# # Copyright (c) 2019, 2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ############################################################# # DO NOT import anything from helper modules to this module # ############################################################# import socket import os import re import time from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime import pexpect import yaml from pytest import skip from consts.auth import Tenant, TestFileServer, HostLinuxUser from consts.stx import Prompt from consts.proj_vars import ProjVar from utils import exceptions from utils.clients.ssh import ControllerClient, NATBoxClient, SSHClient, \ get_cli_client from utils.tis_log import LOG def scp_from_test_server_to_user_file_dir(source_path, dest_dir, dest_name=None, timeout=900, con_ssh=None, central_region=False): if con_ssh is None: con_ssh = get_cli_client(central_region=central_region) if dest_name is None: dest_name = source_path.split(sep='/')[-1] if ProjVar.get_var('USER_FILE_DIR') == ProjVar.get_var('TEMP_DIR'): LOG.info("Copy file from test server to localhost") source_server = TestFileServer.SERVER source_user = TestFileServer.USER source_password = TestFileServer.PASSWORD dest_path = dest_dir if not dest_name else os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_name) LOG.info('Check if file already exists on TiS') if con_ssh.file_exists(file_path=dest_path): LOG.info('dest path {} already exists. Return existing path'.format( dest_path)) return dest_path os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) con_ssh.scp_on_dest(source_user=source_user, source_ip=source_server, source_path=source_path, dest_path=dest_path, source_pswd=source_password, timeout=timeout) return dest_path else: LOG.info("Copy file from test server to active controller") return scp_from_test_server_to_active_controller( source_path=source_path, dest_dir=dest_dir, dest_name=dest_name, timeout=timeout, con_ssh=con_ssh) def _scp_from_remote_to_active_controller(source_server, source_path, dest_dir, dest_name=None, source_user=None, source_password=None, timeout=900, con_ssh=None, is_dir=False): """ SCP file or files under a directory from remote server to TiS server Args: source_path (str): remote server file path or directory path dest_dir (str): destination directory. should end with '/' dest_name (str): destination file name if not dir timeout (int): con_ssh: is_dir Returns (str|None): destination file/dir path if scp successful else None """ if con_ssh is None: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() if not source_user: source_user = TestFileServer.USER if not source_password: source_password = TestFileServer.PASSWORD if dest_name is None and not is_dir: dest_name = source_path.split(sep='/')[-1] dest_path = dest_dir if not dest_name else os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_name) LOG.info('Check if file already exists on TiS') if not is_dir and con_ssh.file_exists(file_path=dest_path): LOG.info('dest path {} already exists. Return existing path'.format( dest_path)) return dest_path LOG.info('Create destination directory on tis server if not already exists') cmd = 'mkdir -p {}'.format(dest_dir) con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=False) nat_name = ProjVar.get_var('NATBOX') if nat_name: nat_name = nat_name.get('name') if nat_name and ProjVar.get_var('IS_VBOX'): LOG.info('VBox detected, performing intermediate scp') nat_dest_path = '/tmp/{}'.format(dest_name) nat_ssh = NATBoxClient.get_natbox_client() if not nat_ssh.file_exists(nat_dest_path): LOG.info("scp file from {} to NatBox: {}".format(nat_name, source_server)) nat_ssh.scp_on_dest(source_user=source_user, source_ip=source_server, source_path=source_path, dest_path=nat_dest_path, source_pswd=source_password, timeout=timeout, is_dir=is_dir) LOG.info( 'scp file from natbox {} to active controller'.format(nat_name)) dest_user = HostLinuxUser.get_user() dest_pswd = HostLinuxUser.get_password() dest_ip = ProjVar.get_var('LAB').get('floating ip') nat_ssh.scp_on_source(source_path=nat_dest_path, dest_user=dest_user, dest_ip=dest_ip, dest_path=dest_path, dest_password=dest_pswd, timeout=timeout, is_dir=is_dir) else: # if not a VBox lab, scp from remote server directly to TiS server LOG.info("scp file(s) from {} to tis".format(source_server)) con_ssh.scp_on_dest(source_user=source_user, source_ip=source_server, source_path=source_path, dest_path=dest_path, source_pswd=source_password, timeout=timeout, is_dir=is_dir) return dest_path def scp_from_test_server_to_active_controller(source_path, dest_dir, dest_name=None, timeout=900, con_ssh=None, is_dir=False): """ SCP file or files under a directory from test server to TiS server Args: source_path (str): test server file path or directory path dest_dir (str): destination directory. should end with '/' dest_name (str): destination file name if not dir timeout (int): con_ssh: is_dir (bool) Returns (str|None): destination file/dir path if scp successful else None """ skip('Shared Test File Server is not ready') if con_ssh is None: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() source_server = TestFileServer.SERVER source_user = TestFileServer.USER source_password = TestFileServer.PASSWORD return _scp_from_remote_to_active_controller( source_server=source_server, source_path=source_path, dest_dir=dest_dir, dest_name=dest_name, source_user=source_user, source_password=source_password, timeout=timeout, con_ssh=con_ssh, is_dir=is_dir) def scp_from_active_controller_to_test_server(source_path, dest_dir, dest_name=None, timeout=900, is_dir=False, con_ssh=None): """ SCP file or files under a directory from test server to TiS server Args: source_path (str): test server file path or directory path dest_dir (str): destination directory. should end with '/' dest_name (str): destination file name if not dir timeout (int): is_dir (bool): con_ssh: Returns (str|None): destination file/dir path if scp successful else None """ skip('Shared Test File Server is not ready') if con_ssh is None: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() dir_option = '-r ' if is_dir else '' dest_server = TestFileServer.SERVER dest_user = TestFileServer.USER dest_password = TestFileServer.PASSWORD dest_path = dest_dir if not dest_name else os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_name) scp_cmd = 'scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ' \ 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' \ '{}{} {}@{}:{}'.\ format(dir_option, source_path, dest_user, dest_server, dest_path) LOG.info("scp file(s) from tis server to test server") con_ssh.send(scp_cmd) index = con_ssh.expect( [con_ssh.prompt, Prompt.PASSWORD_PROMPT, Prompt.ADD_HOST], timeout=timeout) if index == 2: con_ssh.send('yes') index = con_ssh.expect([con_ssh.prompt, Prompt.PASSWORD_PROMPT], timeout=timeout) if index == 1: con_ssh.send(dest_password) index = con_ssh.expect(timeout=timeout) assert index == 0, "Failed to scp files" exit_code = con_ssh.get_exit_code() assert 0 == exit_code, "scp not fully succeeded" return dest_path def scp_from_localhost_to_active_controller( source_path, dest_path=None, dest_user=None, dest_password=None, timeout=900, is_dir=False): active_cont_ip = ControllerClient.get_active_controller().host if not dest_path: dest_path = HostLinuxUser.get_home() if not dest_user: dest_user = HostLinuxUser.get_user() if not dest_password: dest_password = HostLinuxUser.get_password() return scp_from_local(source_path, active_cont_ip, dest_path=dest_path, dest_user=dest_user, dest_password=dest_password, timeout=timeout, is_dir=is_dir) def scp_from_active_controller_to_localhost( source_path, dest_path='', src_user=None, src_password=None, timeout=900, is_dir=False): active_cont_ip = ControllerClient.get_active_controller().host if not src_user: src_user = HostLinuxUser.get_user() if not src_password: src_password = HostLinuxUser.get_password() return scp_to_local(source_path=source_path, source_ip=active_cont_ip, source_user=src_user, source_password=src_password, dest_path=dest_path, timeout=timeout, is_dir=is_dir) def scp_from_local(source_path, dest_ip, dest_path, dest_user, dest_password, timeout=900, is_dir=False): """ Scp file(s) from localhost (i.e., from where the automated tests are executed). Args: source_path (str): source file/directory path dest_ip (str): ip of the destination host dest_user (str): username of destination host. dest_password (str): password of destination host dest_path (str): destination directory path to copy the file(s) to timeout (int): max time to wait for scp finish in seconds is_dir (bool): whether to copy a single file or a directory """ dir_option = '-r ' if is_dir else '' cmd = 'scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' \ '{}{} {}@{}:{}'. \ format(dir_option, source_path, dest_user, dest_ip, dest_path) _scp_on_local(cmd, remote_password=dest_password, timeout=timeout) def scp_to_local(source_path, source_ip, source_user, source_password, dest_path, timeout=900, is_dir=False): """ Scp file(s) to localhost (i.e., to where the automated tests are executed). Args: source_path (str): source file/directory path source_ip (str): ip of the source host. source_user (str): username of source host. source_password (str): password of source host dest_path (str): destination directory path to copy the file(s) to timeout (int): max time to wait for scp finish in seconds is_dir (bool): whether to copy a single file or a directory """ dir_option = '-r ' if is_dir else '' cmd = 'scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' \ '{}{}@{}:{} {}'.\ format(dir_option, source_user, source_ip, source_path, dest_path) _scp_on_local(cmd, remote_password=source_password, timeout=timeout) def _scp_on_local(cmd, remote_password, logdir=None, timeout=900): LOG.debug('scp cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) logdir = logdir or ProjVar.get_var('LOG_DIR') logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'scp_files.log') with open(logfile, mode='a', encoding='utf8') as f: local_child = pexpect.spawn(command=cmd, encoding='utf-8', logfile=f) index = local_child.expect([pexpect.EOF, 'assword:', 'yes/no'], timeout=timeout) if index == 2: local_child.sendline('yes') index = local_child.expect([pexpect.EOF, 'assword:'], timeout=timeout) if index == 1: local_child.sendline(remote_password) local_child.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=timeout) def get_tenant_name(auth_info=None): """ Get name of given tenant. If None is given, primary tenant name will be returned. Args: auth_info (dict|None): Tenant dict Returns: str: name of the tenant """ if auth_info is None: auth_info = Tenant.get_primary() return auth_info['tenant'] class Count: __vm_count = 0 __flavor_count = 0 __volume_count = 0 __image_count = 0 __server_group = 0 __router = 0 __subnet = 0 __other = 0 @classmethod def get_vm_count(cls): cls.__vm_count += 1 return cls.__vm_count @classmethod def get_flavor_count(cls): cls.__flavor_count += 1 return cls.__flavor_count @classmethod def get_volume_count(cls): cls.__volume_count += 1 return cls.__volume_count @classmethod def get_image_count(cls): cls.__image_count += 1 return cls.__image_count @classmethod def get_sever_group_count(cls): cls.__server_group += 1 return cls.__server_group @classmethod def get_router_count(cls): cls.__router += 1 return cls.__router @classmethod def get_subnet_count(cls): cls.__subnet += 1 return cls.__subnet @classmethod def get_other_count(cls): cls.__other += 1 return cls.__other class NameCount: __names_count = { 'vm': 0, 'flavor': 0, 'volume': 0, 'image': 0, 'server_group': 0, 'subnet': 0, 'heat_stack': 0, 'qos': 0, 'other': 0, } @classmethod def get_number(cls, resource_type='other'): cls.__names_count[resource_type] += 1 return cls.__names_count[resource_type] @classmethod def get_valid_types(cls): return list(cls.__names_count.keys()) def get_unique_name(name_str, existing_names=None, resource_type='other'): """ Get a unique name string by appending a number to given name_str Args: name_str (str): partial name string existing_names (list): names to avoid resource_type (str): type of resource. valid values: 'vm' Returns: """ valid_types = NameCount.get_valid_types() if resource_type not in valid_types: raise ValueError( "Invalid resource_type provided. Valid types: {}".format( valid_types)) if existing_names: if resource_type in ['image', 'volume', 'flavor']: unique_name = name_str else: unique_name = "{}-{}".format(name_str, NameCount.get_number( resource_type=resource_type)) for i in range(50): if unique_name not in existing_names: return unique_name unique_name = "{}-{}".format(name_str, NameCount.get_number( resource_type=resource_type)) else: raise LookupError("Cannot find unique name.") else: unique_name = "{}-{}".format(name_str, NameCount.get_number( resource_type=resource_type)) return unique_name def parse_cpus_list(cpus): """ Convert human friendly pcup list to list of integers. e.g., '5-7,41-43, 43, 45' >> [5, 6, 7, 41, 42, 43, 43, 45] Args: cpus (str): Returns (list): list of integers """ if isinstance(cpus, str): if cpus.strip() == '': return [] cpus = cpus.split(sep=',') cpus_list = list(cpus) for val in cpus: # convert '3-6' to [3, 4, 5, 6] if '-' in val: cpus_list.remove(val) min_, max_ = val.split(sep='-') # unpinned:20; pinned_cpulist:-, unpinned_cpulist:10-19,30-39 if min_ != '': cpus_list += list(range(int(min_), int(max_) + 1)) return sorted([int(val) for val in cpus_list]) def get_timedelta_for_isotimes(time1, time2): """ Args: time1 (str): such as "2016-08-16T12:59:45.440697+00:00" time2 (str): Returns () """ def _parse_time(time_): time_ = time_.strip().split(sep='.')[0].split(sep='+')[0] if 'T' in time_: pattern = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" elif ' ' in time_: pattern = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" else: raise ValueError("Unknown format for time1: {}".format(time_)) time_datetime = datetime.strptime(time_, pattern) return time_datetime time1_datetime = _parse_time(time_=time1) time2_datetime = _parse_time(time_=time2) return time2_datetime - time1_datetime def _execute_with_openstack_cli(): """ DO NOT USE THIS IN TEST FUNCTIONS! """ return ProjVar.get_var('OPENSTACK_CLI') def get_date_in_format(ssh_client=None, date_format="%Y%m%d %T"): """ Get date in given format. Args: ssh_client (SSHClient): date_format (str): Please see date --help for valid format strings Returns (str): date output in given format """ if ssh_client is None: ssh_client = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() return ssh_client.exec_cmd("date +'{}'".format(date_format), fail_ok=False)[ 1] def write_to_file(file_path, content, mode='a'): """ Write content to specified local file Args: file_path (str): file path on localhost content (str): content to write to file mode (str): file operation mode. Default is 'a' (append to end of file). Returns: None """ time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) with open(file_path, mode=mode, encoding='utf8') as f: f.write( '\n-----------------[{}]-----------------\n{}\n'.format(time_stamp, content)) def collect_software_logs(con_ssh=None): if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() LOG.info("Collecting all hosts logs...") con_ssh.exec_cmd('source /etc/platform/openrc', get_exit_code=False) con_ssh.send('collect all') expect_list = ['.*password for sysadmin:', 'collecting data.', con_ssh.prompt] index_1 = con_ssh.expect(expect_list, timeout=20) if index_1 == 2: LOG.error( "Something is wrong with collect all. Check ssh console log for " "detail.") return elif index_1 == 0: con_ssh.send(con_ssh.password) con_ssh.expect('collecting data') index_2 = con_ssh.expect(['/scratch/ALL_NODES.*', con_ssh.prompt], timeout=1200) if index_2 == 0: output = con_ssh.cmd_output con_ssh.expect() logpath = re.findall('.*(/scratch/ALL_NODES_.*.tar).*', output)[0] LOG.info( "\n################### TiS server log path: {}".format(logpath)) else: LOG.error("Collecting logs failed. No ALL_NODES logs found.") return dest_path = ProjVar.get_var('LOG_DIR') try: LOG.info("Copying log file from active controller to local {}".format( dest_path)) scp_from_active_controller_to_localhost( source_path=logpath, dest_path=dest_path, timeout=300) LOG.info("{} is successfully copied to local directory: {}".format( logpath, dest_path)) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Failed to copy log file to localhost.") LOG.error(e, exc_info=True) def parse_args(args_dict, repeat_arg=False, vals_sep=' '): """ parse args dictionary and convert it to string Args: args_dict (dict): key/value pairs repeat_arg: if value is tuple, list, dict, should the arg be repeated. e.g., True for --nic in nova boot. False for -m in gnocchi measures aggregation vals_sep (str): separator to join multiple vals. Only applicable when repeat_arg=False. Returns (str): """ def convert_val_dict(key__, vals_dict, repeat_key): vals_ = [] for k, v in vals_dict.items(): if ' ' in v: v = '"{}"'.format(v) vals_.append('{}={}'.format(k, v)) if repeat_key: args_str = ' ' + ' '.join( ['{} {}'.format(key__, v_) for v_ in vals_]) else: args_str = ' {} {}'.format(key__, vals_sep.join(vals_)) return args_str args = '' for key, val in args_dict.items(): if val is None: continue key = key if key.startswith('-') else '--{}'.format(key) if isinstance(val, str): if ' ' in val: val = '"{}"'.format(val) args += ' {}={}'.format(key, val) elif isinstance(val, bool): if val: args += ' {}'.format(key) elif isinstance(val, (int, float)): args += ' {}={}'.format(key, val) elif isinstance(val, dict): args += convert_val_dict(key__=key, vals_dict=val, repeat_key=repeat_arg) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): if repeat_arg: for val_ in val: if isinstance(val_, dict): args += convert_val_dict(key__=key, vals_dict=val_, repeat_key=False) else: args += ' {}={}'.format(key, val_) else: args += ' {}={}'.format(key, vals_sep.join(val)) else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized value type. Key: {}; value: {}".format(key, val)) return args.strip() def get_symlink(ssh_client, file_path): code, output = ssh_client.exec_cmd( 'ls -l {} | grep --color=never ""'.format(file_path)) if code != 0: LOG.warning('{} not found!'.format(file_path)) return None res = re.findall('> (.*)', output) if not res: LOG.warning('No symlink found for {}'.format(file_path)) return None link = res[0].strip() return link def is_file(filename, ssh_client): code = ssh_client.exec_cmd('test -f {}'.format(filename), fail_ok=True)[0] return 0 == code def is_directory(dirname, ssh_client): code = ssh_client.exec_cmd('test -d {}'.format(dirname), fail_ok=True)[0] return 0 == code def lab_time_now(con_ssh=None, date_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'): if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() date_cmd_format = date_format + '.%N' timestamp = get_date_in_format(ssh_client=con_ssh, date_format=date_cmd_format) with_milliseconds = timestamp.split('.')[0] + '.{}'.format( int(int(timestamp.split('.')[1]) / 1000)) format1 = date_format + '.%f' parsed = datetime.strptime(with_milliseconds, format1) return with_milliseconds.split('.')[0], parsed @contextmanager def ssh_to_remote_node(host, username=None, password=None, prompt=None, ssh_client=None, use_telnet=False, telnet_session=None): """ ssh to a external node from sshclient. Args: host (str|None): hostname or ip address of remote node to ssh to. username (str): password (str): prompt (str): ssh_client (SSHClient): client to ssh from use_telnet: telnet_session: Returns (SSHClient): ssh client of the host Examples: with ssh_to_remote_node(' as remote_ssh: remote_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd) """ if not host: raise exceptions.SSHException( "Remote node hostname or ip address must be provided") if use_telnet and not telnet_session: raise exceptions.SSHException( "Telnet session cannot be none if using telnet.") if not ssh_client and not use_telnet: ssh_client = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() if not use_telnet: from keywords.security_helper import LinuxUser default_user, default_password = LinuxUser.get_current_user_password() else: default_user = HostLinuxUser.get_user() default_password = HostLinuxUser.get_password() user = username if username else default_user password = password if password else default_password if use_telnet: original_host = telnet_session.exec_cmd('hostname')[1] else: original_host = ssh_client.host if not prompt: prompt = '.*' + host + r'\:~\$' remote_ssh = SSHClient(host, user=user, password=password, initial_prompt=prompt) remote_ssh.connect() current_host = remote_ssh.host if not current_host == host: raise exceptions.SSHException( "Current host is {} instead of {}".format(current_host, host)) try: yield remote_ssh finally: if current_host != original_host: remote_ssh.close() def ssh_to_stx(lab=None, set_client=False): if not lab: lab = ProjVar.get_var('LAB') con_ssh = SSHClient(lab['floating ip'], user=HostLinuxUser.get_user(), password=HostLinuxUser.get_password(), initial_prompt=Prompt.CONTROLLER_PROMPT) con_ssh.connect(retry=True, retry_timeout=30, use_current=False) if set_client: ControllerClient.set_active_controller(con_ssh) return con_ssh def get_yaml_data(filepath): """ Returns the yaml data in json Args: filepath(str): location of the yaml file to load Return(json): returns the json data """ with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) return data def write_yaml_data_to_file(data, filename, directory=None): """ Writes data to a file in yaml format Args: data(json): data in json format filename(str): filename directory(boo): directory to save the file Return(str): returns the location of the yaml file """ if directory is None: directory = ProjVar.get_var('LOG_DIR') src_path = "{}/{}".format(directory, filename) with open(src_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: yaml.dump(data, f) return src_path def get_lab_fip(region=None): """ Returns system OAM floating ip Args: region (str|None): central_region or subcloud, only applicable to DC Returns (str): floating ip of the lab """ if ProjVar.get_var('IS_DC'): if not region: region = ProjVar.get_var('PRIMARY_SUBCLOUD') elif region == 'RegionOne': region = 'central_region' oam_fip = ProjVar.get_var('lab')[region]["floating ip"] else: oam_fip = ProjVar.get_var('lab')["floating ip"] return oam_fip def get_dnsname(region='RegionOne'): # means that the dns name is unreachable return None