""" Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import configparser import io import logging import os import socket from oslo_config import cfg import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsc import software.utils as utils import software.constants as constants controller_mcast_group = None agent_mcast_group = None controller_port = 0 agent_port = 0 api_port = 0 alt_postgresql_port = 0 mgmt_if = None nodetype = None package_feed = None platform_conf_mtime = 0 software_conf_mtime = 0 software_conf = constants.SOFTWARE_CONFIG_FILE_LOCAL # setup a shareable config CONF = cfg.CONF # define the pecan configuration options PECAN_CONFIG_GROUP = 'pecan' # todo(abailey): Add help text for these options pecan_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'root', default='software.api.controllers.root.RootController' ), cfg.ListOpt( 'modules', default=["software.api"] ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'debug', default=False ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'auth_enable', default=True ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'force_canonical', default=True ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'guess_content_type_from_ext', default=False ), cfg.StrOpt( "package_feed", default="http://controller:8080/updates/debian/rel-%s/ bullseye updates" % constants.STARLINGX_RELEASE ), ] # register the configuration for this component CONF.register_opts(pecan_opts, group=PECAN_CONFIG_GROUP) def read_config(): global software_conf_mtime global software_conf if software_conf_mtime == os.stat(software_conf).st_mtime: # The file has not changed since it was last read return defaults = { 'controller_mcast_group': "", 'agent_mcast_group': "", 'api_port': "5493", 'controller_port': "5494", 'agent_port': "5495", 'alt_postgresql_port': "6666", "package_feed": "http://controller:8080/updates/debian/rel-%s/ bullseye updates" % constants.STARLINGX_RELEASE, } global controller_mcast_group global agent_mcast_group global api_port global controller_port global agent_port global alt_postgresql_port global package_feed config = configparser.ConfigParser(defaults) config.read(software_conf) software_conf_mtime = os.stat(software_conf).st_mtime controller_mcast_group = config.get('runtime', 'controller_multicast') agent_mcast_group = config.get('runtime', 'agent_multicast') api_port = config.getint('runtime', 'api_port') controller_port = config.getint('runtime', 'controller_port') agent_port = config.getint('runtime', 'agent_port') alt_postgresql_port = config.getint('runtime', 'alt_postgresql_port') package_feed = config.get("runtime", "package_feed") # The platform.conf file has no section headers, which causes problems # for ConfigParser. So we'll fake it out. ini_str = '[platform_conf]\n' + open(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE, 'r').read() ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str) config.read_file(ini_fp) try: value = str(config.get('platform_conf', 'nodetype')) global nodetype nodetype = value except configparser.Error: logging.exception("Failed to read nodetype from config") def get_mgmt_ip(): # Check if initial config is complete if not os.path.exists(tsc.INITIAL_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FLAG): return None # Due to https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010722 # the management IP for AIO-SX can be reconfigured during the startup. # Check if /var/run/._config_complete exists to be sure that IP # address will be the correct mgmt IP try: if tsc.system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX and \ not os.path.exists(tsc.VOLATILE_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_COMPLETE): return None except Exception: logging.info("not able to get system_mode, continue sw-patch services") mgmt_hostname = socket.gethostname() return utils.gethostbyname(mgmt_hostname) # Because the software daemons are launched before manifests are # applied, the content of some settings in platform.conf can change, # such as the management interface. As such, we can't just directly # use tsc.management_interface # def get_mgmt_iface(): # Check if initial config is complete if not os.path.exists(constants.INITIAL_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FLAG): return None global mgmt_if global platform_conf_mtime if mgmt_if is not None and \ platform_conf_mtime == os.stat(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE).st_mtime: # The platform.conf file hasn't been modified since we read it, # so return the cached value. return mgmt_if config = configparser.ConfigParser() # The platform.conf file has no section headers, which causes problems # for ConfigParser. So we'll fake it out. ini_str = '[platform_conf]\n' + open(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE, 'r').read() ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str) config.read_file(ini_fp) try: value = str(config.get('platform_conf', 'management_interface')) mgmt_if = value platform_conf_mtime = os.stat(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE).st_mtime except configparser.Error: logging.exception("Failed to read management_interface from config") return None return mgmt_if