#!/usr/bin/env python # build-context.py # # Builds a summary of git repos and SHAs for a particular build based on # manifest/default.xml and the build output script CONTEXT.sh # # Loads the CONTEXT.sh script from a StarlingX CenGN build and merge it with # a default.xml manifest to build a YAML file that describes a set of # git repositories and their specific configuration for a build. # # 1. Parse default.xml # - build an object containing the remote+repo with attributes: revision, path # 2. Parse CONTEXT.sh # - Match up the path in the cd command with the path from the manifest, add # the SHA as an attribute # 3. Write output: # import argparse import sys import urllib import xmltodict def build_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='build-manifest') parser.add_argument( "manifest", metavar="", help="Manifest file name or direct URL", ) parser.add_argument( "--context", metavar="", help="Context file name or direct URL", ) parser.add_argument( '--remote', metavar="", action='append', dest='remotes', default=[], help='Remote to include (repeat to select multiple remotes)', ) return parser def load_manifest(name): # Load the manifest XML if "://" in name: # Open a URL fd = urllib.urlopen(name) else: # Open a file fd = open(name) doc = xmltodict.parse(fd.read()) fd.close() return doc def load_context(name): # Extract the workspace path and git SHA for each repo # (cd ./cgcs-root/stx/stx-config && git checkout -f 22a60625f169202a68b524ac0126afb1d10921cd)\n ctx = {} if "://" in name: # Open a URL fd = urllib.urlopen(name) else: # Open a file fd = open(name) line = fd.readline() while line: s = line.split(' ') # Strip './' from the beginning of the path if it exists path = s[1][2:] if s[1].startswith('./') else s[1] # Strip ')\n' from the end of the SHA if it exists # Don't forget that readline() always ends the line with \n commit = s[6][:-2] if s[6].endswith(')\n') else s[6][:-1] ctx[path] = commit line = fd.readline() fd.close() return ctx if __name__ == "__main__": opts = build_parser().parse_args() manifest = load_manifest(opts.manifest) context = {} if opts.context: context = load_context(opts.context) # Map the remotes into a dict remotes = {} for r in manifest['manifest']['remote']: if opts.remotes == [] or r['@name'] in opts.remotes: remotes[r['@name']] = r['@fetch'] # Get the repos for r in manifest['manifest']['project']: if opts.remotes == [] or r['@remote'] in opts.remotes: commit = "" if r['@path'] in context.keys(): # If we have no context this always fails commit = context[r['@path']] print("%s/%s %s %s" % ( remotes[r['@remote']], r['@name'], r['@path'], commit, ))