================= Fault Management ================= This test plan covers Fault Management manual regression. It covers basic functionality for the following features: - Enhanced_Log_Management - SNMP ---------------------- Overall Requirements: ---------------------- This test will require access to the following configurations: - Regular system - Storage system - AIO-DX systems ---------- Test Cases ---------- .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 ``````````````````````````````` FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_01 ``````````````````````````````` :Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_01 :Test Title: test_verify_install_of_SDK_module_on_Ubuntu :Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression +++++++++++++++++++ Testcase Objective: +++++++++++++++++++ Purpose of this test is to verify split brain scenario swact on active controller by blocking standby controller and storage on active controller ++++++++++++++++++++ Test Pre-Conditions: ++++++++++++++++++++ system should be installed with load that has this feature. External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server. Remote logging SDK should be available in the server ++++++++++ Test Steps ++++++++++ 1. FTP the SDK module for Kibana log collection tool to Ubunthu os machine. 2. tar xfv wrs-install-log-server-1.0.0.tgz 3. Follow instructions from README file which is given in example for installing udp transport. code:: cd install-log-server sudo ./install-log-server.sh -i -u ... 4. Open a web browser and open kibana website to connect to log server code:: http://:5601 ... +++++++++++++++++ Expected Behavior +++++++++++++++++ Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser http://:5601 ``````````````````````````````` FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_02 ``````````````````````````````` :Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_02 :Test Title: test_verify_configure_TIS_for_external_log_collection_using_udp :Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression ++++++++++++++++++++ Test Pre-Conditions: ++++++++++++++++++++ system should be installed with load that has this feature. External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server. Remote logging SDK should be available in the server +++++++++++++++++++ Testcase Objective: +++++++++++++++++++ This is to test the Configuration of External logging on TIS with UDP option and verify logs collected on server. ++++++++++ Test Steps ++++++++++ 1. After setting log server as per test case 1 2. Configure TIS server with to collected logs below cli show udp connection option as sdk install code:: system remote logging-modify --ip_address --transport udp --enabled True ... 3. verify the logs are collected and seen over the time period of 10 min. http://:5601 +++++++++++++++++ Expected Behavior +++++++++++++++++ Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser and see the logs getting collected http://:5601 ``````````````````````````````` FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_03 ``````````````````````````````` :Test ID: FM_Enhanced_Log_Management_03 :Test Title: test_verify_remote_logging_disable_and_enable :Tags: P2,FM,Enhanced log management,regression ++++++++++++++++++++ Test Pre-Conditions: ++++++++++++++++++++ system should be installed with load that has this feature. External VM or server is needed to install Remote logging server. Remote logging SDK should be available in the server +++++++++++++++++++ Testcase Objective: +++++++++++++++++++ This is to test the Configuration of External logging on TIS with UDP option and verify logs collected on server. ++++++++++ Test Steps ++++++++++ 1. After setting log server as per test case 2 2. Disable SDK by below cli on TIS code :: system remotelogging-modify --ip_address \ --transport udp --enabled false ... 3. Verify the logs not collected and seen over the time period of 5 min or more http://:5601. There won't be any logs during this disable 4. Enable SDK by below cli on TIS code :: system remotelogging-modify --ip_address \ --transport udp --enabled True ... 5. Verify the logs are collected and seen over the time period of 5 min or more. http://:5601 +++++++++++++++++ Expected Behavior +++++++++++++++++ Able launch kibana log collection tool using web browser and see the logs when enhanced logging is enabled and not seen when it is disabled `````````` FM_SNMP_04 `````````` :Test ID: FM_SNMP_04 :Test Title: test_creating_new community_string_from_cli :Tags: P2,FM,SNMP,regression +++++++++++++++++++ Testcase Objective: +++++++++++++++++++ Able to create community string ++++++++++++++++++++ Test Pre-Conditions: ++++++++++++++++++++ system should be installed with load that has this feature. ++++++++++ Test Steps ++++++++++ 1. Create community string using below cli code:: system snmp-comm-add -c ... 2. Verify that created community using below cli . code:: system snmp-comm-list ... +++++++++++++++++ Expected Behavior +++++++++++++++++ Able to create SNMP community string and display. `````````` FM_SNMP_05 `````````` :Test ID: FM_SNMP_05 :Test Title: SNMP_cli_trap_dest_can_be_deleted :Tags: P2,FM,SNMP,regression +++++++++++++++++++ Testcase Objective: +++++++++++++++++++ To verify trap delete and trap is no long received. ++++++++++++++++++++ Test Pre-Conditions: ++++++++++++++++++++ system should be installed with load that has this feature. SNMP trap receiver is installed to receive the trap. ++++++++++ Test Steps ++++++++++ 1. Create community string using below cli code:: system snmp-comm-add -c 2. Create trapdest using below cli.Use ip address of client and community string that was already created. code:: system snmp-trapdest-add -i -c ... 3. Verify that created trapdest displayed code:: system snmp-trapdest-list ... 4. Restart snmp using below cli code:: snmpd /etc/init.d/snmpd restart) ... 5. Verify that trap is received by the trap listener.By seeing messages in SNMP viewer 6. Delete trapdest using cli below code:: system snmp-trapdest-delete ) ... 7. Verify that trapdest deleted code:: system snmp-trapdest-list ... 8. Verify that trap is no longer received by the trap listener. +++++++++++++++++ Expected Behavior +++++++++++++++++ When trap is available messages are seen after trap was deleted there was no messages on trap listener. ---------- References ---------- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Containers/Installation