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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from pytest import mark, param
from consts.stx import FlavorSpec, ImageMetadata, VMStatus
from keywords import nova_helper, vm_helper, glance_helper
from utils.tis_log import LOG
# Note auto recovery metadata in image will not be passed to vm if vm is booted
# from Volume
@mark.parametrize(('cpu_policy', 'flavor_auto_recovery', 'image_auto_recovery',
'disk_format', 'container_format', 'expt_result'), [
param(None, None, None, 'raw', 'bare', True, marks=mark.p1),
param(None, 'false', 'true', 'qcow2', 'bare', False, marks=mark.p3),
param(None, 'true', 'false', 'raw', 'bare', True, marks=mark.p3),
param('dedicated', 'false', None, 'raw', 'bare', False, marks=mark.p3),
param('dedicated', None, 'false', 'qcow2', 'bare', False,
param('shared', None, 'true', 'raw', 'bare', True, marks=mark.p3),
param('shared', 'false', None, 'raw', 'bare', False, marks=mark.p3),
def test_vm_autorecovery(cpu_policy, flavor_auto_recovery, image_auto_recovery,
disk_format, container_format, expt_result):
Test auto recovery setting in vm with various auto recovery settings in
flavor and image.
cpu_policy (str|None): cpu policy to set in flavor
flavor_auto_recovery (str|None): None (unset) or true or false
image_auto_recovery (str|None): None (unset) or true or false
disk_format (str):
container_format (str):
expt_result (bool): Expected vm auto recovery behavior.
False > disabled, True > enabled.
Test Steps:
- Create a flavor with auto recovery and cpu policy set to given
values in extra spec
- Create an image with auto recovery set to given value in metadata
- Boot a vm with the flavor and from the image
- Set vm state to error via nova reset-state
- Verify vm auto recovery behavior is as expected
- Delete created vm, volume, image, flavor
LOG.tc_step("Create a flavor with cpu_policy set to {} and auto_recovery "
"set to {} in extra spec".format(cpu_policy,
flavor_id = nova_helper.create_flavor(
name='auto_recover_'+str(flavor_auto_recovery), cleanup='function')[1]
# Add extra specs as specified
extra_specs = {}
if cpu_policy is not None:
extra_specs[FlavorSpec.CPU_POLICY] = cpu_policy
if flavor_auto_recovery is not None:
extra_specs[FlavorSpec.AUTO_RECOVERY] = flavor_auto_recovery
if extra_specs:
nova_helper.set_flavor(flavor=flavor_id, **extra_specs)
property_key = ImageMetadata.AUTO_RECOVERY
LOG.tc_step("Create an image with property auto_recovery={}, "
"disk_format={}, container_format={}".
format(image_auto_recovery, disk_format, container_format))
if image_auto_recovery is None:
image_id = glance_helper.create_image(disk_format=disk_format,
image_id = glance_helper.create_image(
disk_format=disk_format, container_format=container_format,
cleanup='function', **{property_key: image_auto_recovery})[1]
LOG.tc_step("Boot a vm from image with auto recovery - {} and "
"using the flavor with auto recovery - "
"{}".format(image_auto_recovery, flavor_auto_recovery))
vm_id = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='auto_recov', flavor=flavor_id,
source='image', source_id=image_id,
LOG.tc_step("Verify vm auto recovery is {} by setting vm to error "
vm_helper.set_vm_state(vm_id=vm_id, error_state=True, fail_ok=False)
res_bool, actual_val = vm_helper.wait_for_vm_values(
vm_id=vm_id, status=VMStatus.ACTIVE, fail_ok=True, timeout=600)
assert expt_result == res_bool, "Expected auto_recovery: {}. Actual vm " \
"status: {}".format(expt_result, actual_val)
LOG.tc_step("Ensure vm is pingable after auto recovery")