%global sha 9d72fe1a501bc609a875eebf7b6274e18600ed70 %global helm_folder /usr/lib/helm %global toolkit_version 0.1.0 %global helmchart_version 0.1.0 Summary: Openstack-Helm charts Name: openstack-helm Version: 1.0 Release: %{tis_patch_ver}%{?_tis_dist} License: Apache-2.0 Group: base Packager: Wind River URL: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm Source0: %{name}-%{sha}.tar.gz Source1: repositories.yaml Source2: index.yaml BuildArch: noarch Patch01: 0001-ceilometer-chart-updates.patch Patch02: 0002-Add-Aodh-Chart.patch Patch03: 0003-Add-Panko-Chart.patch Patch04: Remove-stale-Apache2-service-pids-when-a-POD-starts.patch Patch05: 0005-Add-heat-purge-deleted-cron-job.patch Patch06: 0006-Stein-Remove-ceilometer-upgrade-option.patch Patch07: 0007-Stein-Update-Cinder-to-include-resource_filters.json.patch Patch08: 0008-Stein-add-log_config_append-to-neutron-etc.patch BuildRequires: helm BuildRequires: openstack-helm-infra Requires: openstack-helm-infra %description Openstack Helm charts %prep %setup -n openstack-helm %patch01 -p1 %patch02 -p1 %patch03 -p1 %patch04 -p1 %patch05 -p1 %patch06 -p1 %patch07 -p1 %patch08 -p1 %build # initialize helm and build the toolkit # helm init --client-only does not work if there is no networking # The following commands do essentially the same as: helm init %define helm_home %{getenv:HOME}/.helm mkdir %{helm_home} mkdir %{helm_home}/repository mkdir %{helm_home}/repository/cache mkdir %{helm_home}/repository/local mkdir %{helm_home}/plugins mkdir %{helm_home}/starters mkdir %{helm_home}/cache mkdir %{helm_home}/cache/archive # Stage a repository file that only has a local repo cp %{SOURCE1} %{helm_home}/repository/repositories.yaml # Stage a local repo index that can be updated by the build cp %{SOURCE2} %{helm_home}/repository/local/index.yaml # Stage helm-toolkit in the local repo cp %{helm_folder}/helm-toolkit-%{toolkit_version}.tgz . # Host a server for the charts helm serve --repo-path . & helm repo rm local helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts # Make the charts. These produce a tgz file make aodh make barbican make ceilometer make cinder make glance make heat make horizon make ironic make keystone make magnum make neutron make nova make panko # terminate helm server (the last backgrounded task) kill %1 # Remove the helm-toolkit tarball rm helm-toolkit-%{toolkit_version}.tgz %install # helm_folder is created by openstack-helm-infra install -d -m 755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{helm_folder} install -p -D -m 755 *.tgz ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{helm_folder} %files #helm_folder is owned by openstack-helm-infra %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{helm_folder}/*