""" Copyright (c) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import sys import os import shutil import tempfile import platform import collections import logging import fnmatch import getopt import subprocess import time import re from cgcs_patch.patch_functions import PatchFile # import twisted.python.lockfile import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom STATUS_OBSOLETE = 'OBS' STATUS_RELEASED = 'REL' STATUS_DEVELOPEMENT = 'DEV' RPM_DIR = "rpmbuild/RPMS" RPM_ARCHIVE_DIR = "rpm_archive/RPMS" REMOTE_COPY_PATCH_DATA_DIR = "export/remote_patch_data" PATCH_DATA_GIT = "cgcs-patches" LOCAL_PATCH_DATA_DIR = "export/patch_data" ORDER_FILE = "patch_order" ARCH_DEFAULT = "x86_64" METADATA_TAGS = [ 'ID', 'SW_VERSION', 'SUMMARY', 'DESCRIPTION', 'INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS', 'WARNINGS', 'STATUS', 'UNREMOVABLE', 'REBOOT_REQUIRED' ] RMP_EXCLUDES = [ '-dev-', '-dbg-', '-doc-' ] BUILD_TYPES = [ 'std', 'rt' ] SAME = 0 MINOR_DIFF = 1 MAJOR_DIFF = 2 # These from environment MY_REPO = None MY_WORKSPACE = None PROJECT = None SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT = None MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR = None MY_BUILD_CFG = None MY_BUILD_DIR = None WORKDIR_BUILD_INFO_LOCATION = "build.info" SRCDIR_UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE = "build-data/unbuilt_rpm_patterns" SRCDIR_IMAGE_INC_FILE = "build-tools/build_iso/image.inc" build_info = {} temp_rpm_db_dir = None workdir = None srcdir = None branch = None sw_version = None formal_flag = False pre_compiled_flag = False pre_clean_flag = False all_flag = False capture_source_flag = False capture_rpms_flag = False capture_source_path = None logfile = "/var/log/patching.log" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def configure_logging(logtofile=True, level=logging.DEBUG): if logtofile: my_exec = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) log_format = '%(asctime)s: ' \ + my_exec + '[%(process)s]: ' \ + '%(filename)s(%(lineno)s): ' \ + '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=level, format=log_format, datefmt="%FT%T") # Log uncaught exceptions to file sys.excepthook = handle_exception else: logging.basicConfig(level=level) def rev_lt(num1, num2): n1w=num1.split('.') n2w=num2.split('.') while True: try: n1=int(n1w.pop(0)) except: return True try: n2=int(n2w.pop(0)) except: return False if n1n2: return False def add_text_tag_to_xml(parent, name, text): """ Utility function for adding a text tag to an XML object :param parent: Parent element :param name: Element name :param text: Text value :return:The created element """ tag = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, name) tag.text = text return tag def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Exception handler to log any uncaught exceptions """ LOG.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) def write_xml_file(top, fname): # Generate the file, in a readable format if possible outfile = open(fname, 'w') rough_xml = ElementTree.tostring(top, 'utf-8') if platform.python_version() == "2.7.2": # The 2.7.2 toprettyxml() function unnecessarily indents # childless tags, adding whitespace. In the case of the # yum comps.xml file, it makes the file unusable, so just # write the rough xml outfile.write(rough_xml) else: outfile.write(minidom.parseString(rough_xml).toprettyxml(indent=" ")) class PatchRecipeError(Exception): """Base class for patch recipe exceptions.""" def __init__(self, message=None): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message or "" class PatchRecipeXMLFail(PatchRecipeError): """Problem parsing XML of patch recipe.""" pass class PatchBuildFail(PatchRecipeError): """Problem Compiling the patch.""" pass class PatchPackagingFail(PatchRecipeError): """Problem assembling the patch.""" pass class PatchPackagingMiss(PatchRecipeError): """Problem assembling the patch - might be correctable.""" pass class PatchRequirementFail(PatchRecipeError): """Missing Requirement.""" pass class PatchRecipeCmdFail(PatchRecipeError): """Shell command Failure.""" pass class PatchList: """ Patch List """ def __init__(self, patch_xml_list): self.data_path = "%s/%s" % (workdir, LOCAL_PATCH_DATA_DIR) self.remote_copy_data_path = "%s/%s" % (workdir, REMOTE_COPY_PATCH_DATA_DIR) self.order_file = "%s" % ORDER_FILE self.patch_git = "%s-%s" % (PATCH_DATA_GIT, sw_version) self.patch_data = {} # map patch name to PatchRecipeData self.xml_to_patch = {} # map xml path to patch name self.patch_to_xml = {} # map patch name to xml self.patches_to_build = [] # list of patches to build self.patches_built = [] # patches already built self.patches_to_deliver = [] self._prep_workspace() self._obtain_official_patches() self._validate_patch_order() self._load_built_patches() self._load_official_patches() if patch_xml_list is not None: for patch_xml in patch_xml_list: self.add(patch_xml, built=False, rebuild=True, require_context=False) def __str__(self): return "[ data_path: %s, order_file: %s, patches_built: %s, patches_to_build: %s, xml_to_patch: %s, patch_to_xml: %s ]" % (str(self.data_path), str(self.order_file), str(self.patches_built), str(self.patches_to_build), str(self.xml_to_patch), str(self.patch_to_xml)) def myprint(self, indent=""): print "%s%s" % (indent, str(self)) def _std_xml_patch_recipe_name(self, patch_id): xml_name = "%s.xml" % patch_id return xml_name def _std_local_path(self, name): xml_path = "%s/%s" % (self.data_path, name) return xml_path def _std_remote_copy_path(self, name): xml_path = "%s/%s" % (self.remote_copy_data_path, name) return xml_path def _std_patch_git_path(self, name=None): git_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.remote_copy_data_path, self.patch_git, sw_version, name) return git_path def _prep_workspace(self): os.chdir(workdir) issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % self._std_local_path("")) issue_cmd("touch %s" % self._std_local_path(self.order_file)) def find_patch_id(self, patch_id): for patch in self.patches_built: if patch == patch_id: return self.patch_data[patch] for patch in self.patches_to_build: if patch == patch_id: return self.patch_data[patch] return None def _validate_patch_order(self): fix_local_order = False remote_order = [] local_order = [] validated_order = [] with open(self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file)) as f: for line in f: remote_order.append(line.strip()) with open(self._std_local_path(self.order_file)) as f: for line in f: local_order.append(line.strip()) while len(remote_order) and len(local_order): remote_patch = remote_order.pop(0) local_patch = local_order.pop(0) if remote_patch == local_patch: print "_validate_patch_order: %s ok" % local_patch validated_order.append(remote_patch) else: fix_local_order = True print "_validate_patch_order: %s vs %s fail" % (local_patch, remote_patch) local_order.insert(0, local_patch) break if fix_local_order: print "_validate_patch_order: fix patch order" f = open(self._std_local_path(self.order_file),'w') for patch_id in validated_order: f.write("%s\n" % patch_id) print "_validate_patch_order: %s" % patch_id f.close() # remove remaining local patches for patch_id in local_order: xml_path = self._std_local_path(self._std_xml_patch_recipe_name(patch_id)) print "_validate_patch_order: rm %s" % xml_path os.remove(xml_path) def _obtain_official_patches(self): os.chdir(workdir) issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % self._std_remote_copy_path("")) os.chdir(self._std_remote_copy_path("")) if not os.path.isdir(self.patch_git): issue_cmd("git clone ssh://%s@vxgit.wrs.com:7999/cgcs/%s.git" % (os.environ['USER'], self.patch_git)) os.chdir(self.patch_git) issue_cmd("git checkout master") else: os.chdir(self.patch_git) issue_cmd("git checkout master") issue_cmd("git pull") try: issue_cmd("git checkout %s" % sw_version) except PatchRecipeCmdFail: issue_cmd("git checkout -b %s master" % sw_version) issue_cmd("git push -u origin %s:%s" % (sw_version, sw_version)) issue_cmd("git checkout master") issue_cmd("git pull") issue_cmd("git checkout %s" % sw_version) issue_cmd("git pull") os.chdir(workdir) if not os.path.isdir(self._std_patch_git_path("")): issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % self._std_patch_git_path("")) os.chdir(self._std_patch_git_path("..")) issue_cmd("git add %s" % self._std_patch_git_path("")) os.chdir(workdir) if not os.path.isfile(self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file)): issue_cmd("touch %s" % self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file)) os.chdir(self._std_patch_git_path("..")) issue_cmd("git add %s" % self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file)) os.chdir(workdir) def _load_official_patches(self): with open(self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file)) as f: for line in f: patch_id = line.strip() print "remote patch_id = '%s'" % patch_id xml_path = self._std_patch_git_path(self._std_xml_patch_recipe_name(patch_id)) self.add(xml_path, built=False, fix=True) def sign_official_patches(self): for patch_id in self.patches_to_deliver: os.chdir(workdir) patch = "%s.patch" % patch_id print "signing patch '%s'" % self._std_local_path(patch) try: subprocess.check_call(["sign_patch_formal.sh", self._std_local_path(patch)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print "Failed to to sign official patch. Call to sign_patch_formal.sh process returned non-zero exit status %i" % e.returncode raise SystemExit(e.returncode) def deliver_official_patch(self): something_to_push = False os.chdir(workdir) issue_cmd("cp %s %s" % (self._std_local_path(self.order_file), self._std_patch_git_path(self.order_file))) os.chdir(self._std_patch_git_path(".")) issue_cmd("git add %s" % self.order_file) for patch_id in self.patches_to_deliver: prevent_overwrite = False os.chdir(workdir) patch = "%s.patch" % patch_id xml = "%s.xml" % patch_id if os.path.isfile(self._std_patch_git_path(patch)): answer = PatchFile.query_patch(self._std_patch_git_path(patch), field="status") if answer is not None and "status" in answer: if answer["status"] == "REL": prevent_overwrite = True print "Warning: '%s' already exists in git repo and is in released state! Cowardly refusing to overwrite it." % patch if not prevent_overwrite: issue_cmd("cp %s %s" % (self._std_local_path(patch), self._std_patch_git_path("."))) issue_cmd("cp %s %s" % (self._std_local_path(xml), self._std_patch_git_path("."))) os.chdir(self._std_patch_git_path(".")) issue_cmd("git add %s" % patch) issue_cmd("git add %s" % xml) issue_cmd("git commit -m \"%s\"" % patch_id) something_to_push = True if something_to_push: os.chdir(workdir) os.chdir(self._std_patch_git_path("..")) issue_cmd("git push --dry-run --set-upstream origin %s:%s" % (sw_version, sw_version)) issue_cmd("git push --set-upstream origin %s:%s" % (sw_version, sw_version)) def _load_built_patches(self): with open(self._std_local_path(self.order_file)) as f: for line in f: patch_id = line.strip() print "local patch_id = '%s'" % patch_id xml_path = self._std_local_path(self._std_xml_patch_recipe_name(patch_id)) self.add(xml_path, built=True, fix=False) def get_implicit_requires(self, patch_id, recipies): list = [] for r in recipies: print "get_implicit_requires r=%s" % r for patch in self.patches_built: if patch == patch_id: continue if self.patch_data[patch].has_common_recipies(recipies): print "get_implicit_requires built patch '%s' provides one of %s" % (patch, str(recipies)) list.append(patch) for patch in self.patches_to_build: if patch == patch_id: continue if self.patch_data[patch].has_common_recipies(recipies): print "get_implicit_requires unbuilt patch '%s' provides one of %s" % (patch, str(recipies)) list.append(patch) return list def is_built(self, patch): if patch not in self.patches_built: print "Queried patch '%s' is not built" % patch return False return True def is_known(self, patch): if patch not in self.patches_built: if patch not in self.patches_to_build: print "Queried patch '%s' is not known" % patch return False return True def add(self, patch_xml, built=False, fix=False, rebuild=False, require_context=True): print "processing patch_xml %s, built=%s, fix=%s, rebuild=%s, require_context=%s" % (patch_xml, str(built), str(fix), str(rebuild), str(require_context)) prd = PatchRecipeData(built, self) prd.parse_xml(patch_xml) if prd.patch_id is None: msg = "Invalid patch '%s' patch_xml contains no patch_id" % patch_xml LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if len(prd.recipies) <= 0: msg = "Invalid patch '%s' contains no recipies" % prd.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if require_context and prd.build_context is None: msg = "Invalid patch '%s' contains no context" % prd.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if not rebuild: if prd.patch_id in self.patch_to_xml: if self.patch_to_xml[prd.patch_id] == patch_xml: msg = "Previously added patch '%s' from same xml '%s'" % (prd.patch_id, patch_xml) LOG.warn(msg) print "%s\n" % msg return rc = issue_cmd_rc("diff %s %s" % (self.patch_to_xml[prd.patch_id], patch_xml)) if rc != 0: msg = "Previously added patch '%s' from different xml '%s' and different content" % (prd.patch_id, patch_xml) LOG.exception(msg) print "%s\n" % msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) else: msg = "Previously added patch '%s' from different xml '%s' but same content" % (prd.patch_id, patch_xml) LOG.warn(msg) print "%s\n" % msg return if prd.patch_id in self.patch_data.keys(): if not rebuild: # Already know about this patch, perhaps local vs remote rc2 = prd.compare(self.patch_data[prd.patch_id]) if (fix and (rc2 > MAJOR_DIFF)) or (not fix and (rc2 > MINOR_DIFF)): msg = "Patch '%s' added twice with differing content" LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRequirementFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if fix and (rc2 > MINOR_DIFF): new_status = self.get_status() old_status = prd.get_status() # TODO should we update status prd.set_status(new_status) rc2 = prd.compare(self.patch_data[prd.patch_id]) if rc2 > MINOR_DIFF: msg = "Failed to resolve patch difference by status update for patch '%s'" % prd.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRequirementFail(msg) sys.exit(2) # TODO write revised xml to local/remote ? # patch is already knwon and has same content # nothing more to do since rebuild is not requested return self.patch_to_xml[prd.patch_id] = patch_xml self.xml_to_patch[patch_xml] = prd.patch_id self.patch_data[prd.patch_id] = prd prd.set_implicit_requires(self) rc = prd.check_requires_known(self) if not rc: msg = "Can't proceed because patch %s has requirements on an unknown patch." % prd.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRequirementFail(msg) sys.exit(2) rc = prd.check_requires_built(self) if built and not rc: msg = "Patch %s claims to be built yet it requires a patch that is unbuilt." LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRequirementFail(msg) sys.exit(2) rc = prd.check_requires_buildable(self) if not rc: msg = "Can't proceed because patch %s has requirements on a patch that lacks a build context." % prd.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRequirementFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if built: self.patches_built.append(prd.patch_id) else: self.patches_to_build.append(prd.patch_id) prd.gen_xml(fname=self._std_local_path(self._std_xml_patch_recipe_name(prd.patch_id))) def build_patches(self): global capture_source_flag # While unbuild patches exist while len(self.patches_to_build) > 0: built = 0 # Search for a buildable patch, i.e. one for whom all requirements are built for patch_id in self.patches_to_build: prd = self.patch_data[patch_id] rc = prd.check_requires_built(self) print "check_requires_built(%s) -> %s" % (patch_id, str(rc)) if rc: # This patch is ready to build, build it now print "Ready to build patch %s." % patch_id rc = prd.build_patch() if rc: # append new built patch to order file issue_cmd("sed -i '/^%s$/d' %s" % (patch_id, self._std_local_path(self.order_file))) issue_cmd("echo %s >> %s" % (patch_id, self._std_local_path(self.order_file))) print "Built patch %s." % patch_id self.patches_built.append(patch_id) self.patches_to_deliver.append(patch_id) self.patches_to_build.remove(patch_id) built += 1 if capture_rpms_flag: capture_rpms() if capture_source_flag: prd.capture_source() # It is important to break here. # We just edited the patches_to_build which an enclosing for loop is iterating over. # without the break, the result is skipping patches and/or building patches out of order. break else: msg = "Failed to build patch %s" % patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if built == 0: msg = "No patches are buildable, Remaining patches: %s" % str(self.patches_to_build) LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) print "All patches built." class PackageData: """ Package data """ def __init__(self, e): self.name = None self.personalities = [] self.architectures = [] self._parse_package(e) def __str__(self): return "[ name: %s, personalities: %s, architectures: %s ]" % (str(self.name), str(self.personalities), str(self.architectures)) def myprint(self, indent=""): print "%s%s" % (indent, str(self)) def compare(self, package): rc = SAME if self.name != package.name: return MAJOR_DIFF if len(self.personalities) != len(package.personalities): return MAJOR_DIFF if len(self.architectures) != len(package.architectures): return MAJOR_DIFF for personality in self.personalities: if personality not in package.personalities: return MAJOR_DIFF for arch in self.architectures: if arch not in package.architectures: return MAJOR_DIFF return rc def _parse_package(self, e): for key in e.attrib: val = e.attrib[key] # DBG print "_parse_package attr %s" % key if key == "name": self.name = val else: msg = "Unknow attribute '%s' in " % key LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_package child %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "PERSONALITY": txt = child.text and child.text.strip() or None if txt is None: msg = "personality missing under " LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) self.personalities.append(txt) elif child.tag == "ARCH": txt = child.text and child.text.strip() or None if txt is None: msg = "personality missing under " LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) self.architectures.append(txt) else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) def gen_xml(self, e_package): for personality in self.personalities: add_text_tag_to_xml(e_package, 'PERSONALITY', personality) for arch in self.architectures: add_text_tag_to_xml(e_package, 'ARCH', arch) def _get_rpm_dir(self, build_type='std', arch=ARCH_DEFAULT, prebuilt=False): if prebuilt: if build_type == 'std': rpm_dir = "%s/%s/repo/cgcs-centos-repo/Binary/%s" % (workdir, build_type, arch) else: # Any directory with no rpm's would do rpm_dir = "%s/%s/repo/cgcs-centos-repo/Data" % (workdir, build_type) else: rpm_dir = "%s/%s/%s" % (workdir, build_type, RPM_DIR) print "================= rpm_dir=%s ============" % rpm_dir return rpm_dir def _clean_rpms(self, prebuilt=False): global BUILD_TYPES print "cleaning self.name %s\n" % self.name for build_type in BUILD_TYPES: for arch in self.architectures: rpm_dir = self._get_rpm_dir(build_type=build_type, arch=arch, prebuilt=prebuilt) rpm_search_pattern = "%s-*%s.rpm" % (self.name, arch) print "cleaning arch %s\n" % arch print "cleaning dir %s\n" % rpm_dir print "cleaning rpm_search_pattern %s\n" % rpm_search_pattern for file in os.listdir(rpm_dir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, rpm_search_pattern): file_path = "%s/%s" % (rpm_dir, file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): print "cleaning match %s\n" % file rpm_name_cmd = [ "rpm", "-qp", "--dbpath", temp_rpm_db_dir, "--queryformat", "%{NAME}", "%s" % file_path ] rpm_name = issue_cmd_w_stdout(rpm_name_cmd) if rpm_name == self.name: rpm_release_cmd = [ "rpm", "-qp", "--dbpath", temp_rpm_db_dir, "--queryformat", "%{RELEASE}", "%s" % file_path ] rpm_release = issue_cmd_w_stdout(rpm_release_cmd) print "cleaning release %s" % rpm_release rm_cmd = "rm -f %s/%s-*-%s.%s.rpm" % (rpm_dir, self.name, rpm_release, arch) issue_cmd(rm_cmd) def clean(self, prebuilt=False): print "package clean" self._clean_rpms(prebuilt=prebuilt) def _add_rpms(self, pf, arch=ARCH_DEFAULT, fatal=True, prebuilt=False): global BUILD_TYPES added = 0 for build_type in BUILD_TYPES: rpm_dir = self._get_rpm_dir(build_type=build_type, arch=arch, prebuilt=prebuilt) rpm_search_pattern = "%s*%s.rpm" % (self.name, arch) for file in os.listdir(rpm_dir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, rpm_search_pattern): reject = False with open("%s/%s" % (srcdir, SRCDIR_UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE)) as myfile: for line in myfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if len(line) == 0: continue exclude = line exclude_search_pattern = "" if exclude[0] == '^': if exclude[-1] == '$': exclude_search_pattern = "%s" % (exclude[1:-1]) else: exclude_search_pattern = "%s*" % (exclude[1:]) else: if exclude[-1] == '$': exclude_search_pattern = "*%s" % (exclude[:-1]) else: exclude_search_pattern = "*%s*" % (exclude) if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, exclude_search_pattern): print "reject file '%s' due to pattern '%s' -> '%s'" % (file, exclude, exclude_search_pattern) reject = True break if reject: with open("%s/%s" % (srcdir, SRCDIR_IMAGE_INC_FILE)) as myfile: for line in myfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if len(line) == 0: continue include_search_pattern = "%s-[0-9]*.rpm" % (line) if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, include_search_pattern): print "Including file '%s' due to match in IMAGE_INC_FILE '%s'" % (file, SRCDIR_IMAGE_INC_FILE) reject = False break # for exclude in RMP_EXCLUDES: # exclude_search_pattern = "%s%s*.rpm" % (self.name, exclude) # if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, exclude_search_pattern): # print "reject file '%s' due to pattern '%s'" % (file, exclude) # reject = True # break if not reject: rpm_name_cmd = [ "rpm", "-qp", "--dbpath", temp_rpm_db_dir, "--queryformat", "%{NAME}", "%s/%s" % (rpm_dir, file) ] rpm_name = issue_cmd_w_stdout(rpm_name_cmd) if rpm_name != self.name: print "reject file '%s' due to rpm_name '%s'" % (file, rpm_name) reject = True if reject: # proceed to next matching file continue print "accept file '%s'" % file rpm_path = "%s/%s" % (rpm_dir, file) if len(self.personalities) > 0: print "pf.add_rpm(%s, personality=%s)" % (rpm_path, str(self.personalities)) pf.add_rpm(rpm_path, personality=self.personalities) added += 1 else: print "pf.add_rpm(%s)" % (rpm_path) pf.add_rpm(rpm_path) added += 1 if added == 0: if fatal: msg = "No rpms found matching %s/%s" % (rpm_dir, rpm_search_pattern) LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchPackagingFail(msg) sys.exit(2) msg = "No rpms found matching %s/%s" % (rpm_dir, rpm_search_pattern) print msg raise PatchPackagingMiss(msg) def build_patch(self, pf, fatal=True, prebuilt=False): if len(self.architectures) > 0: for arch in self.architectures: self._add_rpms(pf, arch=arch, fatal=fatal, prebuilt=prebuilt) else: self._add_rpms(pf, fatal=fatal, prebuilt=prebuilt) def check_release(self, recipe_name, release_map, prev_release_map): if self.name in release_map.keys(): if self.name in prev_release_map.keys(): if not rev_lt(prev_release_map[self.name], release_map[self.name]): msg = "Failed to upversion rpm %s in recipe %s: old release %s, new release %s" % (self.name, recipe_name, prev_release_map[self.name], release_map[self.name]) LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchPackagingFail(msg) sys.exit(2) class RecipeData: """ Recipe data """ def __init__(self, e): self.name = None self.prebuilt = False self.packages = collections.OrderedDict() # map package name to PackageData self._parse_recipe(e) def __str__(self): return "name: %s, packages: %s" % (self.name, str(self.packages.keys())) def myprint(self, indent=""): print "%sname: %s" % (indent, self.name) for key in self.packages: self.packages[key].myprint("%s " % indent) def compare(self, recipe): rc = SAME if self.name != recipe.name: return MAJOR_DIFF if len(self.packages) != len(recipe.packages): return MAJOR_DIFF if self.prebuilt != recipe.prebuilt: return MAJOR_DIFF for key in self.packages.keys(): if key not in recipe.packages.keys(): return MAJOR_DIFF rc2 = self.packages[key].compare(recipe.packages[key]) if rc2 >= MAJOR_DIFF: return MAJOR_DIFF if rc2 >= rc: rc = rc2 return rc def in_list(self, recipies): for recipe in recipies: if self.name == recipe.name: return True return False def _parse_recipe(self, e): for key in e.attrib: val = e.attrib[key] # DBG print "_parse_recipe attr %s" % key if key == "name": self.name = val else: msg = "Unknow attribute '%s' in " % key LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_recipe child %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "PACKAGE": p = PackageData(child) self.packages[p.name] = p elif child.tag == "PREBUILT": self.prebuilt = True print "=========== set prebuilt=%s for %s =============" % (self.prebuilt, self.name) else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) def gen_xml(self, e_recipe): if self.prebuilt: ElementTree.SubElement(e_recipe, 'PREBUILT') for package in self.packages.keys(): e_package = ElementTree.SubElement(e_recipe, 'PACKAGE', attrib={'name': package}) self.packages[package].gen_xml(e_package) def clean(self): print "recipe clean" if not self.prebuilt: for package in self.packages: self.packages[package].clean(prebuilt=self.prebuilt) def capture_source(self): self.name my_repo = None path = capture_source_path extra_arg = "" if 'MY_REPO' in os.environ.keys(): my_repo = os.environ['MY_REPO'] if 'MY_PATCH_REPO' in os.environ.keys(): my_repo = os.environ['MY_PATCH_REPO'] if my_repo is not None: altpath = "%s/addons/wr-cgcs/layers/cgcs/extras.ND/scripts/source_collect_package" % my_repo if os.path.isfile(altpath): path = altpath if self.prebuilt: extra_arg = "--prebuilt" if os.path.isfile(path): rc = issue_cmd_rc("%s %s %s >> %s/%s.log" % (path, self.name, extra_arg, os.environ['DEST'], os.environ['PREFIX'])) def build_patch(self, pf, fatal=True): for package in self.packages: self.packages[package].build_patch(pf, fatal=fatal, prebuilt=self.prebuilt) def check_release(self, release_map, prev_release_map): for package in self.packages: self.packages[package].check_release(self.name, release_map, prev_release_map) def is_prebuilt(self): print "=========== is_prebuilt prebuilt=%s for %s =============" % (self.prebuilt, self.name) return self.prebuilt class PatchRecipeData: """ Patch recipe data """ def __init__(self, built=False, pl=None): self.patch_id = None self.sw_version = None self.built = built self.build_context = None self.metadata = collections.OrderedDict() self.requires = [] self.auto_requires = [] self.recipies = collections.OrderedDict() # recipe name to RecipeData self.pl = pl def compare(self, prd): rc = SAME if self.patch_id != prd.patch_id: return MAJOR_DIFF if self.built != prd.built: rc = MINOR_DIFF if len(self.metadata) != len(prd.metadata): return MAJOR_DIFF if len(self.requires) != len(prd.requires): return MAJOR_DIFF if len(self.recipies) != len(prd.recipies): return MAJOR_DIFF for require in self.requires: if require not in prd.requires: return MAJOR_DIFF for item in self.metadata.keys(): if item not in prd.metadata.keys(): return MAJOR_DIFF if self.metadata[item] != prd.metadata[item]: if item == "STATUS": rc = MINOR_DIFF else: return MAJOR_DIFF for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): if recipe not in prd.recipies.keys(): return MAJOR_DIFF rc2 = self.recipies[recipe].compare(prd.recipies[recipe]) if rc2 >= MAJOR_DIFF: return MAJOR_DIFF if rc2 >= rc: rc = rc2 return rc def set_implicit_requires(self, patch_list): self.auto_requires = patch_list.get_implicit_requires(self.patch_id, self.recipies.keys()) def get_build_context(self): return self.build_context def check_requires_known(self, patch_list): rc = True for patch in self.requires: if not patch_list.is_known(patch): print "patch '%s' is missing required patch '%s'" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False for patch in self.auto_requires: if not patch_list.is_known(patch): print "patch '%s' is missing implicitly required patch '%s'" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False return rc def check_requires_buildable(self, patch_list): rc = True for patch in self.requires: if not patch_list.is_built(patch): ctx = patch_list.patch_data[patch].get_build_context() if ctx is None: print "patch '%s' requires patch '%s' to be built first, but lack a context to do so" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False for patch in self.auto_requires: if not patch_list.is_built(patch): ctx = patch_list.patch_data[patch].get_build_context() if ctx is None: print "patch '%s' requires patch '%s' to be built first, but lack a context to do so" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False return rc def check_requires_built(self, patch_list): rc = True for patch in self.requires: if not patch_list.is_built(patch): print "patch '%s' requires patch '%s' to be built first" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False for patch in self.auto_requires: if not patch_list.is_built(patch): print "patch '%s' requires patch '%s' to be built first" % (self.patch_id, patch) rc = False return rc def has_common_recipies(self, recipies): for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): if recipe in recipies: return True return False def build(self): if self.built: return 0 return 0 def _parse_requires(self, e): for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_requires %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "ID": req = child.text and child.text.strip() or None if req is None: msg = "Patch id missing under " LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) self.requires.append(req) else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) def _parse_metadata(self, e): for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_metadata %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "REQUIRES": self._parse_requires(child.getchildren()) elif child.tag in METADATA_TAGS: self.metadata[child.tag] = child.text and child.text.strip() or "" else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) def _parse_build(self, e): for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_build %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "RECIPE": r = RecipeData(child) self.recipies[r.name] = r elif child.tag == "CONTEXT": self.build_context = child.text and child.text.strip() or None print "====== CONTEXT = %s ========" % self.build_context else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) def _parse_root(self, e): for child in e: # DBG print "_parse_root %s" % child.tag if child.tag == "METADATA": self._parse_metadata(child.getchildren()) elif child.tag == "BUILD": self._parse_build(child.getchildren()) else: msg = "Unknow tag '%s' under " % child.tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if 'ID' in self.metadata: self.patch_id = self.metadata['ID'] else: msg = "patch is missing required field " LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) if 'SW_VERSION' in self.metadata: self.sw_version = self.metadata['SW_VERSION'] if self.sw_version != build_info['SW_VERSION']: msg = "patch '%s' SW_VERSION is inconsistent with that of workdir '%s'" % (self.patch_id, workdir) LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) else: msg = "patch '%s' is missing required field " % self.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeXMLFail(msg) sys.exit(2) print "_parse_root patch_id = '%s'" % self.patch_id def recursive_print(self, e, depth=0): for child in e: print "%sTag: %s, attr: %s, text: %s" % (" "*depth, child.tag, child.attrib, child.text and child.text.strip() or "") self.recursive_print(child.getchildren(), depth+1) # for child in e.iter('BUILD'): # print "Tag: %s, attr: %s" % (child.tag, child.attrib) def parse_xml(self, filename, adminstate=None): """ Parse an individual patch recipe XML file :param filename: XML file :param adminstate: Indicates Applied or Available :return: Patch ID """ tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() # DBG print("tree: %r" % dir(tree)) # DBG print("root: %r" % dir(root)) # DBG self.recursive_print(root) self._parse_root(root) self.myprint() def write_xml_file(self, top, fname): # Generate the file, in a readable format if possible outfile = open(fname, 'w') rough_xml = ElementTree.tostring(top, 'utf-8') if platform.python_version() == "2.7.2": # The 2.7.2 toprettyxml() function unnecessarily indents # childless tags, adding whitespace. In the case of the # yum comps.xml file, it makes the file unusable, so just # write the rough xml outfile.write(rough_xml) else: outfile.write(minidom.parseString(rough_xml).toprettyxml(indent=" ")) def gen_xml(self, fname="metadata.xml"): """ Generate patch recipe XML file :param fname: Path to output file :return: """ e_top = ElementTree.Element('PATCH_RECIPE') e_metadata = ElementTree.SubElement(e_top, 'METADATA') for key in self.metadata.keys(): add_text_tag_to_xml(e_metadata, key, self.metadata[key]) if len(self.requires) > 0: e_requires = ElementTree.SubElement(e_metadata, 'REQUIRES') for require in self.requires: add_text_tag_to_xml(e_requires, 'ID', require) e_build = ElementTree.SubElement(e_top, 'BUILD') if self.build_context: add_text_tag_to_xml(e_build, 'CONTEXT', self.build_context) else: add_text_tag_to_xml(e_build, 'CONTEXT', patch_id_to_tag(self.patch_id)) for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): e_recipe = ElementTree.SubElement(e_build, 'RECIPE', attrib={'name': recipe}) self.recipies[recipe].gen_xml(e_recipe) write_xml_file(e_top, fname) def __str__(self): return "[ patch_id: %s, context: %s, metadata: %s, requires: %s, recipies: %s ]" % (str(self.patch_id), str(self.build_context), str(self.metadata), str(self.requires), str(self.recipies,keys())) def myprint(self, indent=""): print "patch_id: %s" % str(self.patch_id) print "context: %s" % str(self.build_context) print "metadata: %s" % str(self.metadata) print "requires: %s" % str(self.requires) for key in self.recipies: self.recipies[key].myprint("%s " % indent) def _configure(self): if workdir is None: msg = "workdir not provided" LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) return False os.chdir(workdir) def _set_context(self): global pre_compiled_flag if pre_compiled_flag: return if (self.build_context is None) and (branch is None): # Nothing to do return if srcdir is None: msg = "srcdir not provided" LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) return False os.chdir(srcdir) if self.build_context is not None: # Before checkout, make sure there are no untracked temporary files # left by a previous build that may prevent the checkout... # e.g. horizon's pbr-2015.1.0-py2.7.egg directory is a build artifact issue_cmd("for d in $(find . -type d -name .git | xargs --max-args=1 dirname); do (cd $d; echo $d; git clean -df; git reset --hard; git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm; if [ ! -f .subgits ]; then if [ -f .gitignore ]; then git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-from=.gitignore | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm; fi; fi); done") issue_cmd("wrgit checkout %s" % self.build_context) elif branch is not None: issue_cmd("wrgit checkout %s" % branch) else: msg = "Don't know what build context to use for patch %s" % self.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) return False if workdir is None: msg = "workdir not provided" LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) return False return True def _get_prev_patch_id(self, patch_id): patch_order_file = self.pl._std_local_path(self.pl.order_file) prev_patch_id = None with open(patch_order_file) as f: for line in f: this_patch_id = line.strip() if patch_id == this_patch_id: return prev_patch_id prev_patch_id = this_patch_id return prev_patch_id def _get_rpm_db_path(self, patch_id): rpm_db = self.pl._std_local_path("%s.rpm_db" % patch_id) return rpm_db def _write_rpm_db(self): global BUILD_TYPES for build_type in BUILD_TYPES: rpm_dir = "%s/%s/%s" % (workdir, build_type, RPM_DIR) rpm_db = self._get_rpm_db_path(self.patch_id) issue_cmd("echo > %s" % rpm_db) for subdir in os.walk(rpm_dir).next()[1]: rpm_sub_dir = "%s/%s" % (rpm_dir, subdir) issue_cmd("rpm -qp --dbpath %s --queryformat '%s %%{NAME} %%{RELEASE}\n' %s/*rpm >> %s 2> /dev/null" % (temp_rpm_db_dir, subdir, rpm_sub_dir, rpm_db)) def _read_rpm_db(self, patch_id): release_map={} rpm_db_dir = "export/patch_data" rpm_db = self._get_rpm_db_path(patch_id) with open(rpm_db) as f: for line in f: words = line.split() if len(words) == 3: arch = words[0] rpm = words[1] release = words[2] release_map[rpm] = release[1:] return release_map def check_release(self): prev_patch_id = self._get_prev_patch_id(self.patch_id) if prev_patch_id is None: delim = "_" words = self.patch_id.split(delim) l = len(words[-1]) words[-1] = '0'*l prev_patch_id = delim.join(words) prev_release_map = self._read_rpm_db(prev_patch_id) release_map = self._read_rpm_db(self.patch_id) for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): self.recipies[recipe].check_release(release_map, prev_release_map) def capture_source(self): os.environ['PREFIX'] = self.patch_id os.environ['MY_REPO'] = os.environ['MY_PATCH_REPO'] os.environ['MY_WORKSPACE'] = os.environ['MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE'] os.environ['DEST'] = "%s/export/patch_source/%s" % (os.environ['MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE'], self.patch_id) issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % os.environ['DEST']) for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): print "capture source of recipe %s" % recipe self.recipies[recipe].capture_source() def build_patch(self, local_path="."): global pre_compiled_flag global pre_clean_flag self._set_context() self._configure() recipe_str = "" build_recipe_str = "" for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): recipe_str += recipe + " " if not self.recipies[recipe].is_prebuilt(): build_recipe_str += recipe + " " print "recipe_str = %s" % recipe_str print "build_recipe_str = %s" % build_recipe_str if recipe_str == "": msg = "No recipies for patch %s" % self.patch_id LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchBuildFail(msg) sys.exit(2) return False if pre_compiled_flag and pre_clean_flag: print "pre clean" for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): print "pre clean recipe %s" % recipe self.recipies[recipe].clean() print "done" sys.exit(0) if not pre_compiled_flag: # compile patch os.chdir(workdir) print "pre clean" if build_recipe_str == "": print " ... nothing to clean" else: issue_cmd("build-pkgs --no-build-info --clean %s" % build_recipe_str) for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): print "pre clean recipe %s" % recipe self.recipies[recipe].clean() print "Build" if build_recipe_str == "": print " ... nothing to build" else: issue_cmd("build-pkgs --no-build-info --careful %s" % build_recipe_str) # create rpm release number db self._write_rpm_db() if not pre_compiled_flag: # check rpm release numbers self.check_release() # assemble patch pf = PatchFile() if self.patch_id: pf.meta.id = self.patch_id if 'STATUS' in self.metadata: pf.meta.status = self.metadata['STATUS'] else: pf.meta.status = STATUS_DEVELOPEMENT if 'UNREMOVABLE' in self.metadata: pf.meta.removable = self.metadata['UNREMOVABLE'] if 'SUMMARY' in self.metadata: pf.meta.summary = self.metadata['SUMMARY'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in self.metadata: pf.meta.description = self.metadata['DESCRIPTION'] if 'INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS' in self.metadata: pf.meta.install_instructions = self.metadata['INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS'] if 'WARNINGS' in self.metadata: pf.meta.warnings = self.metadata['WARNINGS'] if 'SW_VERSION' in self.metadata: pf.meta.sw_version = self.metadata['SW_VERSION'] if 'REBOOT_REQUIRED' in self.metadata: pf.meta.reboot_required = self.metadata['REBOOT_REQUIRED'] for patch in list(set(self.requires) | set(self.auto_requires)): pf.meta.requires.append(patch) for recipe in self.recipies.keys(): if not pre_compiled_flag: self.recipies[recipe].build_patch(pf, fatal=True) else: try: self.recipies[recipe].build_patch(pf, fatal=False) except PatchPackagingMiss: print "Warning: attempting rebuild of recipe %s" % self.recipies[recipe].name if not self.recipies[recipe].is_prebuilt(): issue_cmd("build-pkgs --no-build-info --careful %s" % self.recipies[recipe].name) self.recipies[recipe].build_patch(pf, fatal=True) local_path=self.pl._std_local_path("") print "=== local_path = %s ===" % local_path pf.gen_patch(outdir=local_path) return True def _tag_build_context(): os.chdir(srcdir) issue_cmd("for e in . `wrgit all-core-gits` ; do (cd $e ; git tag v%s) done" % self.patch_id) def read_build_info(): try: build_info_find_cmd = [ "find", "std/rpmbuild/RPMS/", "-name", "build-info-[0-9]*.x86_64.rpm" ] build_info_path = issue_cmd_w_stdout(build_info_find_cmd) if build_info_path == "": issue_cmd("build-pkgs --no-descendants build-info") issue_cmd("rpm2cpio std/rpmbuild/RPMS/build-info-[0-9]*.x86_64.rpm | cpio -i --to-stdout --quiet ./etc/build.info > %s" % WORKDIR_BUILD_INFO_LOCATION) with open(WORKDIR_BUILD_INFO_LOCATION) as myfile: for line in myfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if len(line) == 0: continue name, var = line.partition("=")[::2] name = name.strip() var = var.strip() if var.startswith('"') and var.endswith('"'): var = var[1:-1] build_info[name] = var except: return False return True def patch_id_to_tag(patch_id): tag = "v%s" % patch_id return tag def validate_tag(tag): try: cmd = "git tag | grep %s" % tag issue_cmd(cmd) except PatchRecipeCmdFail: msg = "TAG '%s' is invalid" % tag LOG.exception(msg) print msg return False return True def issue_cmd_w_stdout(cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = p.communicate()[0] rc = p.returncode if rc != 0: msg = "CMD failed: %s" % str(cmd) LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeCmdFail(msg) return out def issue_cmd(cmd): print "CMD: %s" % cmd rc = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) if rc != 0: msg = "CMD failed: %s" % cmd LOG.exception(msg) print msg raise PatchRecipeCmdFail(msg) def issue_cmd_no_raise(cmd): print "CMD: %s" % cmd rc = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) if rc != 0: msg = "CMD failed: %s" % cmd LOG.exception(msg) print msg def issue_cmd_rc(cmd): print "CMD: %s" % cmd rc = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) return rc def set_capture_source_path(): global capture_source_path my_repo = None new_dir = "/tmp/%s" % os.environ['USER'] new_path = "%s/source_collect_package" % new_dir if 'MY_REPO' in os.environ.keys(): my_repo = os.environ['MY_REPO'] if 'MY_PATCH_REPO' in os.environ.keys(): my_repo = os.environ['MY_PATCH_REPO'] if my_repo is not None: old_path = "%s/addons/wr-cgcs/layers/cgcs/extras.ND/scripts/source_collect_package" % my_repo if os.path.isfile(old_path): rc = issue_cmd_rc("mkdir -p %s" % new_dir) rc = issue_cmd_rc("\cp -f %s %s" % (old_path, new_path)) if rc == 0: capture_source_path = new_path def capture_rpms(): for build_type in BUILD_TYPES: src_rpm_dir = "%s/%s/%s" % (workdir, build_type, RPM_DIR) if os.path.isdir(src_rpm_dir): dest_rpm_dir = "%s/%s/%s" % (workdir, build_type, RPM_ARCHIVE_DIR) issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % dest_rpm_dir) issue_cmd("rsync -avu %s/*.rpm %s" % (src_rpm_dir, dest_rpm_dir)) def modify_patch_usage(): msg = "modify_patch [ --obsolete | --released | --development ] [ --sw_version --id | --file ]" LOG.exception(msg) print msg sys.exit(1) def modify_patch(): global workdir global temp_rpm_db_dir global sw_version global build_info configure_logging(logtofile=False) try: opts, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help', 'obsolete', 'released', 'development', 'sw_version=', 'id=', 'file=', ]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print str(e) modify_patch_usage() patch_path = None cwd = os.getcwd() status_set = False for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--obsolete": if status_set: modify_patch_usage() status_set = True new_status = STATUS_OBSOLETE elif opt == "--released": if status_set: modify_patch_usage() status_set = True new_status = STATUS_RELEASED elif opt == "--development": if status_set: modify_patch_usage() status_set = True new_status = STATUS_DEVELOPEMENT elif opt == "--file": patch_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(arg))) elif opt == "--sw_version": sw_version = arg elif opt == "--id": patch_id = arg elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): modify_patch_usage() else: print "unknown option '%s'" % opt modify_patch_usage() if not status_set: print "new status not specified" modify_patch_usage() workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_modify_") os.chdir(workdir) try: temp_rpm_db_dir = "%s/%s" % (workdir, ".rpmdb") if patch_path is not None: PatchFile.modify_patch(patch_path, "status", new_status) print "Patch '%s' has been modified to status '%s'" % (patch_path, new_status) else: if sw_version is None or patch_id is None: print "--sw_version and --id are required" shutil.rmtree(workdir) modify_patch_usage() build_info['SW_VERSION'] = sw_version pl = PatchList([]) patch_file_name = "%s.patch" % patch_id patch_path = pl._std_patch_git_path(patch_file_name) print "patch_id = %s" % patch_id print "patch_file_name = %s" % patch_file_name print "patch_path = %s" % patch_path PatchFile.modify_patch(patch_path, "status", new_status) os.chdir(pl._std_patch_git_path("..")) issue_cmd("git add %s" % patch_path) issue_cmd("git commit -m \"Modify status of patch '%s' to '%s'\"" % (patch_id, new_status)) issue_cmd("git push --dry-run --set-upstream origin %s:%s" % (sw_version, sw_version)) issue_cmd("git push --set-upstream origin %s:%s" % (sw_version, sw_version)) print "Patch '%s' has been modified to status '%s'" % (patch_id, new_status) if new_status == STATUS_RELEASED: tm = time.localtime(time.time()) ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", tm) munged_patch_id = re.sub('[_.]', '-', patch_id.lower()) swv = sw_version.split(".") sw_mjr = swv[0] local_dest = "" deliver_dest = "" local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-%s/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Cloud-%s/patches" % (sw_mjr, ts, munged_patch_id, sw_mjr) human_release = "Titanium Cloud %s" % sw_mjr windshare_folder = "Titanium-Cloud-%s" % sw_mjr if sw_version == "14.10": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/Titanium-Server-14/patches/%s" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-14/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Server-14/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium server 14" windshare_folder = "Titanium-server-14" if sw_version == "15.04" or sw_version == "15.10": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "" human_release = "Titanium server 15" windshare_folder = "" if sw_version == "15.05": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-15/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Server-15.05-ER/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium server 15" windshare_folder = "Titanium-server-15.05-ER" if sw_version == "15.09": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-15/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Server-15.09-ER/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium server 15" windshare_folder = "Titanium-server-15.09-ER" if sw_version == "15.12": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-2/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Server-2/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium Cloud 2" windshare_folder = "Titanium-Cloud-2" if sw_version == "16.10": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-3/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Server-3/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium Cloud 3" windshare_folder = "Titanium-Cloud-3" if sw_version == "17.06": local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-4/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Cloud-4/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium Cloud 4" windshare_folder = "Titanium-Cloud-4" if sw_version == "18.03" || sw_version == "18.03" local_dest = "/folk/cgts/rel-ops/%s/patches/" % sw_version deliver_dest = "/folk/prj-wrlinux/release/tis/tis-5/update/ti%s-%s/Titanium-Cloud-5/patches" % (ts, munged_patch_id) human_release = "Titanium Cloud 5" windshare_folder = "Titanium-Cloud-5" if local_dest != "": issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % local_dest) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(local_dest))) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % os.path.dirname(local_dest)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % local_dest) issue_cmd("cp %s %s" % (patch_path, local_dest)) issue_cmd("md5sum %s | sed 's:%s:%s:' > %s/%s.md5" % (patch_path, patch_path, patch_file_name, local_dest, patch_file_name)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 664 %s/%s" % (local_dest, patch_file_name)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 664 %s/%s.md5" % (local_dest, patch_file_name)) if deliver_dest != "": issue_cmd("mkdir -p %s" % deliver_dest) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(deliver_dest))) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % os.path.dirname(deliver_dest)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 775 %s" % deliver_dest) issue_cmd("cp %s %s" % (patch_path, deliver_dest)) issue_cmd("md5sum %s | sed 's:%s:%s:' > %s/%s.md5" % (patch_path, patch_path, patch_file_name, deliver_dest, patch_file_name)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 664 %s/%s" % (deliver_dest, patch_file_name)) issue_cmd_no_raise("chmod 664 %s/%s.md5" % (deliver_dest, patch_file_name)) print "" print "Go here to deliver the patch" print " http://deliveryplus.windriver.com/update/release" print "Login if required" print "" print "Release to be updated:" print " select '%s'" % human_release print "press 'select' and wait for next page to load." print "" print "Windshare folder to be uploaded:" print " select '%s'" % windshare_folder print "Subdirectory of WindShare folder in which to place updates:" print " select 'patches'" print "Pathname from which to copy update content:" print " %s" % deliver_dest print "press 'Release to Production'" print "" except: print "Failed to modify patch!" finally: shutil.rmtree(workdir) # PatchRecipeData # prd.metadata['STATUS'] = new_status def query_patch_usage(): msg = "query_patch [ --sw_version --id | --file ] [ --field ]" LOG.exception(msg) print msg msg = " field_name = [ status | summary | description | install_instructions | warnings | contents | requires ]" LOG.exception(msg) print msg sys.exit(1) def query_patch(): global workdir global temp_rpm_db_dir global sw_version global build_info configure_logging(logtofile=False) try: opts, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help', 'sw_version=', 'id=', 'file=', 'field=', ]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print str(e) query_patch_usage() patch_path = None cwd = os.getcwd() field = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--file": patch_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(arg))) elif opt == "--sw_version": sw_version = arg elif opt == "--id": patch_id = arg elif opt == "--field": field = arg elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): query_patch_usage() else: print "unknown option '%s'" % opt query_patch_usage() workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_modify_") os.chdir(workdir) try: temp_rpm_db_dir = "%s/%s" % (workdir, ".rpmdb") if patch_path is not None: answer = PatchFile.query_patch(patch_path, field=field) print str(answer) else: if sw_version is None or patch_id is None: print "--sw_version and --id are required" shutil.rmtree(workdir) query_patch_usage() build_info['SW_VERSION'] = sw_version pl = PatchList([]) patch_file_name = "%s.patch" % patch_id patch_path = pl._std_patch_git_path(patch_file_name) print "patch_id = %s" % patch_id print "patch_file_name = %s" % patch_file_name print "patch_path = %s" % patch_path answer = PatchFile.query_patch(patch_path, field=field) print str(answer) except: print "Failed to query patch!" finally: shutil.rmtree(workdir) def make_patch_usage(): msg = "make_patch [--formal | --pre-compiled [--pre-clean]] [--workdir ] [--srcdir ] [--branch ] [--capture_source] [--capture_rpms] [ --all --sw_version | ]" LOG.exception(msg) print msg sys.exit(1) def make_patch(): global workdir global temp_rpm_db_dir global srcdir global branch global sw_version global formal_flag global pre_compiled_flag global pre_clean_flag global all_flag global capture_source_flag global capture_rpms_flag patch_list = [] configure_logging(logtofile=False) try: opts, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help', 'all', 'capture_source', 'capture_rpms', 'formal', 'pre-compiled', 'pre-clean', 'release=', 'workdir=', 'srcdir=', 'branch=', 'sw_version=', ]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print str(e) make_patch_usage() cwd = os.getcwd() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--formal": formal_flag = True elif opt == "--pre-compiled": pre_compiled_flag = True elif opt == "--pre-clean": pre_clean_flag = True elif opt == "--all": all_flag = True elif opt == "--capture_source": capture_source_flag = True set_capture_source_path() elif opt == "--capture_rpms": capture_rpms_flag = True elif opt == "--workdir": workdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(arg))) elif opt == "--srcdir": srcdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(arg))) elif opt == "--branch": branch = arg elif opt == "--sw_version": sw_version = arg elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): make_patch_usage() else: print "unknown option '%s'" % opt make_patch_usage() for x in remainder: patch_list.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(x)))) if len(patch_list) <= 0 and not all_flag: print "Either '--all' or a patch.xml must be specified" make_patch_usage() if all_flag and len(patch_list) > 0: print "only specify one of '--all' or a patch.xml" make_patch_usage() if len(patch_list) > 1: print "only one patch.xml can be specified" make_patch_usage() if all_flag: if sw_version is None: print "'--sw_version' must be specified when using '--all'" make_patch_usage() if branch is not None: if workdir is None or srcdir is None: print "If --branch is specified, then a srcdir and workdir must also be specified" make_patch_usage() if pre_compiled_flag: print "pre_compiled_flag = %s" % str(pre_compiled_flag) if formal_flag: os.environ["FORMAL_BUILD"] = "1" print "formal_flag = %s" % str(formal_flag) # TODO if branch is not None or workdir is not None or srcdir is not None: # TODO print "If --formal is specified, then srcdir, workdir and branch are automatci and must not be specified" # TODO make_patch_usage() if pre_compiled_flag and formal_flag: print "invalid options: --formal and --pre-compiled can't be used together." make_patch_usage() if workdir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(workdir): print "invalid directory: workdir = '%s'" % workdir make_patch_usage() temp_rpm_db_dir = "%s/%s" % (workdir, ".rpmdb") if srcdir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(srcdir): print "invalid directory: srcdir = '%s'" % srcdir make_patch_usage() for patch in patch_list: if not os.path.isfile(patch): print "invalid patch file path: '%s'" % patch make_patch_usage() if 'MY_REPO' in os.environ: MY_REPO = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['MY_REPO']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'MY_REPO' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'MY_WORKSPACE' in os.environ: MY_WORKSPACE = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['MY_WORKSPACE']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'MY_REPO' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'PROJECT' in os.environ: PROJECT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['PROJECT']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'PROJECT' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT' in os.environ: SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR' in os.environ: MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'MY_BUILD_CFG' in os.environ: MY_BUILD_CFG = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['MY_BUILD_CFG']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'MY_BUILD_CFG' is not defined" sys.exit(1) if 'MY_BUILD_DIR' in os.environ: MY_BUILD_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(os.environ['MY_BUILD_DIR']))) else: print "ERROR: environment variable 'MY_BUILD_DIR' is not defined" sys.exit(1) print "formal: %s" % formal_flag print "pre_compiled_flag: %s" % pre_compiled_flag print "pre_clean_flag: %s" % pre_clean_flag print "capture_source_flag: %s" % capture_source_flag print "capture_rpms_flag: %s" % capture_rpms_flag print "workdir: %s" % workdir print "srcdir: %s" % srcdir print "branch: %s" % branch print "sw_version: %s" % sw_version print "patch_list: %s" % patch_list print "" if workdir is not None: os.chdir(workdir) if not read_build_info(): print "build.info is missing. workdir is invalid, or has never completed initial loadbuild: workdir = '%s'" % workdir make_patch_usage() # Capture initial state before any patches are built if capture_rpms_flag: capture_rpms() pl = PatchList(patch_list) pl.myprint() pl.build_patches() if formal_flag: # sign formal patch pl.sign_official_patches() # deliver to git repo pl.deliver_official_patch()