# # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation # UTILS_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" source $UTILS_DIR/url_utils.sh get_yum_command() { local _file=$1 local _level=$2 local rpm_name="" local arr=( $(split_filename $_file) ) local arch=${arr[3]} local yumdownloader_extra_opts="" rpm_name="$(get_rpm_level_name $_file $_level)" if [ "$arch" == "src" ]; then yumdownloader_extra_opts="--source" else yumdownloader_extra_opts="--archlist=noarch,x86_64" fi echo "yumdownloader -q -C ${YUMCONFOPT} ${RELEASEVER} $yumdownloader_extra_opts $rpm_name" } get_wget_command() { local _name="$1" local _ret="" if [[ "$_name" == http?(s)://* ]]; then _ret="wget -q $_name" else _ret="wget -q $(koji_url $_name)" fi echo "$_ret" } get_rpm_level_name() { local _rpm_name=$1 local _level=$2 if [ $_level == "L1" ]; then SFILE=`echo $_rpm_name | rev | cut -d'.' -f3- | rev` elif [ $_level == "$dl_from_stx_mirror" ];then # stx mirror uses L1 matches SFILE=`echo $_rpm_name | rev | cut -d'.' -f3- | rev` elif [ $_level == "L2" ];then SFILE=`echo $_rpm_name | rev | cut -d'-' -f2- | rev` else SFILE=`echo $_rpm_name | rev | cut -d'-' -f3- | rev` fi echo "$SFILE" } get_url() { local _name="$1" local _level="$2" local _ret="" if [ "$_level" == "K1" ]; then _ret="$(koji_url $_name)" elif [[ "$_name" == *"#"* ]]; then _ret="$(echo $_name | cut -d'#' -f2-2)" if [ $_level == "stx_mirror" ]; then _ret="$(url_to_stx_mirror_url $_ret $distro)" fi else _url_cmd="$(get_yum_command $_name $_level)" # When we add --url to the yum download command, # --archlist is no longer enforced. Multiple # url's might be returned. So use grep to # filter urls for the desitered arch. local arr=( $(split_filename $_name) ) local arch=${arr[3]} _ret="$($_url_cmd --url | grep "[.]$arch[.]rpm$")" fi echo "$_ret" } # Function to split an rpm filename into parts. # # Returns a space seperated list containing: # # split_filename () { local rpm_filename=$1 local RPM="" local SFILE="" local ARCH="" local RELEASE="" local VERSION="" local NAME="" local EPOCH="" RPM=$(echo $rpm_filename | rev | cut -d'.' -f-1 | rev) SFILE=$(echo $rpm_filename | rev | cut -d'.' -f2- | rev) ARCH=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'.' -f-1 | rev) SFILE=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'.' -f2- | rev) RELEASE=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'-' -f-1 | rev) SFILE=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'-' -f2- | rev) VERSION=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'-' -f-1 | rev) NAME=$(echo $SFILE | rev | cut -d'-' -f2- | rev) if [[ $NAME = *":"* ]]; then EPOCH=$(echo $NAME | cut -d':' -f-1) NAME=$(echo $NAME | cut -d':' -f2-) fi echo "$NAME" "$VERSION" "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$EPOCH" } # Function to predict the URL where a rpm might be found. # Assumes the rpm was compile for EPEL by fedora's koji. koji_url () { local rpm_filename=$1 local arr=( $(split_filename $rpm_filename) ) local n=${arr[0]} local v=${arr[1]} local r=${arr[2]} local a=${arr[3]} echo "https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/$n/$v/$r/$a/$n-$v-$r.$a.rpm" } get_dest_directory() { local _type=$1 local _dest="" if [ "$_type" == "src" ]; then _dest="$MDIR_SRC" else _dest="$MDIR_BIN/$_type" fi echo "$_dest" } process_result() { local _type="$1" local dest_dir="$2" local url="$3" local sfile="$4" if [ "$_type" != "src" ] && [ ! -d $dest_dir ]; then mkdir -p $dest_dir fi echo "url_srpm:$url" if ! mv -f $sfile* $dest_dir ; then echo "FAILED to move $rpm_name" echo "fail_move_srpm:$rpm_name" >> $LOG return 1 fi echo "found_srpm:$rpm_name" echo $rpm_name >> $FOUND_SRPMS return 0 } get_download_cmd() { local ff="$1" local _level="$2" # Decide if the list will be downloaded using yumdownloader or wget if [[ $ff != *"#"* ]]; then rpm_name=$ff if [ $_level == "K1" ]; then download_cmd="$(get_wget_command $rpm_name)" else # yumdownloader with the appropriate flag for src, noarch or x86_64 download_cmd="${SUDOCMD} $(get_yum_command $rpm_name $_level)" fi else # Build wget command rpm_url=$(get_url "$ff" "$_level") download_cmd="$(get_wget_command $rpm_url)" fi echo "$download_cmd" } get_rpm_name() { local ret="" if [[ "$1" != *"#"* ]]; then ret="$1" else ret="$(echo $1 | cut -d"#" -f1-1)" fi echo "$ret" } get_arch_from_rpm() { local _file=$1 local _split=() local _arch="" if [[ "$1" == *"#"* ]]; then _file=$(echo $_file | cut -d"#" -f1-1) fi _split=( $(split_filename $_file) ) _arch=${_split[3]} echo "$_arch" } get_from() { list=$1 base=$(basename $list .lst) # removing lst extension base=$(basename $base .log) # removing log extension from=$(echo $base | rev | cut -d'_' -f1-1 | rev) echo $from }