# # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import argparse import os from six.moves import urllib import sys from nfv_client import sw_update REGISTERED_STRATEGIES = {} def register_strategy(cmd_area, strategy_name): """ Registers a parser command with an update strategy name :param cmd_area: the parser command to register :param strategy_name: the strategy to associate with this parser """ REGISTERED_STRATEGIES[cmd_area] = strategy_name def get_strategy_name(cmd_area): """ Determines the strategy name for a parser command :param cmd_area: the parser command to lookup :returns: the strategy name associated with the parser :raises: ValueError if the parser was never registered """ strategy_name = REGISTERED_STRATEGIES.get(cmd_area, None) if strategy_name is None: raise ValueError("Unknown command area, %s, given" % cmd_area) return strategy_name def get_extra_create_args(cmd_area, args): """ Return the extra create arguments supported by a strategy type :param cmd_area: the strategy that supports additional create arguments :param args: the parsed arguments to extract the additional fields from :returns: a dictionary of additional kwargs for the create_strategy command :raises: ValueError if a strategy has been registered but not update here """ if 'patch-strategy' == cmd_area: # no additional kwargs for patch return {} elif 'upgrade-strategy' == cmd_area: # upgrade supports: complete_upgrade return {'complete_upgrade': args.complete_upgrade} elif 'fw-update-strategy' == cmd_area: # no additional kwargs for firmware update return {} elif 'system-config-update-strategy' == cmd_area: # no additional kwargs for system config update return {} elif 'kube-rootca-update-strategy' == cmd_area: # kube rootca update supports expiry_date, subject and cert_file return { 'expiry_date': args.expiry_date, 'subject': args.subject, 'cert_file': args.cert_file } elif 'kube-upgrade-strategy' == cmd_area: # kube upgrade supports: to_version return {'to_version': args.to_version} else: raise ValueError("Unknown command area, %s, given" % cmd_area) def add_list_arg(some_cmd, some_arg, some_list): """ Adds an argument to a command accepting a list of valid values. :param some_cmd: a command parser object that is adding a new argument :param some_arg: a string indicating the new argument. ex: --foo :param some_list: a list of valid values for the argument. The list cannot be empty. The first item in the list is the default """ default = some_list[0] some_cmd.add_argument(some_arg, default=default, choices=some_list, help='defaults to ' + default) def setup_abort_cmd(parser): """ Sets up an 'abort' command for a strategy command parser. ex: sw-manager patch-strategy abort :param parser: the strategy parser to add the create command to. """ abort_cmd = parser.add_parser('abort', help='Abort a strategy') abort_cmd.set_defaults(cmd='abort') abort_cmd.add_argument('--stage-id', help='stage identifier to abort') return abort_cmd def setup_apply_cmd(parser): """ Sets up an 'apply' command for a strategy command parser. ex: sw-manager patch-strategy apply :param parser: the strategy parser to register the command under """ apply_cmd = parser.add_parser('apply', help='Apply a strategy') apply_cmd.set_defaults(cmd='apply') apply_cmd.add_argument('--stage-id', default=None, help='stage identifier to apply') return apply_cmd def setup_create_cmd(parser, controller_types, storage_types, worker_types, instance_actions, alarm_restrictions, min_parallel=1, max_parallel=5): """ Sets up a 'create' command for a strategy command parser. ex: sw-manager patch-strategy create :param parser: the strategy parser to register the command under :param controller_types: list of the valid apply types for controller :param storage_types: list of the valid apply types for storage :param worker_types: list of the valid apply types for worker :param instance_actions: list of valid VM actions during worker apply :param alarm_restrictions: list of valid alarm restrictions :param min_parallel: minimum value (inclusive) for updating parallel hosts :param max_parallel: maximum value (inclusive) for updating parallel hosts The lists cannot be empty. The first item in the lists is the default """ create_cmd = parser.add_parser('create', help='Create a strategy') create_cmd.set_defaults(cmd='create') add_list_arg(create_cmd, '--controller-apply-type', controller_types) add_list_arg(create_cmd, '--storage-apply-type', storage_types) add_list_arg(create_cmd, '--worker-apply-type', worker_types) add_list_arg(create_cmd, '--instance-action', instance_actions) add_list_arg(create_cmd, '--alarm-restrictions', alarm_restrictions) create_cmd.add_argument('--max-parallel-worker-hosts', type=int, choices=list(range(min_parallel, max_parallel + 1)), help='maximum worker hosts to update in parallel') return create_cmd def setup_delete_cmd(parser): """ Sets up a 'delete' command for a strategy command parser. ex: sw-manager patch-strategy delete :param parser: the strategy parser to register the command under """ delete_cmd = parser.add_parser('delete', help='Delete a strategy') delete_cmd.set_defaults(cmd='delete') delete_cmd.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) return delete_cmd def setup_show_cmd(parser): """ Sets up a 'show' command for a strategy command parser. ex: sw-manager patch-strategy show :param parser: the strategy parser to register the command under """ show_cmd = parser.add_parser('show', help='Show a strategy') show_cmd.set_defaults(cmd='show') show_cmd.add_argument('--details', action='store_true', help='show strategy details') show_cmd.add_argument('--active', action='store_true', help='show currently active strategy step') return show_cmd def setup_fw_update_parser(commands): """Firmware Update Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'fw-update-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_FW_UPDATE) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='Firmware Update Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers(title='Firmware Update Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command # alarm restrictions, defaults to strict _ = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], # controller supports ignore [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], # storage supports ignore [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_STOP_START, # instance actions sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=5 # fw update supports 2..5 workers in parallel ) # There are no additional create options for firmware update # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def setup_kube_rootca_update_parser(commands): """Kubernetes RootCA Update Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'kube-rootca-update-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_KUBE_ROOTCA_UPDATE) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='Kubernetes RootCA Update Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers( title='Kubernetes RootCA Update Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command create_strategy_cmd = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # controller supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # storage supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_STOP_START, # instance actions sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=10 # kube rootca update support 2..10 workers in parallel ) # add specific arguments to the create command for kube root ca update # The get_extra_create_args method is updated to align with these create_strategy_cmd.add_argument( '--expiry-date', required=False, help='When the generated certificate should expire (yyyy-mm-dd)') create_strategy_cmd.add_argument( '--subject', required=False, help='Subject for the generated certificate') create_strategy_cmd.add_argument( '--cert-file', required=False, help='Path to a file to be used, otherwise system will generate one') # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def setup_kube_upgrade_parser(commands): """Kubernetes Upgrade Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'kube-upgrade-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_KUBE_UPGRADE) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='Kubernetes Upgrade Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers(title='Kubernetes Upgrade Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command create_strategy_cmd = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # controller supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # storage supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_STOP_START, # instance actions sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=10 # kube upgrade supports 2..10 workers in parallel ) # add kube specific arguments to the create command # The get_extra_create_args method is updated to align with these # kube upgrade create requires 'to-version' create_strategy_cmd.add_argument( '--to-version', required=True, help='The kubernetes version') # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def setup_patch_parser(commands): """Patch Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'patch-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_SW_PATCH) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='Patch Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers(title='Software Patch Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command # alarm restrictions, defaults to strict _ = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # controller supports serial sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # storage supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_STOP_START, # instance actions sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=100 # patch supports 2..100 workers in parallel ) # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def setup_system_config_update_parser(commands): """System config update Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'system-config-update-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_SYSTEM_CONFIG_UPDATE) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='system config update Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers(title='Sytem Config Update Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command # alarm restrictions, defaults to strict _ = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # controller supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # storage supports serial only sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_STOP_START, # instance actions sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=100 # config update supports 2..100 workers in parallel ) # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def setup_upgrade_parser(commands): """Upgrade Strategy Commands""" cmd_area = 'upgrade-strategy' register_strategy(cmd_area, sw_update.STRATEGY_NAME_SW_UPGRADE) cmd_parser = commands.add_parser(cmd_area, help='Upgrade Strategy') cmd_parser.set_defaults(cmd_area=cmd_area) sub_cmds = cmd_parser.add_subparsers(title='Software Upgrade Commands', metavar='') sub_cmds.required = True # define the create command # alarm restrictions, defaults to strict create_strategy_cmd = setup_create_cmd( sub_cmds, [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL], # hard coded to serial [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # storage supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_SERIAL, # worker supports serial and parallel sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_PARALLEL, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE], [sw_update.INSTANCE_ACTION_MIGRATE], # hardcoded to migrate [sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_STRICT, # alarm restrictions sw_update.ALARM_RESTRICTIONS_RELAXED], min_parallel=2, max_parallel=10 # upgrade supports 2..10 workers in parallel ) # add upgrade specific arguments to the create command # The get_extra_create_args method is updated to align with these # Disable support for --start-upgrade as it was not completed # create_strategy_cmd.add_argument('--start-upgrade', # action='store_true', # help=argparse.SUPPRESS) create_strategy_cmd.add_argument('--complete-upgrade', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # define the delete command _ = setup_delete_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the apply command _ = setup_apply_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the abort command _ = setup_abort_cmd(sub_cmds) # define the show command _ = setup_show_cmd(sub_cmds) def process_main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value """ Client - Main """ try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--os-auth-url', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-project-name', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-project-domain-name', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-username', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-password', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-user-domain-name', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-region-name', default=None) parser.add_argument('--os-interface', default=None) commands = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', metavar='') commands.required = True # Add firmware update strategy commands setup_fw_update_parser(commands) # Add kubernetes rootca update strategy commands setup_kube_rootca_update_parser(commands) # Add kubernetes upgrade strategy commands setup_kube_upgrade_parser(commands) # Add software patch strategy commands setup_patch_parser(commands) # Add system config update strategy commands setup_system_config_update_parser(commands) # Add software upgrade strategy commands setup_upgrade_parser(commands) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.debug: # Enable Debug handler = urllib.request.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) if args.os_auth_url is None: args.os_auth_url = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL', None) if args.os_project_name is None: args.os_project_name = os.environ.get('OS_PROJECT_NAME', None) if args.os_project_domain_name is None: args.os_project_domain_name \ = os.environ.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME', 'Default') if args.os_username is None: args.os_username = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', None) if args.os_password is None: args.os_password = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD', None) if args.os_user_domain_name is None: args.os_user_domain_name = os.environ.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME', None) if args.os_region_name is None: args.os_region_name = os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME', None) if args.os_interface is None: args.os_interface = os.environ.get('OS_INTERFACE', None) if args.os_auth_url is None: print("Authentication URI not given") return if args.os_project_name is None: print("Project name not given") return if args.os_project_domain_name is None: print("Project domain name not given") return if args.os_username is None: print("Username not given") return if args.os_password is None: print("User password not given") return if args.os_user_domain_name is None: print("User domain name not given") return if args.os_region_name is None: print("Openstack region name not given") return if args.os_interface is None: print("Openstack interface not given") return strategy_name = get_strategy_name(args.cmd_area) if 'create' == args.cmd: extra_create_args = get_extra_create_args(args.cmd_area, args) sw_update.create_strategy(args.os_auth_url, args.os_project_name, args.os_project_domain_name, args.os_username, args.os_password, args.os_user_domain_name, args.os_region_name, args.os_interface, strategy_name, args.controller_apply_type, args.storage_apply_type, sw_update.APPLY_TYPE_IGNORE, args.worker_apply_type, args.max_parallel_worker_hosts, args.instance_action, args.alarm_restrictions, **extra_create_args) elif 'delete' == args.cmd: sw_update.delete_strategy(args.os_auth_url, args.os_project_name, args.os_project_domain_name, args.os_username, args.os_password, args.os_user_domain_name, args.os_region_name, args.os_interface, strategy_name, force=args.force) elif 'apply' == args.cmd: sw_update.apply_strategy(args.os_auth_url, args.os_project_name, args.os_project_domain_name, args.os_username, args.os_password, args.os_user_domain_name, args.os_region_name, args.os_interface, strategy_name, stage_id=args.stage_id) elif 'abort' == args.cmd: sw_update.abort_strategy(args.os_auth_url, args.os_project_name, args.os_project_domain_name, args.os_username, args.os_password, args.os_user_domain_name, args.os_region_name, args.os_interface, strategy_name, stage_id=args.stage_id) elif 'show' == args.cmd: sw_update.show_strategy(args.os_auth_url, args.os_project_name, args.os_project_domain_name, args.os_username, args.os_password, args.os_user_domain_name, args.os_region_name, args.os_interface, strategy_name, details=args.details, active=args.active) else: raise ValueError("Unknown command, %s, given for %s" % (args.cmd, args.cmd_area)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard Interrupt received.") except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except print(e) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": process_main(sys.argv[1:])