# # Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # from oslo_utils import importutils from software_client import exc from software_client.constants import TOKEN, KEYSTONE, LOCAL_ROOT SERVICE_NAME = 'usm' SERVICE_TYPE = 'usm' API_PORT = "5493" API_ENDPOINT = "" + API_PORT def _make_session(**kwargs): from keystoneauth1 import loading """Construct a session based on authentication information :param kwargs: keyword args containing credentials, either: * os_auth_token: pre-existing token to re-use * system_url: system API endpoint or: * os_username: name of user * os_password: user's password * os_auth_url: endpoint to authenticate against * insecure: allow insecure SSL (no cert verification) * os_tenant_{name|id}: name or ID of tenant * os_region_name: region of the service * os_project_name: name of a project * os_project_id: ID of a project * os_user_domain_name: name of a domain the user belongs to * os_user_domain_id: ID of a domain the user belongs to * os_project_domain_name: name of a domain the project belongs to * os_project_domain_id: ID of a domain the project belongs to * timeout: request timeout (in seconds) * ca_file: trusted CA file * cert_file: client certificate file * key_file: client key file """ session = None if (kwargs.get('os_username') and kwargs.get('os_password') and kwargs.get('os_auth_url') and (kwargs.get('os_project_id') or kwargs.get('os_project_name'))): auth_kwargs = {} auth_url = kwargs.get('os_auth_url') project_id = kwargs.get('os_project_id') project_name = kwargs.get('os_project_name') user_domain_id = kwargs.get('os_user_domain_id') user_domain_name = kwargs.get('os_user_domain_name') or "Default" project_domain_id = kwargs.get('os_project_domain_id') project_domain_name = kwargs.get('os_project_domain_name') or "Default" auth_type = 'password' username = kwargs.get('os_username') password = kwargs.get('os_password') auth_kwargs.update({ 'auth_url': auth_url, 'project_id': project_id, 'project_name': project_name, 'user_domain_id': user_domain_id, 'user_domain_name': user_domain_name, 'project_domain_id': project_domain_id, 'project_domain_name': project_domain_name, 'username': username, 'password': password }) # construct the appropriate session timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') insecure = kwargs.get('insecure') cacert = kwargs.get('ca_file') cert = kwargs.get('cert_file') key = kwargs.get('key_file') loader = loading.get_plugin_loader(auth_type) auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**auth_kwargs) session = loading.session.Session().load_from_options(auth=auth_plugin, timeout=timeout, insecure=insecure, cacert=cacert, cert=cert, key=key) # session could still be None return session def get_client(api_version, auth_mode, session=None, service_type=SERVICE_TYPE, **kwargs): """Get an authenticated client, based on credentials in the keyword args. :param api_version: the API version to use ('1' or '2') :param auth_mode: the authentication mode (token, keystone, local_root) :param session: the session to use (if it exists) :param service_type: service_type should always be 'usm' :param kwargs: additional keyword args to pass to the client or auth """ endpoint = kwargs.get('software_url') auth_token = kwargs.get('os_auth_token') local_root = auth_mode == LOCAL_ROOT # if we have an endpoint and token, use those if local_root or (endpoint and auth_token): pass elif not session: # Make a session to determine the endpoint session = _make_session(**kwargs) if not endpoint: if session: try: interface = kwargs.get('os_endpoint_type') region_name = kwargs.get('os_region_name') endpoint = session.get_endpoint(service_type=service_type, interface=interface, region_name=region_name) except Exception as e: msg = ('Failed to get openstack endpoint') raise exc.EndpointException( ('%(message)s, error was: %(error)s') % {'message': msg, 'error': e}) elif local_root: endpoint = API_ENDPOINT else: exception_msg = ('Missing / invalid authorization credentials') raise exc.AmbigiousAuthSystem(exception_msg) if endpoint: api_version_str = 'v' + api_version if api_version_str not in endpoint.split('/'): endpoint = endpoint + '/' + api_version_str if session: # this will be a LegacyJsonAdapter cli_kwargs = { 'session': session, 'service_type': service_type, 'service_name': SERVICE_NAME, 'interface': kwargs.get('os_endpoint_type'), 'region_name': kwargs.get('os_region_name'), 'endpoint_override': endpoint, 'global_request_id': kwargs.get('global_request_id'), 'user_agent': kwargs.get('user_agent', 'software_client'), 'api_version': kwargs.get('system_api_version') } else: # This will become a httplib2 object auth_ref = None cli_kwargs = { 'local_root': local_root, 'token': auth_token, 'insecure': kwargs.get('insecure'), 'cacert': kwargs.get('cacert'), 'timeout': kwargs.get('timeout'), 'ca_file': kwargs.get('ca_file'), 'cert_file': kwargs.get('cert_file'), 'key_file': kwargs.get('key_file'), 'auth_ref': auth_ref, 'auth_url': kwargs.get('os_auth_url'), 'api_version': kwargs.get('system_api_version') } return Client(api_version, endpoint, session, **cli_kwargs) def Client(version, *args, **kwargs): module = importutils.import_versioned_module('software_client', version, 'client') client_class = getattr(module, 'Client') return client_class(*args, **kwargs)