
106 lines
2.6 KiB

%{!?upstream_version: %global upstream_version %{version}%{?milestone}}
%global library neutron-lib
%global module neutron_lib
Name: python-%{library}
Version: 1.9.1
Release: 1%{?_tis_dist}.%{tis_patch_ver}
Summary: OpenStack Neutron library
License: ASL 2.0
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python-pbr
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
BuildRequires: git
Requires: python-debtcollector >= 1.2.0
Requires: python-oslo-concurrency >= 3.8.0
Requires: python-oslo-config >= 2:4.0.0
Requires: python-oslo-context >= 2.14.0
Requires: python-oslo-db >= 4.24.0
Requires: python-oslo-i18n >= 2.1.0
Requires: python-oslo-log >= 3.22.0
Requires: python-oslo-messaging >= 5.24.2
Requires: python-oslo-policy >= 1.23.0
Requires: python-oslo-service >= 1.10.0
Requires: python-oslo-utils >= 3.20.0
Requires: python-sqlalchemy >= 1.0.10
Requires: python-stevedore
OpenStack Neutron library shared by all Neutron sub-projects.
%package tests
Summary: OpenStack Neutron library tests
Requires: python-%{library} = %{version}-%{release}
%description tests
OpenStack Neutron library shared by all Neutron sub-projects.
This package contains the Neutron library test files.
%package doc
Summary: OpenStack Neutron library documentation
BuildRequires: python-sphinx
BuildRequires: python-openstackdocstheme
BuildRequires: python-oslo-context
BuildRequires: python-oslo-concurrency
BuildRequires: python-oslo-db
BuildRequires: python-oslo-i18n
BuildRequires: python-oslo-log
BuildRequires: python-oslo-utils
BuildRequires: python-oslo-policy
BuildRequires: python-oslo-service
BuildRequires: python-netaddr
BuildRequires: python-debtcollector
BuildRequires: python-fixtures
%description doc
OpenStack Neutron library shared by all Neutron sub-projects.
This package contains the documentation.
%autosetup -n %{name}-%{upstream_version} -S git
# Let's handle dependencies ourseleves
rm -f *requirements.txt
# generate html docs
%{__python2} build_sphinx -b html
# remove the sphinx-build leftovers
rm -rf doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}
%license LICENSE
%exclude %{python2_sitelib}/%{module}/tests
%files tests
%license LICENSE
%files doc
%license LICENSE
%doc doc/build/html README.rst
* Mon Aug 21 2017 Alfredo Moralejo <> 1.9.1-1
- Update to 1.9.1