# Copyright 2013-2024 Wind River, Inc # Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import os import re import textwrap from tabulate import tabulate from oslo_utils import importutils from six.moves import zip from software_client.common.http_errors import HTTP_ERRORS # TODO(bqian) remove below overrides when switching to # system command style CLI display for USM CLI is ready from tabulate import _table_formats from tabulate import TableFormat from tabulate import Line from tabulate import DataRow simple = TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "=", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"], ) # _table_formats['pretty'] = simple ##################################################### TERM_WIDTH = 72 class HelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): def start_section(self, heading): # Title-case the headings heading = '%s%s' % (heading[0].upper(), heading[1:]) super(HelpFormatter, self).start_section(heading) def define_command(subparsers, command, callback, cmd_mapper, unrestricted_cmds): '''Define a command in the subparsers collection. :param subparsers: subparsers collection where the command will go :param command: command name :param callback: function that will be used to process the command ''' desc = callback.__doc__ or '' help = desc.strip().split('\n')[0] arguments = getattr(callback, 'arguments', []) subparser = subparsers.add_parser(command, help=help, description=desc, add_help=False, formatter_class=HelpFormatter) subparser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) func = callback cmd_mapper[command] = subparser for (args, kwargs) in arguments: subparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) subparser.set_defaults(func=func) if command in unrestricted_cmds: subparser.set_defaults(restricted=False) def define_commands_from_module(subparsers, command_module, cmd_mapper, unrestricted_cmds=[]): '''Find all methods beginning with 'do_' in a module, and add them as commands into a subparsers collection. ''' for method_name in (a for a in dir(command_module) if a.startswith('do_')): # Commands should be hypen-separated instead of underscores. command = method_name[3:].replace('_', '-') callback = getattr(command_module, method_name) define_command(subparsers, command, callback, cmd_mapper, unrestricted_cmds) # Decorator for cli-args def arg(*args, **kwargs): def _decorator(func): # Because of the sematics of decorator composition if we just append # to the options list positional options will appear to be backwards. func.__dict__.setdefault('arguments', []).insert(0, (args, kwargs)) return func return _decorator def env(*vars, **kwargs): """Search for the first defined of possibly many env vars Returns the first environment variable defined in vars, or returns the default defined in kwargs. """ for v in vars: value = os.environ.get(v, None) if value: return value return kwargs.get('default', '') def import_versioned_module(version, submodule=None): module = 'software_client.v%s' % version if submodule: module = '.'.join((module, submodule)) return importutils.import_module(module) def check_rc(req, data): rc = 0 if req.status_code == 200 and data: if 'error' in data and data["error"] != "": rc = 1 else: rc = 1 return rc def _display_info(text): ''' display the basic info json object ''' try: data = json.loads(text) except Exception: print(f"Invalid response format: {text}") return if "error" in data and data["error"] != "": print("Error:\n%s" % data["error"]) elif "warning" in data and data["warning"] != "": print("Warning:\n%s" % data["warning"]) elif "info" in data and data["info"] != "": print(data["info"]) def display_info(resp): ''' This function displays basic REST API return, w/ info json object: { "info":"", "warning":"", "error":"", } ''' status_code = resp.status_code text = resp.text if resp.status_code == 500: # all 500 error comes with basic info json object _display_info(text) elif resp.status_code in HTTP_ERRORS: # any 4xx and 5xx errors does not contain API information. print("Error:\n%s", HTTP_ERRORS[status_code]) else: # print out the basic info json object _display_info(text) def display_result_list(header_data_list, data): header = [h for h in header_data_list] table = [] for d in data: row = [] for _, k in header_data_list.items(): row.append(d[k]) table.append(row) if len(table) == 0: print("No data") else: print(tabulate(table, header, tablefmt='pretty', colalign=("left", "left"))) def display_detail_result(data): header = ["Property", "Value"] table = [] for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, list): if len(v) > 0: row = [k, v[0]] v.pop(0) else: row = [k, ''] table.append(row) for r in v: row = ['', r] table.append(row) else: row = [k, v] table.append(row) print(tabulate(table, header, tablefmt='pretty', colalign=("left", "left"))) def print_result_list(header_data_list, data_list, has_error, sort_key=0): """ Print a list of data in a simple table format :param header_data_list: Array of header data :param data_list: Array of data :param has_error: Boolean indicating if the request has error message :param sort_key: Sorting key for the list """ if has_error: return if data_list is None or len(data_list) == 0: return # Find the longest header string in each column header_lengths = [len(str(x)) for x in header_data_list] # Find the longest content string in each column content_lengths = [max(len(str(x[i])) for x in data_list) for i in range(len(header_data_list))] # Find the max of the two for each column col_lengths = [(x if x > y else y) for x, y in zip(header_lengths, content_lengths)] print(' '.join(f"{x.center(col_lengths[i])}" for i, x in enumerate(header_data_list))) print(' '.join('=' * length for length in col_lengths)) for item in sorted(data_list, key=lambda d: d[sort_key]): print(' '.join(f"{str(x).center(col_lengths[i])}" for i, x in enumerate(item))) print("\n") def print_software_deploy_host_list_result(req, data): if req.status_code == 200: if not data: print("No deploy in progress.\n") return # Calculate column widths hdr_hn = "Hostname" hdr_rel = "Software Release" hdr_tg_rel = "Target Release" hdr_rr = "Reboot Required" hdr_state = "Host State" width_hn = len(hdr_hn) width_rel = len(hdr_rel) width_tg_rel = len(hdr_tg_rel) width_rr = len(hdr_rr) width_state = len(hdr_state) for agent in sorted(data, key=lambda a: a["hostname"]): if agent.get("host_state") is None: agent["host_state"] = "No active deployment" if agent.get("target_release") is None: agent["target_release"] = "N/A" if len(agent["hostname"]) > width_hn: width_hn = len(agent["hostname"]) if len(agent["software_release"]) > width_rel: width_rel = len(agent["software_release"]) if len(agent["target_release"]) > width_tg_rel: width_tg_rel = len(agent["target_release"]) if len(agent["host_state"]) > width_state: width_state = len(agent["host_state"]) print("{0:^{width_hn}} {1:^{width_rel}} {2:^{width_tg_rel}} {3:^{width_rr}} {4:^{width_state}}".format( hdr_hn, hdr_rel, hdr_tg_rel, hdr_rr, hdr_state, width_hn=width_hn, width_rel=width_rel, width_tg_rel=width_tg_rel, width_rr=width_rr, width_state=width_state)) print("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( '=' * width_hn, '=' * width_rel, '=' * width_tg_rel, '=' * width_rr, '=' * width_state)) for agent in sorted(data, key=lambda a: a["hostname"]): print("{0:<{width_hn}} {1:^{width_rel}} {2:^{width_tg_rel}} {3:^{width_rr}} {4:^{width_state}}".format( agent["hostname"], agent["software_release"], agent["target_release"], "Yes" if agent.get("reboot_required", None) else "No", agent["host_state"], width_hn=width_hn, width_rel=width_rel, width_tg_rel=width_tg_rel, width_rr=width_rr, width_state=width_state)) elif req.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") def print_release_show_result(req, data, list_packages=False): if req.status_code == 200: if 'metadata' in data: sd = data['metadata'] contents = data['contents'] for release_id in sorted(list(sd)): print("%s:" % release_id) if "sw_version" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["sw_version"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Version:") + sd[release_id]["sw_version"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "state" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["state"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("State:") + sd[release_id]["state"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "status" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["status"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Status:") + sd[release_id]["status"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "unremovable" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["unremovable"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Unremovable:") + sd[release_id]["unremovable"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "reboot_required" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["reboot_required"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("RR:") + sd[release_id]["reboot_required"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "apply_active_release_only" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["apply_active_release_only"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Apply Active Release Only:") + sd[release_id]["apply_active_release_only"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "summary" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["summary"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Summary:") + sd[release_id]["summary"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "description" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["description"] != "": first_line = True for line in sd[release_id]["description"].split('\n'): if first_line: print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Description:") + line, width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) first_line = False else: print(textwrap.fill(line, width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20, initial_indent=' ' * 20)) if "install_instructions" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["install_instructions"] != "": print(" Install Instructions:") for line in sd[release_id]["install_instructions"].split('\n'): print(textwrap.fill(line, width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20, initial_indent=' ' * 20)) if "warnings" in sd[release_id] and sd[release_id]["warnings"] != "": first_line = True for line in sd[release_id]["warnings"].split('\n'): if first_line: print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Warnings:") + line, width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) first_line = False else: print(textwrap.fill(line, width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20, initial_indent=' ' * 20)) if "requires" in sd[release_id] and len(sd[release_id]["requires"]) > 0: print(" Requires:") for req_patch in sorted(sd[release_id]["requires"]): print(' ' * 20 + req_patch) if "contents" in data and release_id in data["contents"]: print(" Contents:\n") if "number_of_commits" in contents[release_id] and \ contents[release_id]["number_of_commits"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("No. of commits:") + contents[release_id]["number_of_commits"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "base" in contents[release_id] and \ contents[release_id]["base"]["commit"] != "": print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Base commit:") + contents[release_id]["base"]["commit"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if "number_of_commits" in contents[release_id] and \ contents[release_id]["number_of_commits"] != "": for i in range(int(contents[release_id]["number_of_commits"])): print(textwrap.fill(" {0:<15} ".format("Commit%s:" % (i + 1)) + contents[release_id]["commit%s" % (i + 1)]["commit"], width=TERM_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * 20)) if list_packages: if "packages" in sd[release_id] and len(sd[release_id]["packages"]): print(" Packages:") for package in sorted(sd[release_id]["packages"]): print(" " * 20 + package) print("\n") if 'info' in data and data["info"] != "": print(data["info"]) if 'warning' in data and data["warning"] != "": print("Warning:") print(data["warning"]) if 'error' in data and data["error"] != "": print("Error:") print(data["error"]) elif req.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") def print_software_op_result(resp, data): if resp.status_code == 200: if 'sd' in data: sd = data['sd'] # Calculate column widths hdr_release = "Release" hdr_version = "Version" hdr_rr = "RR" hdr_state = "State" width_release = len(hdr_release) width_version = len(hdr_version) width_rr = len(hdr_rr) width_state = len(hdr_state) show_all = False for release_id in list(sd): width_release = max(len(release_id), width_release) width_state = max(len(sd[release_id]["state"]), width_state) if "sw_version" in sd[release_id]: show_all = True width_version = max(len(sd[release_id]["sw_version"]), width_version) if show_all: print("{0:^{width_release}} {1:^{width_rr}} {2:^{width_version}} {3:^{width_state}}".format( hdr_release, hdr_rr, hdr_version, hdr_state, width_release=width_release, width_rr=width_rr, width_version=width_version, width_state=width_state)) print("{0} {1} {2} {3}".format( '=' * width_release, '=' * width_rr, '=' * width_version, '=' * width_state)) for release_id in sorted(list(sd)): if "reboot_required" in sd[release_id]: rr = sd[release_id]["reboot_required"] else: rr = "Y" print("{0:<{width_release}} {1:^{width_rr}} {2:^{width_version}} {3:^{width_state}}".format( release_id, rr, sd[release_id]["sw_version"], sd[release_id]["state"], width_release=width_release, width_rr=width_rr, width_version=width_version, width_state=width_state)) else: print("{0:^{width_release}} {1:^{width_state}}".format( hdr_release, hdr_state, width_release=width_release, width_state=width_state)) print("{0} {1}".format( '=' * width_release, '=' * width_state)) for release_id in sorted(list(sd)): if "reboot_required" in sd[release_id]: rr = sd[release_id]["reboot_required"] else: rr = "Y" print("{0:<{width_release}} {1:^{width_rr}} {2:^{width_state}}".format( release_id, rr, sd[release_id]["state"], width_release=width_release, width_rr=width_rr, width_state=width_state)) print("") if 'info' in data and data["info"] != "": print(data["info"]) if 'warning' in data and data["warning"] != "": print("Warning:") print(data["warning"]) if 'error' in data and data["error"] != "": print("Error:") print(data["error"]) elif resp.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") else: # print("Error: %s has occurred. %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.reason)) print("Error: %s has occurred." % (resp.status_code)) def print_result_debug(req, data): if req.status_code == 200: if 'sd' in data: print(json.dumps(data['sd'], sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) elif 'data' in data: print(json.dumps(data['data'], sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) else: print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) elif req.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") else: m = re.search("(Error message:.*)", data, re.MULTILINE) if m: print(m.group(0)) else: print("%s %s" % (req.status_code, req.reason))