===================== HORIZON Functionality ===================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 ------------------------ HORIZON_functionality_01 ------------------------ :Test ID: HORIZON_functionality_01 :Test Title: Image of volume - metadata update. :Tags: functionality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Testcase Objective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit Image of volume in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Pre-Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Getting admin password credentials. **Note:** Do this from a new shell as a root user (do not source /etc/platform/openrc in that shell). **Note:** The 'password' (in below script) should be set to the admin password which configured during config_controller. .. code:: bash $ mkdir -p /etc/openstack $ tee /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml << EOF clouds: openstack_helm: region_name: RegionOne identity_api_version: 3 auth: username: 'admin' password: '' project_name: 'admin' project_domain_name: 'default' user_domain_name: 'default' auth_url: 'http://keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local/v3' EOF $ export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm $ openstack endpoint list **REMARK:** This test case is intended for test Horizon, please create flavor, image, network, subnetwork, by using the Horizon UI, please take CLI commands as a reference. ~~~~~~~~~~ Test Steps ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Create a Flavor. .. code:: bash $ openstack flavor create --public --id 1 --ram 512 --vcpus 1 --disk 4 m1.tiny 2. Create an Image. .. code:: bash $ openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --public cirros **REMARK:** Make sure in copy cirros... image in your controller-0. 3. Create a Network and Sub network. .. code:: bash $ openstack network create net $ openstack subnet create --network net --ip-version 4 --subnet-range --dhcp net-subnet1 4. Go to Project -> Compute -> Images, from dropdown menu of Image click on Create Volume. 5. Go to Project -> Volumes -> Volumes, from dropdown menu Launch an Instance. 6. Go to Project -> Compute -> Instances, from dropdown menu click on Update Metadata 7. Look for "Instance Auto Recovery", add feature and click on Save. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expected Behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Flavor created successfully. 2. Image created successfully. 3. Network created successfully. 4. Volume created successfully. 5. Instance created successfully. 6. Metadata updated successfully. 7. Feature updated successfully. ------------------------ HORIZON_functionality_02 ------------------------ :Test ID: HORIZON_functionality_02 :Test Title: image of snapshot - metadata update. :Tags: functionality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Testcase Objective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit Image of snapshot in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Pre-Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Getting admin password credentials. **Note:** Do this from a new shell as a root user (do not source /etc/platform/openrc in that shell). **Note:** The 'password' (in below script) should be set to the admin password which configured during config_controller. .. code:: bash $ mkdir -p /etc/openstack $ tee /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml << EOF clouds: openstack_helm: region_name: RegionOne identity_api_version: 3 auth: username: 'admin' password: '' project_name: 'admin' project_domain_name: 'default' user_domain_name: 'default' auth_url: 'http://keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local/v3' EOF $ export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm $ openstack endpoint list **REMARK:** This test case is intended for test Horizon, please create flavor, image, network, subnetwork, by using the Horizon UI, please take CLI commands as a reference. ~~~~~~~~~~ Test Steps ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Create a Flavor. .. code:: bash $ openstack flavor create --public --id 1 --ram 512 --vcpus 1 --disk 4 m1.tiny 2. Create an Image. .. code:: bash $ openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --public cirros **REMARK:** Make sure in copy cirros... image in your controller-0. 3. Create a Network and Sub network. .. code:: bash $ openstack network create net $ openstack subnet create --network net --ip-version 4 --subnet-range --dhcp net-subnet1 4. Go to Project -> Compute -> Images, from dropdown menu of Image click on Create Volume. 5. Go to Project -> Volumes -> Volumes, from dropdown menu Launch an Instance. 6. Go to Project -> Compute -> Instances, from dropdown menu click on Update Metadata. 7. Look for "Instance Auto Recovery", add feature and click on Save. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expected Behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Flavor created successfully. 2. Image created successfully. 3. Network created successfully. 4. Volume created successfully. 5. Instance created successfully. 6. Metadata updated successfully. 7. Feature updated successfully. ~~~~~~~~~~~ References: ~~~~~~~~~~~