
514 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Debian Build Test Patches:
Default option (type=default) builds 4 patches using the logmgmt package:
PATCH A) Reboot required - all nodes
Update package - logmgmt
rebuild the pkg
build-image to generate a new commit in the build ostree_repo
build a patch
PATCH B) In Service patch - Example restart
Update the metadata
Uses the example-restart script
Uses the same ostree commit as PATCH A so they can't be applied together
build a patch
PATCH C) In Service patch - Restart failure
Update the metadata
Uses the restart-failure script
Uses the same ostree commit as PATCH A so they can't be applied together
build a patch
PATCH D) Patch with dependency (reboot required, depends on PATCH A)
build PATCH A
update package - logmgmt
build-image to generate a new commit in the build ostree_repo
build Patch C (requires A)
Kernel option (type=kernel) builds 1 patch after rebuilding the kernel:
PATCH E) Reboot required - all nodes
update kernel-std and kernel-rt
rebuild the packages linux and linux-rt
build-image to generate a new commit in the build ostree_repo
build a patch with new initramfs
build a patch reusing initramfs
Large option (type=large)
PATCH F) Reboot required - all nodes (Large Patch)
upverion all packages
rebuild all packages
build-image to generate a new commit in the build ostree_repo
build a patch with new initramfs
Steps to run:
# Setup debian build env
# For more information about how to setup the environment:
# Sample variables
export PROJECT="stx-debian-build"
export STX_BUILD_HOME="/localdisk/designer/${USER}/${PROJECT}"
export MY_REPO="/localdisk/designer/${USER}/${PROJECT}/repo/cgcs-root
# Initialize the build containers
stx control start
./build_test_patches.py --help
import argparse
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
log = logging.getLogger('build_test_patches')
SAMPLE_RR_XML = "patch_recipe_rr_sample.xml"
SAMPLE_INSVC_XML = "patch_recipe_insvc_sample.xml"
# IN Service restart scripts
RESTART_SCRIPT = "patch-scripts/EXAMPLE_0002/scripts/example-cgcs-patch-restart"
RESTART_FAILURE_SCRIPT = "patch-scripts/test-patches/INSVC_RESTART_FAILURE/scripts/restart-failure"
def run_cmd(cmd):
Run a cmd and return
param command: string representing the command to be executed
log.debug("Running: %s", cmd)
return subprocess.run(
class TestPatchInitException(Exception):
"""TestPatch initialization error"""
class TestPatchCreationException(Exception):
"""Patch creation error"""
class TestPatchBuilder():
Build test patches
def __init__(self, sw_version, time_out):
self.project = os.environ.get("PROJECT")
self.build_home = os.environ.get("STX_BUILD_HOME")
self.deploy_dir = os.path.join(os.environ.get("STX_BUILD_HOME"), "localdisk", "deploy")
self.repo_root = os.environ.get("MY_REPO")
self.stx_tools = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "..", "stx-tools")
self.patch_repo_base = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "stx", "update")
self.patch_tools_dir = os.path.join(self.patch_repo_base, "sw-patch", "cgcs-patch", "cgcs_make_patch")
self.sw_version = sw_version
self.time_out = time_out
except TestPatchInitException:
log.exception("TestPatchBuilder initialization failure")
def __upversion_pkg(self, pkg_dir):
Update package version using stx_patch
log.info("Upversioning package %s", pkg_dir)
pwd = os.getcwd()
meta_data_path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "debian", "meta_data.yaml")
with open(meta_data_path) as f:
meta_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
if "revision" in meta_data:
if "stx_patch" in meta_data["revision"]:
meta_data["revision"]["stx_patch"] += 1
meta_data["revision"]["stx_patch"] = 1
# Save updated meta_data.yaml
with open(meta_data_path, "w") as f:
yaml.dump(meta_data, f)
def delete_ostree_prepatch(self, dir_name):
Deletes ostree_repo prepatch generated during prepare
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell --container lat -c \
"cd \\$DEPLOY_DIR; rm -rf {dir_name}"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
log.info("Clean up ostree prepatch directory returned %s", ret.returncode)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to delete directory")
def build_pkg(self, pkg_name=None):
Build package(s)
extra_args = ''
if self.time_out:
extra_args = f'export REPOMGR_REQ_TIMEOUT_FACTOR={self.time_out};'
if pkg_name:
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell -c "{extra_args}build-pkgs -c -p {pkg_name}"
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell -c "{extra_args}build-pkgs --parallel 10"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
log.info("Build pkgs return code %s", ret.returncode)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to build packages")
def build_image(self):
Build image - generates new ostree commit
cmd = '''
source import-stx
stx shell -c "build-image --keep"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
log.info("Build image return code %s", ret.returncode)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to build image")
# Update gpg
log.info("Updating gpg settings")
def update_logmgmt_pkg(self, pname):
Make a change on the logmgmt package and upversions it
param pname: patch name that is added to the script and can be used as patch validation
pkg_name = "logmgmt"
log.info("Updating package %s", pkg_name)
pkg_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "stx/utilities/utilities", pkg_name)
pkg_script = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "scripts/init.d/logmgmt")
# Insert a message into /etc/init.d/$(basename $SCRIPT)
cmd = "sed -i 's|start).*|start) logger -t \\$(basename \\$0) \"" + pname + " patch is applied\"|' " + pkg_script
# build the pkg to apply the change
def prepare_env(self, ostree_clone_name):
Generates ostree_repo snapshot before creating a patch
It executes the command inside the LAT container
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell --container lat -c \
"cd \\$PATCH_TOOLS; python3 make_patch.py prepare --clone-repo {ostree_clone_name}"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
log.info("Patch prepare return code %s", ret.returncode)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to run patch prepare")
def create_patch_xml(self, patch_id, sw_version, require_id, reboot=True, insvc_script=None):
Create patch xml at the patch_tools_dir
param patch_id: patch name/id
param sw_version: software version, e.g: 21.12
param required_id: patch id for prereq patch
param reboot: reboot required or insvc patch
param insvc_script: full path to restart script
return: file name
tree = ET.parse(SAMPLE_RR_XML) if reboot else ET.parse(SAMPLE_INSVC_XML)
metadata = tree.find("METADATA")
metadata.find("ID").text = patch_id
metadata.find("SW_VERSION").text = sw_version
if require_id:
requires_tag = metadata.find("REQUIRES")
reqid_tag = ET.SubElement(requires_tag, "ID")
reqid_tag.text = require_id
if not reboot and insvc_script:
# Copy restart script to localdisk/deploy and update path
shutil.copy2(insvc_script, self.deploy_dir)
metadata.find("RESTART_SCRIPT").text = os.path.join("/localdisk", "deploy", os.path.basename(insvc_script))
file_name = f"{patch_id}.xml"
return file_name
def make_patch_lat(self, xml_path, ostree_clone, formal=False, reuse_initramfs=True):
Calls the make_patch utility inside LAT container to generate our patch
param xml_path: path to the patch recipe/xml
param ostree_clone: path to the ostree_clone repo generated during the prepare stage
ostree_clone_lat = os.path.join("/localdisk", "deploy", ostree_clone)
delta_dir_lat = os.path.join("/localdisk", "deploy", "delta-dir")
if not reuse_initramfs:
reuse_env_var = "export NO_REUSE_INITRAMFS=True;"
reuse_env_var = ""
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell --container lat -c "cd \\$PATCH_TOOLS; {reuse_env_var} python3 make_patch.py create \
--patch-recipe {xml_path} --clone-repo {ostree_clone_lat}/ \
--delta-dir {delta_dir_lat}"
if formal:
index = cmd.find("--clone-repo")
cmd = f"{cmd[:index]} --formal {cmd[index:]}"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
log.info("Patch create return code %s", ret.returncode)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to create patch")
def pull_local_patch_repo(self):
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell --container lat -c "cd \\$DEPLOY_DIR; \
ostree --repo=ostree_repo pull-local \
{os.path.join('patch_work', 'patch_repo')} starlingx; \
ostree --repo=ostree_repo summary --update"
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to pull ostree from patch_repo process returned non-zero exit status %i", ret.returncode)
def add_gpg_pinentry(self):
Configures the gpg pinentry settings used by ostree commit
lat_yaml = os.path.join(
with open(lat_yaml) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load(f)
gpg_id = data["gpg"]["ostree"]["gpgid"]
gpg_pass = data["gpg"]["ostree"]["gpg_password"]
cmd = f'''
source import-stx
stx shell --container lat -c ' \
echo "allow-loopback-pinentry" > /tmp/.lat_gnupg_root/gpg-agent.conf; \
echo "default-cache-ttl 34560000" >> /tmp/.lat_gnupg_root/gpg-agent.conf; \
echo "max-cache-ttl 34560000" >> /tmp/.lat_gnupg_root/gpg-agent.conf; \
gpg-connect-agent --homedir /tmp/.lat_gnupg_root reloadagent /bye; \
gpg --homedir=/tmp/.lat_gnupg_root -o /dev/null -u {gpg_id} --pinentry=loopback --passphrase {gpg_pass} -s /dev/null;
ret = run_cmd(cmd)
if ret.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to set gpg pinentry %i", ret.returncode)
def create_test_patches(self, pname, requires=False, inservice=False, formal=False):
Creates test patches:
RR, INSVC and RR_Requires
param pname: Patch ID and file name
param requires: If set it will build the 2nd patch
param inservice: If set it will build the insvc patch
param formal: Signs the patch with formal key
ostree_clone_name = "ostree_repo_patch"
# Generating ostree_repo clone
# Update pkg
log.info("Generating Reboot required patch")
# build image to trigger a new ostree commit
rr_patch_name = pname + "_RR_ALL_NODES"
rr_xml_path = self.create_patch_xml(rr_patch_name, self.sw_version, None)
# In service patch
if inservice:
insvc_patch_name = pname + "_NRR_INSVC"
insvc_script_path = os.path.join(self.patch_repo_base, RESTART_SCRIPT)
insvc_xml_path = self.create_patch_xml(insvc_patch_name, self.sw_version, None, reboot=False, insvc_script=insvc_script_path)
# build patch
log.info("Creating inservice sample restart patch %s", insvc_patch_name)
log.info("restart script %s", insvc_script_path)
self.make_patch_lat(insvc_xml_path, ostree_clone_name, formal)
log.info("Inservice sample restart patch build done")
# Restart failure
insvc_patch_name = pname + "_RESTART_FAILURE_INSVC"
insvc_script_path = os.path.join(self.patch_repo_base, RESTART_FAILURE_SCRIPT)
insvc_xml_path = self.create_patch_xml(insvc_patch_name, self.sw_version, None, reboot=False, insvc_script=insvc_script_path)
# build patch
log.info("Creating inservice restart failure patch %s", insvc_patch_name)
log.info("restart script %s/%s", insvc_script_path)
self.make_patch_lat(insvc_xml_path, ostree_clone_name, formal)
log.info("Inservice restart failure patch build done")
# RR Patch
log.info("Creating RR patch %s", rr_xml_path)
self.make_patch_lat(rr_xml_path, ostree_clone_name, formal)
log.info("RR Patch build done")
# Cleans up the ostree_clone to generate a new one for the requires patch
if requires:
# Build the 2nd patch which will follow similar steps but will set the requires flag
# If re-using initramfs it needs to pull the previous patch commit into ostree_repo
rr_req_patch_name = pname + "_RR_ALL_NODES_REQUIRES"
rr_req_xml_path = self.create_patch_xml(rr_req_patch_name, self.sw_version, rr_patch_name)
# Update pkg
# build image to trigger a new ostree commit
# Create a patch
log.info("Creating RR Requires patch %s", rr_req_patch_name)
self.make_patch_lat(rr_req_xml_path, ostree_clone_name, formal)
log.info("Requires patch build done")
def create_kernel_patch(self, sw_version, formal=False):
Upversion and rebuilds the kernel
param sw_version: software version, e.g 22.12
param formal: Signs the patch with formal key
ostree_clone_name = "ostree_repo_patch"
# Create patch recipe/xml
patch_name = sw_version + "_KERNEL"
kernel_patch_xml = self.create_patch_xml(patch_name, self.sw_version, None)
kernel_patch_reuse_xml = self.create_patch_xml(patch_name + "_REUSE", self.sw_version, None)
# Generating ostree_repo clone
# Update pkg
kernel_std_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "stx/kernel", "kernel-std")
kernel_rt_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "stx/kernel", "kernel-rt")
log.info("Generating Kernel patch")
# Rebuild the kernel
# build image to trigger a new ostree commit
# Create a patch
log.info("Creating Kernel patch %s", kernel_patch_xml)
# Create patch with new initramfs
self.make_patch_lat(kernel_patch_xml, ostree_clone_name, formal, reuse_initramfs=False)
# Create patch reusing initramfs
self.make_patch_lat(kernel_patch_reuse_xml, ostree_clone_name, formal)
log.info("Kernel patch build done")
def create_large_patch(self, sw_version, formal=False):
Upversion all available packages and creates a patch
This step takes time as all packages are rebuilt
param sw_version: software version, e.g 22.12
param formal: Signs the patch with formal key
log.info("Creating Large Patch")
ostree_clone_name = "ostree_repo_patch"
# Create patch recipe/xml
patch_name = sw_version + "_LARGE"
large_patch_xml = self.create_patch_xml(patch_name, self.sw_version, None)
file_list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for file in files:
if file == "meta_data.yaml":
file_list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
log.info("Total files found %s" % len(file_list))
log.info("Upversioning all packages")
for f in file_list:
pkg_dir = f.split("/debian/")[0]
# Generating ostree_repo clone
# Rebuild the packages
# build image to trigger a new ostree commit
# Create a patch
log.info("large patch xml %s", large_patch_xml)
# Create patch with new initramfs
self.make_patch_lat(large_patch_xml, ostree_clone_name, formal, reuse_initramfs=False)
log.info("Large patch build done")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Debian build_test_patches")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", default="default", type=str, help="Default (logmgmt patches), kernel or large")
parser.add_argument("-sw", "--software-version", type=str, help="Patch Software version, will prefix the patch name", default=None, required=True)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--requires", action="store_true", help="Builds the 2nd patch which requires the rr_patch")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--inservice", action="store_true", help="Builds the in service patch")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--formal", action="store_true", help="Signs the patch with formal key")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--time-out", type=str, help="Set the timeout multiplier. \
For example: set it to 5 can increase the timeout value by 5 times", default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
log.debug("Args: %s", args)
log.info("Building test patches")
sw_version = args.software_version
test_patch_builder = TestPatchBuilder(args.software_version, args.time_out)
if args.type == "default":
test_patch_builder.create_test_patches(sw_version, args.requires, args.inservice, args.formal)
elif args.type == "kernel":
test_patch_builder.create_kernel_patch(sw_version, args.formal)
elif args.type == "large":
test_patch_builder.create_large_patch(sw_version, args.formal)
log.info("Test patch build completed")
except TestPatchCreationException:
log.exception("Error while creating test patches")