#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ################################################################################ # # Description: Graphs nfv-vim histogram data from CSV files to html page and saves # saves it locally. # # Behaviour : The script takes in arguments from the command line such as specific # process names, or the name of a grouping of processes, and graphs # them in a local html file using plotly. The x-axis displays # datestamps corresponding to when the sample in the csv file was taken, # and the y-axis displays either the average execution time of the # processes during each sample, or the difference in total hits that # process experienced from one sample period to the previous sample # period. Both average execution times and the delta hit count can # be displayed on the same graph using two y-axes. The CSV files must # be generated prior to running this script by running Histogram.sh. # A config called logplot.cfg will be generated the first time this # script is run and will automatically populate itself with all processes # listed in the csv/ directory. Change the N to a Y in the right column # of the config file to have that process graphed when running this script # via config settings. Groupings of processes can also be made under the # groups section by following the same N/Y format as above. When a group # name is specified all processes listed under that group name will be # graphed if they have a Y in their right-column. # # To run this script ensure that plotly is installed. # To do this enter: sudo pip install plotly # # # If no arguments are entered when running this script it will default to running # the proceses in logplot.cfg with a Y in their rightmost column, and will display # the average execution time on the y-axis for all available samples. # ################################################################################ import os import csv import sys import time import plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Layout from plotly import tools from glob import iglob import subprocess from builtins import input dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) fig = plotly.graph_objs.graph_objs.Figure pth = os.path.join(dir, 'csv/') execTime = False # Indicates if average execution time is to be graphed or not default = False # Indicates no commands were entered and to run with default settings (run config with -t option) oneAxis = False # Causes the generated graph to have two y-axes sharing an x-axis with both avg execution time and hits being graphed config = False # Indicates whether to pull process names from logplot.cfg or not hits = False # Indicates if the delta of hits between samples is to be graphed markers = False lines = False timestamp = [] dateRange = [] warnings = [] procs = [] group = [] graphName = "" plotType = "" def helpMessage(): print("\n" + "-" * 120) print("NFV-VIM Histogram Graphing Script\n") print("This script is meant to graph average execution times and the delta of hits between sample periods for processes in nfv-vim logs.\n") print("Usage:\n") print(" -c ... runs from the logplot.cfg (c)onfig file. All processes in the first list with a Y\n" " in the far-right column will be included in the generated graph.\n") print(" -d ... command used to specify a (d)ate range within which you would like to see log data.\n" " The format is YYYY/MM/DD-YYYY/MM/DD with the lower bound on the left, and the upper\n" " bound on the right. The range is up to and including the bounds. To have a bound simply\n" " cover all datestamps before or after a bound, omit the undefined bound. Only one bound can be\n" " unspecified in this way.\n" " e.g. -d 2016/12/01-2016/12/12\n" " -d -2016/12/12 To use all logs prior to and including 2016/12/12\n" " -d 2016/12/01- To use all logs after and including 2016/12/01\n") print(" -t ... used to indicate that you would like the graph to display average execution (t)imes\n" " along the y-axis.\n") print(" -h ... used to indicate that you would like the graph to display the dela of (h)its between\n" " sample periods on the y-axis.\n") print(" -l ... used to set the graph to be a line graph. (Can be used with -m as well)\n") print(" -m ... used to set the graph to be a scatterplot. (Can be used with -l as well)\n") print(" -lm ... used to set the graph to be a scatterplot with connecting lines. This same effect can also be\n" " achieved by using -l -m\n") print(" -n ... used to (n)ame the file that will be generated by this script. Files can be found in the\n" " Graphs/ directory, found inside the directory containing this script. Do not include spaces in\n" " the file name. If no name is specified, the name will default to the timestamp from when the\n" " script was run.\n" " e.g. 01-24-2017.html\n") print(" -oneaxis ... used to generate a graph with two Y-axes sharing an x-axis. Average execution time's y-axis is\n" " on the right, and delta Hits per sample's y-axis is on the left. Used to look for correlations. The \n" " name of the process being graphed will have _time or _hits appended to it so you can tell which\n" " y-axis to relate it to. Only works if both -h and -t flags are used. Can be used for multiple processes.\n" " e.g. -h -t -oneaxis --p process1 process2\n") print(" --g ... will run the script for processes specified in logplot.cfg under the (G)roups heading.\n" " All processes listed under the named group's heading will be included in the graph.\n" " Space-delimit the groups to be included. This must be the last command entered.\n" " e.g. --g group1 group2\n") print(" --p ... follow this with a space-delimited list of (p)rocesses you would like to graph together.\n" " This must be the last command entered.\n") print(" --update ... This will update the master list of process at the beginning of the logplot.cfg file:\n" " Processes not currently listed in the master list will be added and their run status set to N.\n\n") print("Note: If neither the -t nor -h tag is used, the script will default to display the average execution time on the y-axis.\n\n") print("Examples:\n") print("./plotter.py -c -d 2016/12/3-2016/12/10 -t -n ConfigOutput_Dec_3-10 ... This will graph all processes with a Y in their\n" " right-most column in the config file, using logs\n" " with a timestamp between Dec 3rd and 10th 2016,\n" " and will display their average execution time in\n" " the y-axis. The file will be called\n" " ConfigOutput_Dec_3-10.html") print("./plotter.py -h -t --g group1 ... This will generate two graphs, one with the delta of hits\n" " on the y-axis, and the other with the average execution time\n" " in the y-axis, for processes listed under group1 in\n" " logplot.cfg.\n" " period will be displayed on the y-axis.\n") print("./plotter.py ... This will run the default settings, which are to run\n" " for the processes enabled in the master list in\n" " the config file, to use log information for all dates\n" " available, to show average execution time on the y-axis,\n" " and to name the file with the current day's datestamp.") print("-" * 120) # Appends new processes found via CSV filenames to the master process list in logplot.cfg if there are not already present. # If logplot.cfg has not been generated yet, this will create it and add process names found in filenames in ./csv def updater(configExists=True): procs = [] existingProcs = [] newProcs = [] position = 0 # Tracks position of the end of the master process list so new processes can be added above it. os.chdir(pth) for name in iglob("*.csv"): procs.append(str(name)[:-4]) os.chdir("..") if not configExists: f = open(os.path.join(dir, 'logplot.cfg'), "w") for p in procs: f.write(p + " " * (59 - len(p)) + "N\n") f.write("#" * 20 + "END OF PROCESS LIST" + "#" * 21 + "\n\n") f.write("#" * 27 + "GROUPS" + "#" * 27 + "\n") f.write("#GroupSTART\n") f.write("GroupName=ExampleGroupName1\n") f.write("ExampleProcessName1" + " " * 40 + "N\n") f.write("ExampleProcessName2" + " " * 40 + "N\n") f.write("#GroupEND\n") f.write("-" * 60 + "\n") f.write("GroupName=ExampleGroupName2\n") f.write("ExampleProcessName3" + " " * 40 + "N\n") f.write("ExampleProcessName4" + " " * 40 + "N\n") f.write("#GroupEND\n") f.write("#" * 20 + "END OF GROUPS" + "#" * 27) f.close() else: with open(os.path.join(dir, 'logplot.cfg'), "r+") as f: cfgLines = f.read().splitlines() for cfgProc in cfgLines: if "#END" in cfgProc: break existingProcs.append(cfgProc.split()[0]) position += 1 for p in procs: if p not in existingProcs: newProcs.append(p + " " * (59 - len(p)) + "N") procs = cfgLines[:position] + newProcs + cfgLines[position:] f.seek(0) f.write("\n".join(procs)) f.truncate() f.close() # Appends process names found in the specified group to the list of processes to be graphed. def gCommand(groups): procs = [] f = open(os.path.join(dir, 'logplot.cfg'), "r") cfgLines = f.read().splitlines() for g in groups: groupFound = False finishedGroup = False for i in range(len(cfgLines)): liNum = i if str("GroupName=" + g) == cfgLines[i].strip(): groupFound = True while not finishedGroup: liNum += 1 if "GroupEND" in cfgLines[liNum]: finishedGroup = True else: cfgLine = cfgLines[liNum].split() if cfgLine[1] == "Y": procs.append(cfgLine[0]) else: break else: if not groupFound: warnings.append("WARNING: The following group could not be found: %s\n\t\t Please check your logplot.cfg file for the intended group name." % (g,)) f.close() return procs # Appends processes explicitly named by the user to the list of processes to be run. # If the process name specified using the --p command does not match the name of any processes taken from .csv filenames, the user is given # a list of known processes containing the name they entered. If they enter one of the provided names, it will be added to the list. If the # user enters "s", the process in question will be skipped and the script will continue. If they user enters "q" the script will exit. def pCommand(pList): procList = [] for i in range(len(pList)): csvFile = str(pList[i]) + ".csv" procName = str(pList[i]) isFile = False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pth, csvFile)): isFile = True procList.append(pList[i]) else: while(not isFile): print("\nFiles containing keyword: %s" % (str(procName))) csvFile = str(procName) + ".csv" for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(pth): for filename in filenames: if procName.lower() in filename.lower(): if (str(procName) + ".csv") == str(filename): isFile = True procList.append(str(procName).strip()) break else: print(" " + filename[:-4]) else: procName = str(input("\nEnter the corrected process name, q to quit, or s to skip: ")).strip() if procName == "s": isFile = True break elif procName == "q": sys.exit() return procList # Stores the average execution time, or delta hit count data into into a plotly graph obj, and restricts sample to be within a certain # date range if specified. If plots is 1, one graph will be generated. If plots is 2, two graphs will be generated with one above the other. def storeGraphData(procs, dateRange=[], execTime=False, hits=False, plots=1): graphData = {} prevHitTotal = 0 timeList = [[] for p in range(len(procs))] dateList = [[] for p in range(len(procs))] hitList = [[] for p in range(len(procs))] if dateRange: for i in range(len(procs)): csvFile = str(procs[i]) + ".csv" with open(os.path.join(pth, csvFile), 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for ts, at, h, n in reader: t = ts.split("T") date = ''.join(x for x in t[0].split('-')) if (int(date) >= int(dateRange[0])) and (int(date) <= int(dateRange[1])): timeList[i].append(at) dateList[i].append(str(ts[0:10:1] + " " + ts[11:])) hitList[i].append(int(h) - prevHitTotal) prevHitTotal = int(h) f.close() hitList[i][0] = None graphData['trace' + str(i)] = go.Scatter(x=dateList[i], y=timeList[i] if execTime else hitList[i], mode=plotType, name=(procs[i] if not oneAxis else (procs[i] + "_" + ("time" if execTime else "hits")))) if plots == 1: fig.append_trace(graphData['trace' + str(i)], 1, 1) elif plots == 2: fig.append_trace(graphData['trace' + str(i)], 2, 1) else: for i in range(len(procs)): csvFile = str(procs[i]) + ".csv" with open(os.path.join(pth, csvFile), 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for ts, at, h, n in reader: timeList[i].append(at) dateList[i].append(str(ts[0:10:1] + " " + ts[11:])) hitList[i].append(int(h) - prevHitTotal) prevHitTotal = int(h) f.close() hitList[i][0] = None graphData['trace' + str(i)] = go.Scatter(x=dateList[i], y=timeList[i] if execTime else hitList[i], mode=plotType, name=(procs[i] if not oneAxis else (procs[i] + "_" + ("time" if execTime else "hits")))) if plots == 1: fig.append_trace(graphData['trace' + str(i)], 1, 1) elif plots == 2: fig.append_trace(graphData['trace' + str(i)], 2, 1) # Formats the graph by adding axis titles, changing font sizes, setting there to be two separate graphs or two graphs sharing an x-axis etc. def formatGraph(two, oneAxis): fig['layout'].update(showlegend=True) if two: if oneAxis: fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(title='Timestamp', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Hits Per Sample', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title='Average Execution Time (milliseconds)', anchor='x', overlaying='y', side='right', position=1, titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) else: fig['layout']['xaxis1'].update(title='Timestamp', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Average Execution Time (milliseconds)', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(title='Timestamp', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title='Hits Per Sample', titlefont=dict(size=20, color='#4d4d4d')) fig['layout'].update(title=graphName, titlefont=dict(size=26)) else: fig['layout'].update( title=graphName, xaxis=dict( title="Timestamp", titlefont=dict( family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#4d4d4d' ) ), yaxis=dict( title="Average Execution Time (milliseconds)" if execTime else "Hits Per Sample", titlefont=dict( family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#4d4d4d' ) ) ) # Sets the name of the saved html file. def setFilename(graphName): validName = False if not os.path.exists("Graphs/"): os.makedirs("Graphs/") os.chdir(os.path.join(dir, 'Graphs/')) if not graphName: graphName = time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y") if os.path.exists(str(graphName + ".html")): n = 1 while(not validName): if os.path.exists(str(graphName + "(" + str(n) + ").html")): n += 1 else: graphName = graphName + "(" + str(n) + ")" validName = True return graphName print("Welcome to plotter, type --help for information") # Checks that plotly is installed, otherwise graphs cannot be generated. plotCheck = subprocess.getstatusoutput("pip list | grep plotly") if plotCheck[0] == 0: if "plotly" not in plotCheck[1]: print("\n\tWARNING: Plotly is not installed on your system.\n\tPlease install it with: sudo pip install plotly\n") sys.exit() # Checks to see if logplot.cfg already exists, creates it if not. if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'logplot.cfg')): print("Generating logplot.cfg") updater(False) print("logplot.cfg created.") if not os.path.isdir('./csv'): print("\n\tWARNING: ./csv directory is missing. Please run Histogram.sh or make sure directory has not been renamed.\n") sys.exit() command = sys.argv # Takes arguments from the command line if len(command) == 1: print("Running with default settings.") default = True else: for i in range(1, len(command)): if command[i] == "-c": # Use config file config = True elif command[i] == "--g": # Groups for j in range(i + 1, len(command)): group.append(command[j]) procs = gCommand(group) break elif command[i] == "-t": # Average execution time execTime = True elif command[i] == "-h": # Delta hits between samples hits = True elif command[i] == "-l": # Graph with lines lines = True elif command[i] == "-m": # Graph with markers (scatter) markers = True elif command[i] == "-lm": # Graph with lines and markers lines = True markers = True elif command[i] == "-d": # Date range dateRange = command[i + 1].split('-') if dateRange[0]: lower = dateRange[0].split("/") dateRange[0] = lower[0] + lower[1].zfill(2) + lower[2].zfill(2) else: dateRange[0] = "0" * 8 if dateRange[1]: upper = dateRange[1].split("/") dateRange[1] = upper[0] + upper[1].zfill(2) + upper[2].zfill(2) else: dateRange[1] = "9" * 8 i += 1 elif command[i] == "-n": # Name of file to be generated graphName = command[i + 1] i += 1 elif command[i] == "-oneaxis": # Have hit and time data displayed on same graph oneAxis = True elif (command[i] == "--help") or (command[i] == "--h"): # Print help message and exit script helpMessage() sys.exit() elif command[i] == "--p": # User-specified processes for j in range(i + 1, len(command)): procs.append(command[j]) procs = pCommand(procs) break elif command[i] == "--update": print("Updating...") updater() print("Update complete.") sys.exit() # If neither average execution time nor delta hit count are specified to be shown, default to showing average execution time. if (not execTime) and (not hits): execTime = True # Default settings can be changed as desired. if default: config = True execTime = True if (lines and markers): plotType = "lines+markers" elif lines: plotType = "lines" else: plotType = "markers" if config: f = open(os.path.join(dir, 'logplot.cfg'), "r") procList = f.read().splitlines() for p in procList: if "#END" in p: break cfgLine = p.split() if cfgLine[1] == "Y": csvFile = cfgLine[0] + ".csv" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth, csvFile)): procs.append(cfgLine[0]) else: warnings.append("WARNING: %s does not exist." % (csvFile,)) f.close() # If both average execution time and delta hits are specified to be shown, generate two graphs if -oneaxis wasn't specified. # If only one of execution time and delta hits was specified, generate one graph. if procs: if (execTime and hits): if(not oneAxis): fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1) storeGraphData(procs, dateRange, execTime, False, 1) storeGraphData(procs, dateRange, False, hits, 2) else: fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1) storeGraphData(procs, dateRange, False, hits, 1) storeGraphData(procs, dateRange, execTime, False, 1) else: fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1) storeGraphData(procs, dateRange, execTime, hits) formatGraph((execTime and hits), oneAxis) # Generates the plot plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=setFilename(graphName) + ".html") else: warnings.append("NO GRAPH GENERATED BECAUSE NO VALID GROUP OR PROCESS NAME SPECIFIED.") # If any warnings occured, print them if warnings: print("\n\t" + ("\n\t").join(warnings) + "\n")