# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # import errno import eventlet import eventlet.greenio import eventlet.wsgi import os import webob.dec import webob.exc from eventlet.green import socket from eventlet.green import ssl from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from nova_api_proxy.common.exception import ProxyException LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) URL_LENGTH_LIMIT = 50000 server_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('wsgi_log_format', default='%(client_ip)s "%(request_line)s" status: %(' 'status_code)s len: %(body_length)s time: %(wall_' 'seconds).7f', help='A python format string that is used as the template to ' 'generate log lines. The following values can be formatted' ' into it: client_ip, date_time, request_line, status_code' ', body_length, wall_seconds.'), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_ca_file', help="CA certificate file to use to verify " "connecting clients"), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_cert_file', help="SSL certificate of API server"), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_key_file', help="SSL private key of API server"), cfg.IntOpt('tcp_keepidle', default=600, help="Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each " "server socket. Not supported on OS X."), cfg.IntOpt('pool_size', default=1000, help="Size of the pool of greenthreads used by wsgi"), cfg.IntOpt('max_header_line', default=16384, help="Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. " "max_header_line may need to be increased when using " "large tokens (typically those generated by the " "Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs)."), cfg.IntOpt('client_socket_timeout', default=900, help="Timeout for client connections' socket operations. " "If an incoming connection is idle for this number of " "seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means " "wait forever."), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(server_opts) class Request(webob.Request): pass class WritableLogger(object): """A thin wrapper that responds to `write` and logs.""" def __init__(self, logger, level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logger self.level = level def write(self, msg): self.logger.debug(msg.rstrip()) class Server(object): """Server class to manage multiple WSGI sockets and applications.""" def __init__(self, name, app, host='', port=0, protocol=eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol, use_ssl=False, backlog=128, max_url_len=URL_LENGTH_LIMIT): """Initialize, but do not start, a WSGI server. :param app: The name of WSGI application. :param app: The WSGI application to serve. :param host: IP address to serve the application. :param port: Port number to server the application. :returns: None :raises: """ eventlet.wsgi.MAX_HEADER_LINE = CONF.max_header_line self._server = None self.name = name self.app = app self._protocol = protocol self._pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool(CONF.pool_size) self._use_ssl = use_ssl self._max_url_len = max_url_len self.client_socket_timeout = CONF.client_socket_timeout or None self._wsgi_logger = WritableLogger(LOG) if backlog < 1: raise ProxyException('The backlog must be more than 1') bind_addr = (host, port) try: info = socket.getaddrinfo(bind_addr[0], bind_addr[1], socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0] family = info[0] bind_addr = info[-1] except Exception: family = socket.AF_INET self._socket = eventlet.listen(bind_addr, family, backlog=backlog) (self.host, self.port) = self._socket.getsockname()[0:2] LOG.info("%(name)s listening on %(host)s:%(port)s" % self.__dict__) def _setup_ssl(self): LOG.info("%(name)s setup ssl" % self.__dict__) try: ca_file = CONF.ssl_ca_file cert_file = CONF.ssl_cert_file key_file = CONF.ssl_key_file if cert_file and not os.path.exists(cert_file): raise RuntimeError("Unable to find cert_file : %s" % cert_file) if ca_file and not os.path.exists(ca_file): raise RuntimeError("Unable to find ca_file : %s" % ca_file) if key_file and not os.path.exists(key_file): raise RuntimeError("Unable to find key_file : %s" % key_file) if self._use_ssl and (not cert_file or not key_file): raise RuntimeError("When running server in SSL mode, " "you must specify both a cert_file and key_" "file option value in your configuration " "file") ssl_kwargs = { 'server_side': True, 'certfile': cert_file, 'keyfile': key_file, 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_NONE, } if CONF.ssl_ca_file: ssl_kwargs['ca_certs'] = ca_file ssl_kwargs['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self._socket = eventlet.wrap_ssl(self._socket, **ssl_kwargs) except socket.error: LOG.error("Failed to start %(name)s on %(host)s :%(port)s with SSL" " support" % self.__dict__) def start(self): """Start serving a WSGI application. :returns: None """ self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_KEEPIDLE'): self._socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, CONF.tcp_keepidle) if self._use_ssl: self._setup_ssl() try: eventlet.wsgi.server(self._socket, self.app, custom_pool=self._pool, url_length_limit=self._max_url_len, log=self._wsgi_logger, protocol=self._protocol, log_format=CONF.wsgi_log_format, debug=CONF.debug, socket_timeout=self.client_socket_timeout) except socket.error as err: if err[0] != errno.EINVAL: raise self._pool.waitall() def stop(self): """Stop this server. This is not a very nice action, as currently the method by which a server is stopped is by killing its eventlet. :returns: None """ LOG.info("Stopping WSGI server.") # Resize pool to stop new requests from being processed self._pool.resize(0) class Application(object): @classmethod def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files. """ return cls(**local_config) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): raise NotImplementedError('You must implement __call__') class Middleware(Application): """ Base WSGI middleware wrapper. These classes require an application to be initialized that will be called next. By default the middleware will simply call its wrapped app, or you can override __call__ to customize its behavior. """ @classmethod def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files. Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME] section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method as kwargs. """ def _factory(app): return cls(app, global_config, **local_config) return _factory def __init__(self, application): self.application = application def process_request(self, req): """ Called on each request. If this returns None, the next application down the stack will be executed. If it returns a response then that response will be returned and execution will stop here. """ return None def process_response(self, response): """Do whatever you'd like to the response.""" return response @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, req): response = self.process_request(req) if response: return response response = req.get_response(self.application) return self.process_response(response)