#!/usr/bin/python3 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # """ Parser to handle command line arguments """ import argparse import getpass def handle_args(): """ Handle arguments supplied to the command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) """ ************************************** * Setup type & install configuration * ************************************** """ parser.add_argument("--setup-type", help= """ Type of setup: AIO-SX AIO-DX STANDARD STORAGE """, choices=['AIO-SX', 'AIO-DX', 'STANDARD', 'STORAGE'], type=str) parser.add_argument("--controllers", help= """ Number of controllers: 1 - single controller 2 - two controllers """, choices=[1, 2], type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--workers", help= """ Number of workers: 1 - single worker 2 - two workers etc. """, type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--storages", help= """ Number of storage nodes: 1 - single storage node 2 - two storage nodes etc.\n """, type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--from-stage", help= """ Start stage. For a list of stages run --list-stages \n """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--to-stage", help= """ End stage. For a list of stages run --list-stages \n """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--custom-stages", help= """ Custom, comma separated list of stages. For a list of stages run --list-stages \n """, type=str, default=None) """ ****************************************** * Config folders and files configuration * ****************************************** """ parser.add_argument("--iso-location", help= """ Location of ISO including the filename: /folk/myousaf/bootimage.ISO """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--config-files-dir", help= """ Directory with config files, scripts, images (i.e. lab_setup.sh, lab_setup.conf, ...) that are needed for the install. All files at this location are transfered to controller-0 in /home/wrsroot. You can add you own scripts that you need to be present on the controller. Caution: rsync will follow links and will fail if links are broken! Use --config-files-dir-dont-follow-links instead. Also, you can use both options for different folders. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--config-files-dir-dont-follow-links", help= """ Same as --config-files-dir but keep symbolic link as is. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--config-controller-ini", help= """ Path to the local config_controller .ini. This file is transfered to the controller. NOTE: OAM configuration in this ini is updated dynamically based on networking related args. (e.g. stx_config.ini_centos, ~/stx_config.ini_centos, /home/myousaf ...). """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--vbox-home-dir", help= """ This is the folder where vbox disks will be placed. e.g. /home or /folk/cgts/users The disks will be in /home/wzhou/vbox_disks/ or /folk/cgts/users/wzhou/vbox_disks/ """, type=str, default='/home') parser.add_argument("--lab-setup-conf", help= """ Path to the config file to use """, action='append') """ ************************************** * Disk number and size configuration * ************************************** """ parser.add_argument("--controller-disks", help= """ Select the number of disks for a controller VM. default is 3 """, type=int, default=3, choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) parser.add_argument("--storage-disks", help= """ Select the number of disks for storage VM. default is 3 """, type=int, default=3, choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) parser.add_argument("--worker-disks", help= """ Select the number of disks for a worker VM. default is 2 """, type=int, default=2, choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) parser.add_argument("--controller-disk-sizes", help= """ Configure size in MiB of controller disks as a comma separated list. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--storage-disk-sizes", help= """ Configure size in MiB of storage disks as a comma separated list. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--worker-disk-sizes", help= """ Configure size in MiB of worker disks as a comma separated list. """, type=str) """ ************** * Networking * ************** """ parser.add_argument("--vboxnet-name", help= """ Which host only network to use for setup. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--vboxnet-ip", help= """ The IP address of the host only adapter as it is configured on the host (i.e. gateway). This is also used to update GATEWAY_IP in [OAM_NETWORK] of config_controller config file. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--add-nat-interface", help= """ Add a new NAT interface to hosts. """, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--controller-floating-ip", help= """ OAM floating IP. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--controller0-ip", help= """ OAM IP of controller-0. This is also used to update IP_ADDRESS in [OAM_NETWORK] of config_controller config file of an AIO SX setup. This should not be the floating IP. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--controller1-ip", help= """ OAM IP of controller-1. This should not be the floating IP. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--vboxnet-type", help= """ Type of vbox network, either hostonly on nat """, choices=['hostonly', 'nat'], type=str, default='hostonly') parser.add_argument("--nat-controller-floating-local-ssh-port", help= """ When oam network is configured as 'nat' a port on the vbox host is used for connecting to ssh on floating controller. No default value is configured. This is mandatory if --vboxnet-type is 'nat' for non AIO-SX deployments. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--nat-controller0-local-ssh-port", help= """ When oam network is configured as 'nat' a port on the vbox host is used for connecting to ssh on controller-0. This is mandatory if --vboxnet-type is 'nat'. No default value is configured. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--nat-controller1-local-ssh-port", help= """ When oam network is configured as 'nat' a port on the vbox host is used for connecting to ssh on controller-1. No default value is configued. This is mandatory if --vboxnet-type is 'nat' for non AIO-SX deployments or if second controller is installed. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--ini-oam-cidr", help= """ The IP network and mask for the oam net, used to update CIDR value in [OAM_NETWORK] of config_controller config file. Default is """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--ini-oam-ip-start-address", help= """ The start for the oam net allocation, used to update IP_START_ADDRESS value in [OAM_NETWORK] of config_controller config file. Not needed for AIO SX setups. """, type=str) parser.add_argument("--ini-oam-ip-end-address", help= """ The end for the oam net allocation, used to update IP_END_ADDRESS value in [OAM_NETWORK] of config_controller config file. Not needed for AIO SX setups. """, type=str) """ ****************** * Custom scripts * ****************** """ parser.add_argument("--script1", help= """ Name of an executable script file plus options. Has to be present in --config-files-dir. It will be transfered to host in rsync-config stage and executed as part of custom-script1 stage. Example: --script1 'scripts/k8s_pv_cfg.sh,50,ssh,user' Contains a comma separated value of: ,,, Where: script_name = name of the script, either .sh or .py; timeout = how much to wait, in seconds, before considering failure; serial/ssh = executed on the serial console; user/root = as a user or as root (sudo