
227 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Objective:
# Demonstrate constructing the heat resource OS::Nova::Server
# Pre-Reqs:
# Normal Lab Setup (networks, host interfaces, glance images)
# A glance image named: wrl6 (glance image-list)
# A nova flavor named: small (nova flavor-list)
# A neutron network named: private-net0 (neutron net-list)
# Mandatory Template Parameters:
# None
# Tenant Considerations:
# The tenant (or admin) needs access to the network selected
# Sample CLI syntax:
# heat stack-create -f OS_Nova_Server.yaml STACK
# Expected Outcome:
# A newly launched nova instance
# nova list
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
description: >
Demonstrate the OS::Nova::Server heat resource
description: network to use (neutron net-list)
type: string
default: nova_server
description: network to use (neutron net-list)
type: string
default: private-net0
- custom_constraint:
description: Glance image to use (glance image-list)
type: string
default: wrl6
- custom_constraint: glance.image
description: Nova flavor to use. (nova flavor-list)
type: string
default: small
- custom_constraint: nova.flavor
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 4
sequence: digits
type: OS::Nova::Server
# Required properties
# flavor: {description: The ID or name of the flavor to boot
# onto, required: true, type: string}
flavor: { get_param: FLAVOR }
# Either image or block_device_mapping with device_name='vda'
# MUST be specified
# image: {description: The ID or name of the image to boot with,
# required: false, type: string}
image: { get_param: IMAGE }
# Optional properties
# availability_zone: {description: Name of the availability zone
# for server placement, required: false, type: string}
# block_device_mapping:
# description: Block device mappings for this server
# required: false
# schema:
# '*':
# required: false
# schema:
# delete_on_termination: {description: Indicate whether
# the volume should be deleted when the server is
# terminated, required: false, type: boolean}
# device_name: {description: A device name where the
# volume will be attached in the system at
# /dev/device_name. This value is typically vda,
# required: true, type: string}
# snapshot_id: {description: The ID of the snapshot to
# create a volume from, required: false, type: string}
# volume_id: {description: The ID of the volume to boot
# from. Only one of volume_id or snapshot_id should
# be provided, required: false, type: string}
# volume_size: {description: 'The size of the volume, in
# GB. It is safe to leave this blank and have the
# Compute service infer the size',
# required: false,type: string}
# type: map
# type: list
# config_drive: {description: 'value for config drive either
# boolean, or volume-id', required: false, type: string}
# diskConfig:
# constraints:
# - allowed_values: [AUTO, MANUAL]
# description: Control how the disk is partitioned when the
# server is created
# required: false
# type: string
# flavor_update_policy:
# constraints:
# - allowed_values: [RESIZE, REPLACE]
# default: RESIZE
# description: Policy on how to apply a flavor update; either
# by requesting a server resize or by replacing the entire
# server
# required: false
# type: string
flavor_update_policy: REPLACE
# key_name: {description: Name of keypair to inject into server,
# required: false, type: string}
# metadata: {description: 'Arbitrary key/value metadata to store
# for this server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
# keys and values must be 255 charactersor less',
# required: false, type: map}
# name: {description: Optional server name,
# required: false, type: string}
- "-"
- [{ get_param: SERVER_NAME}, { get_resource: r_string }]
# networks:
# description: An ordered list of nics to be added to this
# server, with information
# about connected networks, fixed ips, port etc
# required: false
# schema:
# '*':
# required: false
# schema:
# fixed_ip: {description: Fixed IP address to specify for
# the port created on the requested network,
# required: false, type: string}
# port: {description: ID of an existing port to associate
# with this server, required: false, type: string}
# uuid: {description: ID of network to create a port on,
# required: false, type: string}
# type: map
# type: list
- network: { get_param: NETWORK }
# reservation_id: {description: A UUID for the set of servers being
# requested, required: false, type: string}
# scheduler_hints: {description: Arbitrary key-value pairs
# specified by the clientto help boot a server,
# required: false, type: map}
# security_groups: {description: List of security group names,
# required: false, type: list}
# Note: networks and security_groups cannot BOTH be specified
# user_data: {description: User data script to be executed by
# cloud-init, required: false, type: string}
# user_data_format: {description: RAW will bypass MIME formatting
# user data., required: false, type: string}
user_data_format: RAW
description: Manually assigned alt public IPv4 address of server
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, accessIPv4] }
description: Manually assigned alt public IPv6 address of the server
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, accessIPv6] }
description: A dict of all network addresses as returned by the API
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, addresses] }
description: the first assigned network address, or empty string
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, first_address] }
description: AWS compatible instance name
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, instance_name] }
description: A dict of assigned network addresses
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, networks] }
description: A dict of all server details as returned by the API
value: { get_attr: [ OS_Nova_Server, show] }