
2093 lines
81 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance "Node Manager"
* class, support structs and enums.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#define WANT_MTC
#define WANT_HBS
using namespace std;
/* Include base class definition header */
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "hostUtil.h" /* for ... server_code and others */
#include "nodeTimers.h"
#include "threadUtil.h" /* for ... thread_info_type thread_ctrl_type*/
#include "pingUtil.h" /* for ... ping_info_type */
#include "nodeCmds.h" /* for ... mtcCmd type */
#include "httpUtil.h" /* for ... libevent stuff */
#include "ipmiUtil.h" /* for ... mc_info_type */
#include "mtcHttpUtil.h" /* for ... libevent stuff */
#include "mtcSmgrApi.h" /* */
#include "alarmUtil.h" /* for ... SFmAlarmDataT */
#include "mtcAlarm.h" /* for ... MTC_ALARM_ID__xx and utils */
#include "mtcThreads.h" /* for ... mtcThread_ipmitool */
/**Default back-to-back heartbeat failures for disabled-failed condition */
/** Default back-to-back heartbeat failures for enabled-degraded condition */
/** Default back-to-back heartbeat failures for enabled-degraded condition */
/** If Debug, this number of missed heartbeats in a row creates a info log */
/** Clear (reset) heartbeat counter value */
#ifdef SIMPLEX
#undef SIMPLEX
#define SIMPLEX \
( daemon_is_file_present ( PLATFORM_SIMPLEX_MODE ) == true )
#define THIS_HOST \
( node_ptr->hostname == this->my_hostname )
#define NOT_THIS_HOST \
( node_ptr->hostname != this->my_hostname )
#define LARGE_SYSTEM \
( this->system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL )
#define CPE_SYSTEM \
( this->system_type != SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL )
( this->system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__CPE_MODE__SIMPLEX )
* @addtogroup nodeLinkClass
* @{
* This class is used to maintain a linked list of nodes that
* represent currently provisioned inventory. Its member
* functions and data members along with the support files
* in maintenance and heartbeat feature directories blend
* to create a Higly Available and Reuseable Maintenance system.
class nodeLinkClass
/** A single node entity within the nodeLinkClass that can
* be spliced in or out of a node linked list
struct node {
* @addtogroup private_Node_variables
* @{
* A set of variables that make up a node including linking members.
/** The name of the host node */
std::string uuid ;
/** The name of the host node */
std::string hostname ;
/** The IP address of the host node */
std::string ip ;
/** The Mac address of the host node */
std::string mac ;
/** The infrastructure network IP address of the host node */
std::string infra_ip ;
/** The Mac address of the host's infra interface */
std::string infra_mac ;
/** The type of node 'controller' or 'compute' node */
std::string type ;
/** Short text phrase indicating the operation the FSM is
* taking on this host */
std::string task ;
/** Administrative action from inventory */
std::string action ;
/** The Node Type ; compute or control or storage as a mask */
string functions ; /* comma delimited string of host types */
unsigned int nodetype ; /* numeric mask of functions */
string function_str ; /* single host type string representing
the main function of the host */
unsigned int function ; /* numeric representing function_str */
string subfunction_str ; /* single host type string ie "compute" */
unsigned int subfunction ; /* numeric representing subfunction_str */
/** set to true if the host specific sub function enable handler passes */
bool subf_enabled ;
/** set true if the BMC is provisioned */
bool bm_provisioned ;
/** general retry counter */
int retries ;
/** number of http rest API retries since last clear */
int http_retries_cur ;
/* Command handler retries counter */
int cmd_retries ;
/* Retry counter for power actions (on/off)*/
int power_action_retries ;
/** Generic toggle switch */
bool toggle ;
/** back to back health failure counter */
int health_threshold_counter ;
int mtce_flags ;
/* true if this node is patching */
bool patching ;
/* true if this node is patched but not reset */
bool patched ;
/** The node's reported uptime */
unsigned int uptime ;
unsigned int uptime_save ;
/** Set to true once the host's add FSM is done */
bool add_completed ;
int uptime_refresh_counter ;
/** Counts the number of times this node was unlocked.
* NOTE: This value should be stored in the database.
* so that it is not reset to 0 on every swact.
int node_unlocked_counter ;
int mtcalive_timeout ;
/* start host service retry controls */
int start_services_retries ;
bool start_services_running_main ;
bool start_services_running_subf ;
bool start_services_needed ;
bool start_services_needed_subf ; /* for the add handler that defers
start to the inservice test handler.
this provides a means of telling
maintenance that the subfunction
start needs to also be run. */
/** Pointer to the previous node in the list */
struct node *prev;
/** Pointer to the next node in the list */
struct node *next;
/** @} private_Node_variables */
/** @addtogroup private_Maintenance_variables
* @{
* Finite State Machine variables and member functions
* for 'this' host/node
* The CGTS Maintenacne syste follows the X.731 maintenance model
* which uses the states below; For full list of states please
* refer to nodeBase.h
* A brief summary is (host and node are used inter-changably)
* Administrative Action: Actions a user may take on a host at the user
* interface ; i.e. Lock, Unlock, Reset, Reinstall
* Administrative State : The state a host enters into when the above
* actions are taken ; i.e. Locked or Unlocked.
* Operational State : The operating state of the node based on the
* administrative actions ; Enabled or Disabled.
* Availability State : The useability state of a host based on the
* two previous states and events that may occur
* over time ; i.e. available, failed, degraded,
* intest.
mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum adminAction ; /**< Administrative Action */
list<mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum> adminAction_todo_list ; /**< Administrative Action */
mtc_nodeAdminState_enum adminState ; /**< Administrative State */
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState ; /**< Operational State */
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus ; /**< Availability Status */
mtc_nodeConfigAction_enum configAction; /**< Configuration Action */
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState_subf ; /**< Subfunction Operational State */
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus_subf ; /**< Subfunction Availability Status */
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState_dport ; /**< Data Port Operational State */
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus_dport; /**< Data Port Availability Status */
/* Individual FSM handler stages */
mtc_enableStages_enum enableStage ;
mtc_disableStages_enum disableStage ;
mtc_offlineStages_enum offlineStage ;
mtc_onlineStages_enum onlineStage ;
mtc_swactStages_enum swactStage ;
mtc_addStages_enum addStage ;
mtc_delStages_enum delStage ;
mtc_recoveryStages_enum recoveryStage ;
mtc_oosTestStages_enum oosTestStage ;
mtc_insvTestStages_enum insvTestStage ;
mtc_configStages_enum configStage ;
mtc_resetProgStages_enum resetProgStage ;
mtc_reinstallStages_enum reinstallStage ;
/** Board management specific FSM Stages */
mtc_powerStages_enum powerStage ;
mtc_powercycleStages_enum powercycleStage ;
mtc_subStages_enum subStage ;
mtc_resetStages_enum resetStage ;
mtc_sensorStages_enum sensorStage ;
/** This gate is used to block mtcAlive messages from reaching
* the state machine until its ready to receive them.
* Issue: The mtcClient on a slave host will continuously send the
* mtcAlive 'I'm here' messages after a reboot and until that message
* is acknowledged. This is done to make the recovery of a host more
* robust in a potentially lossy network. Without this, a single
* dropped mtcAlive message could result in an unlock-enable timeout
* which would lead to a disabled-failed state and re-recovery attempt
* after a recovery timeout (mtcTimers.h:HOST_MTCALIVE_TIMEOUT)
* period. Besides the system administrator seeing a disabled-failed
* condition the customer would realize a longer than nessary outage
* of that host.
* Fix: By having the mtcClient repeatedly send the mtcAlive message
* on reset recovery until it is acknowledged by active mtcAgent
* prevents the above issue. However it has a side affect on the
* maintenance FSM for that host. This mtcAlive gate prevents
* the state machine from seeing mtcAlive messages when it does not
* care about them.
bool mtcAlive_gate ;
int mtcAlive_count ;
int mtcAlive_misses ;
int mtcAlive_hits ;
int mtcAlive_purge ;
bool mtcAlive_mgmnt ; /* set true when mtcAlive is rx'd from mgmnt network */
bool mtcAlive_infra ; /* set true when mtcAlive is rx'd from infra network */
/* Both of these booleans are set true upon receipt of a mtcAlive message. */
bool mtcAlive_online ; /* this is consumed by online and offline handler */
bool mtcAlive_offline ; /* this is consumed by reset progression handler */
int offline_search_count ; /* count back-2-back mtcAlive request misses */
int offline_log_throttle ; /* throttle offline handler logs */
bool offline_log_reported ; /* prevents offline/online log flooding when */
bool online_log_reported ; /* availStatus switches between these states */
/* and failed */
/** Host's mtc timer struct. Use to time handler stages.
* reset -> reset command response
* reboot -> then wait for mtcalive message
* mtcalive -> then wait for go enabled message
struct mtc_timer mtcAlive_timer ;
/* the fault handling offline handler timer */
struct mtc_timer offline_timer ;
/* Host level DOR recovery mode time and bools */
int dor_recovery_time ;
bool dor_recovery_mode ;
bool was_dor_recovery_mode ;
/** Integer code representing the host health */
int health ;
/** Flag indicating that the unknown health state
* has already been reported */
bool unknown_health_reported ;
/* Booleans indicating the main or subfunction has config failure */
bool config_failed ;
bool config_failed_subf ;
/* Booleans indicating the main or subfunction has passed the OOS test */
bool goEnabled ;
bool goEnabled_subf ;
/* Booleans indicating the main or subfunction has failed the OOS test */
bool goEnabled_failed ;
bool goEnabled_failed_subf ;
/* Boolean indicating the main or subfunction has start host services
* failure. */
bool hostservices_failed ;
bool hostservices_failed_subf ;
/* Boolean indicating the main or subfunction has inservice failure */
bool inservice_failed ;
bool inservice_failed_subf ;
/** node has reached enabled state this number of times */
bool enabled_count ;
/** Number of OOS tests run so far */
int oos_test_count ;
/** Number of INSV tests run so far */
int insv_test_count ;
/** Used to throttle inservice recovery actions */
int insv_recovery_counter ;
/** when true requests the task for this host be cleared at first opportunity */
bool clear_task ;
/******* Auto Recovery Control Structure and member Functions ********/
/* reason/cause based host level enable failure counter */
unsigned int ar_count[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__LAST] ;
/* The last enable failure reason/cause.
* Note: MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__NONE is no failure (default) */
autorecovery_disable_cause_enum ar_cause ;
/* when true indicates that a host has reached its enbale failure
* threshold and is left in the unlocked-disabled state */
bool ar_disabled ;
/* throttles the ar_disabled log to periodically indicate auto
* recovery disabled state but avoid flooding that same message. */
unsigned int ar_log_throttle ;
/** Host's mtc timer struct. Use to time handler stages.
* reset -> reset command response
* reboot -> then wait for mtcalive message
* mtcalive -> then wait for go enabled message
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer ;
struct mtc_timer http_timer ;
struct mtc_timer mtcCmd_timer ;
struct mtc_timer oosTestTimer ;
struct mtc_timer insvTestTimer ;
struct mtc_timer mtcSwact_timer ;
struct mtc_timer mtcConfig_timer ;
struct mtc_timer power_timer ;
struct mtc_timer host_services_timer ;
mtcCmd host_services_req ;
mtcCmd mtcAlive_req ;
mtcCmd reboot_req ;
mtcCmd general_req ;
/* String that is used in the command handling logs which represents
* the specific command handling that is in progress */
string cmdName ;
/** Indicates presence of a command request */
unsigned int cmdReq ;
/** Indicates presence of a command response */
unsigned int cmdRsp;
/** Indicates acknowledgement of the initial host
* services command in execution monitoroing mode */
unsigned int cmdAck;
/** Command Response Status - Execution Status */
unsigned int cmdRsp_status ;
/** Command Response Data - typically an error details string */
string cmdRsp_status_string ;
bool reboot_cmd_ack_mgmnt ;
bool reboot_cmd_ack_infra ;
/** Tracks back to back Fast Fault Recovery counts */
int graceful_recovery_counter;
/** Reboot acknowledge */
mtc_client_enum activeClient ;
/** @} private_Maintenance_variables */
* @addtogroup private_libEvent_structs
* @{
* libEvent structures used to issue libEvent
* HTTP REST API Requests to control this host
* based on each service */
libEvent sysinvEvent; /**< Sysinv REST API Handling for host */
libEvent cfgEvent; /**< Sysinv REST API Handling for config changes */
libEvent vimEvent ; /**< VIM Event REST API Handling */
libEvent httpReq ; /**< Http libEvent Request Handling */
libEvent thisReq ; /**< Http libEvent Request Handling */
list<libEvent> libEvent_work_fifo ;
list<libEvent>::iterator libEvent_work_fifo_ptr;
list<libEvent> libEvent_done_fifo ;
list<libEvent>::iterator libEvent_done_fifo_ptr;
// bool work_ready ;
int oper_sequence ;
int oper_failures ;
int no_work_log_throttle ;
int log_throttle ;
/* List of queue'ed mtce commands for this host */
mtcCmd cmd;
list<mtcCmd> mtcCmd_work_fifo ;
list<mtcCmd>::iterator mtcCmd_work_fifo_ptr;
list<mtcCmd> mtcCmd_done_fifo ;
list<mtcCmd>::iterator mtcCmd_done_fifo_ptr;
/** @} private_libEvent_structs and utils */
* @addtogroup private_Heartbeat_variables
* @{
* A grouping a of private variables at the node level used to
* control if a node is to be monitored, the monitoring failure
* counts and next / previous pointers used to create the
* monitored node pulse linked list
/** Set 'true' when node minor threshold has exceeded */
bool hbs_minor[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Set 'true' when node is degraded due to back to back heartbeat pulse
* misses tha exceed the major threshold */
bool hbs_degrade[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Set 'true' when node is failed due to back to back heartbeat pulse
* misses that exceed the critical threshold */
bool hbs_failure[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** log throttle controls for heartbeat service */
int stall_recovery_log_throttle ;
int stall_monitor_log_throttle ;
int lookup_mismatch_log_throttle ;
int unexpected_pulse_log_throttle ;
/** Pulse Next and Previous Link pointers for creating
* a per-interface pulse link list */
struct {
/** previous pulse pointer used to create the pulse linked list for one interface */
struct node * prev_ptr ;
/** next pulse pointer used to create the pulse linked list for one interface */
struct node * next_ptr ;
} pulse_link [MAX_IFACES] ;
/** The link index number for this node is while in an interface pulse linked list */
int linknum [MAX_IFACES] ;
/** true if this host is to be monitored for this indexed interface */
bool monitor [MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Ongoing heartbeat count cleared on HBS_START reset */
int hbs_count [MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Keep track of the number of misses since heartbeat was started */
int hbs_misses_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** Immediate running count of consecutive heartbeat misses */
int b2b_misses_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** Number of consecutive pulses received since last miss */
int b2b_pulses_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** Maximum heartbeat misses since node was last brought into service */
int max_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** total times minor count was exceeded */
int hbs_minor_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** total times this host degraded due to heartbeat misses */
int hbs_degrade_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** total times this host failed due to heartbeat loss */
int hbs_failure_count [MAX_IFACES];
/** current state of heartbeat failure per interface for mtcAgent */
bool heartbeat_failed [MAX_IFACES];
/** Resource reference identifier, aka resource reference array index */
int rri ;
/** variable used to throttle the rri log */
int no_rri_log_throttle ;
/** @} private_Heartbeat_variables */
* @addtogroup private_boad_management_variables
* @{
* Various host specific board management variables.
/** The IP address of the host's board management controller */
string bm_ip ;
/** The password of the host's board management controller */
string bm_pw ;
/** A string label that represents the board management
* controller type for this host */
string bm_type ;
/** The operator provisioned board management hostname */
string bm_un ;
/* Indicates there is a board management test
* for this host in progress */
bool bm_test_in_progress ;
/* Indicates there is a board management operation
* in progress on this host */
bool bm_oper_in_progress ;
* The BMC is 'accessible' once provisioning data is available
* and bmc is verified pingable.
bool bm_accessible;
/** @} private_boad_management_variables */
* @addtogroup private_monitoring_services_variables
* @{
* A grouping a of flags, mask and degrade resource lists
* used to manage the degrade state of a host for process
* and resource monitoring services.
/* Bit mask of degrade reasons */
unsigned int degrade_mask ;
unsigned int degrade_mask_save ;
/** Process Monitor Daemon Flag Missing count */
int pmon_missing_count ;
/** Host degraded due to loss of Process Monitor running flag */
bool pmon_degraded ;
/** Process Monitor Ready flag and degrade list */
bool pmond_ready ;
/** Hardware Monitor Ready flag and degrade list */
bool hwmond_ready ;
bool hwmond_monitor ;
/** Heartbeat Client process ready to heartbeat flag */
bool hbsClient_ready ;
/** hwmon reset and powercycle recovery control structure */
recovery_ctrl_type hwmon_reset ;
recovery_ctrl_type hwmon_powercycle ;
/** Resource Monitor Daemon Flag Missing count */
int rmond_missing_count ;
/** Host degraded due to loss of Resource Monitor running flag */
bool rmond_degraded ;
/** Resource Monitor Ready flag and degrade list */
bool rmond_ready ;
std::list<string> degraded_resources_list ;
/** process or resource list string iterator */
std::list<string>::iterator string_iter_ptr ;
/** @} private_monitoring_services_variables */
/* List of alarms and current severity */
EFmAlarmSeverityT alarms[MAX_ALARMS];
/* tracks whether the alarms for this host have been loaded already or not */
bool alarms_loaded ;
/** true if this host has recovered before the mnfa timeout period.
* This bool flags the graceful recovery handler that this node
* is recovering from mnfa and should manage graceful recovery
* and uptime accordingly */
bool mnfa_graceful_recovery ;
int stress_iteration ;
/* for bmc ping access monitor */
ping_info_type bm_ping_info ;
/* the bmc info struct filled in and log printed by a
* call to ipmiUtil_mc_info_load. */
mc_info_type mc_info ;
bool mc_info_query_active ;
bool mc_info_query_done ;
bool reset_cause_query_active ;
bool reset_cause_query_done ;
bool power_status_query_active ;
bool power_status_query_done ;
bool power_on = false ;
/* a timer used in the bm_handler to query
* the mc_info and reset cause */
struct mtc_timer bm_timer ;
/* timer used to manage the bmc access alarm */
struct mtc_timer bmc_access_timer ;
* Maintenance Thread Structs
/* control data the parent uses to manage the thread */
thread_ctrl_type ipmitool_thread_ctrl ;
/*info the thread uses to execute and post results */
thread_info_type ipmitool_thread_info ;
/* extra thread info for board management control thread */
thread_extra_info_type thread_extra_info ;
struct node * head ; /**< Node Linked List Head pointer */
struct node * tail ; /**< Node Linked List Tail pointer */
/** Allocate memory for a new node.
* Preserves the node address in the node_ptr list and increments
* the memory_allocs counter used by the inservice test audit.
* @return
* a pointer to the memory of the newly allocated node */
struct nodeLinkClass::node * newNode ( void );
/** Build the Resource Reference Array */
void build_rra ( void );
/** Free the memory used by a node.
* The memory to be removed is found in the node_ptr list, cleared and
* the memory_allocs counter is decremented.
* If the memory cannot be found then an error is returned.
* @param node_ptr
* is a pointer to the node to be freed
* @return
* a signed integer of PASS or -EINVAL
int delNode ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** Start heartbeating a new node.
* Node is added to the end of the node linked list.
* @param node_info_ptr
* is a pointer containing pertinent info about the physical node
* @return
* a pointer to the newly added node
struct nodeLinkClass::node* addNode ( string hostname );
struct nodeLinkClass::node* addUuid ( string uuid );
/** Stop heartbeating a node.
* Node is spliced out of the node linked list.
* @param node_info_ptr
* is a pointer containing info required to find the node in the node list
* @return
* an integer of PASS or -EINVAL */
int remNode ( string hostname );
/** Get pointer to "hostname" node.
* Node list lookup by pointer from hostname.
* @param node_info_ptr
* is a pointer containing info required to find the node in the node list
* @return
* a pointer to the hostname's node
struct nodeLinkClass::node* getNode ( string hostname );
/** Get the node pointer based on the service and libevent base pointer.
* Node list lookup by pointer service and libevent base pointer.
* @param libEvent_enum
* service type
* @param base_ptr
* pointer to the libEvent base
* @return
* a pointer to the hostname's node
struct nodeLinkClass::node* getEventBaseNode ( libEvent_enum service,
struct event_base * base_ptr);
/** Get a reference to the libEvent containing the supplied
* libEvent.base pointer.
* @param base_ptr
* pointer to the libEvent base
* @return
* reference to valid or null libEvent
libEvent & getEvent ( struct event_base * base_ptr);
int manage_dnsmasq_bmc_hosts ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* run the maintenance fsm against a host */
int fsm ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* specific handlers called within the fsm */
int enable_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int recovery_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int disable_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int add_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int delete_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int cfg_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int cmd_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int swact_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int reset_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int reboot_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int reinstall_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int power_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int powercycle_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int offline_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int online_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int oos_test_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int insv_test_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int stress_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int bm_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int degrade_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int uptime_handler ( void );
int host_services_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* Starts the specified 'reset or powercycle' recovery monitor */
int hwmon_recovery_monitor ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, int hwmon_event );
/* server specific power state query handler */
bool (*is_poweron_handler) (string hostname, string query_response );
/* Calculate the overall reset progression timeout */
int calc_reset_prog_timeout ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, int retries );
/* These interfaces will start and stop the offline FSM if not already active */
void start_offline_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void stop_offline_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
* Name : ipmi_command_send
* Description: This utility starts the ipmitool command handling thread
* with the specified command.
* Returns : PASS if all the pre-start semantic checks pass and the
* thread was started.
* Otherwise the thread was not started and some non zero
* FAIL_xxxx code is returned after a representative design
* log is generated.
int ipmi_command_send ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, int command ) ;
* Name : ipmi_command_recv
* Description: This utility will check for ipmitool command thread completion.
* Returns : PASS is returned if the thread reports done.
* RETRY is returned if the thread has not completed.
* FAIL_RETRY is returned after 10 back-to-back calls return RETRY.
* Assumptions: The caller is expected to call ipmi_command_done once it has
* consumed the results of the thread
int ipmi_command_recv ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
* Name : ipmi_command_done
* Description: This utility frees the ipmitool command thread for next execution.
void ipmi_command_done ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* default all the BMC access variaables to the "no access" state */
void bmc_access_data_init ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* Combo Host enable handler */
int enable_subf_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** set all service readies to false so that when the first one comes in'
* it will be logged */
void clear_service_readies ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int update_dport_states ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, int event );
/* manage auto recovery */
int ar_manage ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
autorecovery_disable_cause_enum cause,
string ar_disable_banner );
/** ***********************************************************************
* Name : nodeLinkClass::workQueue_process
* Description: This is a Per Host Finite State Machine (FSM) that
* processes the work queue for the supplied host's
* node pointer.
* Constructs:
* node_ptr->libEvent_work_fifo - the current work queue/fifo
* node_ptr->libEvent_done_fifo - queue/fifo of completed requests
* Operations:
* requests are added to the libEvent_work_fifo with workQueue_enqueue.
* requests are removed from the libEvent_done_fifo with workQueue_dequeue.
* Behavior:
* In process libEvents are copied from the callers work queue to
* its thisReq.
* Completed events including execution status are copied to the host's
* done fifo.
* Failed events may be retried up to max_retries as specified by
* the callers libEvent.
* @param event is a reference to the callers libEvent.
* @return an integer with values of PASS, FAIL, RETRY
* Implementation: in maintenance/mtcWorkQueue.cpp
* ************************************************************************/
int workQueue_process ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** ***********************************************************************
* Name : nodeLinkClass::workQueue_del_cmd
* Description: To handle the pathalogical case where an event seems to
* have timed out at the callers level then this interface
* can be called to delete it from the work queue.
* @param node_ptr so that the hosts work queue can be found
* @param sequence to specify the specific sequence number to remove
* @return always PASS since there is nothing the caller can or needs
* to do if the command is not present.
* Implementation: in maintenance/mtcWorkQueue.cpp
int workQueue_del_cmd ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, int sequence );
int doneQueue_purge ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int workQueue_purge ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int workQueue_done ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void workQueue_dump ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void doneQueue_dump ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int mtcCmd_workQ_purge( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int mtcCmd_doneQ_purge( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mtcCmd_workQ_dump ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mtcCmd_doneQ_dump ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void force_full_enable ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int adminActionChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum newActionState );
/** Host Administrative State Change member function */
int adminStateChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeAdminState_enum newAdminState );
/** Host Operational State Change member function */
int operStateChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeOperState_enum newOperState );
/** Host Availability Status Change member function */
int availStatusChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum newAvailStatus );
int allStateChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeAdminState_enum adminState,
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState,
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus );
int subfStateChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState_subf,
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus_subf );
/** Host Enable Handler Stage Change member function */
int enableStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_enableStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Disable Handler Stage Change member function */
int disableStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_disableStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host configuration stage Change member function */
int configStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_configStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Reset Handler Stage Change member function */
int resetStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_resetStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Reinstall Handler Stage Change member function */
int reinstallStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_reinstallStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Fast graceful Recovery Handler Stage Change member function */
int recoveryStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_recoveryStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Power control Handler Stage Change member function */
int powerStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_powerStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Powercycle control Handler Stage Change member function */
int powercycleStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_powercycleStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Out-Of-Service Test Stage Change member function */
int oosTestStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_oosTestStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Inservice Test Stage Change member function */
int insvTestStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_insvTestStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Host Sensor Handler Stage Change member function */
int sensorStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_sensorStages_enum newHdlrStage );
/** Generic Substage Stage change member function */
int subStageChange ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr,
mtc_subStages_enum newHdlrStage );
int failed_state_change ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* issue a
* - one way lazy reboot with
* - graceful SM services shutdown and
* - failsafe backup sysreq reset
int lazy_graceful_fs_reboot ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int alarm_enabled_clear ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool force );
int alarm_enabled_failure ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool want_degrade );
int alarm_insv_clear ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool force );
int alarm_insv_failure ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int alarm_config_clear ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int alarm_config_failure ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
int alarm_compute_clear ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool force );
int alarm_compute_failure ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr , EFmAlarmSeverityT sev );
void clear_subf_failed_bools ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void clear_main_failed_bools ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void clear_hostservices_ctls ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/* Enables/Clears dynamic auto recovery state. start fresh !
* called in disabled_handler (lock) and in the DONE stages
* of the enable handler. */
void ar_enable ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** Find the node that has this timerID in its general mtc timer */
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_mtcTimer_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_mtcConfig_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_mtcAlive_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_offline_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_mtcSwact_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_mtcCmd_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_oosTestTimer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_insvTestTimer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_power_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_http_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_thread_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_ping_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_bm_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_bmc_access_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_host_services_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_powercycle_control_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_powercycle_recovery_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_reset_control_timer ( timer_t tid );
struct nodeLinkClass::node * get_reset_recovery_timer ( timer_t tid );
/* Launch the specified host services command start or stop for any host
* type into the cmd_handler. In support of AIO a subf bool is optional
* and forces the command to be COMPUTE (subfunction).
* - requires cmd_handler fsm */
int launch_host_services_cmd ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool start , bool subf=false );
/* Private SYSINV API */
int mtcInvApi_update_task ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string task );
int mtcInvApi_update_task_now ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string task );
int mtcInvApi_force_task ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string task );
int mtcInvApi_update_task ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, const char * task_str_ptr, int one );
int mtcInvApi_update_task ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, const char * task_str_ptr, int one, int two );
int mtcInvApi_update_value ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string key, string value );
int mtcInvApi_update_uptime ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, unsigned int uptime );
int mtcInvApi_subf_states ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string oper_subf, string avail_subf );
int mtcInvApi_force_states ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string admin, string oper, string avail );
int mtcInvApi_update_states ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string admin, string oper, string avail );
int mtcInvApi_update_states_now ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string admin, string oper, string avail, string oper_subf, string avail_subf);
int mtcInvApi_update_state ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string state, string value );
/* Private SM API */
int mtcSmgrApi_request ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, mtc_cmd_enum operation, int retries );
/* Private VIM API */
int mtcVimApi_state_change ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, libEvent_enum operation, int retries );
int set_bm_prov ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, bool state );
void set_uptime ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, unsigned int uptime, bool force );
// #endif /* WANT_MTC */
/** Interface to asser or clear severity specific heartbeat alarms */
void manage_heartbeat_alarm ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, EFmAlarmSeverityT sev, int iface );
/** Returns the heartbeat monitoring state for the specified interface */
bool get_hbs_monitor_state ( string & hostname, int iface );
/** List of allocated node memory.
* An array of node pointers.
nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptrs[MAX_NODES] ;
/** A memory allocation counter.
* Should represent the number of nodes in the linked list.
int memory_allocs ;
/** A memory used counter
* A variable storing the accumulated node memory
int memory_used ;
/** Inservice memory management audit.
* Verifies that the node_ptr list and memory_allocs jive as well
* as all the node pointers point to a node in the linked list.
* @return
* an integer representing a PASS or TODO: list other error codes.
int memory_audit ( void );
/* Simplex mode auto recovery bools
* Set to true when the autorecovery threshold is reached
* and we want to avoid taking further autorecovery action
* even though it may be requested. */
bool autorecovery_disabled ;
/* Set to true by fault detection methods that are
* autorecoverable when in simplex mode. */
bool autorecovery_enabled ;
/** Tracks the number of hosts that 'are currently' in service trouble
* wrt heartbeat (above minor threshold).
* This is used in multi-host failure avoidance.
int mnfa_host_count[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Tracks the number of times multi failure avoidance was exited */
int mnfa_occurances ;
/** Recover or exit from the muli-node failure avoidance state
* This involves restarting the heartbeat on all the nodes
* that remain hbs_minor and clearing any heartbneat degrade
* states that remain. */
void mnfa_exit ( bool force );
void mnfa_enter ( void );
void mnfa_add_host ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, iface_enum iface );
void mnfa_recover_host ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void hbs_minor_clear ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, iface_enum iface );
/* Dead Office Recovery - system level controls */
void manage_dor_recovery ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, EFmAlarmSeverityT severity );
void report_dor_recovery ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr, string node_state_log_prefix );
struct {
struct node * head_ptr ; /**< Pulse Linked List Head pointer */
struct node * tail_ptr ; /**< Pulse Linked List Tail pointer */
struct node * last_ptr ; /**< Pulse Linked List running last pointer */
} pulse_list [MAX_IFACES] ;
/** General Pulse Pointer used to build pulse linked list */
struct node * pulse_ptr ;
/** Number monitored hosts (nodes) for a specified interface */
int pulses[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** Resource reference Array: An array used to store
* resource references for the purpose of fast resource
* lookup making thwe heartbat service more scalable.
* In this case it is an array of node link pointers
* that are in the current active pulse list. */
struct node * hbs_rra[MAX_NODES];
/** Pulse list node lookup pointer by hostname.
* Get pointer to "hostname" node located in the pulse list.
* @param hostname - a string containing the name of the host
* to be searched for in the pulse list.
* @param iface - iface_enum specifying which interface linked
* list to search.
* @return pointer to the node's control struct
struct nodeLinkClass::node* getPulseNode ( string & hostname, iface_enum iface );
/** Manage the heartbeat pulse flags by node pointer
* These flags contain service information sent by the replying host.
* One example of this is the pmond flag which indicates whether the process
* monitor is running on that host.
* Flags that are not set are thresholded for degrade or alarm assertion
* or cleared when found to be set again.
* @param pulse_ptr - node's control struct pointer
* @param flags - integer containing a bit field set of flags
* */
void manage_pulse_flags ( struct nodeLinkClass::node* pulse_ptr, unsigned int flags );
/** Remove a node from the pulse list by name, index or node pointer
* Deal with all the removal cases ; head, tail, full splice
* @return
* an integer of PASS or -FAULT, -ENXIO
int remPulse_by_name ( string & hostname, iface_enum iface, bool clear_b2b_misses_count, unsigned int flags );
int remPulse_by_index ( string hostname, int index, iface_enum iface, bool clear_b2b_misses_count, unsigned int flags );
int remPulse ( struct node * node_ptr, iface_enum iface, bool clear_b2b_misses_count, unsigned int flags );
/** Debug Dump Log Interfaces */
void mem_log_general ( void );
void mem_log_general_mtce_hosts ( void );
void mem_log_mnfa ( void );
void mem_log_dor ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_identity ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_network ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_state1 ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_state2 ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_alarm1 ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_mtcalive ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_stage ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_test_info ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_bm ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_heartbeat ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_hbs_cnts ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_type_info ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_reset_info( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_power_info( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void mem_log_thread_info ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
void print_node_info ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
// #endif
/** Public Interfaces that allow hosts to be
* added or removed from maintenance.
nodeLinkClass(); /**< constructor */
~nodeLinkClass(); /**< destructor */
system_type_enum system_type ;
string functions ; /**< comma delimited string list of functions supported */
bool maintenance ;
bool heartbeat ;
/* Set to true if this controller is active.
* Currently only used by heartbeat service. */
bool active_controller ;
/* offline_handler tuning controls */
int offline_threshold ; /* number of back to back mtcAlive misses before offline */
int offline_period ; /* offline handler mtcAlive request period */
/* dor mode data ; state and start time
* - start time is used to compare how long slave hosts take to come up
* after the active controller has entered dor mode */
bool dor_mode_active ;
unsigned int dor_start_time ;
int dor_mode_active_log_throttle ;
bool hbs_disabled ; /**< Control heartbeat service state */
bool hbs_state_change ; /**< Flag service state change */
int hbs_pulse_period ; /**< The curent pulse period in msec */
int hbs_pulse_period_save ; /**< preserved copy of hbs_pulse_period */
/** a loop counter used to detect when the heartbeat service is silently failing */
int hbs_silent_fault_detector ;
/* prevents flooding FM with the silent_fault detected log */
int hbs_silent_fault_logged ;
/* tracks the number of pulse requests set on each interface */
int pulse_requests[MAX_IFACES] ;
/** The number of heartbeat misses that result in a
* minor notification to maintenance */
int hbs_minor_threshold ;
/** The number of heartbeat misses that result in a degraded state */
int hbs_degrade_threshold ;
/** The number of heartbeat misses that result in a failed state */
int hbs_failure_threshold ;
/** enumerated failure action code ; fail, degrade, alarm, none */
hbs_failure_action_enum hbs_failure_action ;
/** Running Resource Reference Identifier */
int rrri ;
bool active ;
bool is_active ( void )
{ return (active); }
void set_activity_state ( bool state )
{ active = state ; }
/** Store the hostname of this controller */
string my_hostname ; /**< */
string my_local_ip ; /**< Primary IP address */
string my_float_ip ; /**< Secondary (floating) IP address */
/********* New Public Constructs for IPMI Comamnd Handling ***********/
/* the main fsm entrypoint to service all hosts */
void fsm ( void ) ;
/** This controller's hostname set'er */
void set_my_hostname ( string hostname );
/** This controller's hostname get'er */
string get_my_hostname ( void );
/** This controller's local ip addr set'er */
void set_my_local_ip ( string & hostname );
/** This controller's local ip addr get'er */
string get_my_local_ip ( void );
/** This controller's local ip addr set'er */
void set_my_float_ip ( string & hostname );
/** This controller's local ip addr get'er */
string get_my_float_ip ( void );
/** get ip address for any hostname */
string get_hostaddr ( string & hostname );
/** get mac address for any hostname and specified interface */
string get_hostIfaceMac ( string & hostname, int iface );
/** get infrastructure network ip address for any hostname */
string get_infra_hostaddr ( string & hostname );
/** set a node's ip address */
int set_hostaddr ( string & hostname, string & ip );
/** set a node's infrastructure ip address */
int set_infra_hostaddr ( string & hostname, string & ip );
/** get hostname for any hostname */
string get_hostname ( string & hostaddr );
/* NODE TYPE Member Functions */
/** Fetch the node type (compute or controller) by hostname */
int get_nodetype ( string & hostname );
/** Check if a node is a controller */
bool is_controller ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** Check if a node is a compute */
bool is_compute ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
bool is_compute_subfunction ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
string get_node_function_str ( string hostname );
string get_node_subfunction_str ( string hostname );
/** Check if a node is a storage */
bool is_storage ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** Check if a node is a controller by hostname */
bool is_controller ( string & hostname );
/** Check if a node is a compute by hostname */
bool is_compute ( string & hostname );
bool is_compute_subfunction ( string & hostname );
/** Check if a node is a storage by hostname */
bool is_storage ( string & hostname );
/** Sets a hosts's function and subfunction members */
int update_host_functions ( string hostname , string functions );
/** Returns true if the specified hostname is provisioned */
bool hostname_provisioned ( string hostname );
/** Number of provisioned hosts (nodes) */
int hosts ;
/** Host has been deleted */
bool host_deleted ;
/** Host Administrative State Change public member function */
int admin_state_change ( string hostname,
string newAdminState );
/** Host Operational State Change public member function */
int oper_state_change ( string hostname,
string newOperState );
/** Host Availability Status Change public member function */
int avail_status_change ( string hostname,
string newAvailStatus );
/** Host Subfunction Operational State Change public member function */
int oper_subf_state_change ( string hostname,
string newOperState );
/** Host Subfunction Availability Status Change public member function */
int avail_subf_status_change ( string hostname,
string newAvailStatus );
/** Update mtce Key with Value */
int update_key_value ( string hostname, string key , string value );
/** This is the list of inventory by hostname.
* The Maintenance FSM loops over this list
* to provide maintenance service */
std::list<string> hostname_inventory ;
std::list<string>::iterator host ;
/** true when the multi node failure count exceeds the multi
* node failure avoidance threshold and until there are no more
* in service trouble hosts */
bool mnfa_active ;
void mnfa_cancel( void );
std::list<string> mnfa_awol_list ;
void mnfa_timeout_handler ( void );
/** Return the number of inventoried hosts */
int num_hosts ( void );
/** **********************************************************************
* Name : nodeLinkClass::workQueue_enqueue
* Description: Adds the next sequence number to the supplied event
* reference, creates a log prefix based on the event's
* hostname, service, operation and sequence number
* (to avoid repeated recreation) and then copies that
* event to the work queue.
* @param event is a reference to the callers libEvent.
* @return an integer with value of PASS.
* Implementation: in maintenance/mtcWorkQueue.cpp
* *********************************************************************/
int workQueue_enqueue ( libEvent & event );
/** **********************************************************************
* Name : nodeLinkClass::doneQueue_dequeue
* Description: Searches the done queue for the event matching the supplied
* event reference , specifically the sequence number. If found
* it pulls the execution status information and then proceeds
* to remove it from the done queue.
* If the event is found then the event status is returned.
* If not found then a RETRY is returned.
* If the done event status is RETRY then a FAIL is returned since
* it should not be on the done queue with a retry status.
* @param event is a reference to the callers libEvent
* @return an integer with values of PASS, FAIL, RETRY
* Implementation: in maintenance/mtcWorkQueue.cpp
* ************************************************************************/
int doneQueue_dequeue ( libEvent & event );
bool workQueue_present ( libEvent & event );
void workQueue_dump_all ( void );
void doneQueue_dump_all ( void );
void mtcCmd_workQ_dump_all ( void );
void mtcCmd_doneQ_dump_all ( void );
/** Add a host to the Node list */
int add_host ( node_inv_type & inv );
int mod_host ( node_inv_type & inv );
int set_host_failed ( node_inv_type & inv );
/** Check to see if the node list already contains any of the following
* information and reject the add or modify if it does
* uuid
* hostname
* ip address
* mac address
int add_host_precheck ( node_inv_type & inv );
int del_host ( string uuid );
/** Returns empty string if not provisioned or the name of the host if it is */
string get_host ( string uuid );
string get_uuid ( string hostname );
void set_uuid ( string hostname, string uuid );
void set_task ( string hostname, string task );
/** Updates the hostname and resource reference identifier
* based on the next one in the cycle */
void get_rris ( string & hostname, int & rri );
/** Performs a service affecting symantic check on whether
* the specified uuid can be locked.
* In the case of a compute node it asks Nova.
* In the case of a controller it verifies that there is
* another controller active and inservice.
* @params uuid string
* @params reason int
* @returns true if locked and false otherwise
bool can_uuid_be_locked ( string uuid , int & reason );
//#ifdef WANT_HBS
/** Add a host to the Node list */
int add_heartbeat_host ( const node_inv_type &inv );
/** Clear heartbeat stats for all hosts */
void hbs_clear_all_stats ( void ) ;
// #endif
void host_print ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr );
/** Remove a host from Node list */
int rem_host ( string & hostname );
/* Returns the active client. */
mtc_client_enum get_activeClient ( string hostname );
/* Sets the active client for this particular host. The first use of this
* is or reset/reboot acknowledge to the VIm over an evacuate reset request
* from within the reboot handler. */
int set_activeClient ( string hostname, mtc_client_enum client );
/** Get the number of compute hosts that are operationally 'enabled' */
int enabled_compute_nodes ( void );
/** Get the number of storage hosts that are operationally 'enabled' */
int enabled_storage_nodes ( void );
/** get the number of hosts that are enabled excluding the active controller */
int enabled_nodes ( void );
/** Get the system's storage backend type */
int get_storage_backend ( void );
/** Returns true if the storage pool has a monitor running on
* an unlocked-enabled storage host */
bool is_storage_mon_enabled ( void ) ;
/** true if the management link's operational state is up and running */
bool mgmnt_link_up_and_running ;
bool infra_link_up_and_running ;
/** A boolean that is used to quickly determine if the infrastructure
* network is provisioned and configured for this daemon to use */
bool infra_network_provisioned ;
/** A debug bool hat allows infrastructure heartbeat failures to only
* cause host degrade rather than failure */
bool infra_degrade_only ;
int service_netlink_events ( int nl_socket , int ioctl_socket );
void manage_heartbeat_minor ( string hostname, iface_enum iface, bool clear_event );
void manage_heartbeat_degrade ( string hostname, iface_enum iface, bool clear_event );
void manage_heartbeat_failure ( string hostname, iface_enum iface, bool clear_event );
/* Clear heartbeat failed flag for all interfaces */
void manage_heartbeat_clear ( string hostname, iface_enum iface );
/** Test and Debug Members and Variables */
/** Print node info banner */
void print_node_info ( void );
int testhead ( int test );
int testmode ;
// #ifdef WANT_MTC
/** Hostname of the Active Controller */
std::string active_controller_hostname ;
/** Hostname of the Inactive Controller */
std::string inactive_controller_hostname ;
bool inactive_controller_is_patched ( void );
bool inactive_controller_is_patching ( void );
string get_inactive_controller_hostname ( void );
void set_inactive_controller_hostname ( string hostname );
string get_active_controller_hostname ( void );
void set_active_controller_hostname ( string hostname );
/** Returns 'true' if inactive controller main/subfunction is in-service
* In-Service if "unlocked-enabled-available or
* unlocked-enabled-degraded
bool is_inactive_controller_main_insv ( void );
bool is_inactive_controller_subf_insv ( void );
/** Returns true if the specified hostname is the active controller */
bool is_active_controller ( string hostname );
/** Returns number of enabled controllers */
int num_controllers_enabled ( void );
/** Run the FSM against the specified host */
int run_fsm ( string hostname );
/** Post a specific enable handler stage */
int set_enableStage ( string & hostname, mtc_enableStages_enum stage );
/** Get a posted enable handler stage */
mtc_enableStages_enum get_enableStage ( string & hostname );
/* Set the reboot stage */
int set_rebootStage ( string & hostname, mtc_resetProgStages_enum stage );
/** handle an expired timer. Find the node with this
* timer ID and set its ringer */
void timer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc);
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer ;
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer_mnfa ;
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer_token ;
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer_uptime ;
/* System Level DOR recovery timer
* Note: tid != NULL represents DOR Mode Active */
struct mtc_timer mtcTimer_dor ;
unsigned int get_cmd_resp ( string & hostname );
void set_cmd_resp ( string & hostname, mtc_message_type & msg );
void set_uptime ( string & hostname, unsigned int uptime, bool force );
unsigned int get_uptime ( string & hostname );
void set_uptime_refresh_ctr ( string & hostname, int value );
int get_uptime_refresh_ctr ( string & hostname );
/** Returns true when a 'maintenance alive' message for that
* hostnamed node is received */
void set_mtcAlive ( string & hostname, int iface );
bool get_mtcAlive_gate ( string & hostname );
void ctl_mtcAlive_gate ( string & hostname, bool gated );
/** Store the latest mtce flags for the specified host
* current flags are defined in nodebase.h
#define MTC_FLAG__I_AM_CONFIGURED (0x00000001)
#define MTC_FLAG__I_AM_NOT_HEALTHY (0x00000002)
#define MTC_FLAG__I_AM_HEALTHY (0x00000004)
#define MTC_FLAG__I_AM_LOCKED (0x00000008)
void set_mtce_flags ( string hostname, int flags );
/** Updates the node's health code
* Codes are found in nodeBase.h
* */
void set_health ( string & hostname, int health );
/** Returns true when a 'go enabled' message for that
* hostnamed node is received */
void set_goEnabled_failed ( string & hostname );
void set_goEnabled ( string & hostname );
bool get_goEnabled ( string & hostname );
void set_goEnabled_failed_subf ( string & hostname );
void set_goEnabled_subf ( string & hostname );
bool get_goEnabled_subf ( string & hostname );
int set_subf_info ( string hostname,
string functions,
string operState_subf,
string availState_subf );
/** Board management variable setter and getter utilities
* Only the bm_ip is propped through to the database */
int set_bm_ip ( string hostname , string bm_ip );
int set_bm_type ( string hostname , string bm_type );
int set_bm_un ( string hostname , string bm_un );
bool is_bm_ip_already_used ( string bm_ip );
int manage_bmc_provisioning ( struct node * node_ptr );
string get_bm_ip ( string hostname );
string get_bm_un ( string hostname );
string get_bm_type ( string hostname );
string get_hostname_from_bm_ip ( string bm_ip );
string get_hwmon_info ( string hostname );
int get_server_code ( string hostname );
void set_hwmond_monitor_state ( string & hostname, bool state );
bool get_hwmond_monitor_state ( string & hostname );
int manage_shadow_change ( string hostname );
int inotify_shadow_file_fd ;
int inotify_shadow_file_wd ;
/* MNFA Timeout
* Time in secs MNFA can remain active.
* If 0 then there is no timeout. */
int mnfa_timeout ;
/* MNFA Host Involvement Threshold
* Number of hosts simultaneously failing heartbeat
* upon which feature will activate */
int mnfa_threshold ;
/* collectd event handler */
int collectd_notify_handler ( string & hostname,
string & resource,
string & state );
** Process Monitor Event Utilities API **
/** Interface to declare that a key service on the
* specified host is up, running and ready */
int declare_service_ready ( string & hostname, unsigned int service );
/** Process Monitor 'Clear' Event handler.
* The process specified will be removed from the
* 'degraded_processes_list' and 'critical_processes_list' for
* the specified host.
* if there are no other degraded/critical processes or other
* degraded services/reasons against that host then
* this handler will clear the degrade state for the
* specified host all together. */
int degrade_pmond_clear ( string & hostname );
/** Resource Monitor 'Clear' Event handler.
* The resource specified will be removed from the
* 'degraded_resources_list' for specified host.
* if there are no other degraded resources or other
* degraded services/reasons against that host then
* this handler will clear the degrade state for the
* specified host all together. */
int degrade_resource_clear ( string & hostname, string & resource );
* If the pmond degrade flag is not set then do so.
* if the host is not degraded then set it to degraded. */
int degrade_process_raise ( string & hostname, string & process );
/** if host is unlocked-enabled generate a process failure log */
int log_process_failure ( string & hostname, string & process );
/** if host is unlocked-enabled generate a process failure alarm */
int alarm_process_failure ( string & hostname, string & process );
/** Resource Monitor Raise Event handler.
* The host will enter degrade state due to the specified resource
* not running properly. The resource name is recorded in the
* 'degraded_resources_list' for specified host.
* Clearing degrade against this resource requires that host to
* send a clear event against that resource or for that host to
* fully re-enable */
int degrade_resource_raise ( string & hostname, string & resource );
/** Generate a resource failure log if the host is unlocked */
int log_resource_failure ( string & hostname, string & resource );
/** Hardware Process Monitor Degrade Event handler.
* see implementation for details */
int node_degrade_control ( string & hostname, int state, string service );
/** Hardware Monitor 'Action' Event method
* The hardware monitor daemon is calling out a sensor that
* is operating out of spec. The command is the accompanying
* action that hwmond requested as a recovery action to this failure.
* The sensor is the sensor name that triggersed the event. */
int invoke_hwmon_action ( string & hostname, int action, string & sensor );
/** Process Monitor Failed Event handler.
* The host will go out of service and be reset and
* automatically re-enabled. */
int critical_process_failed( string & hostname, string & process, unsigned int nodetype );
/** Resource Monitor Failed Event handler.
* The host will go out of service and be reset and
* automatically re-enabled. */
int critical_resource_failed( string & hostname, string & resource );
* Node state set'ers and get'ers
mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum get_adminAction ( string & hostname );
int set_adminAction ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum adminAction );
mtc_nodeAdminState_enum get_adminState ( string & hostname );
int set_adminState ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeAdminState_enum adminState );
mtc_nodeOperState_enum get_operState ( string & hostname );
int set_operState ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState );
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum get_availStatus ( string & hostname );
int set_availStatus ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus );
/** Convert the supplied string to a valid maintenance Admin State enum */
mtc_nodeAdminState_enum adminState_str_to_enum ( const char * admin_string_ptr );
/** Convert the supplied string to a valid maintenance Oper State enum */
mtc_nodeOperState_enum operState_str_to_enum ( const char * oper_string_ptr );
/** Convert the supplied string to a valid maintenance Avail Status enum */
mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum availStatus_str_to_enum ( const char * avail_string_ptr );
/** Convert the supplied enum to the corresponding Admin Action string */
string adminAction_enum_to_str ( mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum val );
/** Convert the supplied enum to the corresponding Admin State string */
string adminState_enum_to_str ( mtc_nodeAdminState_enum val );
/** Convert the supplied enum to the corresponding Oper State string */
string operState_enum_to_str ( mtc_nodeOperState_enum val );
/** Convert the supplied enum to the corresponding Avail Status string */
string availStatus_enum_to_str ( mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum val );
string get_operState_dport ( string & hostname );
string get_availStatus_dport ( string & hostname );
** External Services Control Utilities API *
/** number of times mtce will retry an API before it gives up.
* Configurable option through mtc.ini */
int api_retries ;
/* Inventory APIs */
int mtcInvApi_cfg_show ( string hostname );
int mtcInvApi_cfg_modify ( string hostname, bool install );
int mtcInvApi_load_host ( string & hostname , node_inv_type & info );
int mtcInvApi_update_task ( string hostname, string task );
int mtcInvApi_force_task ( string hostname, string task );
int mtcInvApi_update_state ( string hostname, string state, string value );
int mtcInvApi_update_states ( string hostname, string admin, string oper, string avail );
int mtcInvApi_force_states ( string hostname, string admin, string oper, string avail );
int mtcInvApi_subf_states ( string hostname, string oper_subf, string avail_subf );
int mtcInvApi_update_states_now ( string hostname, string admin, string oper, string avail, string oper_subf, string avail_subf );
int mtcInvApi_update_task_now ( string hostname, string task );
int mtcInvApi_update_value ( string hostname, string key, string value );
int mtcInvApi_update_uptime ( string hostname, unsigned int uptime );
void mtcInvApi_add_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg );
void mtcInvApi_qry_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg );
void mtcInvApi_get_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg );
string mtcVimApi_state_get ( string hostname, int & http_status_code );
int mtcVimApi_system_info ( string & response );
void mtcSmgrApi_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg );
void mtcHttpUtil_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg );
/* Update the authentication token as a work queue'd command */
int mtcKeyApi_refresh_token ( string hostname );
/* Update the authentication token now ; as a blocking request */
int mtcKeyApi_get_token ( string hostname );
/*********************** Public Heartbeat Interfaces *********************/
/** Creates a linked list of nodes to heartbeat for the specified port
* Based on unlocked enabled hosts and provisioned ports
* @param
* iface_enum specifying the port to create the pulse list for
* @return
* a pointer to the head of the burndown checkin list for the specified port
int create_pulse_list ( iface_enum iface );
/** Clear the pulse list */
void clear_pulse_list ( iface_enum iface );
/** Remove a host from an interface's pulse list */
int remove_pulse ( string & hostname, iface_enum iface, int index, unsigned int flags );
/** Manage the heartbeat pulse flags by hostname
* These flags contain service information sent by the replying host.
* One example of this is the pmond flag which indicates whether the process
* monitor is running on that host.
* Flags that are not set are thresholded for degrade or alarm assertion
* or cleared when found to be set again.
* @param hostname - a string containing the name of the host
* that sent the flags.
* @param flags - integer containing a bit field set of flags
void manage_pulse_flags ( string & hostname, unsigned int flags );
/** Control the heartbeat monitoring state of a host */
int mon_host ( const string & hostname, bool true_false, bool send_clear );
/** Return true if the pulse list is empty */
bool pulse_list_empty ( iface_enum iface );
void recalibrate_thresholds ( void );
/** Handle heartbeat losses
* Any hosts that remain in the pulse list at the end
* of the heartbeat period have not responded with a
* pulse message suggesting a health issue with that host
* This interface manages thresholding and acting on hosts
* that exceed preset thresholds.
int lost_pulses ( iface_enum iface, bool & storage_0_responding );
bool monitored_pulse ( string hostname , iface_enum iface );
/** Print the pulse list */
void print_pulse_list ( iface_enum iface );
/*********************** Public Heartbeat Pulse Data *********************/
/** How many pulses in the list */
int hbs_expected_pulses[MAX_IFACES];
/** How many pulses have come in */
int hbs_detected_pulses[MAX_IFACES];
/** Flag indicating the hbs service is ready to start monitoring hosts */
bool hbs_ready ;
void memDumpAllState ( void );
void memDumpNodeState ( string hostname );
// #endif
/** Common REST API Structs */
/* System Management REST API Control Struct */
libEvent sysinvEvent ;
/* System Management REST API Control Struct */
libEvent smgrEvent ;
/* Keystone Authentication Token Control Struct */
libEvent tokenEvent ;
/** /etc/mtc.ini configurable timeouts */
int compute_mtcalive_timeout;
int controller_mtcalive_timeout ;
int goenabled_timeout ;
/** /etc/mtc.conf configurable audit intervals */
int swact_timeout ;
int sysinv_timeout ;
int sysinv_noncrit_timeout ;
int loc_recovery_timeout ; /**< Loss Of Communication Recovery Timeout */
int work_queue_timeout ;
int node_reinstall_timeout ;
int insv_test_period ;
int oos_test_period ;
int uptime_period ;
int online_period ;
int token_refresh_rate;
/* Service specific max failures before autorecovery is disabled.
* ... values for each service are loaded from mtc config
* file at daemon startup
unsigned int ar_threshold[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__LAST] ;
/* service specific secs between autorecovery retries.
* ... values for each service are loaded from mtc config
* file at daemon startup
unsigned int ar_interval[MTC_AR_DISABLE_CAUSE__LAST] ;
int unknown_host_throttle ;
* @} nodeLinkClass
/* allocates nodeLinkClass node_ptr */
#define GET_NODE_PTR(hostname) \
nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr = this->getNode ( hostname ) ; \
if ( node_ptr == NULL ) \
{ \
elog ("%s hostname unknown\n", hostname.c_str()); \
#define CHK_NODE_PTR(node_ptr) \
if ( node_ptr == NULL ) \
{ \
slog ("null node_ptr\n"); \
nodeLinkClass * inv_init ( void );
nodeLinkClass * get_mtcInv_ptr ( void );
int module_init ( void );
void mtcCmd_init ( mtcCmd & cmd );
const char * get_adminAction_str ( mtc_nodeAdminAction_enum action );
string bmc_get_ip ( string hostname, string mac , string & current_bm_ip );
void clear_host_degrade_causes ( unsigned int & degrade_mask );
bool sensor_monitoring_supported ( string hostname );
void log_mnfa_pool ( std::list<string> & mnfa_awol_list );
#endif /* __INCLUDE_NODECLASS_H__ */