sigemptyset(&mtcTimer_ptr->sa.sa_mask); if (sigaction(SIGRTMIN, &mtcTimer_ptr->sa, NULL) == -1) { elog ("%s (%s) Timer 'set action' (sigaction) failed\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str()); rc = FAIL_TIMER_SET_ACTION ; goto _timer_start_out ; } /* set and enable alarm */ mtcTimer_ptr->sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; mtcTimer_ptr->sev.sigev_signo = SIGRTMIN; mtcTimer_ptr->sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &mtcTimer_ptr->tid; /* TODO: move up or set block till time is set ? */ mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_value.tv_sec = secs; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_value.tv_nsec = (msec*1000000) ; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_interval.tv_sec = secs ; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_interval.tv_nsec = (msec*1000000) ; if ( timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &mtcTimer_ptr->sev, &mtcTimer_ptr->tid) == -1 ) { elog ("%s (%s) Timer 'create' (timer_create) failed (-1)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str() ); rc = FAIL_TIMER_CREATE ; goto _timer_start_out ; } /* make a backup copy just for fun */ mtcTimer_ptr->secs = secs ; mtcTimer_ptr->msec = msec ; timer_count++ ; /* Set the ring to false DEFORE we start the timer */ mtcTimer_ptr->_guard = 0x12345678 ; mtcTimer_ptr->guard_ = 0x77654321 ; mtcTimer_ptr->ring = false ; if ( timer_settime (mtcTimer_ptr->tid, 0, &mtcTimer_ptr->value, NULL) == -1 ) { elog ("%s (%s) Timer 'set time' (timer_settime) failed (-1)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str() ); timer_count-- ; rc = FAIL_TIMER_SET ; goto _timer_start_out ; } mtcTimer_ptr->active = true ; /* moved here so that the tid will be valid in the log for debug purposes */ tlog ("%s (%s) Tid:%p with %d.%03d second timeout (count:%d)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->tid, mtcTimer_ptr->secs, mtcTimer_ptr->msec, timer_count ); _timer_start_out: mtcTimer_ptr->mutex = false ; return rc ; } int mtcTimer_start ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int secs ) { return ( _timer_start ( &mtcTimer, handler, secs, 0 )); } int mtcTimer_start_msec ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int msec ) { return ( _timer_start ( &mtcTimer, handler, 0, msec )); } int mtcTimer_start ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int secs ) { return ( _timer_start ( mtcTimer_ptr, handler, secs, 0 )); } int mtcTimer_start_sec_msec ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int secs , int msec ) { return ( _timer_start ( mtcTimer_ptr, handler, secs, msec )); } int mtcTimer_start_msec ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), int msec ) { return ( _timer_start ( mtcTimer_ptr, handler, 0, msec )); } /*************************************************************************/ int _timer_stop ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr , bool int_safe) { int rc = PASS ; if ( mtcTimer_ptr == NULL) { return (FAIL_NULL_POINTER); } if ( timer_count == 0 ) { if ( int_safe == false ) { elog ("%s (%s) called with no outstanding timers\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str()); } goto _timer_stop_out ; } else if ( mtcTimer_ptr->tid ) { mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; mtcTimer_ptr->value.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; if ( timer_settime (mtcTimer_ptr->tid, 0, &mtcTimer_ptr->value, NULL) == -1 ) { if ( int_safe == false ) { elog ("%s (%s) timer_settime failed (tid:%p)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->tid ); } rc = FAIL_TIMER_STOP ; goto _timer_stop_out ; } if ( int_safe == false ) { tlog ("%s (%s) Tid:%p with %d.%d second timeout (count:%d)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->tid, mtcTimer_ptr->secs, mtcTimer_ptr->msec, timer_count ); } timer_delete (mtcTimer_ptr->tid); mtcTimer_ptr->tid = NULL ; if ( timer_count ) timer_count-- ; } else if ( int_safe == false ) { wlog ("%s (%s) called with null TID (count:%d)\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), timer_count); } #ifdef WANT_OUTSTANDING_TIMER_COUNT if ( int_safe == false ) { tlog ("%s (%s) Outstanding timers: %d\n", mtcTimer_ptr->hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), timer_count ); } #endif _timer_stop_out: mtcTimer_ptr->active = false ; return rc ; } /* Interrupt level safe timer stop utility by pointer */ int mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { return ( _timer_stop ( mtcTimer_ptr, true )) ; } /* Interrupt level safe timer stop utility by reference */ int mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { return ( _timer_stop ( &mtcTimer, true ) ); } /* timer stop utility by pointer */ int mtcTimer_stop ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { return ( _timer_stop ( mtcTimer_ptr, false ) ); } /* stop utility by reference */ int mtcTimer_stop ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { return ( _timer_stop ( &mtcTimer , false )); } bool mtcTimer_expired ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { if (( mtcTimer.ring == true ) || ( mtcTimer.active == false ) || ( mtcTimer.tid == NULL )) { return (true); } return (false); } bool mtcTimer_expired ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { if ( mtcTimer_ptr ) { if (( mtcTimer_ptr->ring == true ) || ( mtcTimer_ptr->active == false ) || ( mtcTimer_ptr->tid == NULL )) { return (true); } } return (false); } void mtcTimer_reset ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { if ( mtcTimer.tid ) _timer_stop ( &mtcTimer , false ); if ( mtcTimer.active ) mtcTimer.active = false ; mtcTimer.ring = true ; } void mtcTimer_reset ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { if ( mtcTimer_ptr ) { if ( mtcTimer_ptr->tid ) _timer_stop ( mtcTimer_ptr , false ); if ( mtcTimer_ptr->active ) mtcTimer_ptr->active = false ; mtcTimer_ptr->ring = true ; } } /************************************************************************* * * Issue: These static vars record unknown/stale timer data. * The time of the ring, the TID, and the number of outstanding * timers at that time. They are defaulted to zero and should * remain that way. The mtcTimer_dump_data utility can be * called periodically by a process audit, will create a Swerr * log with the recorded data and then clear these vars only * to allow the next occurance to be recorded and loged on the * next audit interval. * **************************************************************************/ static timer_t * stale_tid_ptr = NULL ; static string stale_tid_time = "" ; static int stale_tid_count = 0 ; /* Dump the mtcTimer data - currently only dumps stale data */ void mtcTimer_dump_data ( void ) { if ( stale_tid_ptr ) { slog ("Unknown timer fired at '%s' with tid '%p' ; module has %d loaded timers\n", stale_tid_time.c_str(), stale_tid_ptr, stale_tid_count ); stale_tid_ptr = NULL ; stale_tid_time.clear() ; stale_tid_count = 0 ; } } int _timer_stop_tid ( timer_t * tid_ptr , bool int_safe ) { int rc = PASS ; #ifdef UNUSED UNUSED (int_safe); #endif /********************************************************************* * * Issue reported a segfault that was a result of trying to cancel * a timer based on a stale/unknown TID. Its better to record the error * and leave the timer alone than to try and cancel and get a segfault. * * This update records the fact that this condition has happened only * to be logged by the host process with a call to mtcTimer_dump_data * and debugged after-the-fact. * **********************************************************************/ if ( stale_tid_ptr == NULL ) { stale_tid_ptr = tid_ptr ; stale_tid_time = pt(); stale_tid_count = timer_count ; } /* This defined out due to potential for segfault */ #ifdef WANT_TIMER_STOP_BY_ID if ( tid_ptr ) { struct mtc_timer ghostTimer ; ghostTimer.value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; ghostTimer.value.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; ghostTimer.value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; ghostTimer.value.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; if ( timer_settime (*tid_ptr, 0, &ghostTimer.value, NULL) == -1 ) { if ( int_safe == false ) { elog ("ghostTimer stop (timer_settime) failed\n"); } rc = FAIL_TIMER_STOP ; goto _timer_stop_tid_out ; } timer_delete (*tid_ptr); if ( timer_count ) timer_count-- ; } else if ( int_safe == false ) { elog ("called with NULL TID (%d)\n", timer_count); } if ( int_safe == false ) { tlog ("Remaining outstanding timers: %d\n", timer_count ); } _timer_stop_tid_out: #endif return rc ; } int mtcTimer_stop_tid ( timer_t * tid_ptr ) { return (_timer_stop_tid ( tid_ptr , false )); } int mtcTimer_stop_tid_int_safe ( timer_t * tid_ptr ) { return (_timer_stop_tid ( tid_ptr , true )); } /*************************************************************************/ void _timer_init ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr , string hostname, string service ) { if ( mtcTimer_ptr == NULL) { return ; } if ( hostname.empty() ) mtcTimer_ptr->hostname = "unset_hostname" ; else mtcTimer_ptr->hostname = hostname ; if ( service.empty() ) mtcTimer_ptr->service = "unset_service" ; else mtcTimer_ptr->service = service ; if (( mtcTimer_ptr->init == TIMER_INIT_SIGNATURE ) && ( mtcTimer_ptr->tid != NULL )) { slog ("%s '%s' service is unexpectedly re-initializated ; stopping active timer\n", hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str()); mtcTimer_reset ( mtcTimer_ptr ); } tlog ("%s '%s' service initialized (%p)\n", hostname.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->service.c_str(), mtcTimer_ptr->tid) ; mtcTimer_ptr->init = TIMER_INIT_SIGNATURE ; mtcTimer_ptr->tid = NULL ; mtcTimer_ptr->secs = 0 ; mtcTimer_ptr->msec = 0 ; mtcTimer_ptr->ring = true ; mtcTimer_ptr->active= false ; mtcTimer_ptr->error = false ; mtcTimer_ptr->mutex = false ; } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void _timer_fini ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { mtcTimer_reset ( mtcTimer_ptr ); mtcTimer_ptr->init = 0 ; } /* de-init a user timer */ void mtcTimer_fini ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { _timer_fini (&mtcTimer ); } /* de-init a user timer */ void mtcTimer_fini ( struct mtc_timer* mtcTimer_ptr ) { _timer_fini ( mtcTimer_ptr ); } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void mtcTimer_init ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr ) { _timer_init ( mtcTimer_ptr, "" , "" ); } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void mtcTimer_init ( struct mtc_timer * mtcTimer_ptr , string hostname, string service) { _timer_init ( mtcTimer_ptr, hostname , service ); } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void mtcTimer_init ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer ) { _timer_init (&mtcTimer, "", "" ); } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void mtcTimer_init ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer , string hostname ) { _timer_init (&mtcTimer, hostname, "" ); } /* Init / clean a user timer */ void mtcTimer_init ( struct mtc_timer & mtcTimer , string hostname, string service ) { _timer_init (&mtcTimer, hostname, service ); } /* Wait Utilities - only use during init */ static struct mtc_timer waitTimer ; static void waitTimer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc) { timer_t * tid_ptr = (void**)si->si_value.sival_ptr ; /* Avoid compiler errors/warnings for parms we must * have but currently do nothing with */ UNUSED(sig); UNUSED(uc); if ( !(*tid_ptr) ) { return ; } /* is base mtc timer */ else if (( *tid_ptr == waitTimer.tid ) ) { waitTimer.ring = true ; mtcTimer_stop ( waitTimer ); } else { wlog ("Unexpected timer (%p)\n", *tid_ptr ); mtcTimer_stop_tid ( tid_ptr ); } } void mtcWait_msecs ( int millisecs ) { if ( waitTimer.init != TIMER_INIT_SIGNATURE ) mtcTimer_init ( waitTimer , "localhost", "mtcWait_msecs" ); if ( millisecs > 999 ) { wlog ("Wait request too long, rounding down to 999\n"); millisecs = 999 ; } mtcTimer_start_msec ( waitTimer, waitTimer_handler, millisecs ); do { usleep (1000); daemon_signal_hdlr (); } while ( waitTimer.ring == false ) ; } void mtcWait_secs ( int secs ) { if ( waitTimer.init != TIMER_INIT_SIGNATURE ) mtcTimer_init ( waitTimer , "localhost", "mtcWait_secs" ); mtcTimer_start ( waitTimer, waitTimer_handler, secs ); do { sleep (1); daemon_signal_hdlr (); } while ( waitTimer.ring == false ) ; } void mtcTimer_mem_log ( void ) { char str [64] ; sprintf ( str, "Working Timers: %d\n", timer_count ); mem_log ( str ); }