#!/bin/bash # set -x CMDLINE="build-srpms-serial $@" DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source $DIR/spec-utils source $DIR/srpm-utils source $DIR/classify INITIAL_DIR=`pwd` export DISTRO="centos" SRPM_SCRIPT="build_srpm" SRPM_DATA="build_srpm.data" PKG_DIRS_FILE=centos_pkg_dirs DEFAULT_SRPM_SCRIPT="$DIR/default_$SRPM_SCRIPT" SCRIPT_PATH="$DISTRO" DATA_PATH="$DISTRO" FILES_PATH="$DISTRO/files" # ORIG_SPECS_PATH="$DISTRO/rpmbuild/SPECS" ORIG_SPECS_PATH="$DISTRO" SRPM_LIST_PATH="$DISTRO/srpm_path" MIRROR_ROOT="$MY_REPO/cgcs-centos-repo" THIRD_PARTY_ROOT="$MY_REPO/cgcs-3rd-party-repo" REPO_DOWNLOADS_ROOT="$MY_REPO" SRPM_REBUILT_LIST="" SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST="" CREATEREPO=$(which createrepo_c) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then CREATEREPO="createrepo" fi usage () { echo "" echo "Usage: " echo " Create source rpms:" echo " build-srpms [--rt | --std | --installer] [--no-descendants] [--formal] [ list of package names ]" echo "" echo " Delete source rpms, and the directories associated with it's creation:" echo " Note: does not clean an edit environment" echo " build-srpms --clean [--rt | --std | --installer] [optional list of package names]" echo "" echo " Extract an src.rpm into a pair of git trees to aid in editing it's contents," echo " one for source code and one for metadata such as the spec file." echo " If --no-meta-patch is specified, then WRS patches are omitted." echo " build-srpms --edit [--rt | --std | --installer] [--no-meta-patch] [list of package names]" echo "" echo " Delete an edit environment" echo " build-srpms --edit --clean [--rt | --std | --installer] [list of package names]" echo "" echo " This help page" echo " build-srpms --help" echo "" } # This function creates a bunch of subdirs in $MY_WORKSPACE and makes sure # that a $MY_BUILD_CFG file exists. # # The goal of this is to have a script do as much of the annoying # grunt-work so that the "how to build it" instructions aren't 200 lines create_output_dirs () { # make sure variables are sane before continuing # Note that $BUILD_ROOT contains either $MY_WORKSPACE or $MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE if [ "x$BUILD_ROOT" == "x" ]; then return fi if [ "x$MY_BUILD_CFG" == "x" ]; then return fi if [ "x$MY_BUILD_DIR" == "x" ]; then return fi if [ "x$MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR" == "x" ]; then return fi # create output dirs mkdir -p $MY_BUILD_DIR mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR/SOURCES mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR/SPECS mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR/BUILD mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR/RPMS mkdir -p $MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS # create $MY_BUILD_CFG, if required if [ ! -f $MY_BUILD_CFG ]; then echo "FORMAL_BUILD=$FORMAL_BUILD" echo "modify-build-cfg $MY_BUILD_CFG" ${DIR}/modify-build-cfg $MY_BUILD_CFG if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not modifiy $MY_BUILD_CFG"; exit 1 fi fi } NO_DESCENDANTS=0 NO_BUILD_INFO=0 HELP=0 CLEAN_FLAG=0 FORMAL_FLAG=0 BUILD_TYPE_FLAG=0 EDIT_FLAG=0 NO_META_PATCH_FLAG=0 # read the options TEMP=`getopt -o ha::bc: --long serial,std,rt,installer,no-descendants,no-meta-patch,no-build-info,help,formal,clean,edit,arga::,argb,argc: -n 'build-srpms' -- "$@"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$TEMP" export BUILD_TYPE=std # extract options and their arguments into variables. while true ; do case "$1" in -a|--arga) case "$2" in "") ARG_A='some default value' ; shift 2 ;; *) ARG_A=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; -b|--argb) ARG_B=1 ; shift ;; --no-descendants) NO_DESCENDANTS=1 ; shift ;; --no-build-info) NO_BUILD_INFO=1 ; shift ;; -h|--help) HELP=1 ; shift ;; -c|--argc) case "$2" in "") shift 2 ;; *) ARG_C=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; --clean) CLEAN_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --formal) FORMAL_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --std) BUILD_TYPE_FLAG=1; BUILD_TYPE=std; shift ;; --rt) BUILD_TYPE_FLAG=1; BUILD_TYPE=rt; shift ;; --installer) BUILD_TYPE=installer; shift ;; --edit) EDIT_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --no-meta-patch) NO_META_PATCH_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --serial) shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;; esac done # Reset variables if [ -n "$MY_WORKSPACE" ]; then export MY_WORKSPACE_TOP=${MY_WORKSPACE_TOP:-$MY_WORKSPACE} export MY_WORKSPACE=$MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE else export MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP=${MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP:-$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE} export MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE=$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE fi export MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP=${MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP:-$MY_BUILD_DIR} export MY_BUILD_DIR=$MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP=${MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP:-$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP-$BUILD_TYPE export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE=$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT.cfg export MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR=$MY_BUILD_DIR/rpmbuild export MY_BUILD_CFG=$MY_WORKSPACE/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE export MY_MOCK_ROOT=$MY_WORKSPACE/mock/root if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "std" ]; then PKG_DIRS_FILE=centos_pkg_dirs_$BUILD_TYPE fi echo "CLEAN_FLAG=$CLEAN_FLAG" TARGETS=$@ if [ $HELP -eq 1 ]; then usage exit 0 fi if [ $FORMAL_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then export FORMAL_BUILD="yes" fi if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ] && [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: a package name is required when --edit is specified" usage exit 0 fi SRC_ROOT="$MY_REPO" if [ "x$MY_REPO" == "x" ]; then SRC_ROOT=$INITIAL_DIR fi BUILD_ROOT="$MY_WORKSPACE" if [ "x$MY_WORKSPACE" == "x" ]; then BUILD_ROOT="$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE" if [ "x$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE" == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: require one of MY_WORKSPACE or MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE be defined" exit 1 fi fi export CCACHE_DIR="$BUILD_ROOT/.ccache" export SRC_BASE="$SRC_ROOT" export CGCS_BASE="$SRC_BASE/addons/wr-cgcs/layers/cgcs" export SPECS_BASE="$ORIG_SPECS_PATH" export FILES_BASE="$FILES_PATH" export BUILD_BASE="$BUILD_ROOT" BUILD_INPUTS="$BUILD_BASE/inputs" SRPM_ASSEMBLE="$BUILD_BASE/srpm_assemble" SRPM_WORK="$BUILD_BASE/srpm_work" if [ "x$MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR" != "x" ]; then RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR else RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$BUILD_BASE/rpmbuild fi create_output_dirs export RPM_BUILD_BASE="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" export SRPM_OUT="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/SRPMS" export RPM_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/RPMS" if [ ! -d $CGCS_BASE ]; then echo "ERROR: expected to find directory at '$CGCS_BASE'" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $BUILD_BASE ]; then echo "ERROR: expected to find directory at '$BUILD_BASE'" exit 1 fi RELEASE_INFO_FILE=$SRC_BASE/addons/wr-cgcs/layers/cgcs/middleware/recipes-common/build-info/release-info.inc if [ -f $RELEASE_INFO_FILE ]; then source $MY_REPO/addons/wr-cgcs/layers/cgcs/middleware/recipes-common/build-info/release-info.inc else echo "ERROR: failed to find RELEASE_INFO_FILE=$RELEASE_INFO_FILE" exit 1 fi if [ "x$PLATFORM_RELEASE" == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: PLATFORM_RELEASE is not defined in $RELEASE_INFO_FILE" exit 1 fi export PLATFORM_RELEASE mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_BASE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$RPM_BUILD_BASE'" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $SRPM_OUT if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$SRPM_OUT'" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $RPM_DIR if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$RPM_DIR'" exit 1 fi build_dir () { local d=$1 local w=$2 export PKG_BASE=$d export WORK_BASE=$w export SPECS_BASE="$PKG_BASE/$ORIG_SPECS_PATH" local RC local ORIG_DIR=`pwd` # echo "build_dir: PKG_BASE=$PKG_BASE" cd "$PKG_BASE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to cd into '$PKG_BASE'" return 1 fi if [ ! -d $ORIG_SPECS_PATH ]; then # nothing to do echo "WARNING: '$ORIG_SPECS_PATH' not found in '$PKG_BASE'" cd "$ORIG_DIR" return 0 fi SRPM_COUNT=0 ORIG_SRPM_PATH="" if [ -f $SRPM_LIST_PATH ]; then # we've found a file (ex centos/srpm_path) which lists a path to a source # RPM file # # The specified file can be of the form # # repo:path/to/file.src.rpm # mirror:path/to/file.src.rpm # /path/to/file.rpm # path/to/file.rpm # # If "repo:" is specified, then we search for the file relative to # $REPO_DOWNLOADS_ROOT (i.e. a path to the file in a "downloads subgit) # # If "mirror:" is specified, then we search for the file relateive to # $MIRROR_ROOT # # If "3rd_party:" is specified, then we search for the file relateive to # $THIRD_PARTY_ROOT # # An absolute path is parsed as an absolute path (mainly intended for # developer/experimental use without checking in files or messing with # your git repos) # # A lack of prefix (relative path name) is interpretted as "mirror:" # (legacy support for existing packages) # # Other prefixes (file:, http:, whatever:)are unsupported at this time for p in `grep -v '^#' $SRPM_LIST_PATH | grep -v '^$'`; do # absolute path source rpms echo "$p" | grep "^/" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=$p if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle repo: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^repo:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^repo:%$REPO_DOWNLOADS_ROOT/%"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle mirror: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^3rd_party:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^3rd_party:%$THIRD_PARTY_ROOT/%"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle mirror: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^mirror:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^mirror:%$MIRROR_ROOT/%" | sed "s#CentOS/tis-r3-CentOS/kilo/##" | sed "s#CentOS/tis-r3-CentOS/mitaka/##"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # we haven't found a valid prefix yet, so assume it's a legacy # file (mirror: interpretation) ORIG_SRPM_PATH="$MIRROR_ROOT/$p" fi # echo "ORIG_SRPM_PATH=$ORIG_SRPM_PATH" if [ -f $ORIG_SRPM_PATH ]; then SRPM_COUNT=$((SRPM_COUNT + 1)) else echo "ERROR: Invalid srpm path '$p', evaluated as '$ORIG_SRPM_PATH', found in '$SRPM_LIST_PATH'" ORIG_SRPM_PATH="" exit 1 fi done fi # Clean up an tmp_spec_*.spec file left by a prior failed build for f in $(find $ORIG_SPECS_PATH -name 'tmp_spec_*.spec'); do \rm -f $f done SPEC_COUNT=`find $ORIG_SPECS_PATH -name '*.spec' | wc -l` if [ $SPEC_COUNT -eq 0 ]; then if [ -f $ORIG_SPECS_PATH/spec_path ]; then SPECS_BASE=$SRC_BASE/$(cat $SPECS_BASE/spec_path) SPEC_COUNT=`find $SPECS_BASE -maxdepth 1 -name '*.spec' | wc -l` fi fi if [ $SPEC_COUNT -eq 0 ] && [ $SRPM_COUNT -eq 0 ]; then # nothing to do echo "ERROR: Neither srpm_path nor .spec file not found in '$PKG_BASE/$ORIG_SPECS_PATH'" cd "$ORIG_DIR" return 0 fi if [ $SPEC_COUNT -gt 0 ] && [ $SRPM_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then # nothing to do echo "ERROR: Please provide only one of srpm_path or .spec files, not both, in '$PKG_BASE/$ORIG_SPECS_PATH'" cd $ORIG_DIR return 0 fi if [ $SPEC_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then build_dir_spec RC=$? cd "$ORIG_DIR" return $RC else build_dir_srpm $ORIG_SRPM_PATH RC=$? cd "$ORIG_DIR" return $RC fi cd "$ORIG_DIR" return 0 } clean_srpm_dir () { local DIR=$1 local SRPM_PATH local SRPM_FILE local SRPM_OUT_PATH local SRPM_NAME local SRPM_OUT_NAME local INPUTS_TO_CLEAN="" echo "clean_srpm_dir DIR=$DIR" for SRPM_PATH in `find "$DIR" -name '*.src.rpm'`; do SRPM_FILE=$(basename $SRPM_PATH) SRPM_NAME=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' --nosignature -p $SRPM_PATH 2>> /dev/null) rm -fv $SRPM_PATH $SRPM_OUT/$SRPM_FILE if [ -d $SRPM_ASSEMBLE/$SRPM_NAME ]; then echo "rm -rf $SRPM_ASSEMBLE/$SRPM_NAME" rm -rf $SRPM_ASSEMBLE/$SRPM_NAME fi INPUTS_TO_CLEAN=$(if [ "x$INPUTS_TO_CLEAN" != "x" ]; then echo $INPUTS_TO_CLEAN; fi; find $BUILD_INPUTS -type d -name $SRPM_NAME) for SRPM_OUT_PATH in `ls -1 $SRPM_OUT/$SRPM_NAME* 2>> /dev/null`; do SRPM_OUT_NAME=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' -p $SRPM_OUT_PATH 2>> /dev/null) if [ "$SRPM_NAME" == "$SRPM_OUT_NAME" ]; then rm -fv $SRPM_OUT_PATH fi done done if [ "x$INPUTS_TO_CLEAN" != "x" ]; then for d in $INPUTS_TO_CLEAN; do if [ -d $d ]; then echo "rm -rf $d" rm -rf $d fi done fi } build_dir_srpm () { local ORIG_SRPM_PATH=$1 local ORIG_SRPM=$(basename $ORIG_SRPM_PATH) local NAME=`rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' --nosignature -p $ORIG_SRPM_PATH` local PKG_NAME_VER=`rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n' --nosignature -p $ORIG_SRPM_PATH` local PKG_DIR="$NAME" local TARGET_FOUND="" local RC=0 local NEED_BUILD=0 if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ]; then NEED_BUILD=1 TARGET_FOUND=$NAME else TARGET_LIST=( $TARGETS ) TARGET_FOUND=$(srpm_match_target_list TARGET_LIST "$ORIG_SRPM_PATH" 2>> /dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "found target '$TARGET_FOUND' in '$ORIG_SRPM'" NEED_BUILD=1 UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=$(echo "$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" | sed "s/\(^\|[[:space:]]\)$TARGET_FOUND\([[:space:]]\|$\)/ /g") fi fi if [ $NEED_BUILD -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi local ROOT_DIR="$SRPM_ASSEMBLE" if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then mkdir -p $SRPM_WORK ROOT_DIR="$SRPM_WORK" fi local PKG_ROOT_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/$PKG_DIR" local BUILD_DIR="$PKG_DIR/rpmbuild" local FULL_BUILD_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/$BUILD_DIR" local SRPM_DIR="$FULL_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS" if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then # clean echo "===== Cleaning '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" if [ -d $SRPM_DIR ] && [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then clean_srpm_dir "$SRPM_DIR" fi if [ -d $PKG_ROOT_DIR ]; then echo "rm -rf $PKG_ROOT_DIR" rm -rf "$PKG_ROOT_DIR" fi else #build echo "===== Build SRPM for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo "PKG_BASE=$PKG_BASE" echo "BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR" echo "SRPM_DIR=$SRPM_DIR" if [ ! -d $ROOT_DIR ]; then mkdir -p "$ROOT_DIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build_dir_srpm: mkdir '$ROOT_DIR' failed" return 1 fi fi export DATA="$DATA_PATH/$SRPM_DATA" local COPY_LIST local COPY_LIST_TO_TAR local SRC_DIR local TIS_PATCH_VER srpm_source_build_data $DATA if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build_dir_srpm: failed to source $DATA" return 1 fi local BUILD_NEEDED=2 local SRPM_OUT_PATH2 for SRPM_PATH in `find "$FULL_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS" -name '*.src.rpm' | sort -V`; do if [ $BUILD_NEEDED -eq 2 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=0 fi b=$(basename $SRPM_PATH) SRPM_OUT_PATH2=`find $SRPM_OUT -name $b` if [ "x$SRPM_OUT_PATH2" == "x" ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi n=`find $PKG_BASE -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi n=`find $ORIG_SRPM_PATH -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi if [ -f $PKG_BASE/$DATA ]; then ( cd $PKG_BASE BUILD_NEEDED=0 srpm_source_build_data $DATA # NOTE: SRC_DIR is not honored in this build path if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then n=`find $COPY_LIST -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi # NOTE: COPY_LIST_TO_TAR is not honored in this build path exit $BUILD_NEEDED ) if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi done if [ $BUILD_NEEDED -eq 0 ]; then echo "SRPM build not required for '$PKG_BASE'" echo "===== Build complete for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo return 0 fi if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then clean_srpm_dir "$FULL_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS" if [ -d $PKG_ROOT_DIR ]; then echo "arf rm -rf $PKG_ROOT_DIR" rm -rf $PKG_ROOT_DIR fi fi if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then PKG_CLASSIFICATION=$(classify $PKG_BASE) echo "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION = classify $PKG_BASE" if [ "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION" == "spec + tarball" ] || [ "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION" == "srpm + patches" ]; then echo "OK to edit $PKG_BASE" else echo "Can't edit this package, it is of type '$PKG_CLASSIFICATION', it is not derived from SRPM or tarball and patches" return 1 fi echo "srpm_extract_to_git '$ORIG_SRPM_PATH' '$PKG_BASE' '$ROOT_DIR' '$BUILD_DIR' '$PKG_NAME_VER' '$NO_META_PATCH_FLAG' '$TIS_PATCH_VER'" srpm_extract_to_git $ORIG_SRPM_PATH $PKG_BASE $ROOT_DIR $BUILD_DIR $PKG_NAME_VER $NO_META_PATCH_FLAG $TIS_PATCH_VER RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then if [ $RC -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: srpm_extract_to_git: failed to extract srpm '$ORIG_SRPM_PATH'" fi return $RC fi local LOC=$(for g in $(find $PKG_ROOT_DIR/gits -type d -name .git); do d=$(dirname $g); (cd $d; git tag | grep "pre_wrs_$PKG_NAME_VER" >> /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $d; fi); done | head -n 1 ) echo "===== '$TARGET_FOUND' has been extracted for editing. =====" echo "===== Metadata can be found at: $PKG_ROOT_DIR/rpmbuild" echo "===== Source code can be found at: $LOC" return 0 fi AGE=`find $PKG_BASE $ORIG_SRPM_PATH -type f -exec stat --format '%Y' "{}" \; | grep -v '[/][.]git$' | grep -v '[/][.]git[/]' | sort -nr | head -n 1` if [ -f $PKG_BASE/$DATA ]; then AGE2=$( cd $PKG_BASE srpm_source_build_data $DATA PATH_LIST="" # NOTE: SRC_DIR is not honored in this build path if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then PATH_LIST="$PATH_LIST $COPY_LIST" fi # NOTE: COPY_LIST_TO_TAR is not honored in this build path if [ "x$PATH_LIST" == "x" ]; then echo "0" else AGE2=`find $PATH_LIST -type f -exec stat --format '%Y' "{}" \; | grep -v '[/][.]git$' | grep -v '[/][.]git[/]' | sort -nr | head -n 1` echo "$AGE2" fi ) if [ $AGE2 -gt $AGE ]; then AGE=$AGE2 fi fi srpm_extract $ORIG_SRPM_PATH $PKG_BASE $ROOT_DIR $BUILD_DIR $PKG_NAME_VER if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build_dir_srpm: failed to extract srpm '$ORIG_SRPM_PATH'" return 1 fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then echo "COPY_LIST: $COPY_LIST" for p in $COPY_LIST; do # echo "COPY_LIST: $p" \cp -L -r -f -v $p $FULL_BUILD_DIR/SOURCES if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: COPY_LIST: file not found: '$p'" exit 1 fi done fi srpm_assemble $FULL_BUILD_DIR $TIS_PATCH_VER if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build_dir_srpm: failed to assemble srpm for '$PKG_NAME_VER'" SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST="$SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST $TARGET_FOUND" return 1 fi TS=$(date -d @$AGE +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) for s in `find $FULL_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS -name '*.src.rpm'`; do \cp -L -f -v $s $SRPM_OUT/ ss=$(basename $s) touch $SRPM_OUT/$ss --date=$TS done SRPM_REBUILT_LIST="$SRPM_REBUILT_LIST $TARGET_FOUND" echo "SRPM build successful for '$PKG_NAME_VER'" echo "===== Build complete for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo fi return 0 } build_dir_spec () { local NEED_BUILD=0 local TARGET_FOUND="" if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ]; then NEED_BUILD=1 for f in `find $SPECS_BASE -maxdepth 1 -name '*.spec'`; do TARGET_FOUND=`spec_find_global service "$f" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then TARGET_FOUND=`spec_find_tag Name "$f" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then TARGET_FOUND="" fi fi done else TARGET_LIST=( $TARGETS ) for f in `find $SPECS_BASE -maxdepth 1 -name '*.spec' 2>> /dev/null`; do TARGET_FOUND=$(spec_match_target_list TARGET_LIST "$f" 2>> /dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "found target '$TARGET_FOUND' in '$f'" NEED_BUILD=1 UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=$(echo "$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" | sed "s/\(^\|[[:space:]]\)$TARGET_FOUND\([[:space:]]\|$\)/ /g") break fi done fi if [ $NEED_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then MAKE_SRPM="$SCRIPT_PATH/$SRPM_SCRIPT" export DATA="$DATA_PATH/$SRPM_DATA" export RPMBUILD_BASE="$WORK_BASE/rpmbuild" SRPM_PATH="$RPMBUILD_BASE/SRPMS" SPEC_PATH="$RPMBUILD_BASE/SPECS" SOURCES_PATH="$RPMBUILD_BASE/SOURCES" local ROOT_DIR="$RPMBUILD_BASE" local PKG_ROOT_DIR="$RPMBUILD_BASE" local SPEC=$(find $SPECS_BASE -maxdepth 1 -name '*.spec' | head -n 1) local NAME=$(spec_find_tag Name $SPEC) local PKG_NAME_VER=$(spec_name_ver_rel $SPEC) local PKG_DIR="$NAME" local BUILD_DIR="$PKG_DIR/rpmbuild" local FULL_BUILD_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/$BUILD_DIR" local SRPM_DIR="$FULL_BUILD_DIR/SRPMS" if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then mkdir -p $SRPM_WORK ROOT_DIR="$SRPM_WORK" PKG_ROOT_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/$PKG_DIR" fi if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then # clean echo "===== Cleaning '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" if [ -d $SRPM_PATH ] && [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then clean_srpm_dir $SRPM_PATH fi if [ -d $PKG_ROOT_DIR ]; then echo "rm -rf $PKG_ROOT_DIR" rm -rf "$PKG_ROOT_DIR" fi else # build echo "===== Build SRPM for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo "PKG_BASE=$PKG_BASE" echo "WORK_BASE=$WORK_BASE" echo "RPMBUILD_BASE=$RPMBUILD_BASE" if [ ! -x $MAKE_SRPM ]; then if [ ! -f $DATA ]; then echo "expected to find an executable script at '$MAKE_SRPM' or data for the default script at '$DATA'" cd $INITIAL_DIR exit 1 else MAKE_SRPM="$DEFAULT_SRPM_SCRIPT" fi fi local BUILD_NEEDED=2 local SRPM_OUT_PATH2 for SRPM_PATH2 in `find "$RPMBUILD_BASE/SRPMS" -name '*.src.rpm' | sort -V`; do if [ $BUILD_NEEDED -eq 2 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=0 fi b=$(basename $SRPM_PATH2) SRPM_OUT_PATH2=`find $SRPM_OUT -name $b` if [ "x$SRPM_OUT_PATH2" == "x" ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi n=`find $PKG_BASE -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH2 | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi if [ -f $PKG_BASE/$DATA ]; then ( cd $PKG_BASE BUILD_NEEDED=0 srpm_source_build_data $DATA if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then if [ -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then n=`find $SRC_DIR -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH2 | grep -v '[/][.]git$' | grep -v '[/][.]git[/]' | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then n=`find $COPY_LIST -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH2 | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST_TO_TAR" != "x" ]; then n=`find $COPY_LIST_TO_TAR -type f -cnewer $SRPM_PATH2 | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi exit $BUILD_NEEDED ) if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi fi done if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then local COPY_LIST local COPY_LIST_TO_TAR local SRC_DIR local TIS_PATCH_VER PKG_CLASSIFICATION=$(classify $PKG_BASE) echo "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION = classify $PKG_BASE" if [ "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION" == "spec + tarball" ] || [ "$PKG_CLASSIFICATION" == "srpm + patches" ]; then echo "OK to edit $PKG_BASE" else echo "Can't edit this package, it is of type '$PKG_CLASSIFICATION', it is not derived from SRPM or tarball and patches" return 1 fi srpm_source_build_data $DATA if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build_dir_srpm: failed to source $DATA" return 1 fi echo "tar_and_spec_extract_to_git '$SPEC' '$PKG_BASE' '$ROOT_DIR' '$BUILD_DIR' '$PKG_NAME_VER' '$NO_META_PATCH_FLAG' '$TIS_PATCH_VER'" tar_and_spec_extract_to_git "$SPEC" "$PKG_BASE" "$ROOT_DIR" "$BUILD_DIR" "$PKG_NAME_VER" "$NO_META_PATCH_FLAG" "$TIS_PATCH_VER" RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then if [ $RC -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: srpm_extract_to_git: failed to extract srpm '$ORIG_SRPM_PATH'" fi return $RC fi local LOC=$(for g in $(find $PKG_ROOT_DIR/gits -type d -name .git); do d=$(dirname $g); (cd $d; git branch --all | grep "$PKG_NAME_VER" >> /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $d; fi); done | head -n 1 ) echo "===== '$TARGET_FOUND' has been extracted for editing. =====" echo "===== Metadata can be found at: $PKG_ROOT_DIR/rpmbuild" echo "===== Source code can be found at: $LOC" return 0 fi if [ $BUILD_NEEDED -eq 0 ]; then echo "SRPM build not required for '$PKG_BASE'" echo "===== Build complete for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo return 0 fi echo "MAKE_SRPM=$MAKE_SRPM" echo "DATA=$DATA" if [ -d "$RPMBUILD_BASE/SRPMS" ]; then clean_srpm_dir "$RPMBUILD_BASE/SRPMS" fi if [ -d $RPMBUILD_BASE ]; then echo "rm -rf $RPMBUILD_BASE" rm -rf "$RPMBUILD_BASE" fi mkdir -p "$WORK_BASE" && \ mkdir -p "$SRPM_PATH" && \ mkdir -p "$SPEC_PATH" && \ mkdir -p "$SOURCES_PATH" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directories under: $WORK_BASE" fi \cp -L -f -v $SPECS_BASE/*.spec $SPEC_PATH/ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to copy spec files from '$SPECS_BASE' to '$SPEC_PATH'" fi # build $MAKE_SRPM if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: script failed '$MAKE_SRPM'" SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST="$SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST $TARGET_FOUND" exit 1 fi AGE=`find $PKG_BASE -type f -exec stat --format '%Y' "{}" \; | grep -v '[/][.]git$' | grep -v '[/][.]git[/]' | sort -nr | head -n 1` if [ -f $PKG_BASE/$DATA ]; then AGE2=$( cd $PKG_BASE srpm_source_build_data $DATA PATH_LIST="" if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then if [ -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then PATH_LIST="$PATH_LIST $SRC_DIR" fi fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then PATH_LIST="$PATH_LIST $COPY_LIST" fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST_TO_TAR" != "x" ]; then PATH_LIST="$PATH_LIST $COPY_LIST_TO_TAR" fi if [ "x$PATH_LIST" == "x" ]; then echo "0" else AGE2=`find $PATH_LIST -type f -exec stat --format '%Y' "{}" \; | grep -v '[/][.]git$' | grep -v '[/][.]git[/]' | sort -nr | head -n 1` echo "$AGE2" fi ) if [ $AGE2 -gt $AGE ]; then AGE=$AGE2 fi fi TS=$(date -d @$AGE +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) for s in `find $SRPM_PATH -name '*.src.rpm'`; do \cp -L -f $s $SRPM_OUT/ ss=$(basename $s) touch $SRPM_OUT/$ss --date=$TS done SRPM_REBUILT_LIST="$SRPM_REBUILT_LIST $TARGET_FOUND" echo "===== Build complete for '$TARGET_FOUND' =====" echo fi fi return 0 } ( echo "$CMDLINE" if [ -L $BUILD_ROOT/repo ]; then REPO_DEST=`readlink $BUILD_ROOT/repo` if [ "$REPO_DEST" != "$SRC_ROOT" ]; then echo "Error: MY_REPO changed since last build" echo " old path: $REPO_DEST" echo " new path: $SRC_ROOT" echo "Please run 'build-srpms --clean' if you want to compile from a new source tree" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -L $BUILD_ROOT/repo ]; then ln -s $SRC_ROOT $BUILD_ROOT/repo fi ALL=0 UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=" " if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ]; then echo "make: all" ALL=1 else echo "make: $TARGETS" UNRESOLVED_TARGETS="$TARGETS" fi if [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then EXTRA_RPM_FLAGS="" if [ $NO_BUILD_INFO -eq 1 ]; then EXTRA_RPM_FLAGS+=" --no-build-info" fi if [ $BUILD_TYPE_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then EXTRA_RPM_FLAGS+=" --$BUILD_TYPE" fi if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then build-rpms-serial --clean $EXTRA_RPM_FLAGS rm -f $BUILD_ROOT/repo else build-rpms-serial --clean $EXTRA_RPM_FLAGS $TARGETS fi fi fi for g in `find $SRC_BASE -type d -name .git | sort -V`; do GIT_ROOT=$(dirname $g) for p in $(cat $GIT_ROOT/$PKG_DIRS_FILE 2>> /dev/null); do src_dir="$GIT_ROOT/$p" if [ -d $src_dir ]; then if [ -d $src_dir/centos ]; then rel_dir=$(echo $src_dir | sed "s:^$SRC_BASE::") work_dir="$BUILD_INPUTS$rel_dir" build_dir $src_dir $work_dir RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then if [ $RC -eq 1 ]; then VERB="build" if [ $EDIT_FLAG ]; then VERB="edit" fi if [ $CLEAN_FLAG ]; then VERB="clean" fi echo "ERROR: Failed to $VERB src.rpm from source at '$p'" fi exit 1 fi else echo "ERROR: Failed to find 'centos' in '$p', found in file '$GIT_ROOT/$PKG_DIRS_FILE'" fi else echo "ERROR: Bad path '$p' in file '$GIT_ROOT/$PKG_DIRS_FILE'" fi done done # Try to find and clean orphaned and discontinued .src.rpm's if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then echo echo "Auditing for obsolete srpms" PACKAGES_CONSIDERED="" for g in `find $SRC_BASE -type d -name .git | sort -V`; do GIT_ROOT=$(dirname $g) for p in $(cat $GIT_ROOT/$PKG_DIRS_FILE 2>> /dev/null); do src_dir="$GIT_ROOT/$p" if [ -d $src_dir ]; then if [ -d $src_dir/$DISTRO ]; then for f in `find $src_dir/centos -name '*.spec' | sort -V`; do NAME=`spec_find_tag Name "$f" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then PACKAGES_CONSIDERED="$PACKAGES_CONSIDERED $NAME" fi done if [ -f $src_dir/$SRPM_LIST_PATH ]; then for p in `grep -v '^#' $src_dir/$SRPM_LIST_PATH | grep -v '^$'`; do ORIG_SRPM_PATH="" # absolute path source rpms echo "$p" | grep "^/" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=$p if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle repo: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^repo:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^repo:%$REPO_DOWNLOADS_ROOT/%"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle repo: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^3rd_party:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^3rd_party:%$THIRD_PARTY_ROOT/%"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # handle mirror: definitions echo "$p" | grep "^mirror:" >/dev/null && ORIG_SRPM_PATH=`echo $p | sed "s%^mirror:%$MIRROR_ROOT/%" | sed "s#CentOS/tis-r3-CentOS/kilo/##" | sed "s#CentOS/tis-r3-CentOS/mitaka/##"` fi if [ "${ORIG_SRPM_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then # we haven't found a valid prefix yet, so assume it's a legacy # file (mirror: interpretation) ORIG_SRPM_PATH="$MIRROR_ROOT/$p" fi if [ -f $ORIG_SRPM_PATH ]; then NAME=`rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' -p $ORIG_SRPM_PATH 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then PACKAGES_CONSIDERED="$PACKAGES_CONSIDERED $NAME" fi fi done fi fi fi done done for r in $(find $SRPM_OUT -name '*.src.rpm' | sort -V); do NAME=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' -p $r 2>> /dev/null) FOUND=0 for p in $PACKAGES_CONSIDERED; do if [[ "$NAME" == "$p" || ( "$BUILD_TYPE" != "std" && "$NAME" == "$p-$BUILD_TYPE" ) ]]; then FOUND=1 break fi done if [ $FOUND -eq 0 ]; then for INPUT_DIR in $(find $BUILD_INPUTS -name $NAME | sort -V); do if [ -d "$INPUT_DIR/rpmbuild/SRPMS" ]; then clean_srpm_dir "$INPUT_DIR/rpmbuild/SRPMS" fi if [ -d $INPUT_DIR ]; then echo "rm -rf $r" rm -rf $r fi done if [ -f $r ]; then rm -f -v $r fi fi done set +x fi if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf $BUILD_INPUTS fi fi if [ $EDIT_FLAG -ne 1 ]; then echo "==== Update repodata =====" mkdir -p $SRPM_OUT/repodata for d in `find -L $SRPM_OUT -type d -name repodata`; do (cd $d/.. rm -rf repodata $CREATEREPO `pwd` ) done echo "==== Update repodata complete =====" fi if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ] && [ $EDIT_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then echo "" if [ "$SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST" != "" ]; then N=`echo "$SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST" | wc -w` echo "Failed to build $N packages:" echo " $SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST" fi if [ "$SRPM_REBUILT_LIST" != "" ]; then N=`echo "$SRPM_REBUILT_LIST" | wc -w` echo "Successfully built $N packages:" echo " $SRPM_REBUILT_LIST" echo "" echo "Compiled src.rpm's can be found here: $SRPM_OUT" fi if [ "$SRPM_FAILED_REBUILD_LIST" == "" ] && [ "$SRPM_REBUILT_LIST" == "" ]; then echo "No packages required a rebuild" fi fi if [ "$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" != " " ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: failed to resolve build targets: $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" exit 1 fi exit 0 ) 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 awk '{ print strftime("%H:%M:%S"), $0; fflush(); }' | tee $(date "+$MY_WORKSPACE/build-srpms-serial_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log") ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}