
451 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance "Finite State Machine"
* Description: This FSM follows the X.731 specification.
* The FSM manages nodes based on the following three perspectives
* Administrative: action taken on node (mtc_nodeAdministrative_action_type)
* Operational : state of the node mtc_nodeOperational_state_type)
* Availability : status of current node state (mtc_nodeAvailability_status_type)
using namespace std;
#define __AREA__ "fsm"
#include "nodeClass.h"
#include "tokenUtil.h"
#include "mtcNodeFsm.h"
#include "mtcInvApi.h"
#include "mtcNodeMsg.h"
#include "mtcNodeHdlrs.h" /* for ... mtcTimer_handl */
int nodeLinkClass::fsm ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr )
int rc = PASS ;
if ( node_ptr == NULL )
slog ("Null Node Pointer\n");
return FAIL ;
/* if the multi-Node-Failure Avoidance timer rang then run its ecovery handler */
if ( mtcTimer_mnfa.ring == true )
mtcTimer_mnfa.ring = false ;
mnfa_exit ( true );
/* handle clear task request */
if ( node_ptr->clear_task == true )
mtcInvApi_update_task ( node_ptr, "" );
node_ptr->clear_task = false ;
/* Service the libEvent work queue */
workQueue_process ( node_ptr ) ;
/* Service the maintenance command queue if there are commands waiting */
if ( node_ptr->mtcCmd_work_fifo.size())
rc = nodeLinkClass::cmd_handler ( node_ptr );
if ( rc == RETRY )
return (rc);
/* Monitor and Manage active threads */
thread_handler ( node_ptr->ipmitool_thread_ctrl, node_ptr->ipmitool_thread_info );
/* manage the host connected state and board management alarms */
nodeLinkClass::bm_handler ( node_ptr );
/* manage host's degrade state */
nodeLinkClass::degrade_handler ( node_ptr );
* Always run the offline handler
* - does nothing unless in fault handling mode
* - looks for offline state during fault handling
nodeLinkClass::offline_handler ( node_ptr );
* Always run the online handler.
* - handles offline/online state transitions based on periodic audit
* with mtcAlive debouncing
nodeLinkClass::online_handler ( node_ptr );
if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__DELETE )
flog ("%s -> Delete Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::delete_handler ( node_ptr );
return (PASS);
/* Run the config FSM if the configAction bool is set.
* We keep this as a separate action unto itself so that
* mtce can continue to service all other actions for the
* same host while it handles configuration commands */
if (( node_ptr->configAction == MTC_CONFIG_ACTION__INSTALL_PASSWD ) ||
( node_ptr->configAction == MTC_CONFIG_ACTION__CHANGE_PASSWD ) ||
( node_ptr->configAction == MTC_CONFIG_ACTION__CHANGE_PASSWD_AGAIN ))
nodeLinkClass::cfg_handler ( node_ptr );
* No Op: Do nothing for this Healthy Enabled Running Host
* This block of code was added to resolve an issue. With this change:
* the insv_test_handler gets run as soon as a host's main function is enabled.
if (( node_ptr->ar_disabled == false ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__ENABLED ) &&
((node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__AVAILABLE ) ||
(node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__DEGRADED )))
// flog ("%s -> insv_test_handler\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::insv_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Add Host Services:
if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__ADD )
flog ("%s -> Add Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::add_handler ( node_ptr );
* No Op: Do nothing for this Healthy Enabled Running Host
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__ENABLED ) &&
((node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__AVAILABLE ) ||
(node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__DEGRADED )))
// flog ("%s -> oos_test_handler\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__POWERCYCLE )
nodeLinkClass::powercycle_handler ( node_ptr );
* Reset Host: Run the Reset handler for this Reset Action on Locked Host
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__RESET )
flog ("%s -> Reset Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::reset_handler ( node_ptr );
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Reboot Host: Run the Reboot handler for this Reboot Action on Locked Host
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__REBOOT )
flog ("%s -> Reboot Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::reboot_handler ( node_ptr );
* Recovering Host: Run Enable handler for failed or recovering host
else if ((( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__ENABLED ) &&
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__FAILED )) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__ENABLE))
flog ("%s -> Run Enable Handler\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::enable_handler ( node_ptr );
/* Do nothing with locked disabled offline state */
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__LOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__DISABLED ) &&
(( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__OFFLINE ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__ONLINE ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__OFFDUTY ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__POWERED_OFF )))
flog ("%s -> Run OOS Test Handler\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Recovering Host: Run Recovery handler for failed or recovering host
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__RECOVER ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ))
flog ("%s -> Run Recovery\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::recovery_handler ( node_ptr );
* Recovering Host: Run Enable handler for failed or recovering host
else if ( ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__DISABLED ) &&
(( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__FAILED ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__INTEST ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__OFFLINE ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__ONLINE )))
flog ("%s -> Run Enable\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::enable_handler ( node_ptr );
/* Try and recover an accidentally powered of host */
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__POWERED_OFF ) &&
( node_ptr->hwmon_powercycle.attempts == 0 ) &&
( node_ptr->hwmon_powercycle.state == RECOVERY_STATE__INIT ))
ilog ("%s auto-poweron for unlocked host\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
adminActionChange ( node_ptr, MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__POWERON );
/* FSM sanity check below will reject this operation, need exit now */
return (PASS);
* Unlock Host: Run Enable handler for the Unlock Action
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__UNLOCK )
flog ("%s -> Unlock Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
/* Proceed to unlock host */
nodeLinkClass::enable_handler ( node_ptr );
* Run the Subfunction FSM, usually after the ADD or at the end of the enable
* in a small system.
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__ENABLE_SUBF )
flog ("%s -> Running SubFunction Enable handler (%d)\n",
node_ptr->enableStage );
nodeLinkClass::enable_subf_handler ( node_ptr );
* Lock Host: Run Disable handler for the Lock Action
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__LOCK ) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__FORCE_LOCK ))
// flog ("%s -> Lock Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::disable_handler ( node_ptr );
* Semantic Handling: Reject Recovery Actions Against In-Service Host
else if (( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
(( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__POWEROFF ) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__RESET ) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__REBOOT ) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__REINSTALL )))
flog ("%s -> OOS Action Check\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
/* TEMPORARY: To allow reset of unlocked host for fault insertion. */
if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__RESET )
wlog ("%s Allowing Reset of unlocked host for FIT\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
if ( node_ptr->
nodeLinkClass::reset_handler ( node_ptr );
wlog ("%s Cowardly avoiding reset of self\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
adminActionChange ( node_ptr , MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE );
/* Clear the UI task since we are not really resetting */
mtcInvApi_update_task ( node_ptr, "" );
elog ("%s Administrative '%s' Operation Rejected\n",
get_adminAction_str (node_ptr->adminAction) );
elog ("%s Cannot perform out-of-service action against in-service host\n",
adminActionChange ( node_ptr , MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE );
/* Clear the UI task since we are not really resetting */
mtcInvApi_update_task ( node_ptr, "" );
* Reload Host: Run the Reload handler to Nuke the disk on Locked Host
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__REINSTALL )
flog ("%s -> Reload Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::reinstall_handler ( node_ptr );
* No Op: Do nothing for this Healthy Enabled Locked CPE Simplex Host
else if (( this->system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__CPE_MODE__SIMPLEX ) &&
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__LOCKED ))
nodeLinkClass::insv_test_handler ( node_ptr );
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Power-Off Host:
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__POWEROFF )
flog ("%s -> Power-Off Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::power_handler ( node_ptr );
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Power-On Host:
else if ( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__POWERON )
flog ("%s -> Power-On Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::power_handler ( node_ptr );
nodeLinkClass::oos_test_handler ( node_ptr );
* Swact Host Services:
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__SWACT ) ||
( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__FORCE_SWACT ))
flog ("%s -> Swact Action\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
nodeLinkClass::swact_handler ( node_ptr );
/***** DEGRADED Cases *******/
/* Handle the degrade action */
else if (( node_ptr->adminAction == MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__NONE ) &&
( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ) &&
( node_ptr->operState == MTC_OPER_STATE__ENABLED ) &&
( node_ptr->availStatus == MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__DEGRADED ))
/* We do nothing, the in service test catches this */
// flog ("%s -> Degrade Recovery\n", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
; // nodeLinkClass::degrade_handler ( node_ptr );
if (( node_ptr->adminState >= MTC_ADMIN_STATES ) ||
( node_ptr->operState >= MTC_OPER_STATES ) ||
( node_ptr->availStatus >= MTC_AVAIL_STATUS ))
elog ("Unhandled FSM Case: %s %d-%d-%d\n",
node_ptr->availStatus );
wlog ("Unsupported FSM State: %s Action:%s %s-%s-%s ; auto-correcting ...\n",
get_adminAction_str ( node_ptr->adminAction ),
adminState_enum_to_str (node_ptr->adminState).c_str(),
operState_enum_to_str (node_ptr->operState).c_str(),
availStatus_enum_to_str (node_ptr->availStatus).c_str());
/* Unlocked state overrides unsupported oper-avail states
* Try to recover the host */
if ( node_ptr->adminState == MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED )
/* Reset the state in the database for these error states */
node_ptr->adminState = MTC_ADMIN_STATE__UNLOCKED ;
node_ptr->operState = MTC_OPER_STATE__DISABLED ;
node_ptr->availStatus = MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__ONLINE ;
mtcInvApi_update_states ( node_ptr, "unlocked", "disabled" , "online" );
/* Force the action */
adminActionChange ( node_ptr , MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__UNLOCK );
/* Reset the state in the database for these error states */
node_ptr->adminState = MTC_ADMIN_STATE__LOCKED ;
node_ptr->operState = MTC_OPER_STATE__DISABLED ;
node_ptr->availStatus = MTC_AVAIL_STATUS__OFFLINE ;
mtcInvApi_update_states ( node_ptr, "locked", "disabled" , "offline" );
/* Force the action */
adminActionChange ( node_ptr , MTC_ADMIN_ACTION__FORCE_LOCK );
return (PASS);
return (rc) ;